An integrated approach to assessing the quality of higher education for students
Study of an integrated approach to assessing the quality of higher education for students. Modern approaches to managing the quality of education, comparison of different approaches to assessing students’ knowledge: five-point, twelve-point ECTS scales.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 19.03.2024 |
Размер файла | 15,9 K |
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An integrated approach to assessing the quality of higher education for students
Olexandr Chernenko
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Special Education Central Ukrainian State University named V. Vynnychenko, Ukraine
student education quality assessment
The article discusses an integrated approach to assessing the quality of higher education for students. The author analyzes modern approaches to managing the quality of education, as well as compares different approaches to assessing students' knowledge and skills. The author emphasizes the importance of an integrated approach that takes into account not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills, competence and professional readiness to work in the chosen specialty. A comparison of the most common grading systems for evaluating academic achievements is made: five-point and twelve-point scales, ECTS. The author proposes five components of an integrated approach that takes into account the levels of success in: social sciences and humanities, professionally oriented disciplines, research activities, sports and artistic achievements, and practical training at internship bases. The proposed integrated approach will allow employers to objectively assess readiness, and will also help young people find their first job.
Keywords: quality of higher education, integrated approach, assessment, competence, student, professional readiness.
Statement of the Problem
In the 21 st century, the quality of education is a key factor in the development of the culture of civil society and the state's economy. In the context of dynamic changes in the labor market and the emergence of new professions, the issue of high-quality training for young professionals is extremely urgent. Modern methods and technologies for managing the quality of education can significantly increase the efficiency of the educational process in educational institutions, ensure compliance of educational programs with the needs of employers, thereby enhancing the competence of graduates.
The relevance of a comparative analysis of modern approaches to managing the quality of education is due to the need to evaluate the most effective methods and technologies that improve the quality of educational services in educational institutions. In the context of martial law and limited resources of the Ukrainian education system, it is important for teachers to find the optimal combination of pedagogical technologies. Therefore, comparing the existing concepts of quality management in education will highlight their strengths and weaknesses, as well as identify the best pedagogical practices in ensuring quality education. In the future, this will provide the basis for improving the quality management system at the national and institutional levels. Thus, the topic of the article is extremely relevant and necessary for the development of the Ukrainian education industry.
Analysis of Recent Research and Publications. Among the works of domestic scientists who studied an integrated approach to assessing the quality of higher education for students, it is worth mentioning: O.V. Anishchenko, S.V. Bobrakov, G.A. Dmitrenko, V.M. Kukharenko, Yu.M. Rashkevich, S.O. Sysoeva, T.M. Sorochan, M.I. Skrypnyk, M.M. Fitsula and others. Therefore, the choice of scientific and practical methods and technologies for managing the quality of education is an important need of today for teachers and heads of educational institutions.
The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative descriptive analysis of modern methods and technologies for managing the quality of education, as well as to develop pedagogical recommendations for improving the educational process on this basis.
Presentation of the Main Material
The level of development of modern science, production, technology, technology and socio-economic relations significantly outpaces the quality of training in higher education institutions, thereby enhancing the dependence of the pace of scientific and technological progress on the level of quality of higher education. This situation necessitates an urgent need to find new forms and methods for the advanced development of higher education. This problem is not exclusive to Ukraine, as today the Bologna process actively highlights the possibilities of the European concept of education, whose main goal is to ensure the necessary quality of professional training for young professionals.
Education management, in particular its quality, is a complex, multifaceted and nonlinear process that must be constantly coordinated and adjusted by management entities in accordance with the socio-pedagogical conditions of its functioning [3].
In our opinion, quality management in education is the purposeful activity of subjects in the educational process, which includes a set of interrelated organizational, methodological and control measures aimed at identifying and meeting the needs and expectations of all participants in the educational process by ensuring optimal conditions for educational activities, continuous improvement of educational services and increasing the level of competence of graduates in accordance with national and international standards. Quality management in education is based on the principles of continuity, complexity, objectivity, transparency and compliance with modern requirements, and involves monitoring, self-assessment and external evaluation of educational activities.
