Professional training of future psychologists to work in the system of inclusive education
The relevance of professional training of future psychologists for professional activities in inclusive education, analyzes the state of development of the problem in modern domestic and foreign research and clarifies key categories of the problem.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 22.01.2024 |
Размер файла | 19,2 K |
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Professional training of future psychologists to work in the system of inclusive education
Iryna Kalynovska
Associate Professor, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor at Special and Inclusive Education Department, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University,
Uman, Ukraine
The article outlines the relevance of professional training of future psychologists for professional activities in inclusive education, analyzes the state of development of the problem in modern domestic and foreign research and clarifies key categories of the problem, describes the essence of professional activities of future practical psychologists in inclusive education. proving the urgency of this problem, the need to update the theoretical and methodological foundations of professional training of these specialists in higher education institutions in accordance with the priorities of reforming the education sector of Ukraine, first of all - to work in inclusive education of students of general secondary education.
Psychological and pedagogical support by incumbent psychologists of inclusive education of general secondary education students is considered as assistance in their systematic constructive interaction in the context of inclusive education participants, which includes assessment of student development (collective assessment given to children / students by inclusive resource centers) at the initiative of her parents or recommendation of teachers, drawing up an individual program of development of a child with special educational needs, correctional and developmental activities aimed at organizing and implementing psychological- pedagogical and psychological-therapeutic actions for successful rehabilitation, socialization and self-realization of students in inclusive education.
During the consideration of the problem of preparation of future practical psychologists for work in the conditions of inclusive education of students of general secondary education the concept «preparation of future practical psychologists for work in the conditions of inclusive education of students of general secondary education» is defined as a process of special organization of institutional and pedagogical activity methodologically sound and pedagogically provided system, the functioning of which is aimed at forming the ability of future practical psychologists to perform professional functions in an inclusive learning environment. Therefore, the prospect of further research is to substantiate the relevant pedagogical conditions, methods and means of its implementation in higher education institutions. inclusive education professional training
Keywords: Inclusive education, professional training of future practical psychologists, readiness of future practical psychologists for professional activity in the conditions of inclusive education.
The global implementation of the concept of inclusive education involves a thorough modernization of the process of professional training of future specialists who must implement the specified process. Only specially trained employees of higher education institutions, including practical psychologists of educational institutions, are able to ensure the implementation of inclusive education in an efficient manner. Therefore, the problems of theory and methods of professional training of future practical psychologists in institutions of higher education to work in the conditions of inclusive education of students in institutions of general secondary education are relevant. This direction of the development of inclusive education is reflected in a number of current normative acts: "On Amendments to Legislative Acts on General Secondary and Preschool Education Regarding the Organization of the Educational Process" (2010), "On Education" (2017), Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine " On the approval of the Procedure for the organization of inclusive education in general educational institutions" (2011), the Concept "New Ukrainian School" (2016), the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "National Strategy for the Development of Inclusive Education for 2020-2030" (2019) and other normative acts.
Analysis of recent research
In order to implement the provisions outlined in state documents, various aspects of inclusive education of students in institutions of general secondary education are substantiated in modern studies: theoretical and methodological foundations of its organization (Vit. Bondar, A. Kolupaeva, V. Sinyov, etc.), features of cooperation between teachers and parents schoolchildren (M. Buynyak, K. Lupinovych, L. Savchuk, etc.), age specifics of special educational needs of students (V. Zasenko, I. Kuzava, S. Myronova, etc.), didactic conditions of subject training (L. Zavadska, I. Kalinichenko, O. Kosovets, etc.), pedagogical support of students of inclusive classes (N. Gladkikh, N. Sofiy, O. Fedorenko, etc.), adaptation of children to an inclusive educational environment (O. Vasylenko, T. Ilyashenko, O. Chopik and others) etc. Taking into account the above developments, the search for theoretical-practical approaches to the special organization and psychological-pedagogical support of inclusive education of students in general secondary education institutions is currently relevant, the successful implementation of which depends on the ability of practical psychologists to qualitatively perform the relevant professional functions. The process of their professional training in institutions of higher education should be aimed at this.
Research methods
The main goal of this work is to identify problematic aspects of the professional training of future psychologists to work in the system of inclusive education.
Inclusive education, as a pedagogical category, covers a specific process - inclusive education, which we consider as specially organized in institutions of general secondary education, a purposeful process of productive implementation of educational and cognitive activities of students with special/typical educational needs on the basis of a competence approach with versatile consideration of their psychophysical characteristics and subject to compliance with the principles of tolerance, humanity and accessibility of this process.
