Foreign experience of border police specialists’ professional training at educational institutions of Hungary and Slovakia
The foreign experience of border guards’ professional training of the Hungarian and Slovak Republics. It is determined that the professional training of border guard specialists in these countries has a number of common and distinctive features.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.04.2024 |
Размер файла | 406,7 K |
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Foreign experience of border police specialists' professional training at educational institutions of Hungary and Slovakia
Heorhii Artiushyn
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Management and Information and Analytical Support of Operational and Service Activities of the Strategic
Communications Center, Educational and Scientific Institute of Information Security and Strategic
National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
PhD in Education, docent, senior researcher, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
The article presents the foreign experience of border guards' professional training of the Hungarian and Slovak Republics. It is determined that the professional training of border guard specialists in these countries has a number of common and distinctive features. In both countries, the first stage of professional training is the ensuring of basic and specialized secondary education: at the Secondary Vocational School of the Police Corps in Kosice (Slovakia) and at the Police Training School in Szeged (Hungary). Basic training of police sergeants in Hungary lasts 6 weeks (without branching into specializations) and specialized training in border policing lasts 10 months. In Slovakia, this category of personnel is trained for 10 months, but the training is carried out directly in the border police specialization. Training for non-commissioned officers in Hungary lasts 2 years, while in Slovakia it takes 6 weeks. Another difference is that in Hungary, border guards are trained only on a full-time basis, while in Slovakia they are educated both on a full-time and part-time basis. The professional training of future officers in both countries at the first level of higher education currently lasts 3 years and is carried out in the border police specialization. However, it should be noted that the Hungarian Police Training Academy provides higher education for its border guards only at the first level of higher education. The Academy of the Slovakian Police provides a three-level higher education. Training at a Slovak departmental higher education institution is available on a full-time or part-time basis, in the Hungarian one - only full-time. What is also common to border guard specialists from the above-mentioned countries is that, as part of lifelong learning, they have the opportunity for professional development through specialized courses and trainings organized at training centers and secondary vocational schools in their respective countries lasting 2-3 months. Border guards can also improve their skills by studying at other law enforcement educational institutions, in particular at specialized integrated border security courses held at the Central European Police Academy (MEPA). Thus, the results of the study of the training systems of Slovak and Hungarian border guards give grounds to conclude that the state policy on border guards training in these countries is being implemented quite effectively, and the organization of their border guards' professional training ensures high-quality education of personnel of various categories, as well as lifelong learning (both during the fulfillment of official duties and within the framework of advanced training courses organized at the national and international levels).
Keywords: professional training; educational programs; Border Police; professional education; future border guards; European Union countries; foreign experience; comparative analysis
Артюшин Г.,Морозов С.,Грішко-Дунаєвська В.
У статті представлено закордонний досвід професійної підготовки прикордонників в Угорській та Словацькій Республіках. Визначено, що професійна підготовка фахівців з охорони кордонів у цих державах має низку спільних та відмінних особливостей. В обох країнах першим етапом професійної підготовки є надання базової та спеціалізованої середньої освіти: у Середній професійній школі ПК у місті Кошице (Словаччина) та у Школі підготовки поліцейських у м. Сегед (Угорщина). Зокрема, базова підготовка поліцейських сержантського складу в Угорщині триває 6 тижнів (без розгалуження на спеціалізації) та спеціалізована за прикордонною спеціалізацією - 10 місяців. У Словаччині цю категорію персоналу навчають 10 місяців, але підготовка здійснюється одразу за прикордонною спеціальністю. Підготовка унтер-офіцерського складу в Угорщині проводиться 2 роки, у Словаччині - 6 тижнів. Відмінним також є те, що в Угорщині навчання прикордонників здійснюється лише за денною формою навчання, у Словаччині - за денною і заочною формами навчання. Професійна підготовка майбутніх офіцерів обох країн за першим рівнем освіти триває 3 роки та здійснюється за прикордонною спеціалізацією. Проте необхідно зазначити, що в Академії підготовки поліцейських Угорщини вищу освіту прикордонникам забезпечує заклад лише на першому рівні вищої освіти. В Академії ПК Словаччини ж надається триступенева вища освіта. Підготовка у словацькому відомчому вищому навчальному закладі здійснюється за денною або заочною формою навчання. В угорському - тільки за денною формою навчання. Спільним для фахівців з охорони кордону вищезгаданих держав також є те, що в рамках навчання протягом життя для них передбачена можливість професійного розвитку шляхом проходження спеціалізованих курсів та тренінгів, що організовуються на базі навчальних центрів та шкіл на території своїх держав тривалістю 2-3 місяці. Прикордонники теж можуть підвищити свою кваліфікацію шляхом навчання в інших правоохоронних навчальних закладах, зокрема на спеціалізованих інтегрованих курсах безпеки кордону, що проводяться на базі Центральноєвропейської поліцейської академії. Результати дослідження систем підготовки словацьких та угорських прикордонників дають підстави для висновку, що державна політика щодо підготовки фахівців з охорони кордону в цих країнах реалізується досить ефективно, а організація професійної підготовки їх прикордонників забезпечує якісну освіту персоналу різних категорій, а також навчання упродовж життя (як під час виконання службових обов'язків, так і в рамках курсів підвищення кваліфікації, організованих на національному та міжнародному рівнях).
