Innovation-oriented pedagogical activity of the future music teacher as an indicator of his professionalism
The innovative context of the professional training of the music teacher; the organizational and pedagogical conditions of his formation in the educational space of the university based on personal, sociocultural and professional and creative development.
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 26.02.2024 |
Размер файла | 19,7 K |
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Innovation-oriented pedagogical activity of the future music teacher as an indicator of his professionalism
Svitlana Slobodiak lecturer
Izmail State University of Humanities, Ukraine
Lin Yitong
postgraduate student
Izmail State University of Humanities,
Yaotsiuan Tszin postgraduate student Izmail State University of Humanities, Ukraine
Інноваційно спрямована педагогічна діяльність майбутнього вчителя музичного мистецтва як показник його професіоналізму
Світлана Слободяк викладач
Ізмаїльський державний гуманітарний університет, Україна
Лінь Їтун аспірантка
Ізмаїльський державний гуманітарний університет, Україна
Яоцюань Цзінь аспірант
Ізмаїльський державний гуманітарний університет, Україна
У статті зроблено спробу окреслити інноваційний контекст професійної підготовки майбутнього вчителя музичного мистецтва та визначити організаційно-педагогічні умови його становлення в освітньому просторі ВНЗ на основі його особистісного, соціокультурного та професійно-творчого розвитку. У статті зазначено, що інноваційний ресурс мистецького освітнього простору ВНЗ може стати тією основою, що забезпечить особистісно-професійне становлення майбутнього фахівця-музикантау відповідності до гуманістичних цінностей демократичного суспільства. З цієї позиції все більшого значення набувають сучасні освітні вимоги до підготовки майбутніх вчителів, які не тільки визначають, що вони повинні знати, вміти, якими навичками володіти, але й вибудовувати таку конструкцію професійної діяльності, орієнтованої на досягнення акмеологічного рівня практичної роботи з фундаментальними засадами національної самосвідомості, соціокультурної відповідності, гуманізму, проблематизації, особистісно-орієнтованого підходу та діалогізації в навчальному процесі. Така позиція має стати основопокладаючою в процесі інноваційних перетворень у підготовці майбутнього вчителя музичного мистецтва. Вважаємо, що одним із таких завдань має стати інноваційний контекст професійного спрямування на підготовку вчителя музичного мистецтва до широкого мистецько-гуманістичного розвитку майбутнього фахівця. Забезпечення такої можливості пов'язане з більш широким баченням мети підготовки фахівця у галузі музично-педагогічної освіти та завдань його майбутньої професійної діяльності. Зміст фахової підготовки потребує певної реконструкції на засадах становлення і розвитку суб'єктних характеристик майбутнього фахівця як основи його внутрішнього духовно- творчого саморозвитку, самовираження, самореалізації, вільного вибору індивідуальної траєкторії професійно-творчого розвитку майбутнього вчителя музичного мистецтва.
Ключові слова: інноваційна професійна підготовка, гуманістична парадигма, музичний освітній простір, вчитель музичного мистецтва, особистісно-професійний розвиток, творче самовираження.
innovative teacher professional creative
The article attempts to outline the innovative context of the professional training of the future music teacher and to determine the organizational and pedagogical conditions of his formation in the educational space of the university based on his personal, sociocultural and professional and creative development. The article states that the innovative resource of the artistic educational space of the university can become the basis that will ensure the personal and professional development of the future professional musician in accordance with the humanistic values of a democratic society. From this position, modern educational requirements for the training of future teachers are becoming more and more important, which not only determine what they should know, be able to do, what skills they should possess, but also build such a structure ofprofessional activity, focused on achieving an acmeological level of practical work with the fundamental principles of national self-awareness, socio-cultural conformity, humanism, problematization, person-oriented approach and dialogization in the educational process. Such a position should become fundamental in the process of innovative transformations in the training of the future music teacher. We believe that one of these tasks should be the innovative context of the professional direction for the preparation of the music teacher for the broad artistic and humanistic development of the future specialist. Providing such an opportunity is connected with a broader vision of the goal of training a specialist in the field of music-pedagogical education and the tasks of his future professional activity. The content of professional training needs a certain reconstruction on the basis of the formation and development of the subject characteristics of the future specialist as the basis of his internal spiritual and creative self-development, self
expression, self-realization, free choice of the individual trajectory of the professional and creative development of the future music teacher.
Key words: innovative professional training, humanistic paradigm, musical educational space, music teacher, personal and professional development, creative self-expression.
