Catalyzing the educational potential of the sports environment of institutions of supplementary education

Foundations of the environmental approach, the concept and structure of the sports environment. Justification of the author's concept, procedure for updating the educational potential of the sports environment of the institution of additional education.

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Catalyzing the educational potential of the sports environment of institutions of supplementary education

Irina V. Mazheley

Danil V. Chayun

Svetlana N. Chernyakova




The article presents the methodology of unlocking the educational potential of the sports environment in the institutions of supplementary education. Based on the ideas of environmental psychology and Russian traditions of environmental studies the authors reveal the methodological foundations of the environmental approach, the concept and structure of the sports. They enlist main provisions and describe procedure of catalysing the educational potential of the sports environment of supplementary education institutions. New data have been obtained on the social and psychological difficulties and significant qualities of children coaches and teenage athletes from the four perspectives (those of manager, coach, teenage athlete and parent); on the attitude to doping and the quality of sports services. These data contribute to the regional and federal data bank on the social and psychological determinants of children and youth sports. The conclusions are made about critical points, references and points of growth for catalysing the educational potential of the sports environment of supplementary education institutions, responsible for biathlon and cross-country skiing training programmes in the Tyumen Oblast.

Keywords: educational potential, sports environment, children coach, teenage athlete, social and psychological characteristics, quality of sports services.


Актуализация воспитательного потенциала спортивной среды учреждений дополнительного образования

И.В. Манжелей, Д.В. Чаюн, С.Н. Чернякова

Тюменский государственный университет Российская Федерация, Тюмень

Сибирский федеральный университет Российская Федерация, Красноярск

Представлена методология актуализации воспитательного потенциала спортивной среды учреждений дополнительного образования. С опорой на идеи экологической психологии и российские традиции средоведения приведены методологические основания средового подхода, понятие и структура спортивной среды. Обоснованы базовые положения авторской концепции и процедура актуализации воспитательного потенциала спортивной среды учреждений дополнительного образования.

Получены новые данные о социально-психологических трудностях и значимых качествах детского тренера и спортсмена-подростка с позиции четырех субъектов (руководителя, тренера, спортсмена-подростка и родителя), об отношении к допингу и о качестве спортивных услуг, что поможет в формировании регионального и федерального информационного банка данных о социально-психологических детерминантах развития детско-юношеского спорта. Определены критические точки, опорные позиции и точки роста для актуализации воспитательного потенциала спортивной среды учреждений дополнительного образования, реализующих программы спортивной подготовки по биатлону и лыжным гонкам в Тюменской области.

Ключевые слова: воспитательный потенциал, спортивная среда, детский тренер, спортсмен-подросток, социально-психологические особенности, качество спортивных


Digitalization of all spheres of social life in the context of geopolitical conflicts, pandemic and social shock forwarded the reformatting of the general and sports culture of man in the second decade of the 21st century. Besides, the period of prolonged self-isolation showed to the whole world the importance of motor activity and interpersonal communication for «preservation of man as a biosocial structure» (V.S. Stepin). In this connection the federal project «Sport as a Standard of Life» has acquired new meanings.

The informational society requires supplementary education as a social and genetic institute to be prognostic and advanced in order to prepare a person for the future life. Today, additional sports education has transformed from a small sector into a broad social sphere that performs a number of following functions: social-adaptive function, personal development, social protection, function of creation and maintenance of sports culture (Lubysheva) (culture-creative function) and health-forming function (Balsevich).

A supplementary education institution like a sports school provides a special educational and training environment designed to solve a set of health-improving, educational, developmental and training tasks in accordance with the age characteristics of children and the stage of sports training. Moreover, the hierarchy of these tasks is specific for every child. According to E.E. Khvatskaia, «A successful athlete is the one who achieves the set goal (task), not the one who is better than another!» (Khvatskaia).

There are no trifles in introducing children and adolescents to sports activities. Everything around is nurturing. This includes technical, aesthetic and hygienic state of the sports facility, friendliness of the administration and support staff, professional competence and communication skills of the coach, the coach's moral qualities and appearance, the attitude to sport of parents and the child's immediate environment.

Behavioural strategies and success factors in children and youth sport are considered in the works of A.E. Loviagina (Loviagina), E.E. Khvatskaia (Khvatskaia), S. Platvoet, S., Pion, J., de Niet, M., Lenoir, M. (Platvoet). There have been identified links between motivation and physical activity in studies by Chanal, Cheval, Courvoisier, Paumier (Cha - nal). L.E. Kipp & N.D. Bolter focused on psychological needs and social responsibility of athletes (Kipp). The study of E. Wright, M.A. Chase, T.S. Horn & R.S. Vealey is devoted to the influence of parental upbringing style on the choice of sports specialization (Wright).