Ключові слова: професійна підготовка; освітні програми; Прикордонна поліція; професійна освіта; майбутні прикордонники; країни Європейського Союзу; зарубіжний досвід; компаративний аналіз.
Problem statement. In the framework of the Concept for the Military Education System Transformation, tasks for the Armed Forces and other components of the defense forces (including the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine) are specified. Thus, one of the tasks is to create a multi-level system of professional military education in accordance with NATO standards, best domestic and foreign practices, own experience of combat operations, ensuring the implementation of the principle of “Education throughout the military career”, as well as accelerating the process of introducing modern information, information and communication technologies and distance learning technologies [1]. At the same time, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine' (hereinafter - SBGSU) Development Strategy defines the task of the agency to enhance the training system, which involves the implementation of European standards in the SBGSU personnel training system, ensuring the experience exchange with educational institutions of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and the EU member states [2]. In turn, this requires updating the professional training system for future border guard specialists, taking into account NATO, EU standards and progressive foreign experience in implementing modern educational technologies to ensure a high level of professional competence and the ability of border guards to develop professionally. In particular, we will review the peculiarities of professional training of border guards abroad on the example of Hungary and Slovakia. These countries are of interest due to their geographical location, adjacent borders with Ukraine, and the implementation of best European practices by the border guard agencies of these countries. professional training educational program
Analysis of recent research and publications. The results of the scientific sources analysis on the research problem indicate that the experience of professional training of border guards in educational institutions of the EU and NATO countries has been revealed by a number of domestic and foreign scholars: I. Bloshchynskyi [3]-[6], O. Nitenko [7], O. Didenko [8], [9], O. Hamaziuk [10]--[12], I. Isaieva [13], N. Bidiuk [14], J. Dzerwiniks [15], K. Kralikova, L. Surma [16], K. Markova [17], L. Gasperik [18] and others. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the border guards professional training at educational establishments of Hungary and Slovakia.
Hungarian and Slovak Republics have been full members of the European Union since May 1, 2004. Ukraine shares a 97.8 km border with Slovakia and 136.7 km with Hungary. Since joining the Schengen area, border guards from these countries stopped guarding internal European borders and continue to perform tasks only on the external EU border bordering Ukraine.
Let's take a closer look at the specifics of the Hungarian border guards' professional training. In Hungary, since 2008, the Hungarian National Police (Hungarian: Magyar Koztarsasag Rendorsege), which includes the Border Police, has been responsible for state border protection and border control. The government manages the police through the Ministry of the Interior, which is headed by the National Police Commissioner (Hungarian: orszagos rendorfokapitany) [19]. The organizational structure consists of a central office, district (city) police departments, police stations and border police stations [20].
The Hungarian National Police (hereinafter - the HNP) is an armed law enforcement agency of the state. Through various specialized units and departments, it protects and controls Hungary's borders. These units are focused on border surveillance, border crossing, immigration control, customs enforcement, and combating cross-border crime. The Hungarian Border Police is a separate unit within the HNP that specializes in border management and control. It is responsible for protecting Hungary's borders, controlling border crossings, preventing illegal migration, detecting and combating cross-border crime.
The Border Guard Agency works in coordination with other state agencies, such as the Customs and Tax Authorities, to ensure the integrated protection of the Hungarian borders and the country as a whole. Employees of these agencies receive special training and have access to different tools and technologies to perform their duties effectively. The Border Police also cooperates at the departmental level with other law enforcement agencies and international partners, in particular the border guard agencies of the European Union member states and international organizations, in order to maintain and enhance border security and counteract cross-border and transnational threats.
