Ensuring the education quality of future sports managers under martial law
Management decisions that affected the quality of education in the training of sports managers under martial law. The organization of the educational process in higher education institutions, terms of payment for educational services of contract students.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 11.02.2024 |
Размер файла | 279,0 K |
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Ensuring the education quality of future sports managers under martial law
Anastasia Bondar,
Ph.D. (Physical Education and Sport), Docent, Head of the Management of Physical Culture Department, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Julia Kovalenko, PhD., associate professor of the Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Iryna Petrenko, PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Docent, Docent of the Management of Physical Culture Department Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Kharkiv, Ukraine
The study considers management decisions that influenced the quality of education in the process of sports managers training under martial law, in particular, the organization of the educational process in a higher education institution and the terms of payment for educational services of students studying under a contract. The study was attended by applicants for the higher education of the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels of higher education and teaching staff of the Management of Physical Culture Depart ment. The research used the following methods: methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison and methods of sociological survey. A survey of students was conducted after the resumption of the educational process under martial law. The most significant oppo rtunities for online learning are considered the individualization of training, the flexibility of the training schedule in choosing th e most convenient conditions (place and time), and the study of theoretical material on various online platforms. In their opi nion, the lack of necessary equipment at home and the lack of constant access to the Internet have a negative impact on the organization of full-fledged distance learning. Monitoring the quality of education was carried out, the result of which showed the average grades of the success of students at the Management of Physical Culture Department. It is important to note that during martial law there was an issue of reso lving problems with the payment of students for educational services, it turned out that some students lost the opportunity to pay for tuition for various reasons.
Keywords: martial law, higher education institution, assurance of education quality, students, sports managers, distance learning.
Бондар Анастасія, Коваленко Юлія, Петренко Ірина. Забезпечення якості освіти майбутніх спортивних менеджерів в умовах воєнного стану.
У дослідженні розглянуто управлінські рішення, які вплинули на забезпечення якості освіти в процесі підготовки спортивних менеджерів в умовах воєнного стану, зокрема організацію навчального процесу у закладі вищої освіти та умови оплати за освітні послуги здобувачів освіти, які навчаються за контрактом. У дослідженні взяли участь здобувачі вищої освіти першого (бакалаврського) та другого (магістерського) рівнів вищої освіти та професорсько-викладацький склад кафедри менеджменту фізичної культури. Використано методи аналізу, синтезу, узагальнення, порівняння та методи соціологічного опитування. Було Проведене опитування здобувачів освіти після поновлення освітнього процесу в умовах воєнного стану. найбільш вагомими можливостями онлайн навчання вони вважають індивідуалізацію навчання, гнучкість графіка навчання у виборі найбільш зручних умов (місця і часу), опрацювання теоретичного матеріалу на різних онлайн-платформах. Негативно впливають на організацію повноцінного дистанційного навчання, на їх думку, відсутність потрібної техніки вдома та відсутність постійного доступу до мережі Інтернет. Був проведений Моніторинг якості освіти, результати якого показали середні бали успішності здобувачів освіти кафедри менеджменту фізичної культури. Важливим під час воєнного стану виявилося питання врегулювання проблем з оплатою здобувачів освіти за освітні послуги, з'ясувалося, що деякі здобувачі освіти втратили можливість сплачувати за навчання з різних причин.
Ключові слова: воєнний стан, заклад вищої освіти, забезпечення якості освіти, здобувачі освіти, спортивні менеджери, дистанційне навчання.
education sports management
Since the beginning of a full-scale war in Ukraine on February 24, 2022 [2], martial law was introduced [6]. This significantly influenced the organization of the educational process in educational institutions and, in general, the lives of people in the country. Along with the imposition of martial law, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine adopted many decisions to resolve issues related to the organization of the educational process, in particular, higher education institutions were recommended to temporarily stop the educational process and go on vacation [8].
The purpose of the study is to consider the peculiarities of managing the process of sports managers training under martial law to ensure education quality.
Methods. The present study was done with the following research methods: methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison and methods of the sociological survey.
Procedure. Undergraduates of the first (Bachelor's) and second (Master's) educational levels and the teaching staff of the Management of Physical Culture Department at the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture took part in the research.
Results. The Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture trains future sports managers at the Management of Physical Culture Department according to the educational and professional programs “Management in Sports Activities” at the first (Bachelor's Degree) educational level of higher education and “Management in Sports” at the second (Master's Degree) level of higher education.
On February 25, 2022, the holidays began at the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture. Most students, teachers, and academic staff were forced to evacuate from the city due to rocket and artillery shelling, aerial bombing, and military operations conducted in the streets of the city. Kharkiv and Kharkiv region was located in the active hostilities zone.