Statement of the problem. Evolutionary processes in modern Ukrainian society determine a change in priorities in the field of education. From this point of view, modern educational requirements for the training of future teachers of musical art are becoming more and more important. These requirement not only determine what the teachers should know, be able to do or what skills they should possess, but also build such a structure of artistic activity, aimed at achieving a professional level of practical work with fundamental principles of national selfawareness, socio-cultural conformity, humanism, person-oriented approach and dialogization in the educational process.
Analysis of basic research and publications. Modern scientific approaches of leading domestic scientists, taking place in the theory and practice of modern art education (O. Yeremenko, G. Padalka, O. Rostovskyi, O. Rudnytska, O. Oleksiuk, O. Otych,O. Shcholokova), our long-term cooperation with foreign scientists С. Вгоск (Great Britain),M. Syppipdat ( the USA), S. Krawczynski (Poland), I. Kevisas (Lithuania), R. Spalva (Latvia) regarding the search for opportunities to solve the issues of reconstruction of the educational space in the context of democratic and cultural transformations of society, as well as certain own professional and scientific experience in researching issues of modernization of music-pedagogical education, confirm the urgent need for innovative transformations in the professional training of a specialist musician in order to overcome its narrow professional direction by creating special organizational and pedagogical conditions in the artistic educational space of universities regarding his/her personal and professional development.
The purpose of the article. The modern system of music education is characterized by significant signs of modernization, involving the search for innovative methods of solving educational tasks. Therefore, the article actualizes the need to update the content and quality of professional training of future music teachers, which is due to programmatic changes in the organization of training in the multi-level education system as a whole and in the higher art education of modern Ukraine in particular. Only a highly qualified teacher, who possesses a system of knowledge, abilities and skills at the level of high modern requirements, will be able to attract modern schoolchildren to musical art. Speaking about the qualifications of a future music teacher, the following must be taken into account: 1) what kind of training he has; 2) if this training meets modern (innovative) requirements; 3) whether he engages in self-education, that is, whether he deepens his professional knowledge and skills.
Presentation of the main research material. The specificity of the future music teacher is that special knowledge, abilities and skills must be combined with pedagogical ones. All types of activities and forms of work at school (music lessons and various extracurricular activities) require professional knowledge and skills from the teacher not only as a musician, but primarily as a teacher (Масол, 2006).
Modern pedagogical technologies provide ample opportunities for mastering the techniques of working with information. Pedagogical technology is a field of research in theory and practice (within the framework of the education system), which has connections with all aspects of the organization of the pedagogical system to achieve specific and potentially reproducible results. Pedagogical technology is also defined as a systematic method of planning, applying and evaluating the entire process of learning and assimilation of knowledge by taking into account human and technical resources and interaction between them to achieve a more effective form of education (Ковальський, 2018).
Innovative pedagogical activity has a wide semantic range - it is a purposeful activity for the introduction of new pedagogical practice, it is a creative approach to planning and implementing pedagogical innovations aimed at achieving higher results of the quality of education.
Therefore, the teacher must possess modern educational technologies, active and interactive teaching methods, work in an information environment, he must become an experienced coordinator of the information flow. He should also be an excellent educator, psychologist, good musician, researcher and innovator. The active development of information technologies and their introduction into pedagogical practice left an imprint on music lessons as well (Закон України «Про вищу освіту»).
A modern music lesson is a lesson that combines the priority tasks of the educational industry and the specifics of musical development, using modern pedagogical technologies, computers, information and telecommunication networks, audiovisual means, printed and electronic educational and informational resources. The synthesis of multimedia components (video, text, sound, etc.) allows students to perceive information at a visual, auditory and emotional level, which ensures the best assimilation of the material by students.
An important place in the work is given to presentations. Presentations allow you to accompany your own story with colorful illustrations, pictures, photos, video and audio fragments. Presentations are made by students themselves. During preparation, they conduct a lot of research work, use a large number of information sources, which allows them to turn their work into an individual creative «product».
During music lessons we get acquainted with different musical instruments, play them and improvise. Let's learn the history of the development of these instruments. This type of educational activity contributes to the development of the student's independence of choice, logical thinking, experience of public performances. This type of activity is also important because it contributes to the identification of gifted children (Орлов, 2003: 37).
Relevant for the innovative pedagogical activity of a music teacher is the application of the principles of artistic didactics:
increasing the volume of the repertoire, the theoretical capacity of the lesson;
the lesson is rich in musical sound;
the principle of emotional and value development of students;
shift from the reproductive level to the creative level.