The Hungarian Border Police is recruited exclusively on a contractual basis. Candidates interested in joining the Hungarian Border Police usually have to meet certain criteria, which may include age restrictions, educational background, physical fitness standards, citizenship requirements, etc. Potential border police officers usually undergo a rigorous recruitment process that may include written exams, interviews, physical training tests, medical examinations, and background checks. The purpose of the recruitment process is to evaluate the suitability of candidates for this demanding role.
Staff training, retraining and advanced training is organized by the Police Training and Retraining Center, which is directly subordinated to the Police Training Academy, which include two schools: The Police Training School in Adyiliget and the Police Training School in Szeged (Figure 1). The Police Training School in Szeged specializes in the training of border guards at the sergeant and non-commissioned officer level and is responsible for initial police training, specialized training of police officers, including border police specialists, and continuing professional development programs.
To enter the above-mentioned School, future border guard specialists must meet the following requirements: Hungarian citizenship; age 18 to 55; no criminal record; at least basic education; good health, physical and psychological fit.
Figure 1. Organizational structure of police education for border guards in Hungary
The Police Training School in Szeged, which includes the Border Police Training Center, offers applicants education under the Basic Police Training program. The training lasts for 2 months (120 hours) and is conducted on a full-time basis. Upon completion of the training, the students are classified as “probationary” police specialists and can serve under contract in the Hungarian law enforcement agencies. During basic police training, recruits receive a comprehensive education that covers various aspects of police work, including law enforcement, public safety, criminal investigations, and community policing. The training includes both theoretical classes and practical exercises aimed at developing the skills and knowledge necessary for police work [21]. The basic police training curriculum includes training in the following areas: legal framework, police procedures, interpersonal communication, first aid, self-defense techniques, firearms training, as well as border control, emergency response, traffic management, etc. Recruits also undergo physical training to ensure that they are physically fit to perform their duties.
Specialized training for lower-level Hungarian border guards is also carried out on a full-time basis and lasts 10 months (without basic vocational education), including internships at police stations in accordance with the Border Guard and Passport Control curriculum in the Police and Civil Protection specialty (1032 “Protection of persons and property” according to the Unified Classification of Vocational Education). The training consists of four components: basic training (6 weeks, 198 hours); border service (18 weeks, 524 hours); internship in specialization (4+8 weeks, 146+320 hours); passport control (4 weeks) [22].
Specialized training includes disciplines specifically focused on border control and border management. The curriculum covers various aspects related to border security, law enforcement, immigration control, customs procedures, crisis management and physical training. The institution has several training centers located throughout Hungary to provide practical training for border guard recruits. These include specialized training ranges, simulation centers, shooting ranges and classrooms for theoretical training. During the training period, cadets are introduced to the legal framework related to border control, obtain knowledge of border surveillance (border guard service) and border control procedures, develop communication skills and undergo physical training to prepare them for the demands of their duties. They learn border control procedures, immigration and customs legislation, communication techniques, risk assessment, crisis management and other relevant topics. The training includes both lecture classes and practical exercises to ensure that recruits receive the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their duties effectively. Practical training may include simulations, role-playing games, field exercises, and internships at real border crossing points. After successful completion of the training, the learner will be qualified to work as a patrol police officer in public order police units, traffic police, border police or operational units.
It is important to note that the training of junior level border guards in Hungary is a continuing process. After successful completion of the training program, junior level border guards are assigned to different border crossing points where they continue their on-the-job training and gain practical experience under the supervision of more experienced officers. Practical training may include observing experienced staff, participating in border patrols, and observing border control operations. In general, they have the opportunity to improve their skills throughout their careers in order to keep up to date with changes in legislation, technology and border control practices.
Also, the Police Training School in Szeged offers a two-year full-time professional training based on a certificate of complete secondary education to obtain the qualification of “Police Officer” at the level of non-commissioned officer (junior officer) with the identification number 510321803 in the professional register. The qualification entitles police officers to hold positions that correspond to the classification class of deputy commander [23].
The requirements for candidates include, among other things, being 18 years old at the beginning of the academic year (but not more than 25 years old), Hungarian citizenship, permanent residence in Hungary, no criminal record, and professional experience. The admission decision is based on the results of a school literacy test (for candidates who are not eligible for credit for previous studies), the results of aptitude tests and the results of a CV check.
Higher education for future border guard officers is provided by the Police Training Academy, namely the Law Enforcement Faculty. It provides three-year (and, according to this year's program, four-year) bachelor's degree training for police officers in the specialty of Police Science, specializing in Public Order Protection, Border Police, or Criminal Investigation [24]. The training is provided on a full-time basis in accordance with the Law Enforcement curriculum.
