Higher education in Ukraine during war

Ensuring the quality of education in Ukraine during the period of hostilities. Transferring training to distance learning platforms, using interactive multimedia technologies. Improving the safety of teachers and students. Control of knowledge level.

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Дата добавления 19.03.2024
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Zaporizhzhya State Medical University

Higher education in Ukraine during war

Ivanchenko O.Z. PhD (Biology) Associate Professor

of the Department Medical physics, biophysics and higher mathematics,

Lurie K.I. PhD (Medicine) Associate Professor

of the Department of medical catastrophes,

military medicine and neurosurgery,

Melnikova O. Z. PhD (Biology) Associate Professor

of the Department Medical physics, biophysics and higher mathematics



The article covers the definition of several problems that arose in society and higher education in Ukraine since the beginning of the war. Several scientific publications were analyzed to determine the most optimal organization for continuous education.

Key words: education during war, continuity of education, security.


Высшее образование в Украине во время войны

Иванченко О.З.

Доцент кафедры медицинской физики, биофизики и высшей математики, кандидат биологических наук Запорожский государственный медицинский университет, Украина

Лурье К.И.

Доцент кафедры медицинских катастроф, военной медицины и нейрохирургии, кандидат медицинских наук Запорожский государственный медицинский университет, Украина

Мельникова О.З.

Доцент кафедры медицинской физики, биофизики и высшей математики, кандидат биологических наук Запорожский государственный медицинский университет, Украина

В статье дается определение нескольким проблемам, которые возникли в обществе и высшем образовании Украины с начала войны. Были проанализированы несколько научных публикаций для определения наиболее оптимальной организации непрерывного образования.

Ключевые слова: образование во время войны, непрерывность образования, безопасность.

The senseless aggression and invasion of the Russians on the territory of Ukraine brought great grief to our country, to every family, as well as brought negative corrections to the personal life of every person and the state as a whole. An endless number of problems, in education in particular, which arose with the beginning of the war, must be solved against the background of aggression, which has been going on for almost a year. The Government of Ukraine and the entire society recognize that education at all levels is a factor of national resistance and stability, a priority issue among many that have arisen in today's conditions. Modern education in Ukraine has faced a huge range of problems, among which, unfortunately, there is even a threat to the physical survival of the participants of the educational process on the one hand, and on the other - the organization of quality education, the preservation of all the experience gained before and during the war.

Occupiers are destroying critical infrastructure facilities, residential buildings, hospitals, various educational and scientific institutions, schools, kindergartens, libraries. As a result of brutal aggression, the civilian population is forced to leave their homes, cities, and villages in order to save their lives. Almost 13 million Ukrainians left their homes and became forced migrants. Among them, there are many students, and teachers of higher educational institutions. «According to the survey conducted from June to August 2022 by the Ministry of Education and Science, more than 70% of higher education institutions reported that up to 30% of their students were internally displaced persons or evacuated abroad» [1,3].

This survey also states that the situation is the same for teachers of higher education institutions. According to [1], almost 30% of teachers evacuated. But at the beginning of the academic year, most teachers of higher educational institutions returned to their teaching duties and research work in their educational institutions. At the same time, for various reasons, about 2,000 scientists were unable to continue their activities after February 24, and 63 educational institutions reported a lack of teachers [1].

Till today, 2,532 educational institutions have already been damaged as a result of bombing and shelling by the Russian occupiers, and more than 45 universities have been destroyed. There are 12 universities in the temporarily occupied territories [1 -3]. According to the data presented in the research [1], there have been 282 higher education institutions in Ukraine at the beginning of the war and 30 of them were temporarily relocated from areas where active hostilities are taking place and from temporarily occupied territories.

But the main tragedy of our Ukraine forever will be the huge number of people who died innocently in this crazy war, which by the standards of a civilized society should never have occurred. There are still no reliable, complete data on the number of killed, maimed, and those who have disappeared. The war continues and one day we will have to see these tragic figures and be horrified by a catastrophe that has happened on our land.