An analysis of the practical activities of domestic higher education institutions conducted by a group of scientists (O. Shapovalova, S. Parfilova, V. Butenko, O. Biler) allows highlighting the most common problems: the lack of uniform requirements, criteria for managing the quality of higher professional education; unadapted transfer of requirements of international quality standards developed for the sphere of material production to the sphere of education; the dominance of technologies aimed at obtaining quantitative results, priority actualization of external incentives for quality improvement, etc.; the lack of a single pedagogical concept for using a systematic approach to designing and managing educational systems [7, p. 414].
In Ukraine, the main indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of HEIs funded from the state budget are: the number of higher education students studying on a budgetary basis, in accordance with the indexed level of higher education; the scale of activities indicator, which depends on the actual number of higher education students studying on the basis of budget funding; the scientific activity indicator, which depends on the income of a special fund based on the results of scientific and technical work under international cooperation projects, the results of scientific and technical work under business contracts and the results of providing scientific services per one scientific and pedagogical job during the previous three calendar years; the indicator of international recognition based on ranking positions in one of the international rankings (QS World University Rankings, The Times Higher Education World University Rankings, Academic Ranking of World University); the level of employment of graduates according to monitoring results [2, p. 1238].
The researchers O. Halitsan, O. Khill, Ya. Kyrylenko identify the following main components of education quality, in particular in HEIs: quality of values, goals and norms; quality of conditions; quality of the educational process and learning outcomes. In structural terms, it is the totality of the qualities of educational systems at different levels implemented in HEIs, each of which is considered as a quality subsystem: the quality of the HEI's educational system as a whole; the quality of educational systems implemented by institutes and faculties that are part of the university; the quality of the educational system implemented at the department; the quality of teaching disciplines; the quality of students' learning activities [1, p. 106].
It should be noted that in the general (school) education system there is a 12- point grading scale for assessing students' academic achievements. Its general didactic characteristics are:
- Initial level (1-3 points) - the student learns knowledge in the form of individual facts, elementary ideas that can be reproduced; possesses various types of skills at the level of copying a pattern of action;
- Average level (4-6 points) - the student possesses knowledge in the form of concepts, reproduces their content, illustrates them with examples from the textbook; possesses skills at the level of performing activities by pattern in a similar situation; performs independent work with significant assistance;
- Sufficient level (7-9 points) - the student possesses concepts, reproduces their content, illustrates them not only with known but also new examples, establishes known conceptual connections; possesses skills at the level of applying a method of activity by analogy; performs independent work with little assistance from the teacher;
- High level (10-12 points) - the student possesses a system of concepts within the limits defined by curricula, establishes both conceptual and interconceptual connections; can apply methods of activity by analogy and in new situations; performs independent work without teacher assistance; performs creative tasks [6].
However, in our opinion, the 12-point grading system has a number of disadvantages for both teachers and students: a) the complexity of evaluating each student and calculating the average grade in the group; b) it is difficult for a student to achieve a high level of academic performance due to the need to study material from subjects beyond the established curriculum standard; c) students are overloaded with homework; d) frequent changes and complications in the curriculum of subjects, which sometimes go beyond the scope of school education; e) the high cost of modern textbooks and teaching materials.
In some institutions of Ukrainian higher education, the Soviet five-point scale for assessing student knowledge is still used. It is simple and widespread. Its ranks are as follows: «complete unpreparedness» - 1; «unsatisfactory» - 2; «satisfactory» - 3; «good» - 4; «excellent» - 5.
However, it also has many disadvantages, including: 1) the subjective approach of the teacher to the assessment of the student, his reaction to the current academic performance, attendance, behavior of the student, appearance, style of dress, language, etc. After all, it is possible not to attend classes and study, not to write notes and answer perfectly, to be cynical and impudent and know; 2) weak differentiating ability [5].