Innovative pedagogical activity is a socio-pedagogical phenomenon that reflects the creative potential of the teacher. Modern life, modern education, many regulatory documents require innovative, systematic and active approaches to the education of the younger generation (Олексюк, Ткач, 2004). The implementation of the technology for the development of associative and figurative thinking of schoolchildren helps to develop associative thinking in students, which, in turn, allows the child to be directly involved in the process of discovering new facets of his life, promotes understanding of the multiplicity of manifestations of the world. Tasks of the technology:
mastering the language of musical art on the basis of musical-theoretical knowledge and skills;
understanding the essence of music in relation to other types of art;
comprehensive development of personality, creative potential, spiritual and moral education through music;
revealing the transforming power of music and its influence on the inner world of a person, from his attitude to the surrounding reality, the formation of a life position and the activation of students' cognitive activity (Ковальський, 2018).
The integration of the arts provides an opportunity to master the language of music based on the identification of its «similarities and differences» with the language of other arts. From this point of view, the category «artistic image» should be considered as a general platform for the interaction of art in the process of music classes, and in the integration of arts during music lessons, the main part should belong to music.
The integrated system of education is based on the intensive use of interdisciplinary connections. The involvement of other art forms in a music lesson is an interdisciplinary connection between separate sciences in the program of one subject. The musical arts program widely includes genres of musical art that are synthetic in nature and inextricably linked with fiction, poetry, drama and fine arts (opera, oratorio, cantata, romance, song).
The subjects of the humanitarian cycle are addressed to the personality, his/her spiritual values. For a holistic perception of works of art, it is important to combine their different types during lessons. Students are inclined to perceive different types of arts. The child needs to be helped to enter the complex world of music (especially classical music). One of the ways to solve this problem is to use the works of other, more accessible types of art in lessons. It could be visual literature and fiction. The use of ICT technologies plays an important role in this process (Масол, 2006: 26).
For example, patriotic songs «Hey, Don't be Surprised», «The Cossack Rode Beyond the Danube» and others are learned in music lessons. These and other songs are related to the history of Ukraine, so it would be appropriate to use reproductions of different wars and eras, recitations of literary poems.
The methodological principles of introducing innovative technologies into the educational process are as follows: the involvement of problem-based learning tools in musical art consists in the independence of musical thinking of students who are involved in the process of active learning of musical art; the activity of students in this case is aimed at searching for «key» knowledge about music; the main element of the problematic situation in music teaching is the unknown, something new. It must expand to perform a musical task. Creating a problem situation involves such a task, in which knowledge to be learned will take the place of the unknown. The main feature of the unknown is that the unknown is always characterized by any degree of generalization. The students' capabilities, which include their creative abilities, are an element of the problem situation; the problem-based learning process consists of two stages:
setting the objective that causes a problematic task,
searching for the unknown in this problematic situation in the form of independent research conducted by students or by the teacher providing information necessary to solve the problem (Кримський, 2003).
As research has shown, it is possible to identify the most characteristic types of problem situations common to all subjects for pedagogical practice. The first type: a problematic situation arises if the students do not know how to solve the task, find it difficult to answer a problematic question, or explain the new fact. The second type: problematic situations arise when students encounter the need to use previously acquired knowledge in new practical conditions. The third type: a problematic situation arises if there is a contradiction between a theoretically possible way to solve the problem and the practical impossibility of the chosen method. Fourth type: a problematic situation occurs when there are contradictions between the practically achieved result of completing an educational task and the students' lack of knowledge for theoretical justification, identifying the problem in various situations, and making a responsible decision (Мозгальова, 2011).
Innovation-oriented pedagogical activity of the future music teacher. Special attention is paid to project-based learning during the directed pedagogical activity of the future music teacher. The project method is characterized by ways of organizing students' independent activities to achieve a certain result. Innovative modeling technology and the organization of educational situations in which the student poses and solves his/ her problems and the technology of supporting the student's independent activity are considered to be the method of projects.
The most important condition for the development of critical thinking is the creation of problem situations in the learning process. The need for critical thinking arises when we are faced with complex choice situations that require careful consideration and evaluation.
The use of critical thinking technology during music lessons helps to activate thinking and increases motivation; promotes self-expression of students, gives an opportunity to express themselves and their creative abilities; teaches to look for ways to solve a problem, to compare one's opinion with others in order to make an informed judgment; promotes mutual respect, encourages interactions, develops communication skills; forces students to think (Орлов, 2003: 217).
The study and generalization of theoretical material and practical experience of innovative teachers of modern innovative processes in the implementation of directed pedagogical activities of the future music teacher allows to develop recommendations for future teachers in the field of music education, to implement the most promising projects in secondary education institutions, secondary and higher specialized educational institutions, to promote improving the quality of musical education and upbringing in the country.
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