The war will definitely end, and the economy, healthcare, and education will be rebuilt in Ukraine thanks to the knowledge and skills of our youth. Therefore, there is an understanding that supporting educational processes at the highest level is a priority for our state, as well as for states that have recognized that Russia is committing aggression. Friendly countries help Ukraine in all spheres, in particular, in the field of education. Many European higher education institutions have shown support for our youth. The Baltic countries, Poland, the Czech Republic, and many more countries have offered different options for studies there. But, along with that, many students and their parents choose to study in Ukraine, so the educational process must be organized at the highest level of quality and safety.

Ukrainian scientists [4] are studying the recommendations of international and non-governmental organizations on ensuring the educational process during military conflicts. The article [4] analyzes more than forty sources of information. The safety and protection of all participants in the educational process are above all else. Therefore, the international community has developed numerous guidelines, and standards, the implementation of which guarantees «the protection and continuity of education during emergencies and military operations at all levels. It is the continuity of education that is decisive for deterring further violence and preventing any aggravation of the crisis» [4]. An equally important condition for learning is that educational institutions should remain a safe place for pupils, teachers, students, and professors. For the continuation of the educational process and based on the conditions of military operations, there is a variation of formats that educators can consider in each specific situation. «Ensuring the continuation of the learning process means providing education in another way, due to which students will have access to learning, regardless of the interruption of the traditional learning process, in particular, the possible use of distance learning methods» [4]. The form of the training process is determined by military administrations and may be changed during the year. Currently, all educational institutions have autonomy in the organization of the educational process. Therefore, decisions on the form of work of teachers are made by the heads of higher educational institutions [1]. A mandatory condition for face-to-face training is the provision of there quired number and quality of sheltered accommodations. According to [1], at the beginning of the academic year, only 9% of higher education institutions started studying offline, and 54% used a mixed form of education. education ukraine distance student learning

In the sphere of higher education and scientific research, European governments, donor organizations, and civil societies of friendly countries, which strongly condemned the invasion of the Russian Federation and expressed solidarity with our state and its people, provide Ukraine with enormous support. The statements were later followed mainly by actions in the form of EU sanctions against Russia, as well as specific measures with a wide range of initiatives for students and scientists.

In the report [5] it is noted that the online format of education is safer in modern conditions, and in addition, this form of education allows students who were forced to leave abroad to study, and communicate with their classmates and friends who remained in the country. Another category of students who were forced to leave our country is foreign students who returned home and wish to continue their studies in Ukraine. The authors believe that during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, a great deal of distance learning experience has been gained in Ukraine and throughout the world. Therefore, such a training format can be optimal in modern conditions.

Analyzing modern studies on the organization of education during war, we can conclude that the education system adapted to the emergency. Prolonged war affects the quality of education [6]. Many of the teachers and students are in a state of stress, and psychological trauma, which complicates teaching and learning, which, as a result, endangers the post-conflict recovery of society and the economy. Therefore, education in Ukraine in the whole world needs special protection [6].


1. The organization of the educational process during war requires the comprehensive attention and efforts from all its participants.

2. In wartime, the safety of all participants in the educational process should be a priority, which can be ensured by organizing training in the online format, which was widely used during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the transition to a mixed format of training under certain conditions determined by the administration of higher education institutions, taking into account all norms and safety requirements.


[1] Impact of the War on Higher Education in Ukraine [E-resource]. Access mode:https://pon.org.ua/info-english/engnews/9820-impact-of-the-war-on-higher- education-in-ukraine.html

[2] Education and war in Ukraine (February 24-April 1, 2022) [E-resource]. Access mode: https://cedos.org.ua//researches/osvita-i-vijna-v-ukrayini-24-lyutogo-1 -kvitnya

[3] Education: Impact of the War in Ukraine [E-resource]. Access mode: https://reliefweb.int/report/ukraine/education-impact-war-ukraine-may-2022

[4] Organization of education during war: Recommendations of international organizations [E-resource]. Access mode: https://doi.org/10.32405/2411 -1317-2022-2-5-18

[5] Impact of the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine on the Ukrainian higher education sector. BRIEFING.[E-resource]. Access mode: https://eua.eu/component/attachments/attachments.html?id=3650

[6] Marston J.Ukraine Points Up the Threat to Education During War. [E-resource]. Access mode: https://www.ipsnews.net/2022/06/ukraine-points-up-the-threat-to-education-during-war/

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