Development of a career information service model through work tourism techniques to improve youth career aspirations at smpn 1 Enrekang
Development of a career information service model through work tourism techniques to improve youth career aspirations. Model of career information services through field trip techniques to increase the career aspirations of adolescents at SMPN 1.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 03.02.2024 |
Размер файла | 26,3 K |
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Development of a career information service model through work tourism techniques to improve youth career aspirations at smpn 1 Enrekang
Fitriyanti SULAIMAN
Makassar State University, Indonesia Bachri THALIB Makassar State University, Indonesia
Sulaiman SAMAD
Makassar State University, Indonesia
Державний університет Макасара, Індонезія
Розробка моделі кар'єрного інформаційного сервісу за допомогою технік робочого туризму для покращення кар'єрних прагнень молоді в закладі загальної середньої освіти №1 у місті Енреканг
Фітріянті Сулліман
Сямсул Бачрі ТАЛІБ
В роботі досліджуєтьс модель кар'єрного інформаційного сервісу за допомогою технік робочого туризму для підвищення кар'єрних прагнень молоді. Метою цього дослідження є: (1) визначення потреби в розробці моделі кар'єрного інформаційного сервісу за допомогою технік робочого туризму з метою підвищення кар'єрних прагнень підлітків в закладі загальної середньої освіти №1 у місті Енреканг. Цей тип дослідження використовує R&D (Дослідження та Розробка), використовуючи модель Борга і Гала, а саме модель розробки, що використовується для розробки продуктів кар'єрного інформаційного сервісу за допомогою технік екскурсій. Збір даних здійснювався за допомогою інтерв'ю, опитувальнихлистів та листів з оцінкою достовірності, практичності та ефективності продукту. Отримані дані потім аналізувалися за допомогою статистичних методів. Результати дослідження показують, що необхідно розробити модель кар'єрного інформаційного сервісу за допомогою технік екскурсій. На основі аналізу потреб у розробці сервісної моделі було встановлено, що учні потребують кар'єрного інформаційного сервісу за допомогою технік екскурсій. З результатів опитування 32учнів 8A класу закладу загальної середньої освіти №1 у місті Енреканг стало відомо, що близько 75% учнів не знають своїх кар'єрних прагнень. Також була отримана інформація щодо екскурсій, які необхідні учням, на основі анкетування 60 учнів з школи №1 та школи №2 у місті Енреканг, а саме 30 - відділення поліції, 10 - офіс округу військового командування, 6 - офіс агентств, 5 - банк та 4 - друкарня. Результати аналізу потреб допомагають визначити місце або об'єкт до списку «кар'єрних» екскурсій, а саме відділення поліції, офіс округу військового командування, агентства, банки та друкарні.
Ключові слова:модель сервісу; інформаційні сервіси; кар'єрні прагнення.
career information service
This research is research Development of a career information service model through work tourism techniques to improve youth career aspirations. The purpose of this research is to; (1) knowing the need to develop a model of career information services through field trip techniques to increase the career aspirations of adolescents at SMPN 1 Enrekang. This type of research uses R & D (Research and Development) using the Borg & Gall model, namely the development model used to develop products career information services through field trip techniques. Data collection was carried out using interview techniques, questionnaires, and product validity, practicality and effectiveness assessment sheets. The data obtained was then analyzed with statistics. The results of the study indicate that it is necessary to develop a career information service model through field trip techniques. Based on the needs analysis related to the development of the service model, it was found that students needed career information services through field trip techniques. From the results of a questionnaire given to 32 class VIII A students at SMPN 1 Enrekang, the result was that around 75% of students did not know their career aspirations. Information was also obtained regarding the field trips needed by students based on a questionnaire given to 60 students from SMPN 1 Enrekang and SMPN 2 Enrekang, namely 30 police stations, 10 Kodim offices, 6 agency offices, 5 banks, and 4 printers. the results of the needs analysis determine the location or object of the career field trip, namely the police office, district military command office, agencies, banks and printing houses.