It should be noted that in institutions of general secondary education practical psychologists are entrusted with the responsibility of coordinating psychological- pedagogical actions (psychological-pedagogical support) in the conditions of inclusive education.
We characterize in detail the essence of the concept of "psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education of students of general secondary education institutions". The team of psychological and pedagogical support of a student with special educational needs, i.e. the team of support is a permanent composition of psychological and pedagogical workers of a general secondary education institution, approved by its head. Such a team closely cooperates with the IRC on the method of providing corrective and developmental services to students with special educational needs.
The team approach of N. Sofii in the study "Organizational and pedagogical conditions of integrated support of students with special educational needs in an inclusive educational institution" defines the deterministic one, the degree of implementation of which will depend on the level of effectiveness of comprehensive assistance to students with SEN in the context of their socialization.
In the process of psychological-pedagogical support, a comprehensive psychological-pedagogical assessment of the student's development should be provided (if necessary) - a collective assessment given to the child/student by the staff of the IRC at the initiative of his parents, or on the recommendation of the pedagogical staff (with the voluntary consent of the parents). The conclusion of such an assessment is a recommendation, i.e., it is a basis, not a requirement, to enroll a child in the category of SEN, visit the appropriate educational institution and develop an individual development program. Within two weeks after the analysis of the conclusion of the IRC, taking into account the content of the individual rehabilitation program for the child with disabilities and the analysis of the results of the psychological-pedagogical diagnosis of the student's psychophysiological condition, the support team must draw up an individual development program for the child with special educational needs. Such a program must be agreed with the parents of a student with special needs and approved by the head, and also adjusted, if necessary, in accordance with changes in the student's development.
Two concepts of the context of psychological-pedagogical support for inclusive education of students are used in regulatory documents: 1) psychological- pedagogical services - a system of organizing activities in educational institutions provided for by the individual development program of a student with SEN, regarding his education, upbringing and development; 2) corrective and developmental services/assistance - a system of measures to support the inclusive education of students with special needs in general secondary education institutions, aimed at correcting violations of their cognitive, emotional, volitional and speech spheres of students.
N. Sofii defines the team approach as deterministic, the degree of implementation of which will depend on the level of effectiveness of complex assistance to students with special needs in the context of their socialization [9, p. 10]. The researcher noted that in order to implement a team approach in the conditions of inclusive education of students of secondary education, special training of specialists in higher education institutions should be carried out.
Researchers (N. Gladkikh, N. Sofiy, D. Suprun, T. Yaraya, etc.) interpreted the psychological support of students in the conditions of inclusive education as: a component of general psychological and pedagogical support; the professional activity of a practical psychologist, aimed at the organization and implementation of psychological-pedagogical and psychological-therapeutic actions for the purpose of successful rehabilitation, socialization and self-realization of students of inclusive educational institutions. Therefore, the concept of the professional activity of a practical psychologist in the conditions of inclusive education reflects the fulfillment of the directions of functioning of these institutions, functions and job duties established by them in the normative frameworks, related to the provision of psychological and pedagogical support of students and other subjects in the inclusive conditions of institutions of general secondary education.
Taking into account the above, we consider the concept of "psychological- pedagogical support by future practical psychologists of inclusive education of students of general secondary education institutions" as a contribution to their systematic constructive interaction in the context of participants of inclusive education: "students with special educational needs ^ students with typical educational needs ^ parents of students with special educational needs ^ parents of students with typical educational needs ^ class teacher/classroom teacher ^ subject teachers ^ administration of the institution of general secondary education", which is implemented by priority areas of professional activity (work on adaptation of a student with special educational needs at school; work with parents of a student with special educational needs; interaction with the class teacher/teacher of a student with special educational needs, etc.).
Thus, future practical psychologists should be ready to provide the specified support in further professional activities as a result of professional training in institutions of higher education.
The concept of "training" (of the educational context) in the reference literature is interpreted as: organized activities of teachers aimed at assimilating professional knowledge, abilities, skills and development on the basis of personally oriented training and education of professionally significant qualities of the future specialist (V.Rybalko "Preparation for the labor market activity"); a certain amount of knowledge, abilities, skills, practical experience acquired in the process of education and upbringing [4, p. 952] etc. The study of literature in the context of professional training of future specialists (A. Anishchuk, O. Borodina, O. Hordiychuk, I. Demchenko, O. Kobernyk, O. Kuchai, N. Lalak, N. Malik, etc.) indicates the tangential nature of the researchers' interpretation of the concept of "preparation".
