Професійно важливі якості майбутніх фахівців-пенітенціаріїв та майбутніх військових офіцерів України

Проаналізовано основні професійні функції діяльності працівників державної кримінально-виконавчої служби та військових офіцерів України, які вимагають наявності професійно важливих якостей цих фахівців. Визначено комплекс професійно важливих якостей.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 18.01.2024
Размер файла 41,0 K

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68. Sereda, N., Horbach, I. (2019), "Leadership potential of future specialists of the State Criminal Executive Service of Ukraine. Information technology: science, engineering, technology, education, health", Abstracts of the XXVII International Scientific and Practical Conference MicroCAD-2019, May 15-17, 2019: in 4 parts: NTU "KHPI", p. 353, p. 99

69. Romanovskyi, O., Ihnatiuk, O., Reznik, S., Solodovnyk, T. (2021), "Conceptual foundations of innovative and strategic direction of training future military specialists in various specialties of the security, security, defense sector in the context of educational transformations", Theory and practice of social systems management, no. 4, pp.47 - 56

70. Ihnatiuk, O., Reznik, S., Solodovnyk, T., Sereda, N. (2023), "Potential of formal and non-formal education in the development of professional competence, leadership qualities and leadership potential of specialists in military specialties, specialists in law enforcement of the penitentiary system of Ukraine", Scientific Herald of Sivershchyna, Series: Education. Social and behavioral sciences", no. 1 (10), pp. 105 - 124

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74. Halaj, A. (2004), "Organizational and legal principles of formation and functioning of the staff of penitentiary institutions", Author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Law, Irpin, p. 18

75. Darmohraj, P. (2017), "Formation of professional competence of future officers of the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine in the process of professional training", Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Khmelnytskyi, p. 270

76. Krejdun, N., Laktionov, O., Soroka, A., Skokov, S. (2007), "Fundamentals of penitentiary psychology", Guide: V. Karazin Kharkiv National University, p. 140

77. Kvitka, A. (2022), "Formation of socio-communicative competence of future officers of the State Criminal Executive Service of Ukraine", Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Khmelnytskyi, p. 344

78. Petrova, M., Hura, S. (2021), "Development of professionally important qualities in future employees of the SES of Ukraine during their studies at university", no. 1 (32), available at: http://repositsc.nuczu.edu. ua/handle/123456789/7959, (ISSN Online: 2312-5829 Osvitolohichnyj dyskurs)

79. Chernenko, N. (2021), "Formation of professionally important qualities as a basic component of training future specialists in the economic sphere, OD", is. 32, is. 1, pp. 52 - 68

80. Hurs'ka, O. (2016), "Analysis of professionally important qualities of specialists in the field of information technology", Bulletin of the National Aviation University, Series: Pedagogy, Psychology, is. 9, p. 6. DOI: 10.18372/2411-264X.9.12401.

81. Maziar, O., Kyrychenko, V. (2014), "Psychology of work: a modular course", Study guide: I. Franko Zhytomyr State University, p. 190

82. Krushel'nyts'ka, Ya. (2003), "

83. Physiology and psychology of work", Textbook, Kyiv: KNEU, p. 367

84. Rybalka, V. (2013), "Psychology and pedagogy of labor of the individual", Textbook, Kirovograd: Imex-Ltd, p. 136

85. Ujsimbaieva, N. (2012), "The problem of forming professionally important qualities in future specialists. Theoretical and methodological problems of upbringing of children and pupils", Collection of scientific works, Kirovohrad: V. Vynnychenko Kyiv State Pedagogical University, is. 16, book 1, p. 384

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