I.R. Andreeva, S.V. Babinovich, A. Iu. Skvortsy (Andreeva), A.A. Maltseva, I.G. Iurkova (Maltseva) studied the professionally significant qualities of children coaches.

V.E. Malgin studied the managerial competence of sports school managers (Malgin).

V.I. Stoliarov presents the methodology, methods and forms of realization of sports and humanistic project «SpArt», the main purpose of which is «to realize the cultural potential of sports, to bridge the gap between the spiritual and physical development of man» (Stoliarov, 1985, 1991, 1997).

However, the educational potential of the sports environment of supplementary education institutions in the theory and practice of children and youth sports has been studied insufficiently (Manzheley, 2020; Manzheley, Chayun, 2020).

It should be noted that sports activities and sports environment are not equivalent concepts. Sports activities are a generic and systemic factor for the sports environment. Moreover, the sports environment itself is much broader than the sports activities and can have its effects on people and their behaviour beyond the real «here and now» point of the sports activity. The children coach, who creates a unique sports environment, is often an example of moral behaviour for the athlete.

Theoretical framework

In general, the problem of the educational potential of the environment has a long tradition with the rise of its relevance being gradually replaced by criticism of methodological positions and oblivion. The most striking findings in Russian educational environment studies were made by P. Lesgaft, L. Tolstoy, S. Shatsky, K. Ushinsky. The issues of designing the educational environment are reflected in the works of O.S. Gazman, V.M. Drofa, M.V. Klarin, I.D. Frumin, V.A. Yasvin and others.

Interest in the problems of the environment's pedagogical potential has increased significantly due to the eco-psychological research (J. Gibson, O. Duncan, R. Barker, E. Willems, L. Schnore, etc.).

Proponents of ecological psychology, who argue that «the close attention of behaviourism to human behaviour, cognitive psychology - to man's mentality, and humanistic psychology - to the self, indicates one-sidedness in considering the problem of human development. The reason is that by changing human behaviour and personality, but leaving the situation or environment that caused the problem unchanged, we achieve only temporary success, which does not solve the problem fundamentally, so educating a person we should consider this person in conjunction with the environment (Smith, Barker).

While at the beginning of the 20th century the vision of the essence of the educational potential of the environment could be denoted by the formula «environmental impact» or in the form of a scheme «Subject - Environment - Object», where the pupil was seen as an object of direct and indirect pedagogical influence, today the essence of the educational potential of the environment corresponds to the formula «interaction with the environment» and a new scheme: «Subject - Environment - Subject». In this formula a teacher and a student are active subjects of building and mastering of an open, complex, non-equilibrium educational and training environment. This vision is linked to the system-synergetic approach in the methodology of science.

Statement of the problem

The research problem is related to the underdevelopment of theoretical and applied foundations for unlocking the educational potential of the sports environment of supplementary education institutions.


The aim of the study is to advance a methodology and methods to develop the educational potential of the sports environment of the educational organization. The secondary aim is to study the educational potential of the sports environment of supplementary education institutions, offering sports training programmes for skiers and biathletes in the Tyumen Oblast.

Research methods: theoretical analysis, generalization, online survey using structured questionnaires (Manzheley, 2020; Manzheley, Chayun, 2020).

The methodology of our approach is based on the ideas of environmental psychology, namely, on J. Gibson's theory of possibilities (Gibson), who wrote about the active position of the subject mastering his/her living environment («ecological world» according to Gibson) and on the eco-behavioural studies of R. Barker and E. Willems (Barker, Willems) who substantiated the existence of «behavioural settings» mediating human behaviour depending on the physical and social environment and, most importantly, on L.V. Zankov's theory of developmental learning (Zankov) whose starting point is the hypothesis of L.S. Vygotsky about the dynamic relationship between the processes of learning and development. V.V. Rubtsov's position is very significant from the methodological point of view. Rubtsov's position («a person also acts as an element of the environment for another person, influencing them with his or her attitudes and actions») is very remarkable methodologically (Rubtsov).