Professional training of future specialists in institutions of higher education is interpreted by researchers as: a system aimed at students mastering certain professional and value orientations (in the conditions of inclusive education of students, such a value is the personality of the student, regardless of his psychophysical condition); inclusive competence (A. Anishchuk); the process of forming readiness for the outlined type/types of activity in the specially created conditions of the educational environment of higher education institutions (L. Kozak); a specially organized process of obtaining an education in higher education institutions through the use of innovative learning technologies based on the implementation of the competence approach (D. Suprun); special interaction of teachers and students in the educational process of higher education institutions for mastering the necessary knowledge and technologies by future specialists, including inclusive education, formation of personal and professional qualities, etc. (O. Borodina).
Based on the analysis of scientific sources (A. Anishchuk, O. Borodina, I. Demchenko, O. Kobernyk, V. Koval, L. Kozak, I. Kuzawa, S. Nakhod, D. Prima, D. Suprun, etc.), we the concept of "preparation of future practical psychologists to work in the conditions of inclusive education of students of general secondary education institutions" is interpreted as a process of special organization of institutional and pedagogical activities of institutions of higher education as a methodologically sound and pedagogically supported system, the functioning of which is aimed at forming the ability of future practical psychologists to perform professional tasks functions in the conditions of inclusive education. The result of the professional training of future practical psychologists of the studied context should be the formation of their readiness to work in the conditions of inclusive education of students of general secondary education institutions.
We will analyze in detail the essence of the concept of "readiness of future practical psychologists to work in the conditions of inclusive education of students of institutions of general secondary education" through the primary concepts: "readiness", "readiness for professional activity", and "readiness of future practical psychologists to work in the conditions of inclusive education of students of institutions general secondary education".
The analysis of modern domestic research (N. Baybekova, Z. Bekova, I. Voytsikh, G. Honcharovska, O. Zatvorniuk, A. Knysh, T. Kovalkova, L. Sukhostavska, T. Yaray, etc.) made it possible to state the interpretation of the concept of "readiness" by: 1) description of the state in which the employee is ready for a specific type of activity; 2) consent to voluntary performance of professional duties. Researchers also resort to structuring the very concept of "readiness" in the context of readiness for professional activity. Thus, A. Knish names two components of readiness for professional activity: competence and personal readiness. Moreover, the author considers the concept of "personal readiness" to be an integral component of general readiness for professional activity [7, p. 5].
As we can see, mostly the above-mentioned researchers consider the concept of "professional readiness" through the essence of "professional and personal education" and identify it with the concept of "professional competence".
Researchers interpret the concept of "readiness for professional activity" in the context of the professional activity of future practical psychologists from the following positions: motivation (awareness of value, need, meaning of activity) (S. Cherkasova, etc.); self-realization (opportunities to reveal one's potential through activity) (D. Suprun, T. Yaraya, etc.); forecasting (awareness of the perspective of the professional situation, based on previous experience) (Yu. Maslovska and others); a set of internal and external conditions (personal qualities of a specialist: (B. Baimenova, Z. Bekova, S. Zhubakova)); professional self-improvement, i.e. integrated professional and personal education (O. Zatvornyuk), etc.
The analysis of scientific sources of modern researchers of the problems of preparing future teachers to work in the conditions of inclusive education (I. Voitsikh, O. Zatvorniuk, I. Kuzava, S. Mironova, D. Suprun, etc.) proves the agreement of this concept with inclusive competence. For example, the readiness of the future primary school teacher for assessment activities in the conditions of inclusive education is interpreted "as a complex of personal and professional characteristics", inclusive competence, which are acquired in the process of professional and pedagogical training and quasi-professional activities and ensure the effective implementation by the teacher of a number of specified functions in the conditions of joint education schoolchildren with special and typical educational needs (K. Volkova "Formation of the readiness of future primary school teachers for assessment activities in the conditions of inclusive education"). In separate studies, correctional pedagogical competence has been characterized as an integrative characteristic of a teacher's "readiness" for inclusive education, which is based on a set of necessary knowledge, abilities and skills, primarily in relation to the analysis and forecast of the effectiveness of correctional pedagogical activity (O. Gnoevska "Formation of correctional competence of a primary school teacher classes of a comprehensive educational institution with an inclusive form of education").
So, in the scientific sources of the above-mentioned authors, the readiness of future teachers to work in the conditions of inclusive education of students of general secondary education institutions is determined by the level of formation of their inclusive competence.
