Foreign experience of border guards’ professional training in the Republic of Estonia and the Slovak Republic
Foreign experience of professional training of border guard specialists in the Estonian and Slovak Republics. The term of study at bachelor's and master's degrees in educational institutions. The possibility of professional development of specialists.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.04.2024 |
Размер файла | 30,4 K |
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Foreign experience of border guards' professional training in the Republic of Estonia and the Slovak Republic
Nataliia Bidiuk
Olena Voitiuk
Olha Babich
The article presents the foreign experience of border guards' professional training in the Republic of Estonia and the Slovak Republic. It has been established that the professional training of border guards in these countries is fully complied with the European model of training of law enforcement officers. A number of common and distinctive features of the professional training of border guards of these countries have been defined. In both countries, the first level of training is ensuring the basic and specialized secondary education in secondary vocational educational institutions. In Estonia, training lasts continuously for 1.6 years, in Slovakia basic training lasts for 10-12 months and specialized training lasts for 4 months. Upon completion of the educational program, applicants receive a Certificate of Complete Secondary Vocational Education (ISCED Level 4A - Complete Secondary Vocational Education) and Specialized Police Education (Level 4). The second and third levels of the training of future border guard officers are bachelor's and master's studies, respectively. The first level of higher professional education in Estonia (the so-called “higher professional education”) is provided to future border guards at the Police and Border Guard College, which is a part of the Academy of Security Sciences, the second level is at the Institute of Internal Security, which is also an organizational component of the Academy. There is no border guard specialization at the second level of higher education in the Republic of Estonia (ER). In Slovakia, higher education is provided at the Academy of the Police Corps in Bratislava. The term of study and the amount of study at the bachelor's and master's level in educational institutions of both countries are the same. Curricula consist of three blocks of educational disciplines: compulsory, compulsory professional or optional. After completing the training, the students take state exams and defend their qualification papers and receive, respectively, the 5th and 6th level of professional qualification, which is defined by the professional standard of the EU border guard service. Throughout the entire service, border guards of the above-mentioned countries are provided with the opportunity for professional development by attending trainings, retraining courses, and specialized courses organized on the basis of police training schools and colleges, or by studying at other departmental educational institutions. In order to occupy certain positions, it is necessary to take certain courses, including leadership, language, etc.
Keywords: professional training; educational programs; Border Police; professional education; future border guards; European Union countries.
У статті представлено закордонний досвід професійної підготовки фахівців з охорони кордону в Естонській та Словацькій Республіках. Установлено, що професійна підготовка прикордонників у цих країнах повністю адаптована до європейської моделі підготовки фахівців правоохоронних органів. Визначено низку спільних та відмінних особливостей професійної підготовки прикордонників цих країн. В обох країнах першим етапом підготовки є надання базової та спеціалізованої середньої освіти у середніх професійних навчальних закладах. В Естонії навчання триває безперервно 1,6 року, у Словаччині - 10-12 місяців базове та 4 місяці - спеціалізоване навчання. Після закінчення освітньої програми здо- бувачі отримують Сертифікат про завершення повної середньої професійної освіти (рівень ISCED 4A - повна середня професійна освіта) і спеціалізованої поліцейської освіти (рівень 4). Другим та третім етапами підготовки майбутніх офіцерів-прикордонників є навчання на бакалавраті та магістратурі відповідно. Перший рівень вищої професійної освіти в Естонії (т. зв. “вища професійна освіта”) надається майбутнім прикордонникам у Коледжі поліції та прикордонної охорони, який організаційно входить до Академії наук безпеки, другий рівень - в Інституті внутрішньої безпеки, що є теж організаційною складовою Академії. Прикордонної спеціалізації на другому рівні вищої освіти в ЕР немає. У Словаччині вища освіта забезпечується в Академії Поліцейського корпусу у м. Братиславі. Термін навчання та обсяг навчання на бакалав- раті і магістратурі в навчальних закладах обох країн однаковий. Навчальні плани складаються з трьох блоків навчальних дисциплін: обов'язкові, обов'язкові фахові (в СР) або факультативні (в ЕР) та вибіркові. Після завершення навчання слухачі складають державні іспити та захищають свої кваліфікаційні роботи та отримують відповідно 5-ий та 6-ий рівень професійної кваліфікації, що визначена професійним стандартом прикордонної служби ЄС. Упродовж усієї служби для фахівців з охорони кордону вищезазначених країн передбачена можливість професійного розвитку шляхом проходження тренінгів, курсів підготовки і перепідготовки та спеціалізованих курсів, що організовуються на базі поліцейських навчальних шкіл та коледжів, або шляхом навчання в інших відомчих навчальних закладах. Для обіймання певних посад необхідне обов'язкове проходження певних курсів, зокрема лідерських, мовних тощо.