This is confirmed by P.F. Lesgaft (Les - gaft), who considered the environment as a determinant factor in the development of «individual and social» properties of a person, and by L.S. Vygotsky, who emphasized that «if the teacher is powerless to influence the student directly, he is all-powerful in mediating the influence on the student through the social environment» (Vygotsky).

Most often, education is understood as «purposeful creation of conditions and stimulation of human development, realization of human potential and internal reserves; the process of subject-subject interaction aimed at the development of certain personal qualities, set by various institutions of society» (Stepanov, Luzina).

Education in sport is the interaction between a coach and an athlete, focused on the development of general physical, motor and cognitive abilities and personal qualities of a child. Education, training, development and health improvement are interrelated processes, and all of them are not possible without the reflexive supervision of a coach, athlete, parent, administration and support staff in the sports environment of a supplementary education institution. The effectiveness of the educational process depends on how the sports environment is built.

By the sports environment of a supplementary education institution we mean a set of different conditions and opportunities contained in the spatial and social environment for physical and spiritual development of a child by means of sports activities.

The structure of sports environment, according to the eco-psychological approach of O. Duncan, L. Schnore (Smith), contains subjects (administrators, coaches, athletes, their parents), as well as spatial and subject components (sports facilities, equipment, tools), social and communicative components (values, traditions, standards, social interaction) and technological components (programmes, technologies, means, methods).

The main provisions of our concept are as follows:

• The sports environment of an educational institution is an ecocomplex where each subject (administrator, coach, athlete, parent, etc.) carries out a mission, using programmes and technologies, spatial and material elements, in the context of the system of sports values, ideals, traditions and constructive social relations for the purpose of physical and spiritual development of the child by means of mass sports.

• The sports environment is proactive, it creates conditions (behavioural settings) in which all the subjects display certain patterns of behaviour according to the physical environment, the sports rules and ethics.

• The subject is active by taking advantage of the opportunities provided by the sporting environment, building his/her own developmental trajectories through the choice of sports and the social environment.

• The coach is the centre of the child's environment, influencing him/her with attitude and activity, creating conditions for personal development and self-realisation.

• The controlling influence on the main parameters of the sports environment of a supplementary education institution can indirectly form sports needs and values, motor and cognitive abilities, spiritual and moral qualities of children and adolescents.

• An integrative criterion for realising the educational potential of a supplementary education institution's sports environment is matching the conditions and opportunities created with the child's needs for personal development and the requirements of the educational standard.

Consequently, the educational potential of the sports environment of supplementary education institutions is determined by the social relations within (developed sports traditions, ideals, values and norms; friendly relations between the administration, coaches, athletes, parents; extensive social ties), the content of the technological component (high level of programme-methodological and technological support; efficient use of human, material, technical, financial resources to solve the set of problems; introduction of a modern and innovative technology and methods) and the content of the spatial and material component (modern architecture, design of sports gyms, grounds and tracks; provision with quality equipment and implements; variety of sports symbols; relevant sanitary and hygienic conditions). Ultimately, this educational potential allows for high results in the sports reserve training, high quality of educational work and sports services rendered to the population.

The procedure for catalysing the educational potential of the sports environment of supplementary education institutions involves studying the socio-psychological characteristics of the subjects (coaches, athletes, parents, etc.) and the actual conditions of the sports environment (identifying critical points, reference positions and points of growth); improving the content of the technological component of the environment taking into account the requirements of the standard, the hierarchical set of sports needs of subjects and regional sports traditions; improving the spatial and material organisation of the sports environment, meeting the requirements of heterogeneity and complexity; connectivity of functional areas; flexibility and manageability; the symbolic function; and improving the social organisation of the sports environment, focused on the development of sports traditions, ideals, values; constructive interaction between its subjects and broad social connections.

At the first stage of the experimental work, we developed 4 types of questionnaires («manager», «coach», «athlete», «parent») to study the educational potential of the sports environment of supplementary education institutions. Each of questionnaires includes 9 blocks of questions aimed at studying the priority tasks and difficulties which a children coach and teenage athlete face; social and psychological characteristics of a children coach and teenage athlete (significant qualities and motivation in the eyes of the manager, coach, athletes and parents); the nature of educational interactions in the coach-athlete-parent triad; attitudes towards patriotism and doping among all actors in the sports environment; and parental satisfaction with the quality of sports services (Manzheley, 2020).

In 2020, we organised an anonymous online survey in sports schools in the Tyumen Oblast. All these schools realise training programmes in biathlon and cross-country skiing. We used structured questionnaires for managers (12 people), coaches (71 people), teenage athletes (684 people) and their parents (473 people). The sample consisted of 1189 respondents aged from 10 to 69.