Applicants can apply if they have already served at the time of admission. Entrance requirements: the person has not reached the age of 30 in the year of admission; the person is professional police officer; the person has been a non-commissioned officer for at least 2 years since obtaining the qualification. In addition to the current admission requirements, an optional condition is to pass an exam of increased difficulty in one of the entrance subjects.
The maximum number of places in the bachelor's program is 46 (17 for Criminal Investigation, 17 for Public Order and 12 for Border Police). Candidates will then be invited to a motivational interview, the exact time and place of which will be announced in writing. Based on the applications received, future applicants will be selected by the National Contest Commission. In this case, representatives of the NPU Main Directorate will subsequently notify the successful applicants of their admission and sign a training contract with them. After three years of training, applicants for education will receive a higher police qualification in accordance with their diplomas and will be appointed to police positions in the specialty they have acquired.
The specialized program “Training of Border Guard Officers” provides comprehensive training in various aspects of border control, law enforcement and security operations. It includes theoretical lectures, practical exercises, simulations, and field training to provide learners with the necessary knowledge and skills. The program covers such subjects as Border Security, Immigration Law, Customs Procedures, Crisis Management, Risk Assessment, Language Training, International Cooperation and Physical Training.
In addition, the Academy offers specialized courses and programs for border guard officers' career development, such as Training in Leadership, Border Management, Advanced Law Enforcement Methods, and Specialized Border Control Skills.
Border guards are also trained by the Central European Police Academy, which is located in Hungary, that offers short- and long-term courses for police and border guard professionals for a number of countries (Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia and Slovenia), including a Specialized Integrated Border Security Course (7 weeks) and language courses (preparatory - 500-550 hours; advanced - 4 weeks).
These educational institutions, together with other specialized training centers and institutions, provide Hungarian border guards with the comprehensive and specialized training that is necessary for the effective fulfillment of their duties and responsibilities.
The border guards' professional training in Slovakia has both similarities and differences compared to the training in Hungary.
Thus, the Slovak border agency - the Bureau of the Border and Alien Police (hereinafter referred to as the Bureau) (Slovak: Urad hranicnej a cudzineckej policie) - is organizationally part of the Presidium of the Police Corps (hereinafter referred to as the PC), which is subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior. It performs tasks in the field of controlling the borders of the Slovak Republic and, respectively, the external borders of Europe, giving residence permits to foreigners, as well as in the field of migration and asylum, etc. [10].
The training, retraining and advanced training of policemen are organized by the Centre for Education and Psychology of the PC, which consists of two departments (Police Education Department and Service Psychology Department), which provide education for PC specialists and a comprehensive system of psychological assistance to police officers and civil servants. Promotion of Slovak border guards is possible only after completing additional training [25].
The Academy of the PC, which provides higher education for future officers, and three secondary vocational schools in the cities of Bratislava, Pezinok, and Kosice are subordinated to the Center (Figure 2). It is the latter of these schools that is legally defined as the Border Police Training Center and is responsible for the initial training of border guard specialists and their s ecialized training.
Figure 2. Organizational structure of police education for border guards in Slovakia
The Bureau is staffed (as in Hungary) exclusively on a contractual basis by Slovak citizens. Requirements for admission to the service: age under 21, no criminal record, a certain level of education, physical fitness, physical and psychological health, knowledge of the Slovak language, permanent residence in the country. As of May 1, 2004, military service is no longer a prerequisite for joining the Police Corps. The recruitment procedure begins with the submission of an application for service by a citizen. To assess suitability for service in the PC, a citizen undergoes a test of knowledge of the state language, a psychodiagnostic examination, a medical examination, and a physical fitness test [12].
In comparison, the basic and specialized training of Slovak border guard specialists (sergeants and junior officers) is like the Hungarian training model. However, unlike the latter, the duration of the Basic Police Training program (which is carried out in the specialization of Border and Alien Police) lasts 10 months, and the specialized training program lasts 6 weeks. At the same time, the training process also includes both theoretical and practical components.