Ключові слова: професійна підготовка; освітні програми; Прикордонна поліція; професійна освіта; майбутні фахівці з охорони кордону; країни Європейського Союзу.
training professional border guard specialist
Problem statement. The Concept of the transformation of the military education system defines a number of tasks for both the Armed Forces and other components of the defense forces, including the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (hereinafter SBGSU). Thus, the professionalization of military education involves the implementation by the border guard agency of Ukraine of a number of tasks, in particular, the creation of a multi-level system of professional military education in accordance with NATO standards, the best domestic and foreign practices, own experience of conducting combat operations, ensuring the implementation of the principle of “Education throughout the entire military career”, as well as acceleration of the process of introduction of modern information, information and communication technologies and distance learning technologies [1].
Also, the Strategy for the Development of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGSU) established one of the main tasks of the agency to improve the training system, which involves the introduction of European standards into the system of training and work with the personnel of the SBGSU, ensuring the exchange of experience with educational institutions of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and member states of the European Union (EU) [2]. This determines the need to update the system of professional training of future border guards, taking into account NATO, EU standards and foreign experience in the implementation of modern educational technologies, they are aimed at ensuring a high level of professional competence and the ability of officers to develop professionally.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The results of the analysis of the literature on the research problem allow us to state that the issue of training border guard specialists in educational institutions of the leading EU and NATO countries has been revealed by a number of domestic and European scholars: I. Bloshchynskyi [3] -- [6], O. Danylenko [7], O. Didenko [8], [9], O. Khamaziuk [10]-[12], I. Isaieva [13], O. Lahodynskyi [14], M. Sprigans, J. Dzerwiniks [15], J. Kralik, K. Kralikova, L. Surma [16], K. Marchova [17], L. Gaspierik [18] and others. Therefor the purpose of the article is to highlight the specifics of professional training of border guards in the Republic of Estonia and the Slovak Republic.
It would be useful to examine the peculiarities of professional training of foreign border guard agencies' specialists on the example of Estonia and Slovakia. These states are of interest because of their geographical location (in the case of Slovakia), the practice of implementing EU standards and best European practices in their border guard agencies that protect the external borders of the European Community with third countries.
Slovakia and Estonia have been full members of the European Union since May 1, 2004, and since April 16, 2003, they have been part of the Schengen area and fully apply Schengen legislation [19]. The Slovak Republic (SR) has a border with a total length of 1,611 km: with Poland - 541 km, with Ukraine - 97, with Hungary - 627, with the Czech Republic - 241 and Austria - 105. The country is landlocked. The territory of the Republic of Estonia consists of the mainland and the island part in the Baltic Sea. The country borders on Finland (separated by the Gulf of Finland), Sweden (Baltic Sea), Latvia (343 km) and russia (383 km). Since joining of Slovakia and Estonia to the Schengen zone, the border guards of these countries have stopped guarding the internal European borders and continue to perform tasks only at the external border of the EU.