Let us present the individual results of the study. Analysis of the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents showed that men predominate among managers and coaches (83% and 65% respectively) and women predominate among parents of athletes (81%). The majority of adults who participated in the survey are between 30 and 49 years old, namely: managers - 75%, coaches - 47%, parents - 92%. 100% of managers, 80% of coaches and 67% of parents of athletes have higher education. 25% of managers and 27% of coaches have up to 5 years of experience in the industry, while 33% of managers and 38% of coaches have over 20 years of experience.

According to United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) terminology, teenagers are individuals aged 10-19 years (early adolescence: 10-14 years; late adolescence: 15-19 years). Analysis of the socio-demographic characteristics of the athletes interviewed showed that 55% were male. The number of athletes involved in biathlon and cross-country skiing in the Tyumen Oblast is higher in early adolescence (63%) than in late adolescence (37%).

The survey results show that children biathlon and cross-country coaches in their work pay the most attention to solving tasks of physical (100%) and technical (100%) training of sportsmen, maintaining a favourable climate in the team (98%) and building the attitude to success (96%). Coaches have difficulties in solving material and technical tasks (46%), in involving parents in the educational process (44%), in developing cognitive processes (38%) and in the formation of operational and tactical thinking of athletes (30%).

The analysis of professionally significant qualities of an ideal children coach from the perspective of four subjects (coaches, teenage athletes, parents and managers) showed that all respondents highly value responsibility, diligence, discipline, fairness and conscientiousness of a children coach, while attaching the least importance to neatness and patriotism, which received scores of 7.8 and 8.0 on the 10-point scale (Figure 1). Moreover, perseverance is more significant for male coaches and fairness is more significant for female coaches. In addition, fairness for children's coaches is more valued by 10-14-year-olds, and with age athletes prefer the diligence of the coach. Technical, tactical, methodical and psychological competence of children coaches is valued more highly by parents than by coaches themselves and athletes. Male parents pay more attention than other respondents to the broad range of interests and women to the physical preparedness of the children coach. On the whole, athletes and parents are quite demanding towards child trainers, as all scores on the 10-point rating scale have a value of more than 7.9 (athletes) and more than 8.8 (parents). At the same time, coaches are more demanding than athletes and parents, and heads of educational institutions are more critical in assessing coaches than all other subjects.

The study of satisfaction with professional activity of coaches has shown that 100% of male and 96% of female coaches are satisfied with their choice of profession and relations with students (100%); 61% of men and 68% of women are satisfied with their own achieve-

Figure 1. Significant qualities of the children coach (opinion of coaches, athletes, parents, school leaders)

Notes: Significant qualities of the children coach: 1 - responsibility, 2 - hard work, 3 - fairness, 4 - purposefulness, 5 - conscientiousness, 6 - discipline, 7 - technical and tactical competence, 8 - benevolence, 9 - psychological competence, 10 - decisiveness, 11 - self-control, 12 - methodological competence, 13 - openness to experience, 14 - sociability, 15 - initiative approach, 16 - persistence, 17 - broad-mindedness, 18 - physical fitness, 19 - accuracy, 20 - patriotism; m - male, f - femalements, while 54% of men and 72% of women coaches are satisfied with the salary

The most frequently cited difficulties and reasons for failures at competitions are lack of physical fitness, as indicated by teenage athletes. Moreover, boys of 10-14 years old named «lack of competitive experience» and girls - «fear of failure at competitions» as the next difficulties in the rank, while boys and girls of 15-19 years old note insufficient technical and psychological preparedness.

The analysis of the weighty qualities of the teenage athlete from the perspective of the three subjects (coaches, teenage athletes and parents) showed that the respondents' opinions coincide, as regards the list of most significant qualities (determination, diligence, responsibility, discipline) and less significant ones (neatness, patriotism and self-criticism - all above 7.9 points) (Figure 2). However, female coaches and parents attach more importance to diligence, whereas male coaches - to determination and perseverance. In the hierarchy of important qualities in teenage athletes, diligence begins to take the leading position with age, competing with determination, which is especially char acteristic of young men. Parents place higher demands on a successful teenage athlete than athletes and coaches do themselves.

