Peculiarities of teaching while dealing with phraseological units and their accurate comprehension at English lessons
Special aspects of phraseology studying at Ukrainian and English lessons. Defining a phraseological unit in the text, the ability to find the proper equivalent to it during the translation process is the most important stage for the teacher and students.
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Peculiarities of teaching while dealing with phraseological units and their accurate comprehension at english lessons
Myroslava Slyvka, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the English Philology Department; Nataliia Slyvka, Senior Teacher at the Foreign Languages Department; Anneta Krets, Graduate student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages Uzhhorod National University
The modern system of foreign language teaching is characterized by the fact that practical knowledge of a foreign language has become a necessity for every educated person to meet requirements of the society. A foreign language has a beneficial effect on the general level of people's culture and promotes communication. In the conditions of learning a foreign language, the need to include elements of the linguistic culture of a foreign nation in the content of education is increasing. Within the framework of this approach, it is necessary to saturate the subject content of the learners' speech with country-specific materials oriented to the dialogue of cultures. A number of studies on this problem have served as an incentive to determine the obligatory introduction of phraseological units for the formation of linguistic competence of learners at foreign language lessons. Thus, it is widely recognized that phraseological units are helpful and beneficial to the learner of English as a foreign language. The study focuses on the peculiarities of teaching phraseological units at English lessons. The present research investigates the main features of modern theoretical heritage of phraseology and analyzes the possibilities of their use for the improvement of the effectiveness of teaching phraseological units at English lessons. We design exercises for teachers and learners regarding the peculiarities of teaching and studying English phraseological units at English lessons.
In our article we explore special aspects of phraseology studying at Ukrainian and English lessons, we analyze basic methods of phraseology studying, we consider comprehension of similarities and differences in the scope of meanings of the studied phraseological units with those existing in the native language. Defining a phraseological unit in the text and the ability to find the proper equivalent to it during the translation process is the most important stage for the teacher and students. The results of our research have shown that through learning and practicing phraseological units, students gain a new experience in solving communicative situations. Students admit the importance of studying phraseological units at English lessons in developing their communicative skills. It should be emphasized that learning phraseological units in a particular context enhances student's motivation for learning English and makes it easier to remember such a kind of language units.
Key words: phraseological units, a linguocultural approach, similarities and differences of phraseological units, communicative skills, basic methods of phraseology teaching.
Knowledge of phraseological treasures of the English language, understanding them, their correct use is an undoubted indicator of fluent and emotive speech. Phraseological expressions carry not only the subjective but also aesthetic information. Therefore, it is necessary to develop skills in the proficient use of phraseological expressions in everyday speech practice. Work with phraseological units enables students to expand their vocabulary, prove the importance of the rules of polite conduct of people in society, to familiarize them with the norms of etiquette in communication, with the features of English national etiquette, helps to implement communicative and activity-based content lines of English language teaching.
Since childhood a person masters vocabulary, phraseology and grammar of his/her native language and, without noticing it, learns to perceive the surrounding world and himself/herself in it the way it is accepted by people speaking this language. The number and nature of phraseological units reflecting a positive or negative assessment of certain human qualities can be considered an indicator of ethical standards, the rules of social life and behavior in society, the attitude of a nation through its culture and language to the world, other peoples and cultures. These facts predetermine the relevance of the research.
The object of the research is the stages and activities used to teach phraseological units to students of the secondary school. The subject of the article is the process of teaching and learning English phraseologisms during English classes in a secondary comprehensive school. The aim of the study is to investigate the peculiarities of teaching English phraseological units at English lessons. The material of the investigation is the selection of lexical units taken from the dictionaries of the English and Ukrainian languages.
The phraseological units which reflect the customs, everyday life, culture, mentality, worldview of each nation, have been and remain the research object in many linguistic studies written by Ababilova N. [1], Avramenko T. [2], Venzhynovych N. [5], Selivanova O. [7]. The novelty of the work consists in the research approach to the study of using phraseological units at the lessons. The paper manifests that more active use of phraseological units in foreign language lessons will have a positive impact on maintaining interest in the subject and simplifying both theoretical and practical aspects of learning. Finding an equivalent in the native language or trying to explain the meaning of the studied phraseologism develops translation skills, and also stimulates students to work with phraseological dictionaries, which results in expanding students' vocabulary.