Here are the peculiarities of the professional training of border guards in the European Union. The eastern and southeastern external borders of this country are guarded by the Estonian Police and Border Guard (Eesti Politseija Piirivalveamet). Its main functions are related to law enforcement, investigation and prevention of crimes and offenses, border protection, rescue at sea, determining the grounds and status of people (who are in Estonia), as well as issuing identity documents.
The main body that administers the police system and the border guard service of Estonia is the Department of Police and Border Guard (DPBG), that is a part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It started its work back in 2010 after the merger of three departments: police, border guard and migration of citizens [20]. This agency has about 5,000 employees and is the largest state structure in Estonia. Staffing the border guard agency is carried out exclusively on a contractual basis. It performs such border protection tasks as: ensuring the protection of Europe's external borders; proceedings regarding administrative and criminal offenses and their prevention; keeping law and order inside the country; determining citizenship and issuing documents, etc.
The Estonian Police Board and Border Guard Service is headed by the Director General. The regional structural unit of the Police Department and Border Guard Service is the prefecture, which is headed by a prefect. The prefecture consists of territorial and functional structural units, as well as detention centers. The general structure of the Police Board and Border Guard Service is as follows: General Director; territorial units (Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern prefectures); Development Department; Department of Procedures and Information Management (includes Border Guard Service and Crisis Department, International Bureau of Operational Information, Water Border Detachments, Air Force); Administration; Internal Audit Department; Department of Internal Control [21].
The professional training of border guards in the country is adapted to the Western model of training border guards and is carried out at the Academy of Security Sciences, located in the suburbs of Tallinn. This institution consists of the Institute of Homeland Security and four colleges, among them there is the College of Police and Border Guard, its building is located in the regionof Haryu. Certificates, diplomas or other educational documents issued by departmental educational institutions give the right to serve only in the Border Guard Service and in a certain position.
Promotion is possible only with additional training. The learning process is closely related to the practical component. Practice is a determining factor in learning, it is built according to the principle of a spiral structure: learning - implementation of acquired knowledge in practice, testing - the next level of learning.
The training of agency specialists in Estonia consists of three levels.
The first level is for future border guards to undergo basic and specialized (professional) training provided at the College of Police and Border Guard under educational program 170157 “Policeman” (est. Politseimemetik). Also, students can take the optional module “Search and rescue operations at sea and in border waters” and take a professional exam to obtain a border guard's professional certificate. The volume of the specified training program is 100 credits according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), where 1 credit is 26 hours. The training lasts 1.6 years in the full-time/part time form of training. Basic and specialized training covers only those modules that are necessary for the future service duties of a border guard. The curriculum consists of basic and optional subjects and a final exam. After completing the educational program, the student receives a professional qualification defined by the professional standard of the border guard service (level 4), speaks English at the A2 level and has the right to serve in the units of the Police Board and Border Guard Service as a police patrol or a border guard [21].
The second level of the border guards' training in the European Union is obtaining of the so-called “higher professional education” (bachelor's degree) at the College of Police and Border Guard of the Academy of Security Sciences, that is a condition for receiving officer ranks. Bachelor's degree studies are carried out under the educational program 108771 “Police activities” (est. Politseituyus). It is organized for 3 years, and it consists of 180 ECTS credits. Training is carried out full-time or part-time in three specializations: “Border Guard”, “Criminal Police” and “Public Security Police”. Training in the “Border Guard” specialization involves general, primary, and specialized training. The conditions for the completion of studies are successfully completed final exam and control measures in educational disciplines or defended qualification work and completed practice. After that, students are issued a diploma of higher education of the bachelor's degree. Graduates who have chosen the specialization of advanced training in the specialization “Border Guard” receive the professional qualification of a border guard (level 5), speak English at the B2 level, and receive the right to serve in basic patrol and border guard units of the Police Board and Border Guard Service in managerial positions [22].
