Проблеми впровадження кросфіту в фізичну підготовку військовослужбовців

Розвиток та вдосконалення професійно важливих якостей і навичок військовослужбовців. Розроблення методики початкового навчання кросфіту у закладах вищої військової освіти. Формування мотивації курсантів до регулярних занять фізичною культурою і спортом.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид статья
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 24.01.2024
Размер файла 43,0 K

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Originality. The results of the analysis of the use of CrossFit in physical culture and sports classes testify to its positive effect on indicators of physical fitness of student youth, cadets and military personnel. However, not all physical training and sports experts agree with the conclusions of these studies and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using CrossFit in the physical training of cadets and military personnel, and the conclusions are not always ambiguous. In our opinion, the implementing of CrossFit in physical training classes with cadets and servicemen of the security and defence sector is possible under the following conditions:

· availability of physical training and sports specialists with a basic higher education in the specialization "Coaching activity in the chosen sport" for conducting classes and their certified mastery of the basics of CrossFit;

· at the first classes, assess the functional state of the cardiovascular system, physical capacity and, if possible, the functional state of the respiratory system;

· during classes students of higher education should self-monitor their heart rate and blood pressure while the teacher should monitor indicators of their well-being according to external signs (the level of skin redness, coordination of movements, the level of sweating, the colour of the lips and nasolabial triangle, dizziness); in addition to with the presence of various modifications of wireless fitness bracelets and trackers of motor activity other functional indicators should be researched;

· initial learning of the technique of performing exercises, instruction on their implementation, constant control of the technique of movements, etc.

Conclusion. Thereby, it is necessary to focus on the issues of scientific substantiation of notion of “CrossFit”; the methodology for conducting CrossFit training sessions; filling the content of CrossFit classes that contribute to the effective development and improvement of the professionally important physical and mental qualities of militaries, as well as the need for specialists in physical training and sports to obtain the basic higher education in the specialization “Coaching in the chosen sport” for providing classes and certified mastery of the basics of CrossFit by teachers.

Key words: soldiers; cadets; physical fitness; crossfit; method.

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