The methods of research include: literature study and analysis, description of phenomena, observation and experiment. Regarding the analysis of phraseological systems, V. Telia considers one of his postulates to be the assumption that native speakers possess culturally significant information, which serves as a source of phraseological interpretation. The mirror of the phraseological system of language displays fragments of the common mentality of the people [13, p. 238 -239]. Thus, the anthropocentric approach in the study of phraseological units and their translation is indispensable.
Results and discussion
Phraseological units are a fertile material for the use in teaching English. Teaching students the art of elocution is a difficult task, since the teacher needs to constantly find additional sources of linguo-cultural information. Phraseological units are an inexhaustible source of this knowledge. One of the features of phraseological units is their generalized nature, due to which the use of phraseological units in English lessons is possible at all levels of teaching [4, p. 5].
To meet the requirements of current educational programs for teaching English in secondary general education we place an emphasis on the formation of linguistic, sociolinguistic and sociocultural competences and students gain them in the long run while mastering lexical material. This material is conventionally divided into equivalent, background and non-equivalent. Equivalent vocabulary practically does not cause difficulties for students when studying it, therefore special attention in the process of learning English is paid to the background and non-equivalent vocabulary, which includes phraseological units [9, p. 2].
Phraseological units or phraseologisms are interpreted as stable, lexically indivisible and integral in meaning word combinations [8, p. 318]. In a sentence, phraseological units perform the function of a separate lexeme and represent a complex phenomenon, imparting speech with brightness, expressiveness and emotionality.
With regard to phraseological units, the following stages in the formation of a speech lexical skill are distinguished:
1) presentation of a block of phraseological units, united by some criterion;
2) comparison of phraseological units in English and Ukrainian;
3) recognition, understanding, and memorization of phraseological expressions;
4) primary use of phraseological units in separate phrases and prepared statements;
5) the use of phraseological units in unprepared monological and dialogic speech in order to solve a communicative problem [11].
In practice, each stage has its own characteristics, so it is necessary to carefully select and compose a set of exercises for teaching phraseology, taking into account the following requirements:
1) the set of exercises should reflect the main stages of formation of the lexical skill, named above;
2) the exercises should be designed taking into account the age specifics of the students;
3) the set of exercises should be formed in the context of intercultural dialogue, taking into account the linguocultural and communicative approaches;
4) the set of exercises must take into account the artificial bilingualism of students [12, p. 248].
Language exercises include the following types:
- distinguishing phraseological expressions by ear, selecting them from the given dialogues;
- searching for missing, intentionally omitted components of phraseological expressions;
- comparing the offered English phraseological units and their equivalents in Ukrainian;
- substituting the studied phraseological units for individual words and phrases (replacing these words and expressions with their synonyms-phraseological units);
- selection of antonyms-phraseological units for separate words and expressions [3, p. 6].
As a constituent of speech exercises pre-speech ones are used at the stage of primary use of phraseological units in individual phrases and prepared utterances. They include such activities as:
- forming short sentences from the given set of words and word combinations;
- the use of the studied phraseologisms in specific situations, the setting of which is given by the teacher;
- exercises focused on the translation of phraseological expressions [10, p. 12].
Speech exercises proper are used at the final stage of using phraseological units in unprepared monological and dialogic speech in order to solve the communicative problem.
Thus, the work with phraseological units begins by asking students to examine the pictures and/or study the episode, read their corresponding captions, and guess the meaning of the phraseological units. Thus, at this stage students apply linguistic guessing. Then students are asked to independently correlate the phraseological units and their corresponding pictures and/or episodes, to guess their meanings. Since a phraseological unit cannot be translated literally, the students make their own interpretation of its meaning in relation to the plot in the picture or episode.
During the next stage, the teacher invites the students to listen to a specific situation using these phraseological units, after which the students express their own opinion about the context, i.e., the teacher suggests the communicative meaning of the phraseological unit. In addition, it is recommended to use the method of educational conversation, which is realized through t he teacher's setting the main, additional, suggestive and other types of questions, allowing students to lead to a better understanding of the meaning of phraseological units, as well as enabling them to make correct conclusions about the actual problems for the country of the studied language and the features of the English mentality, brightly reflected in the phraseological units [6, p. 6].