At the third level of training (master's degree), there is no possibility of studying in a border guard specialty and taking a state exam in the corresponding border guard subject. At the same time, officers of the border guard service have the opportunity to study at a master's degree in the specialty “Internal Security” with specializations: “Anti-crisis management”, “Police” and “Administrative activity”. This educational program is taught only at the Institute of Internal Security of the Academy. The training period for students is 2 years by part-time form of education. The choice of specialization is made at the end of the first semester of the first academic year. The volume of the educational program is 120 ECTS credits. The curriculum includes the study of compulsory, professional and optional subjects. Completion of the program is supported by distance learning technologies. An important component of the Academy's scientific activity is qualification (master's) works, their topics are offered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its subordinate bodies, guaranteeing the relevance of scientific works for the country and their close connection with the agency's practical activities. The areas of research are mainly migration, strategic planning, radicalization of society, psychological protection, etc. Completion of the educational component of the program is a mandatory condition for admission to the defense of a qualifying (master's) work.
In addition, all police specialists can improve their qualifications by taking training and retraining courses that have such organizational forms as centralized (held on the basis of training centers or remotely), local (held on the basis of the state border protection unit) and external (held at base of educational institutions of other agencies or abroad). The Center for Continuing Education on the basis of the Academy organizes departmental and international training both in the field of security and in related fields of activity. In particular, the College of Police and Border Guard Service conducts the following training courses: “Training of police and border guards to work in a high-risk area (HEAT)”, “Identification of people”, “Cultural and religious differences”, “Initial counter-emergency training of the category B” and “Professional improvement in contra- emergency driving category B”.
In addition, the Academy has introduced an innovative project “Open Academy”, it provides the opportunity for lifelong learning on topical issues of ensuring internal security. Professional experts from the European Union and foreign countries take part in open events and trainings. It is within the framework of this project that the students of the Academy have the right to take optional and advanced disciplines of the master's program training on internal security issues. Within the framework of the bachelor's level in the educational institution, there are two ways to participate in the study. In the first case, the student performs self-preparation work under the teacher's supervision, and after completing the discipline, receives a certificate of professional development “SKA”. In the second case, the student studies without taking a credit or an exam at the end of the subject - in this case, the certificate is not issued to him. If students want, they can also take part in the study of certain academic disciplines to supplement their own professional knowledge. Disciplines can be chosen both from the higher professional education program and from the master's program. The prerequisite for this is the student's submission of an application, payment for training at the rate of 44 euros for 1 ECTS credit, and the availability of at least ten people (to form a training group).
These are the following peculiarities of the professional training of border guards of the SR. After joining the Schengen zone, Slovakia has an external land border with Ukraine with a length of 97.8 km and an external air border at three “Schengen” airports in the cities of Bratislava, Kosice and Po- prad. Their protection is carried out by the Bureau of the Border Police and Police for Foreigners (Slovak: Urad hranicnej a cudzineckej policie) (Bureau), it began its activity in 2000 as a body with nationwide competence in the field of border control of the SR [23]. Organizationally, the border guard agency is part of the Presidium of the Police Corps (PC), which is subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and has about 2,000 law enforcement officers. Staffing of this Bureau is carried out exclusively on a contractual basis, as in Estonia. It performs tasks in the field of controlling the borders of the SR and, accordingly, the external borders of Europe, providing residence permits to foreigners, as well as in the field of migration, providing asylum, etc. The PC Bureau consists of territorial and functional structural units, as well as detention centers. The general structure of the agency is as follows: administration; territorial administrations (in the cities of Bratislava, Banska Bystrica, Presov and Sobrance); police detention departments for foreigners (in the cities of Medvediv and Sechovtse); risk analysis and coordination department; department of internal work; department of external relations; border police department; police department for foreigners; the national unit for combating illegal migration.
The professional training of border guards in the country is adapted to the European model of training specialists in border protection (hereinafter CCC) and is carried out at the PC Secondary Vocational School in the city of Kosice (SVS Kosice) and the PC Academy located in the city of Bratislava. Certificates, diplomas, as well as other educational documents, issued by the specified educational institutions, give the right to serve in the Bureau's units in certain positions. Promotion in the service of Slovak border guards is possible only with additional training, as in Estonia. The learning process includes both a theoretical and a practical components.
