Motivation medical student as a factor of increasing the level of knowledge

The process of professional training of the future doctor. His formation as a specialist and a person with a focus on self-improvement throughout his life. Requirements for the doctor's personality, activation of his speaking culture and social activity.

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Bukovinian State Medical University

Motivation medical student as a factor of increasing the level of knowledge

Yurkiv O.I., C. Med. Sci.,

PhD, Ass. Professor


Professional training of the future doctor is a long process of his formation not only as a specialist, but also as a person with a personal focus on the personal and professional self-improvement throughout life. In the conditions of a market economy, when the provision of medical services is becoming a professional competition and new requirements are being put forward personality of the doctor, there is a growing need to activate his speech culture. Modern society makes high demands on university graduates, among which professionalism, social activity and a creative approach to work tasks occupy an important place.

Key words: medical students, motivation, level of knowledge.


Юрків О.І. Мотивація студента-медика як чинник підвищення рівня знань

Професійна підготовка майбутнього лікаря - це тривалий процес його становлення не лише як фахівця, а й як особистості з особистісною спрямованістю на особистісно-професійне самовдосконалення протягом життя. В умовах ринкової економіки, коли надання медичних послуг стає професійною конкуренцією і висуваються нові вимоги до особистості лікаря, зростає потреба в активізації його мовленнєвої культури. Сучасне суспільство висуває високі вимоги до випускників ВНЗ, серед яких важливе місце посідають професіоналізм, соціальна активність та творчий підхід до виконання трудових завдань.

Ключові слова: студенти медики, мотивація, рівень знань.


The motivation for a student is the desire to study for the sake of achieving not only an academic goal, but also for professional growth. Therefore, for a successful educational motivation, the student must want to actively participate in the learning process. It can be said that learning motives are an activating force, one of the main conditions of educational activity. Currently, some aspects of the professional training of future doctors require adjustments: motivation of future doctors to develop a professional culture of communication; software their professionally oriented communication within the university clinic; orientation to innovative pedagogical technologies of professional communication culture, etc. Generalized analysis of modern philosophical, psychological and pedagogical, medical literature, as well as many years of work experience at the HSME show that the preparation of future doctors, namely the formation of the motivational aspect of the professional culture of communication, requires improvement of this system.

Мaterials and methods. 88 students of the 3rd year of the medical faculty of BSMU, who studied at the department of patient care and higher nursing education, participated in the study. Among them were 48 foreign students (from India and Africa) and 40 Ukrainian students. By gender, the future doctors were almost equally distributed (p<0.5), the age of the respondents ranged from 21 to 28 years old.

The research design involved the use of psychodiagnostic testing methods to determine the general motives of educational activity by V. Lisovskyi and in the modification of A.O. Rean and V.O. Yakunin [3]. Data processing was carried out using the Statistica 6.0 program, the difference in results was considered reliable at p<0.05.

Main part

The testing methodology in A.O. Rean and V.O. Yakunin's modification included the student's choice of the 5 most important options for general motivations for learning among 16 proposed examples [3]. Thus, in both groups of respondents, the same motives were chosen most often, but with different frequencies. The variant of the first motive testified that the main thing in education is to become a highly qualified specialist, it was chosen by 13 students (32.5%) and 14 foreign (29.2%) students. The second - to acquire deep knowledge in medicine, was chosen by 15 Ukrainian (37.5%) versus 31 foreign (64.6%) students; 9 (22.5%) and 3 (6.25%) chose the third - to ensure the success of future professional activities. the fourth - to get intellectual satisfaction from studying was chosen by only 1 (2.5%) Ukrainian student, and the fifth - to study well, pass exams with good and excellent results was chosen by 2 (5%) Ukrainian students. The number of foreign students who chose motives 4 and 5 was 0. The analysis of the received answers made it possible to compare the frequency with which students indicated what motivates them to study. Thus, the first two reasons for acquiring knowledge were the most important for students from Ukraine, but only the second was for foreign students. The ability to have intellectual satisfaction from studying and to get high marks on exams contribute to the motivation of Ukrainian students to the least extent and do not motivate foreign students at all. It should be noted that the majority of respondents from the countries of Africa and India have a good understanding of the prospects of their future profession and their success directly depends on the knowledge they will acquire.

The main indicator of a student as a subject of educational activity is the ability to perform all its forms and types. However, according to V. Lisovskyi, the majority of students does not have motivation to study, does not know how to listen to and record lectures, take notes on literature (in most cases, only 18-20% of the lecture material is recorded).

Students can't speak in front of an audience, lead an argument, give an analytical assessment of problems. On the material the study of this scientist showed that 37.5% of students strive to study well, and 53.6% do not always try, and 8% do not want to study. In the classification of learning motives, the following main groups are distinguished: educational and cognitive motives related to the content of educational activities and educational motives related to the learning process, which encourage the detection of intellectual activity, overcoming obstacles in the process of solving the tasks set by the teacher. Motives related to extracurricular activities include social motives related to the official and unofficial status of the student in the group; professional, which reflect the importance of educational activities for mastering the future profession; motives of self-determination; utilitarian (personal benefit, well-being after graduating from a higher education institution); the desire to avoid embarrassment from teachers and parents; orientation of students is most often on the result of learning, and not on the methods of educational activity, as a result of which sometimes until the end of studies at a university, there is no interest in overcoming difficulties in educational work [2].

All these features cause a superficial, in some cases insufficient interest in learning, it is sometimes called a formal and carefree attitude to the learning process itself.