The Bologna Process is in place in Ukrainian universities, at least the main part of it. ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) is a unified system for measuring and accumulating credits, which provides an opportunity to keep track of the total amount of time spent on a discipline throughout the educational process, and at the same time gives students and teachers the freedom to transfer from one higher education institution to another without losing these credits. Thus, the grade «A» on the ECTS scale corresponds to «5» (excellent) on the national scale and 90100 points; «B» and «С» are equivalent to «4» (good) and 75-89 points; «D and E» is a grade of «3» (satisfactory) and 60-74 points; «FX» means «2» (unsatisfactory) with the possibility of retaking and 35-59 points; «F» is «2» (unsatisfactory) with the obligatory retake of the course and 1 -34 points [4].
As a result of the pedagogical experiment on the practice of indirect assessment of learning outcomes using the normative 100-point (percentage) scale and their conversion to the national four-point grading system and ECTS, it was found that: the level of motivation for achieving high academic results by students decreases after they reach a certain threshold of points in a particular discipline; the amount of time spent by the teacher on recording student learning outcomes and their assessment increases, and as a result, the assessment process becomes formalistic; the process of objective assessment of student learning outcomes is complicated due to the need to award points for different types of academic work and to differentiate the total number of points for different levels of performance of these types of work by the student; there are no single adequate criteria for discrete and general assessment of knowledge and skills of students from different disciplines, which leads to subjectivity in the process of assessing student learning outcomes even within the same discipline; the existing criteria for assessing student knowledge in different disciplines are not scientifically justified [8].
Thus, it can be said that each grading system has its own advantages and disadvantages. They only give an idea of the level of knowledge acquired by a student in individual disciplines, according to the principle of «pass or fail» the subjects to the teachers, rather than the ability to reproduce knowledge in practice and professional skills. The final grade for a subject reflects the level of quality of the material learned,
i. e. knowledge, does not take into account the quality of practical skills and abilities that would reflect the ability to perform some work, actions, solve problems, organize processes, etc. This situation can lead to the fact that at the end of the training, a graduate can be a «excellent» theorist with a low ability to do something specific in practice. The main disadvantage of all knowledge scales is the lack of a comprehensive approach to assessing the quality of higher education of students, which would take into account skills, competence and professional readiness to work in the chosen field.
Therefore, taking into account the above, we refer to the following five components as the components of the quality of higher education of a young specialist who has already completed a full cycle of professional training:
1) The level of success in social and humanitarian disciplines, which form professional culture and etiquette, as well as views on the surrounding world, social phenomena and processes (final grade for all subjects);
2) The level of success in professionally oriented disciplines, which form knowledge, skills and abilities in the chosen specialty, as well as competence and ability to work (final grade for all subjects);
3) The level of success in research activities (term and diploma papers, educational projects, student scientific publications and developments), which form the ability for teaching, research activities, further education to obtain a higher educational and professional level (final grade for all types of research works or projects);
4) The level of success in sports and artistic achievements (sports activities, disciplines and events of artistic and creative nature), which form the ability to socially useful work, a healthy lifestyle, aesthetics, self-realization (final grade for all types of sports and artistic achievements);
5) The level of success in practical training, i.e. the main results of work and solved problems during the introductory, educational and production practices (final grade for all types of defended reports of practice materials and passed test works).
The methodology for assessing the quality of professional training of graduates using a comprehensive approach is shown in Table 1. The learning outcomes scale for a graduate of a specific specialty is graded according to three criteria: knowledge, skills, and work skills. Each column can only have one grade on the ECTS scale (AFX). The weighted average score reflects the level of readiness of a young specialist to work in their chosen field. The average grade of the diploma supplement for all subjects is also calculated, which reflects the overall average level of academic performance.
The assessment of the mentioned components of the quality of training of higher education graduates can be useful for employers (who form the demand for labor force) when hiring young specialists, as it allows for a comprehensive analysis of their level of professional suitability and readiness for work.