The training of border guard agency's specialists in Slovakia also consists of three levels.
The first level is for the future border guards to undergo basic and specialized training, it is provided at the SVS PC in the city of Kosice. The training of future specialists of the Border Police upon joining the service is carried out according to the educational program “Basic Police Training” (Slovak: Zakladna policiasna predlacna) with the specialization “Border Police and Police for Foreigners” (Slovak: hranicna a cudzinecka policia.) and lasts 10 months or 1 year of full-time study depending on the category of personnel studying. The volume of the curriculum can be: 1234 training hours - for the training of police officers who are on preparatory or temporary service; 1,500 hours - for the training of police officers who are in the state service as cadets. The curriculum consists of the following training areas: “Basic police training”(Slovak: Zakladna policiasna predlacna “Theoretical and practical training” (Slovak: Teoreticko-prakticka priprava) “Professional training” (Slovak: Odborny vydzky); “Professional practice” (Slovak: Odborna prax) and includes twelve compulsory subjects [24]. The program provides the basic knowledge, skills, abilities, and competences necessary to carry out basic professional activities in the border police and the police for foreigners, taking into account the Common Curriculum for the Training of Border Guard Specialists (CCC), issued by the Frontex agency. At the same time, this specialization also allows to acquire certain particular professional knowledge, skills and abilities in other types of PC services. The training ends with a final exam in professional disciplines. After completing the educational program, the student receives a complete secondary vocational education (ISCED level 4A) and basic police education and is entitled to serve in the basic units of the PC Bureau in the non-commissioned positions of “referent” or “senior referent”. Specialized professional training for future border guards is carried out under the educational program “Specialized Police Training” (Slovak: Specializovani policiasna predna) with the specialization “Border Police” (Slovak: hranicna policia) and lasts 6 weeks in the full-time form of education. The volume of the specified curriculum is 220 training hours for the training of police officers who are in the state service in PC, in accordance with the European CCC program issued by Frontex. The curriculum consists of the study of five academic disciplines: “Border Police” (Slovak: hranicna policia); “Law” (Slovak: pravo); “Criminal Studies” (Slovak: kriminalistika); “Service Training” (Slovak: sluzobna predlavna) and “Police Communication” (Slovak: policasna komunikaccia). The latter is internally divided into two relatively separate parts, namely: “Psychology of Police Work” and “Foreign Language Communication “. The content of these disciplines constitutes a set of knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies necessary for the qualified completion of state service by a police officer in a position corresponding to the planned rank of “junior lieutenant” in the border police service. The training ends with a final exam in professional disciplines. Upon completion of the educational program, the student receives a certificate of complete secondary vocational education (ISCED level 4A - complete secondary vocational education) and specialized police education and has the right to serve as a shift supervisor in the base units of the PC Bureau, at border crossing points and international airports, as well as manage the work of referees or senior referees.
The second level of professional training is obtaining a higher education (level ISCED-5A) for future Slovak border guards, it is provided at the PC Academy through the Department of European Integrated Border Management. Cadets who study for Bachelor's degree are trained according to educational program 7170 “Law enforcement protection of people and property” (Slovak: Bezpecnostnopravna ochrana osob a majekt). Just like in Estonia, it is designed for 3 years of full-time study and is 180 ECTS credits. Education in the SR can also be part-time and, accordingly, its duration increases to 4 years. Education in this institution is provided in five specialties. Future border guard officers are trained in the specialty “Border Police and Police for Foreigners”. The curriculum consists of three blocks of educational disciplines: compulsory, compulsory professional (chosen by cadets at the end of the first academic year according to the specialty) and optional disciplines. Training includes a theoretical and practical component. The conditions for completing studies in the border guard direction are successfully passed exams (including the discipline “Theory and Practice of the Border Police Service and the Police for Foreigners”) and control measures from other educational disciplines and a defended qualification work and a completed practice [25]. After that, students are issued a diploma of higher education of the bachelor's degree. Graduates who studied in the specialty “Border Police and Police for Foreigners” receive the professional qualification of a border guard (level 6 SKR) and the right to serve in the basic units of the Bureau as a border guard in middle and higher management positions.