Keywords: Service Model; Information Services; Career Aspirations
Everyone needs guidance from others when going about their daily life. Especially for those who are still in school, guidance is needed so that children are able to grow independently and develop optimally. Therefore, many schools provide Guidance and Counseling (BK) services to foster students so that they can behave according to applicable norms and develop according to developmental tasks. Counseling guidance has an important role and position for students.
Guidance and counseling are assistance services for students, both individually and in groups, so that they are able to be independent and develop optimally, in the areas of developing personal life, social life, learning abilities, and career planning, through various types of services and support activities, based on norms -applicable norms (Hikmawati, 2016: 1)
Guidance and counseling actually already exists in elementary schools but in elementary schools the entire class is held by class teachers, while in junior high and high schools there is a separate teacher, namely the counseling teacher, which is regulated in the regulation of the minister of national education number 22 of 2006 concerning standards. content for primary and secondary education units, which includes the selfdevelopment of students in the curriculum structure of the education unit facilitated and/or guided by counselors, teachers, or educational staff.
Reaffirmed in PP no. 74 of 2008 guidance and counseling teachers/counselors have duties, responsibilities, authority in implementing guidance and counseling services to students, guidance and counseling/counselor duties related to self-development of students according to their needs, potential, talents, interests and personality learners .
According to the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 111 of 2014 concerning Guidance and Counseling in Primary and Secondary Education Career counseling aims to facilitate development, exploration, aspirations and career decision making throughout the life span of students/counselees. Thus students will have self-understanding (ability, interest and personality) related to work,
There are several career information services, one of which is field trips. Field trips are a method so that students are free to express what is in their hearts freely. Field trip technique is a technique that aims to broaden students' insights (Romlah, 2006: 28).
Some aspects of career problems that require career guidance services in schools and madrasas are understanding the world of work, planning and choosing a particular career or position (profession), providing various career-oriented study programs, future aspirations, asking for a particular career, ability in certain career fields, special talents for certain careers, personality related to certain careers, family expectations, and the possibility of career development (Tohirin, 2015).
Research conducted by Lathifah (2011) at Malang State High School, she concluded that "the lack of information or knowledge about careers is caused by a lack of introduction to career guidance or services and career assessments so that it has an impact on students' independence in determining their career choices."
It is hoped that by providing career information services, students will be more focused on something they are really interested in, talented in their field and have the ability to do so. Career information services are very important, so it is hoped that every student, especially at middle school age, must get them.
The problems faced by students are related to low career aspirations, so far they have not received maximum service touch. The provision of information services has been carried out using lecture, discussion, media and resource person techniques but in reality career aspirations are still low therefore it is necessary to provide other technical information services that It is hoped that it can help youth improve their career aspirations. One way of providing career information services is through field trips. Field trips are carried out by visiting career centers such as government offices, the business world, the industrial world, etc.
Individual career achievement has a close relationship with an individual's understanding of himself and what career he wants to achieve (Srivastava, S.2019). Career aspiration is a goal set by someone for himself in a job or task that has significant meaning for someone.
But in the field is it appropriate? it turns out that not everything goes as it should, because there are many obstacles that occur in the field. Based on a needs analysis using a questionnaire given to 32 students in class VII A, the results obtained were only 25% of students who already had career aspirations, while 75% of other students did not yet have career aspirations. So from the results of the questionnaire it can be concluded that most students do not have career aspirations. Problems related to careers are indeed problems that are often faced by teenagers in general.
Based on the results of interviews with the supervisor of SMPN 1 Enrekang, it shows that students at SMPN 1 Enrekang do not yet have career aspirations. So far, the provision of career information services is still classical and discussion. Students are less enthusiastic about following the provision of career information services. So a solution is needed to provide information services with different techniques, namely by visiting career centers which are commonly called career field trips.
Formulation of the Problem. What is the description of the need for the development of a career information service model through field trip techniques to increase youth career aspirations at SMPN 1 Enrekang?
Based on the problems stated above, the objectives of this study are: To find out the need for developing a model of career information services through field trip techniques to increase the career aspirations of adolescents at SMPN 1 Enrekang.