The survey results show that over 90% of coaches, teenage athletes, their parents and sports school administrators believe doping is cheating and support doping-free sport (Figure 3). At the same time, 50-60% of respondents agree that doping is prevalent in sport, and 4062% agree that it enhances performance. And 81% of respondents are convinced that doping is harmful to health and that athletes should be aware of doping threats. The overall picture shows a generally favourable picture for doping prevention, but it needs to be systematised in order to build the moral conscience of coaches and athletes, as well as knowledge and experience in the use of pharmacological support that is acceptable in sport.

All respondents mentioned the following as the main activities aimed at improving athletes' training: inviting outstanding athletes to meetings (over 92%), creating a sports glory museum (over 79%), organizing psychological counselling (over 75%), improving awareness of the subjects and holding open classes.

Figure 2. Significant quaLities of the successful teenage athLete (opinion of coaches, athletes, parents)

Notes: Significant quaLities of the successfuL teenage athLete: 1 - purposefuLness, 2 - hard work, 3 - responsibiLity, 4 - discipLine, 5 - physicaL fitness, 6 - decisiveness, 7 - conscientiousness, 8 - independence, 9 - psychoLogicaL competence, 10 - openness to experience, 11 - fairness, 12 - persistence, 13 - benevoLence, 14 - sociability, 15 - technicaL and tacticaL competence, 16 - methodological competence, 17 - broad-mindedness, 18 - accuracy, 19 - patriotism, 20 - self-criticism; m - male, f - female

educational sports training

Figure 4. Parental satisfaction with the quality of the sports school services

Notes: Parental answers about satisfaction with the quality of the sports school services: 1 - professionalism and sociability of coaches, 2 - the friendliness of the administrator, 3 - the friendliness of the support staff, 4 - the availability of pricing policy, 5 - sanitary and hygienic conditions, 6 - information support of the sports school, 7 - the opportunity of parents to choose simultaneous classes for themselves

Teenage athletes and their parents, regardless of the area of residence in the Tyumen Oblast, most often consider themselves patriots of the family, then the country and the town. However, athletes in the South of the Tyumen Oblast and 82% of girls aged 15-19 consider themselves more patriotic of the educational institution than of the settlement, which indicates the results of patriotic education in the sports school.

An analysis of parental satisfaction with the quality of sports school services shows that parents of male (94%) and female (95%) athletes are satisfied with the professionalism and sociability of the coaches, the friendliness of the administration (87% of men and 91% of women), the friendliness of the teaching staff (87% of men and 90% of women) and the flexibility and affordability of the pricing (86% of men and 89% of women) (Figure 4). Slightly fewer parents (80-84%) are satisfied with sanitary and hygienic conditions, information support for school activities and choice of simultaneous activities for themselves. Consequently, 20% of parents would like to practise sports together with their children, but the sports school does

The educational potential of the sports environment of an educational organization is an integrative concept defined by sports values and a set of conditions and opportunities available in this environment for holistic physical and spiritual development of a child by means of sports activities.

In order to unlock the educational potential of the sports environment of educational organisations, it is necessary to study the characteristics of the subjects and the actual conditions of its functioning, and then to improve the technological, spatial and social components, taking into account the needs of the subjects, the requirements of the standard and sports traditions of the region.

As a result of the study of the educational potential of the sports environment of supplementary education institutions, implementing sports training programs in biathlon and crosscountry skiing in the Tyumen Oblast, we have identified critical points, reference positions and points of growth.

The critical points are: non-satisfactory state of the material and technical base of some sports schools; lack of psychological and medical support; insufficient satisfaction of coaches with their salaries; narrow range of physical

References education and sports services, which does not allow parents to choose classes to do something parallel to their children's training; lack of systematic work on patriotic and anti-doping education of teenage athletes.

The following have been identified as the reference points: high motivation of teenage athletes; high satisfaction of coaches with their choice of profession and relations with students; desire of coaches to learn and educate themselves; desire of parents to participate in the life of sports schools; availability of sports traditions, values and benchmarks.

The points of growth could be the collective use of the existing facilities in the region; increasing the capacity of sports facilities; communication marketing and social partnership to attract funding from sponsors; providing social benefits and increasing the salaries of children coaches; organizing psychological counselling for coaches, children and parents; expanding the range of sports services by organizing classes for parents in the yard-park zone; applying the mechanism of discounts and free admission to sports facilities for low - income categories of citizens (schoolchildren from large families, disabled persons, pensioners, etc.).

The results of the research have formed the basis for the development and implementation of a project to improve the technological, spatial, material and social components of the sports environment in order to catalyse and advance its educational potential.


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