At the third level of training (master's degree), border guards study in the field of “Sciences in the Sphere of Security” according to the curriculum 7174 “Law Enforcement Protection of people and property”. This educational program is taught only at the PC Academy in Bratislava. The term of training is 2 years for full-time and 3 years for part-time education. The volume of the educational program is 120 ECTS credits. The choice of border guard specialization takes place at the end of the first semester of the first academic year. The curriculum includes the study of compulsory, professional and optional subjects, as in the bachelor's degree studies. Cadets undergo practical training in the first year of study. The qualifying work for the master's degree studies is a master's thesis, which cadets must defend. Completion of the educational component of the program is a mandatory condition for admission to the defense of a qualifying (master's) thesis. Upon completion of training, cadets receive a master's degree and the right to hold managerial positions in border guard divisions of middle and higher management levels [26]. The academy also has doctoral studies, but there is no border guard specialty. Training is carried out according to the “Law Enforcement Protection of People and Property” educational program and lasts for 3 years full-time and 4 years part-time, respectively. The curriculum of the educational program consists of compulsory and compulsory professional disciplines. The qualifying work of a doctoral student is a dissertation. The student must defend a scientific work and pass an oral exam to receive a Doctor of Philosophy.
Professional development of Border Police and Police for Foreigners is carried out in accordance with the annual order of the Director of the Bureau, which issues the “Plan for the Implementation of Professional Development of Border Police and Police for Foreigners”. Professional development training or retraining courses usually last 2-3 months and are held at the Secondary Vocational School base in the city of Kosice, which is officially determined as the Border Guard Training Center of Slovakia or PC Academy. They can be conducted in full-time, part-time, and combined form of education.
The language education of Slovak border guards in accordance with the Common European Recommendations for Language Education (CEFR) is provided at all three levels of border guard management within the framework of the continuing education system. Teaching of foreign languages (English and Ukrainian) is carried out on the basis of a grant agreement concluded between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Slovakia and PLUS Academia SK [27]. The approved project is financed from the Internal Security Fund. The goal is to continue the language training of border guard and foreign police officers.
Thus, special attention was paid to the foreign experience of professional training of Slovak and Estonian border guards and established a number of common and distinctive features of the professional training of border guards of these countries (Table 1).
Comparative table of professional training peculiarities of border guards of Estonia and Slovakia
Peculiarities of professional training of border guards |
In Estonia |
In Slovakia |
Common / different (+/-) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
The 1st level of training is basic and specialized secondary education |
Educational establishment |
Police and Border Guard College of the Academy of Security Sciences |
SVS in Kosice (Border Police Training Center) |
+ |
Training period |
1.6 years |
10/12 months + 2 months |
- |
Volume of training |
2600 hours |
1234/1500 + 220 hours |
Levels of learning |
4 levels |
4 levels |
+ |
Document on obtaining education |
Certificate of Completion of Complete Secondary Vocational Education (ISCED 4A) and Specialized Police Education (Border Guard) |
Certificate of Completion of Complete Secondary Vocational Education (ISCED 4A) and Specialized Police Education (Border Guard) |
+ |
The curriculum includes |
basic and optional academic subjects and final exam |
basic and optional academic subjects and final exam |
+ |
Forms of education |
Full-time/ part-time |
Full-time |
- |
The level of professional qualification determined by the professional standard of the border guard service |
4th level |
4th level |
+ |
The curriculum includes |
compulsory, optional and selective academic disciplines |
compulsory, compul sory professional and optional educational disciplines |
+ |
Forms of education |
Part-time |
Full-time / part-time |
- |
The level of professional qualification determined by the professional standard of the border guard service |
6th level |
6th level |
+ |
The 2nd level of training is the first level of higher education |