Based on the scientific conclusions of researchers (I. Voytsikh, T. Gladun, O. Gnoevska, I. Osadchenko, T. Pyatakovova, E. Ramzani, L. Sukhostavska, etc.), we note that under the concept of professional competence of future practical psychologists we understand his theoretical ability and practical readiness to qualitatively perform official duties within the framework of psychological activity outlined by professional functions and current legal frameworks.
Note that in the process of analyzing scientific sources, we did not find an interpretation of the concept of "inclusive competence of psychologists", in particular - future ones. As a separate type of professional competence, researchers define the concept of "inclusive competence of future teachers" as: special professional competence, integrated personality quality, ability to act effectively and professionally in the conditions of inclusive education (T. Pyatakovova); a quality that will ensure the ability to monitor the psychophysical and social development of students on the basis of a personally oriented approach (A. Anishchuk) [1, p. 218]; special professional competence, "integrated personal education that provides the ability to perform professional functions in the development of inclusive education" (K. Bovkush) [2, p. 4-5]; a component of general professional competence and an integrated indicator of a future teacher's readiness to effectively implement inclusive activities (O. Boychuk, O. Borodina, O. Mykytyuk) [3, p. 36]; the result of professional training of the future teacher for a certain type of activity; an important quality of a modern teacher, which will allow him to feel free and confident in the conditions of inclusive education and will contribute to a more efficient and high- quality implementation of this process; a mandatory component of professional competence (M. Tchaikovsky) [10, p. 14]; a certain and necessary amount of knowledge, abilities, skills and experience of the future teacher - the ability to perform professional functions in the conditions of inclusive education (I. Demchenko [5, p. 21]); a component of professional competence that combines key substantive and functional competences (L. Kalchenko) [6, p. 10]; integrative personal education, necessary for the implementation of special professional and pedagogical functions in the conditions of inclusive education of students (G. Kosarev) [8, p. 11].
In our opinion, based on systematic and competency-based methodological approaches, inclusive competence involves the composition of basic competencies of future practical psychologists: informational, consultative, communicative, diagnostic, corrective, preventive, and educational.
It was also established that even within the framework of one study (K. Bovkush, O. Boychuk, O. Borodina, L. Kalchenko, O. Mykytyuk, T. Pyatakovova, M. Chaikovsky, etc.) there can be different clarifications of the same thing concept - "inclusive competence of future teachers".
Based on the results of the scientific sources indicated above, we interpret the concept of "inclusive competence of future practical psychologists" as the readiness and ability to apply relevant knowledge, abilities, skills, experience, personal and professional qualities necessary for making optimal and constructive decisions in professional situations of psychological support of students with special/typical educational needs in learning and for the productive interaction of all participants in the educational process of general secondary education institutions. In our opinion, the key element of the inclusive competence of future practical psychologists is their ability and willingness to provide psychological and pedagogical support to students in the conditions of inclusive education in institutions of general secondary education.
Despite the fact that the definition "readiness to work in the conditions of inclusive education of students of general secondary education institutions" is now quite widely used, there is no unified position among researchers in its interpretation. There is also a lack of research on the formation of this type of readiness of future practical psychologists.
Individual interpretations of the concept of "readiness of future practical psychologists to work in conditions of inclusive education" are presented in scientific sources as: a complex structural formation of a personality - a set of professional qualities significant for professional activity in conditions of inclusive education of education seekers (T. Yaraya); systems of social attitudes, competences, professionally important personality qualities of future specialists, significant for their implementation of psychological and pedagogical support of pupils with special education (S. Cherkasova).
Therefore, in the final version of the interpretation of the indicated key concept of our research, we will proceed from the essence of the generalized analysis of the concepts "the readiness of future teachers/psychologists to work in the conditions of inclusive education of students of general secondary education institutions" as a complex of formed basic competencies (communicative, preventive, diagnostic, corrective, information , advisory, educational) regarding the psychological support of children with special/typical educational needs in the process of inclusive education and the ability to tolerant and effective interaction with all participants of this educational process for the purpose of successful education, upbringing and personal development of schoolchildren.
Conclusions and prospects
Thus, in the context of the implementation of inclusive education, there is an urgent need to modernize the process of professional training of future specialists, in particular practical psychologists, who must possess the theoretical foundations of the psychological basis of the implementation of inclusive education of students in institutions of general secondary education, psychological patterns of formation and development of students with special/typical educational needs, etc. That is, the training of highly qualified practical psychologists and their readiness for high-quality performance of professional functions in the conditions of inclusive education of students of general educational institutions is possible under the conditions of successful development of appropriate pedagogical conditions, methods and means of their professional training in institutions of higher education.
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https://doi. org/10.52058/2695-1592-2023-10(29)-54-62
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