The research method used is the "Research and Development" method (Research and Development, abbreviated as R&D). The Research and Development Method was chosen because in Development research it is not research to find theories but research to produce or develop products. This study aims to determine the procedure for developing a career information service model through field trips (LIKTK Model) to increase adolescent career aspirations at SMPN 1 Enrekang. The procedure for developing the LIKTK Model in this study is to adapt the Borg & Gall development model in Sugiyono (2019). Modified to suit the needs of researchers but has the same purpose. In detail, the LIKTK Model Development stages are described as follows: (1) Preliminary research and information gathering, (2) Planning, (3) Initial product preparation, (4) Expert Test, (5) Small group test, (6) Revision I, (7) Large group test, (8) revision II, (9) Product dissemination.
The instruments used in this study include instruments for assessing product quality, namely aspects of the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the LIKTK model. Before using the research instrument, validation was first carried out on the instrument to be used by the experts providing an assessment and providing suggestions for improvements to the text of the instrument. Therefore, a research instrument validation sheet is needed that is used by experts to assess all instruments that will be used in research. Furthermore, the instruments used to assess the level of validity, practicality and effectiveness of the product. Data collection techniques to be used in this research and development are questionnaires and interviews.
The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive analysis technique. Data analysis was carried out to determine the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the developed service model. The type of data obtained is descriptive qualitative data and quantitative data types. Qualitative data were obtained from validation suggestions and comments from validators. In the process of testing or validating the service model and supporting devices developed, a data collection tool in the form of a questionnaire is provided. The validation of the model supporting tools developed is carried out simultaneously with the service model because the development is carried out in an integrated manner with the service model. While the data from the trial results are used to determine the practicality and effectiveness of the developed model and service tools. Analysis of the effectiveness of the LIKTK model in increasing youth career aspirations by comparing pretest and post-test results after attending career information services through field trips. The researcher used a pre-experimental method with a pretest-posttest control group design, in which the researcher aimed to get an overview of the effectiveness of providing career information services through field trips in increasing adolescent career aspirations. The research design was pretest-posttest control group design, in which two groups were randomly selected and then given a pre-test to find out the differences in the initial conditions between the experimental group and the control group. The effect of the treatment is (O2-01)-(04-03). The data obtained will be reprocessed or analyzed using SPSS Version 20.00 to find out the significant differences between the pre-test and post-test.
Research result
Preliminary research and information gathering. At this stage the researcher conducts preliminary research to collect information on the problems that occur and aims to determine the subject's needs for the product to be developed. Needs analysis was carried out by distributing questionnaires to students and conducting interviews with counseling teachers. After analyzing the problems and needs analysis, literature analysis is then carried out by identifying and studying the theories that underlie the development of the LIKTK Model.
a. Analysis of Problems and Service Needs
Based on the results of observations and direct observations at SMPN 1 Enrekang, information was obtained that there was no career information service using field trip techniques to help increase students' career aspirations. Services that are usually provided to students are information services with lecture and discussion techniques. From the results of interviews with counseling teachers at SMPN 1 Enrekang it was found that career information service activities were usually provided to students in the form of lectures and discussions so that students felt less enthusiastic about participating in service activities. In addition, many students often come to meet the Guidance and Counseling teacher to consult or ask various things related to their future careers.
The results of the needs analysis conducted by the researcher were not only based on assumptions in analyzing needs but also on the results of a preliminary study conducted at school using a questionnaire or questionnaire given to 32 students at SMPN 1 Enrekang. From the results of questionnaires or questionnaires given to 32 class VIII A students at SMPN 1 Enrekang, the result was that around 75% of students did not know their career aspirations so they really needed an information service using field trip techniques to help increase student career aspirations. Regarding the selection of field trip sites, the researchers also gave questionnaires to 60 students at two schools, namely SMPN 1 Enrekang and SMPN 2 Enrekang to find out the needs of students.
Analysis of Place of Service Implementation. Analysis of the place of implementation of the service to identify the material to be provided to students. The results of the location analysis will carry out field trip technical information services, namely 30 police offices, 10 Kodim offices, 6 agency offices, 5 banks, and 3 printing houses. agencies, banks and printers.