A further goal of working with phraseological units is to consolidate the studied lexical material. In the primary consolidation of the studied material students compose sentences using phraseological units. Subsequent consolidation is accompanied by the composition of a dialogue using a particular phraseological unit. After several lessons devoted to the study and consolidation of phraseological units, group work is organized: students prepare and act out a story or a fairy tale using as many of the studied phraseological units as possible [14, p. 292].
The proposed methodology proves its effectiveness in practice. Memorizing English phraseological units develops students' memory, allows them to select lexical units quickly and adequately, and develops emotional expressiveness of speech. Finding an equivalent in the native language or trying to explain the meaning of the studied phraseologism develops translation skills, and also stimulates students to work with phraseological dictionaries, which has an effect on expanding students' vocabulary.
In the process of automating students' actions with new phraseological units, measures to remove and overcome difficulties in mastering the lexical material should be provided for. The main type of exercises here are receptive-reproductive and productive conditional-communicative exercises. The student perceives a speech sample and performs certain actions with it (in oral or written form) according to the created situation of speech, doing the following types of exercises: imitation of phraseological units; concise answers to alternative questions of the teacher; substitution in a speech sample; completion of a speech sample; expansion of a speech sample; answers to other types of questions; independent use of a phraseological unit in a phrase, sentence; combining a speech sample into superphrasal unities - dialogical and monological; a lesson - presentation on the basis of certain phraseological material; composing dialogues with replacing given expressions with phraseological units; explaining the meaning of a word combination without naming it; composing an idiom on a given topic from the suggested letters; telling the story of the origin of an idiom; writing reasoning tasks that aim to reveal and convey the content of a particular phraseologism; writing a letter to a friend using studied phraseological units; writing multiple choice test assignments; doing educational crossword puzzles.
In addition to conditionally communicative tasks, non-communicative exercises are also used in the process of learning phraseological units: repetition of word combinations and speech cliches after the teacher, filling in gaps in sentences with appropriate words; providing phraseologisms by their definitions or images; providing synonymous phraseological units; composing sentences with individual phraseologisms; finding equivalents in the native language to the given set phrases in English; filling in gaps in the text while reading, which develops the ability to anticipate; choosing the meaning of a phraseologism from several given meanings; determining the meaning of a phraseological expression from the dictionary; determining the meaning of unfamiliar phraseologisms by their components; guessing the meaning of set phrases from the context.
Thus, there are many different exercises aimed at studying phraseological units. It is important to subordinate them to the main objectives - to interest school students to study and use phraseological units in oral and written speech, to form a desire and ability to enrich their phraseological vocabulary.
phraseological english lesson translation
Based on all of the aforementioned, we can conclude that phraseological units allow illustrating one's own thought and summarizing it in a concise and succinct form. In our work, a phraseological unit is understood as a stable combination of words or sentences with constant or variable components, reproduced in speech in the ready form with a completely or partially reinterpreted meaning. In order to teach phraseological units in English classes at school, it is necessary to determine the principles of their selection. The foundation for solving this problem is the defining features of phraseological units and, above all, equating them with words by their lexical features. The methodological principles of phraseological selection include the following: the level of students' ease of acquisition of phraseological units; accessibility of phraseological units for students' understanding; presence of phraseological units in exercises, texts recommended for extracurricular reading; educational significance of phraseological units.
Exercises for studying English phraseological units are divided into language and speech exercises. Language exercises are offered for the purpose of comprehension and subsequent memorization of the structure of phraseological units selected for study. This type of exercises is used at such stages of lexical skill formation as the presentation of a block of phraseological units united by some criterion; comparison of phraseological units in English and Ukrainian; recognition, understanding and memorization of phraseological units. The use of phraseological units in English lessons is one of the most effective methods of ensuring the interest of students, their efficiency and activity. In addition, the use of phraseological units develops creative initiative of students, allowing them to express their own thoughts and feelings, which has a favorable effect on the psychological climate in the classroom during the lesson.
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