Therefore, the teacher should determine which types of motivation are of higher priority for the student and direct his attention to these types in the process of teaching a clinical discipline for professional training [5]. Scientists define certain techniques of motivation: persuasion; arousing interest; suggestion; delegation; establishing a positive impression.

One of the pedagogical technologies that meets the requirements of high-quality professional training is the problem-based and modular learning technology introduced in the national higher school by A. Aleksyuk [1]. At the basis of its construction: the general theory of fundamental systems. The methodological foundation of the theory of "compression" of educational information is the principle of system quantization. The basic rules of training are:

1. structuring of educational materials taking into account the achievement of clearly defined didactic goals by each student;

2. presentation of the material as a complete block of information that realizes a complex didactic goal;

3. integration of various types, forms, technologies of learning in accordance with the volume and structure of the educational material.

It is necessary to take into account the dependence of educational efficiency process, and at the same time professional training, from the influence of various groups of motives, such as:

- motives related to goals, general educational direction, content and the results of the doctor's professional activity. This type of motivation is focused on awareness social significance of the profession, its objective goals, content, basic conditions, means, methods evaluation and control of the results of professional activity;

- motives for development and self-realization, which involve the individual's desire for creativity self-realization in the chosen professional activity. This type promotes the creative and humane approach to the performance of official duties, expanding the scope of professional competence, independence of the future doctor;

- motives related to language etiquette, features and conditions of activity. In such external conditions (factors) of the profession of doctors are: prestige and beauty of the profession; favourable working conditions (work mode, availability of free time, place and organization workplace); the possibility of communication with people (communication with patients, their relatives, colleagues, pharmacists); the image of a professional as mature and purposeful; working disciplined; having a good form;

- motives aimed at stimulating communication and promotion general cultural level of a specialist.

As is known, the modular approach ensures the active participation of the student in the educational process, provides an opportunity to control and regulate the success of one's progress in mastering the educational subject [3].

Almost everything that the teacher does in the classroom during a practical lesson has a motivational effect on students. Interested in his subjects, with a creative approach to their teaching, wide knowledge and erudition, the teacher influences students by his own example. The formation of full-fledged motives for educational activity largely depends on the relationship between the teacher and the student, which is regulated by the teacher's pedagogical tact. A true teacher must convince them of his sincerity, benevolence and justice with every word and action. personality professional doctor selfimprovement speaking culture

In turn, when students are asked about what they like about their favourite teachers, in addition to these skills and knowledge, such personality traits as sensitivity, cordiality, attention to requests and their own interests are emphasized. Only under these conditions it is possible to cultivate positive motives for learning, as for responsible, interesting cooperation.

To encourage medical students, we especially highlight case study method, which is appropriate to use in higher medical education institutions. The case method, or the case-study method (from the English case - case, situation), is a method active problem- situational analysis based on learning through solutions specific tasks-situations (solving cases). The case-study method is used at HSME as a tool that allows you to apply theoretical knowledge to solving practical problems, improve skills and gain experience in the following areas:

- identifying, selecting and solving problems;

- working with information - understanding the meaning of the details depicted in the situation;

- analysis and synthesis of information and arguments;

- work with proposals and conclusions;

- evaluation of alternatives;

- decision-making;

- listening and understanding other people - group work skills.

The main function of the case method is to teach future doctors to solve complex problems unstructured problems that cannot be solved by an analytical tool. Case activates medical students, develops analytical and communication skills. Case analysis can be both specialized and comprehensive. Specialized analysis should be focused on a specific issue or problem. Comprehensive (detailed) the analysis involves a deep dive into the key issues of the case.

What kind of teacher uses this method of learning; it is necessary to clearly understand its features? Thus, we believe that the case method serves as a basis for obtaining professional qualifications knowledge, and also promotes the emergence of interest of medical students and enables to form professional communication culture. This method involves provoking a discussion or discussion of problems and their solutions.

A powerful factor in the formation of motivation for the professional activity of the future doctor there is an exchange of students with foreign higher medical educational institutions, participation in various educational programs ("Erasmus+"). The acquired knowledge enables medical students to actively participate in foreign one's conferences, online professional activities, blogging.

I offer, based on my own many years of experience, some of the techniques for increasing students' motivation to study:

- it is necessary to give an opportunity to show mental independence and initiative, active search activity

- to change the methods and methods of learning.

During practical classes, apply such methods of student stimulation as creating a situation of success through the performance of tasks that are required for all students.

- inclusion of students in collective activities

- an unusual form of presentation of educational material

- constantly and purposefully engage in the development of qualities that underlie the development of students' cognitive abilities

- Try to integrate knowledge by connecting the topics of your subject with other academic disciplines

- to develop self-belief in students

- do not forget about reflection

- find out what is the cause of low motivation of students: inability to learn or errors of an educational nature.


1. One of the main reasons for the high motivation of Ukrainian and foreign medical students to acquire knowledge is the prospect of becoming a qualified specialist.

2. The effectiveness of the educational process directly depends on the variety of forms and methods of presentation of scientific and practical material.

3. The use of the latest information technologies and simulation centres contributes not only to the memorization of a large amount of theoretical material, but also to the acquisition of practical and communicative skills necessary for a modern doctor.

Thus, summarizing the above, we note that the highly qualified specialist aimed at constant motivation to the future professional activity of the professional growth, capable of conducting a high-future doctor is the basis for successful formation quality professional dialogue.


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