Service model planning
The service model that will be developed in this study is the career information service model through the field trip technique, abbreviated as the LIKTK Model. The service model will be designed as follows: (1) Service syntax, namely the stages of activities in services called phases, (2) Social systems, namely situations or atmosphere and rules that govern activities, interaction and communication between students and students, students and teachers during the process implementation of services, (3) Support systems, namely the terms or conditions needed so that the designed service model can be carried out properly, such as service delivery settings, instructional systems, service devices, and facilities needed in providing services, (4) Instructional impact and companion effect. The instructional impact is the direct impact of service delivery, while the accompanying impact is the indirect result of service delivery.
Service Device Planning
At this stage a service device is designed according to the LIKTK model. The set of services designed includes the guidance book for guidance counselors and student pocket books.
Format Selection
The selected format is used to design the content and service model. The methods used in the selection of formats include: 1) service model format, 2) BK teacher guide format, and 3) student pocket book format.
Research instrument planning
After planning the model and service tools, the research instruments used in this study were designed to measure the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the LIKTK model and service support tools. The instruments developed were: 1) Validator assessment instruments included: 1) Model book assessment sheets, 2) Teacher handbook assessment sheets, 3) Student pocket book assessment sheets, 4) Teacher response questionnaire assessment sheets, 5) Student response questionnaire assessment sheets.
Preparation of Initial Products
Service model realization
The activities carried out at this stage are the realization of the previous stage. At this stage prototype 1 (draft I) of the LIKTK model was produced, which includes:
Compose model syntax
The syntax of the LIKTK model produced in this study includes: a) explaining the objectives, b) describing the steps for implementing the field trip technique, as follows: (1) determining the location of the field trip, (2) identifying the location of the field trip, (3) formulating an activity program, (4) preparing materials and tools, (5) establishing rules of conduct, (6) taking care of permits for parents/guardians of students, (7) preparing BK teachers in class. c) Implementation of field trip techniques d) Evaluation. The researchers then used these phases as syntax for the developed LIKTK model.
Establish a social system
The social system established in the development of the LIKTK service model is the pattern of the counseling teacher's relationship with students during the service process. This relationship is illustrated by the situation or atmosphere and norms that regulate activity, communication, interaction between teachers and students, students and other students during the service process.
Determine the support system
Determining the support system is a necessary condition so that the service model being compiled can be carried out. The support system in this study includes service support devices (teacher manuals and student pocket books), facilities, materials and tools.
Structure service impact
In this stage the researcher compiles service impacts, namely instructional impacts and accompanying impacts. Instructional impact is the direct impact of service delivery, namely the ability of students to find their career aspirations. Meanwhile, the impact of accompaniment is an indirect result of providing services, namely being able to increase career aspirations.
The results of the service model realization phase, namely in the form of a Prototype I model book, its parts can be described in the following table:
Table 1.
Components of the prototype LIKTK model
No. |
Component |
Description |
1 |
Introduction |
2 |
concept of career information services through field trip techniques |
3 |
Components of the LIKTK Model |
4 |
Service support devices |
Realization of service devices
Service models
The service model is structured based on the components of the LIKTK Model (Prototype), especially the support system components related to the teacher's manual and student's pocket book. The service model components prepared can support the implementation of field trip techniques.
Teacher's manual
The preparation of the teacher's manual is based on the components of the LIKTK Model (Prototype), especially the service syntax. This guidebook is used as a guidance for BK teachers in providing services to students. The main components of the teacher manual that have been prepared include general guidelines, special guidelines, supporting materials for implementing services and RPL. RPL consists of Service Areas, Service Topics / Themes, Service Functions, General Purposes, Specific Objectives, Service Targets, Service Materials, Time, Material Sources, Methods / Techniques, Media / Tools, Implementation, Student Activities, BK/Teacher Activities Counselor, Closing Stage, and Evaluation.
Student pocket book
The student pocket book is based on the LIKTK Model components on the support system component related to service materials. The student pocket book is a student guide in participating in career information service activities through field trip techniques.
Realization of research instruments
The validity, practicality and effectiveness of the instruments planned in stage 2 will then be realized in stage 3. Activities at this stage are making instruments to measure the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the LIKTK model.