Table 1Comprehensive Approach to Assessing the Quality of Higher Education of Students
Component qualities of education in a section |
overall success |
Average score (diploma supplement) |
from professionally oriented disciplines |
from social and humanitarian disciplines |
from scientific and research activities |
from sports and artistic achievements |
from practical training |
Content of training |
List of studied subjects |
List of studied subjects |
List of completed coursework , projects, publications , etc |
Types and names |
Types and names |
(А-FX) |
Criteria z''' //^Points |
Knowledge |
Facility |
Skills |
Level of readiness for work |
High |
А |
А |
А |
А |
А |
As a weighted average score and as a percentag e (10 100%) |
Good |
В |
В |
В |
В |
В |
Considerable |
С |
С |
С |
С |
С |
Average |
D |
D |
D |
D |
D |
Satisfactory |
E |
E |
E |
E |
E |
Unsatisfactoril y |
FX |
FX |
FX |
FX |
FX |
Very bad |
F |
F |
F |
F |
F |
compiled by the author
The comprehensive approach to assessing the quality of education is relevant for young people who are looking for their first job in their acquired specialty, in particular:
1. The level of success in social and humanitarian disciplines demonstrates professional culture, communication skills, and the ability to work in a team, which is important for any specialist.
2. Success in professionally oriented disciplines indicates the level of formation of professional competencies and readiness to perform specific labor functions.
3. Research skills characterize the graduate's ability for professional growth, the ability to develop and implement innovations, develop a creative approach to work, and the ability to teach others.
4. Artistic and sports achievements demonstrate communication skills, an active life position, the ability to work in stressful conditions, and a high level of physical health.
5. The results of practical training indicate the readiness of graduates to apply knowledge to solve real practical tasks and problems, and to work in a team.
Therefore, the analysis of these components allows employers to objectively assess the professional suitability of graduates and make an informed decision about their hiring. The comprehensive approach to assessing the quality of higher education is relevant and necessary for the development of Ukrainian education. It will improve the training of young specialists and make them more competitive in the labor market.
Conclusions and Prospects for Further Research
Quality management in education is an important task that requires a comprehensive approach and involvement of all participants in the educational process. There is an urgent need to develop unified requirements and criteria for assessing the quality of higher education, adapted to the realities of the educational sphere, and not just transfer standards from business. Traditional assessment methods in higher education (five-point and twelve-point scales) have a number of drawbacks that reduce the objectivity of the assessment. A comprehensive approach to assessing the quality of training of higher education graduates has been proposed, which takes into account 5 key components: humanitarian, professional, scientific, sports and art, and practical training. Various effective methods of control and assessment of student knowledge have been proposed, and the advantages of different scales for assessing academic performance in higher education institutions have been analyzed. The advantages of the comprehensive approach to assessing the quality of education of graduates are characterized: allows employers to objectively assess the professional suitability of graduates; helps young people find their first job; demonstrates communication skills, an active life position, and the ability to work in a team; indicates the readiness of graduates to apply knowledge to solve real practical tasks.
[1] Galitsan, O., Khil, O., Kyrylenko, Ya. (2021). Management of the quality of higher education in the conditions of European integration processes. Ukrainian Pedagogical Journal. № 2. Рр. 103-112.
[2] Kalashnikova, T., Salun, M., Katan, L., Marenych, T. (2020). Edu-business: prerequisites for commercialquality management in Ukrainian higher education. International Journal for Quality Research. vol. 14(4). Pp. 1235-1244.
[3] Naidyonov, I. (2009). The main levers in the management of the quality of education.Personnel. № 1. URL:
[4] On conducting a pedagogical experiment on the credit-module system of the organization of the educational process : Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 23.01.2004. № 48. URL: 14#Text. (data: 03.02.2023).
[5] Onipko, O.V. (2014). Evaluation according to the ECTS scale: can it satisfy the demands of Ukrainian higher education? Pedagogy of creative personality formation in higher and secondary schools. Vol. 35. Pp. 463-472.
[6] Regarding the control and assessment of educational achievements of students of primary grades of general educational institutions : Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 28.01.2014. № 1/9-74. URL: (data: 01.02.2023).
[7] Shapovalova, O., Parfilova, S., Butenko, V., Biler, O. (2020). Modern conditions of education quality management: theoretical aspect. Pedagogical sciences: theory, history, innovative technologies. № 10. Рр. 412-422.
[8] The ECTS rating scale for assessing the quality of educational achievements. URL: 02.02.2023).
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