In early March, the management of the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture conducted a survey among undergraduates about their readiness to start studying. 56% of the respondents were safe and ready to start studying. Since March 21, 2022, by the order of the Academy administration, the remote learning process was resumed at the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture [1].
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine issued a letter No. 1/3463-22 dated 15.03.2022 stating that “every employee (pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical and other employees) of educational institutions whose work takes place remotely must independently determine the workplace and, accordingly, is responsible for ensuring safe and harmless working conditions at its chosen workplace, including outside the territory of Ukraine” [3]. This enabled teachers to stay abroad and in different areas of Ukraine and continue teaching.
It should be emphasized that the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department and undergraduates of 2-4 years of studying already had the distance learning experience during the pandemic coronavirus infection COVID-19. 76% of students preferred to study remotely, since teachers used modern technologies for delivering lectures and seminars using video programs like “Zoom” and “Google Meet”. All the lecturers provided educational and methodical material in electronic form with 24 -hour access on the “Google Classroom” platform and in the distance learning system of the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture “Moodle”, which made it possible to effectively process the material of academic disciplines and undergo online testing for control. The connection among teachers, academic groups, departments, and faculties was conducted via messengers (“Telegram”, “Viber”, “WhatsApp”, etc.) which facilitated the establishment of communication between students and teachers [9; 5].
Questioning of students after the resumption of the educational process under martial law showed that the most significant opportunities for online learning are considered the individualization of learning, the flexibility of the training schedule while choosing the most convenient conditions (place and time), and the studying of theoretical material on various online platforms.
In their opinion, the lack of necessary equipment at home and the absence of constant access to the Internet negatively affect the organization of full-fledged distance learning. More than 70% of all undergraduates had the opportunity to start learning.
Lecturers of the Management of Physical Culture Department in the process of teaching under martial law use all forms of conducting training sessions in the remote synchronous format: video conferencing when possible; asynchronous format (on the Moodle platform), where methodological materials on disciplines were posted for the students to use them independently. All teachers have created chats for communication with undergraduates (and groups in academic disciplines) in Viber and/or Telegram messengers [1].
Activities that are carried out by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Management of Physical Culture Department to attract students to attend classes:
- personal communication with each applicant for specialization (telephone conversations, correspondence in messengers and via e-mail);
- communication with the academic group leaders;
- creating chats in the disciplines in Viber and/or Telegram;
- communication of teachers with the deans, assistant deans and methodologists at the dean's offices;
- individual counselling of students who do not have the opportunity to attend classes online due to technical and other reasons.
Monitoring the education quality results showed that the average grades of students at the Management of Physical Culture Department at the end of the academic year amounted to 79 points.
However, if compare the results with the previous exam period, the average grades were 66 points. It is clear that the results have improved, which indicates an effective organization educational process at the Management of Physical Culture Department and the Academy as a whole.
To analyze the quality of education, an annual survey was conducted among students, which showed that 100% of respondents were satisfied with the teaching methods and believed that teachers had used the results of modern scientific res earch while conducting classes. Among the interactive methods that were most often used during training under the chosen educatio nal program, the respondents' opinion was distributed as follows: situational tasks, project preparation, game training, pieces o f training, round tables, master classes, educational excursions, and cases.
Figure 1. Interactive Methods Most Often Used by Teachers During the Training of Future Sports Managers
76.5% of the surveyed applicants for higher education were fully satisfied with the competencies acquired during practical training in the educational and professional program. 82.4% believed that the volume of educational material during classroom classes was offered in sufficient quantities and they had enough time to process it and perform independent work. 93.3% of respondents indicated that they liked everything, and 6.7% did not like the fact that it was necessary to look for a lot of information on their own.
Among the factors that motivate independent educational and scientific-professional work, undergraduates indicated the most significant prospects of future activities (73.3%), novelty and interest in the material (73.3%), understanding of the importance and significance of the material (53.3%), increasing the volume of knowledge (40%), and the group of other factors included the experience of teachers (6.7%).
Figure 2. Factors that motivate students to independent and scientific-professional work
100% of respondents were satisfied with the socio-psychological climate in the group and 41.2% attended the events of the Psychological Support of the Educational Process Department at the Academy.
The most significant components of the quality of organization of studying, applicants for higher education considered: obtaining non-formal education (64.7%), the possibility of growth as a future scientific and pedagogical worker (58.8%), international mobility (52.9%).