The validation sheets that were made were: 1) LIKTK model content validation sheet, 2) Teacher manual book validation sheet, 3) Student pocket book validation sheet, 4) Questionnaires were made, namely questionnaires for pre-test and post-test.
Expert T est (Expert Validation)
Perform validation 1) Expert judgment
The previous stage, namely the preparation of the initial product to produce a prototype, will then be validated by a team of experts. In this study there are 2 validators.
Table 2.
The two validators and their specifications
NO |
Validators |
Specification |
1 |
Prof. Dr. Farida Aryani, M. Pd |
Material expert and service model |
2 |
Prof. Dr. Abdul Saman, M. Si, Kons |
Material expert and service model |
2) The results of the validity of the service model, teacher's manual, student pocket book and research instruments
The validity assessment sheet is given to experts to determine the validity level of the LIKTK Model and its supporting tools. The validity assessment by experts includes the assessment of the components of the LIKTK Model, the teacher's manual, student pocket books and research instruments.
The following describes in detail the results of the validity of the LIKTK Model and its service support
Expert validation of the LIKTK Model
The initial product (prototype I) that had been previously developed was then validated by the validators. Data validation results for the LIKTK Model book are briefly presented in Table 3. below:
Table 3.
Results of LIKTK Model Validity Assessment
No |
Rated aspect |
Validator Score |
Average |
Criteria |
I |
II |
1 |
Introduction |
3 |
4 |
3,5 |
valid |
2 |
Career Development Theory |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Valid |
3 |
Model components |
2 |
4 |
3 |
Valid |
4 |
Model development support tools |
3 |
4 |
3,25 |
Valid |
amount |
11 |
15 |
3,19 |
Valid |
Based on the analysis that has been carried out as shown in Table 3, it can be seen that the aspects assessed in the service model, namely Introduction, are classified as valid with an average of 3.5, career development theory is classified as valid with an average score of 3, model components are classified as valid with an average score - average 3, and the supporting tools for developing the LIKTK model are classified as valid with an average score of 3.25, thus it can be concluded that the LIKTK model developed meets valid criteria with an average of 3.19 so that it can be tried out to see practicality and its effectiveness.
Validation of BK Teacher guide experts
Data validation results for the teacher's handbook are briefly presented in Table 4. below:
Table 4.
Results of the Teacher's Handbook Validity Assessment
No |
Rated aspect |
Validator Scor |
Average |
Criteria |
I |
II |
1 |
Objective |
3 |
4 |
3,5 |
Valid |
2 |
Target |
3 |
4 |
3,5 |
Valid |
3 |
Facilitator requirements |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Valid |
4 |
The role of the BK teacher |
3 |
3 |
3 |
Valid |
5 |
Assessment results |
3 |
4 |
3,5 |
Valid |
6 |
Special guide |
2 |
4 |
3 |
Valid |
7 |
Materials supporting the implementation of services |
2 |
4 |
3 |
Va;id |
Amount |
19 |
26 |
3,2 |
Valid |
Based on the analysis that has been carried out as shown in Table 4. it can be seen that the aspects assessed in the teacher's manual, namely objectives are classified as valid with an average of 3.5, targets are classified as valid with an average score of 3.5, the requirements of the facilitator are classified as valid with a score an average of 3, the role of the teacher is classified as valid with an average of 3, the results of the assessment are classified as valid with an average of 3.5, special guidelines are classified as valid with an average of 3, and supporting materials for the implementation of services are classified as valid with an average score of 3 , thus it can be concluded that the developed teacher's handbook meets valid criteria so that it can be tried out to see its practicality and effectiveness
Expert validation of the student's pocket book
Data validation results for student pocket books are briefly presented in the following table:
Table 5.