Another difference is that in Hungary, education is only available on a full-time basis, while in Slovakia, students can study both full-time and part-time. The total amount of the specified curriculum can be: 1234 hours of study - for training of police officers in preparatory or temporary service; 1500 hours - for training of police officers in the civil service as a cadet. Specialized professional training for future border police officers is carried out under the educational program “Specialized Police Training” in the specialization “Border Police”. The total amount of this curriculum is 220 academic hours. The training ends with a final exam in professional disciplines. Upon completion of the educational program, the student receives a certificate of complete secondary vocational education (ISCED 4A level) and specialized police education and is eligible to serve in the basic units of the PC Bureau, at border crossing points and international airports, as well as to supervise the work of referents or senior referents.
Higher vocational education for future border guard officers of the Slovak Republic is provided only at the Academy of the PC in Bratislava. In the same city, there is also a language institution of higher education, with which the police authority has concluded an agreement to teach its border guards the Ukrainian language. In Slovakia, unlike Hungary, education is provided to future managers at all three levels of education. The bachelor's degree program is Law Enforcement Protection of Persons and Property (specialty Border and Alien Police) and lasts 3 years on a full-time basis, just like in a Hungarian university. Upon graduation, students receive a bachelor's degree diploma. Graduates of the Border and Alien Police program receive a professional qualification of a border guard (SKR level 6) and the right to serve in the basic units of the Bureau as a border guard at the middle and senior management positions [10].
At the master's level, border guard officers study under the Law Enforcement Protection of Persons and Property program. The training period is 2 years for full-time students and 3 years for part-time students. The selection of the border guard specialization takes place at the end of the first semester of the first academic year. The total amount of the educational program is 120 ECTS credits. Upon completion of the study program, cadets receive the title of master and the right to hold senior positions in the units of the Border Police of the PC at the middle and senior management level. There is no border guard specialty at the doctoral level. The training is carried out under the Law Enforcement Protection of Persons and Property program and lasts 3 years in full-time and 4 years in part-time education, respectively. The applicant must defend a research work and pass an examination to obtain the PhD degree.
The Academy of the PC and the Secondary Vocational School of the PC in Kosice in the framework of lifelong learning also offer advanced training or retraining courses, including those for specialists of the Border and Alien Police. They usually last for 2-3 months and can be conducted in full-time, part-time or combined form of education.
The Hungarian and the Slovak Republics are member states of the Schengen area and the European Community. Membership in the European Union has had a significant impact on the organization of state border protection in these countries, as well as the formation of their border agencies. In both countries, the functions of protecting the state border are entrusted to the Border Police, which is organizationally part of the police authorities of the countries.
Special attention was paid to the foreign experience of professional training of Hungarian and Slovak border guards. A number of common and distinctive features of professional training of border protection specialists in these countries have been substantiated.
In both countries, the first stage of professional training is the provision of basic and specialized secondary education: at the Secondary Vocational School of the PC in Kosice (Slovakia) and at the Police Training School in Szeged (Hungary). The duration of the first stage of training in the countries is approximately the same (1, 2 years), although there are some differences:
basic training in Hungary lasts only 6 weeks and has no branching into specializations; in Slovakia, it lasts 10 months, but training is carried out directly in a border guard specialty.
specialized training for non-commissioned officers in Hungary lasts 10 months, for non-commissioned officers (junior officers) - 2 years, while in Slovakia it lasts 6 weeks for the category of future warrant officers and junior lieutenants.
in Hungary, border guards are trained only on a full-time basis, while in Slovakia they are trained on a full-time and part-time basis.
The second stage of training for future officers in the above countries is higher education. The similar feature is that the first level of higher education in both countries currently lasts 3 years. At the same time, there are also a number of distinguished peculiarities:
at the Police Training Academy of Hungary, higher education for border guards is provided only at the first level of higher education. The Slovak Police Academy provides three levels of higher education.
education at a Slovak departmental higher education institution is provided in full-time or part-time form. In the Hungarian one - only fulltime.
Another common feature of the above-mentioned countries' programs for border guards is that they have the opportunity for professional development through specialized courses and trainings organized at training centers and schools in their countries, which last 2-3 months. Border guards can also improve their skills by studying at other law enforcement educational institutions, in particular at Specialized Integrated Border Security Courses held at the Central European Police Academy.
Therefore, the results of the study of the Slovak and Hungarian border guards' training system give grounds to conclude that the state policy on border guards' training in these countries is being implemented quite effectively, and the organization of border guards' professional training ensures high-quality training of personnel of various categories, as well as lifelong learning (both during the fulfillment of official duties and within the framework of advanced training courses organized at the national and international levels).
Prospects for further research in this area are a comprehensive comparative analysis of the professional training of border guard specialists of the border police agencies of Australia, Slovenia, Croatia, and Italy.
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