Figure 3 Comparison of the components of the quality of organization of studying in the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 academic
A comparative analysis of the components' assessment of the quality of the organization of sports managers' training in the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 academic years showed that the attitude of students to non-formal education had changed. During martial law this figure increased to 64.7%, compared to last year, this figure increased by 31.7%. This may indicate an effective mastery of the ability to study online and an increase in the number of educational services on the Internet. The indicator of international mobility of the educational process has increased, according to future sports managers, this may be due to the departure of many students abroad and the search for opportunities to obtain educational qualifications in higher education institutions of the European Union. The indicator of possible growth as a future scientific and pedagogical worker remained at a sufficiently high level, which indicates a conscious approach to choosing a future profession and acquiring correspondence to educational competencies.
During martial law there was an important issue of resolving problems with the payment of students for educational services, it turned out that some students lost the opportunity to pay for tuition for various reasons. To resolve these issues, many deci sions were made, in particular, on March 12, 2022, the Union of Rectors of Ukraine decided to grant universities the right to independently set the number of tuition fees (if necessary). A decisive step was the adoption by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of a resolutio n dated October 28, 2022, No. 1224 “On approval of the Procedure for t ransfer to study under the state order of certain categories of applicants for professional pre-higher, higher education who are enrolled in institutions of professional pre-higher, higher education until 2021, inclusive, to places financed by individuals and/or legal entities”. This applies to the people, residing in the temporarily occupied territory under martial law, on the territory of communities located in the area of military (combat) actions or who are under temporary occupation, surrounded (blocked) on the territory of communities that, as of October 15 and February 15 of the corresponding year, are included in the list approved by the Ministry of Reintegration; people, who left such territories; children of the deceased defenders of Ukraine; combatants and their children; those, who were disabled as a result of the war, and their children. The transfer will be carried o ut at the expense of unused state-procured places in 2022, as well as the availability of vacant places. In the absence of the latter, an increase in the volume of state procurement is possible. In general, the estimated number of such students this academic year will be more than 80 thousand people. The state will allocate 363 million UAH for the implementation of this project this year, and in general, by 2025 inclusive, an additional 9 billion UAH will be needed [7].
This is significant support for students under martial law and the education sector, considering the fact that the state in t he prewar period covered most of the costs of financing higher education and training future specialists. The effectiveness of public spending on higher education (investment in the training of specialists) in our country is higher than the effectiveness of individual costs [4].
The study has established that under martial law, high-quality training of sports managers is ensured, thanks to the effective management of public authorities, the administration of a higher education institution, and coordinated actions of the teaching staff and employees of the Management of Physical Culture Department. The main features of the management of the educational process under martial law were: mobility and prompt adoption of important management decisions; transition to rem ote work; personal responsibility of each employee for ensuring their safety during work; individualization of work with applicants for education in all areas.
The prospects for further scientific research in this direction are to study the foreign experience of organizing the process of training sports managers.
1. Bondar, A. (2022). Peculiarities of Training Future Sports Managers under Martial Law in Ukraine. Educational process under martial law in Ukraine: materials of all-Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical advanced training, 38-41.
2. Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the Imposition of Martial Law in Ukraine" No 2102-IX of 24.02.2022 / Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (n.d.). https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/64/2022#n2
3. Education during martial law - 30 questions and answers / Education Ombudsman of Ukraine. (2022, April 18).https://eo.gov.ua/osvita-pid-chas-voyennoho-stanu-30-zapytan-ta-vidpovidey/2022/04/18/
4. Hryhorash, O., Bocharov, D., Bondar, A., Zhuravka, O., Mordan, Y., & Teslenko, T. (2022). The Efficiency of Individual and Public Spending on Higher Education in OECD Countries and in Ukraine. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 5(46), 453-462. https://doi.org/10.55643/fcaptp.5.46.2022.3909
5. Kovalenko, J., Gnatenko, K., Fedorenko, O., Karpets, L., & Kovalenko, R. (2021). Formation of Vocational Competence of Future Specialists in Physical Education and Sports. Pedagogika, 140(4), 220-236. https://doi.org/10.15823/p.2020.140.12
6. Law of Ukraine "On the Legal Regime of Martial Law" / Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. (n.d.). https://ips.ligazakon.net/document/T150389?an=36
7. Pavlysh, O. (2022, October 21). The government decided to transfer 80 thousand contract students to the budget: who does this concern. Ekonomichna Pravda. https://www.epravda.com.ua/news/2022/10/21/692921/
8. Recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science on the organization of the educational process / Ministry of Education and Science. (n.d.). http://vpu40.ptu.org.ua/
9. Zhdamyrova, Y., & Bondar, A. (2020). The Role of Information Technology in Motivating Students of a Higher Education Institution of a Sports Profile for Distance Learning. Strategic management of the development of physical culture and sports: a collection of scientific works, 60-63.
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