Results of Assessment of the Validity of Student Pocket Books
No |
Rated aspect |
Validator Skor |
Average |
Criteria |
I |
II |
1 |
Objective |
3 |
4 |
3,5 |
Valid |
2 |
Student role |
2 |
3 |
3 |
Valid |
3 |
Rule |
3 |
4 |
3,5 |
Valid |
4 |
Special guide |
3 |
4 |
3,5 |
Valid |
5 |
Student worksheet |
3 |
4 |
3,5 |
Valid |
6 |
Materials supporting the implementation of services |
3 |
4 |
3,5 |
Valid |
Amount |
17 |
24 |
3,4 |
Valid |
Based on the analysis that has been carried out as shown in Table 5, it can be seen that the aspects assessed in the student's pocket book, namely objectives, are classified as valid with an average score of 3.5, student roles are classified as valid with an average score of 3, rules are classified as valid with an average score of 3 .5, special guidelines are classified as valid with an average of 3.5, student worksheets are classified as valid with an average of 3.5, and supporting materials for the implementation of services are classified as valid with an average score of 3.5, thus it can be concluded that The developed student pocket book meets valid criteria so that it can be tried out to see its practicality and effectiveness.
The development of the LIKTK model in this research and development uses the Borg & Gall development procedure with the product development criteria to be achieved which include valid, practical and effective criteria. The explanation regarding the development of the LIKTK model, validity, practicality and effectiveness will be explained as follows:
1. Preliminary Research and Information Gathering
The purpose of the initial research and gathering of information is to obtain information and find problems that occur in the implementation of guidance and counseling services and the needs of students. In order to achieve this goal, a needs analysis is carried out.
Based on the needs analysis through interviews and questionnaires, some information was found, namely: (1) there is no career information service using field trip techniques to help increase students' career aspirations. Services that are usually provided to students are information services with lecture and discussion techniques. (2) the results of a questionnaire given to 32 class VIII A students at SMPN 1 Enrekang showed that around 75% of students did not know their career aspirations. (3) Related to the selection of field trips, the researchers also gave questionnaires to 60 students in two schools, namely SMPN 1 Enrekang and SMPN 2 Enrekang to find out the needs of students, then determined the places or objects of the field trips, namely police offices, Kodim offices, agencies, banks and printers.
The planning stages in the research and development of the LIKTK model are: (1) Model planning, (2) Service device planning, (3) Format selection, (4) Research instrument planning.
The Components of the LIKTK Model refer to Joyce (1992) which consist of: (1) Service syntax, namely the stages of activities in services which are called phases. (2) The social system, namely the situation or atmosphere and the rules governing activity, interaction and communication between students and students, students and teachers during the process of implementing services. (3) Support systems, namely the terms or conditions needed so that the designed service model can be implemented properly, such as service delivery settings, instructional systems, service devices, and facilities needed in service delivery. (4) Instructional impact and accompanying impact. The instructional impact is the direct impact of service delivery, while the accompanying impact is the indirect result of service delivery.
LIKTK Model Validity
Based on the initial research and collection of needs analysis information, namely the need for information services through field trip techniques to increase youth aspirations, an initial draft of the LIKTK model was produced. Furthermore, the initial draft of the LIKTK model was reviewed by a team of experts to determine its validity criteria. Based on the data analysis of the validity of the LIKTK model components, the teacher's manual, student pocket standards and research instruments previously presented in the previous data analysis, it can be seen that the LIKTK model that has been developed meets the valid criteria based on the assessments of the two validators.
Based on the results of research and development and discussion, it can be concluded as follows: Based on needs analysis related to the development of the service model, it is found that students need career information services through field trip techniques. From the results of a questionnaire given to 32 class VIII A students at SMPN 1 Enrekang, the result was that around 75% of students did not know their career aspirations. Information was also obtained regarding the field trips needed by the students based on a questionnaire given to 60 students from SMPN 1 Enrekang and SMPN 2 Enrekang, namely 30 police stations, 11 Kodim offices, 5 agency offices, 5 banks, and 4 printers. the results of the needs analysis determine the location or object of the career field trip, namely the police office, district military command office, agencies, banks and printing houses.
Based on the above conclusions, several suggestions will be put forward for improving guidance and counseling services in schools, especially at the junior high school level, namely:
For students, the LIKTK Model is recommended for use in career information services in order to increase their career aspirations.
For Guidance and Counseling Teachers, so that they can utilize the LIKTK Model as a reference in providing career information services to students.
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