Educational establishment |
Police and Border Guard College of the Academy of Security Sciences |
Academy of the Police Corps in Bratislava |
- |
Training period |
3 years |
3 years |
+ |
Volume of training |
180 ECTS credits |
180 ECTS credits |
+ |
Document on obtain ing education |
a diploma of higher education of a bachelor's degree in a border guard specialization |
a diploma of higher education of a bachelor's degree in a border guard specialization |
+ |
The curriculum includes |
compulsory, optional and selective academic disciplines |
compulsory, compulsory professional and optional educational disciplines |
+ |
Forms of education |
Full-time / part-time |
Full-time / part-time |
+ |
The level of professional qualification determined by the professional standard of the border guard service |
5th level |
5th level |
+ |
The 3rd level of training is the second level of higher education |
Educational establishment |
Institute of Internal Security of the Academy of Security Sciences |
Academy of the Police Corps in Bratislava |
- |
Training period |
2 years |
2/3 years |
+ |
Volume of training |
120 ECTS credits |
120 ECTS credits |
+ |
Document on obtain ing education |
diploma of higher education, master's degree |
a diploma of higher education with a master's degree in a border guard specialization |
- |
In both countries, the first level of training is ensuring the basic and specialized secondary education: at the PC Secondary Vocational School in Kosice (SR) and at the Police and Border Guard College of the Academy of Security Sciences (ER). The term of study in the countries for the first level of training is approximately the same: 1.6 years - in the ER and 1-1.2 years - in the SR. The training covers four components of training: introduction to the specialty, direct training (theoretical and practical), practice (in border guard units) and the final stage of training (final exam in professional disciplines). Upon completion of the educational program, the student receives a certificate of completion of full secondary vocational education (level ISCED 4A - complete secondary vocational education) and specialized police education, in particular, professional qualifications determined by the professional standard of the Border Guard Service (level 4).
The second level of the training of border guards is bachelor's studies in the border guard specialty. The first level of higher education in Estonia (the so-called “higher professional education”) is provided at the Police and Border Guard College of the Academy of Security Sciences, in Slovakia at the Academy of the Police Corps. The term of study for receiving the bachelor's degree in both educational institutions lasts three years. The amount of training is also the same - 180 ECTS credits. Curricula, in general, consist of three blocks of educational disciplines: 1) compulsory, 2) compulsory professional and optional. After completing the training, students take state exams and defend their qualification work and receive the 5th level of
professional qualification, it is defined by the professional standard of the EU border guard.
The third slevel of training is master's studies. The second level of education is provided at the Institute of Internal Security of the EP Academy and the PC Academy of the SR. The training period for students is 2 years in the distance (part-time) form of education in Estonia and 2/3 years in Slovakia (2 - full-time and 3 - part-time). In Estonia, there is no possibility of studing for receiving the master's degree for students in a border guard specialty and passing a state exam in a corresponding border guard subject. At the same time, Slovak specialists of the Border Police have the opportunity to study for a master's degree in the specialty “Border Police and Police for Foreigners”, the choice is made at the end of the first year of study.
During the entire service, border guard specialists of the above-mentioned countries also have the possibility of professional development by attending trainings and specialized courses organized by police training centers and schools, or by studying at other departmental educational institutions. The number of such courses depends on the type and peculiarities of official duties. The training period can last from 2 to 3 months. After completing the training, the student takes the appropriate exam, which confirms that he has specialization, professional skills and abilities.
Thus, the Republic of Estonia and the Slovak Republic are member countries of the European Union and the Schengen area. Membership in the European community influenced the peculiarities of the organization of the protection of the state borders of these countries and the formation of their border agencies.
The border protection functions in Slovakia were assigned to the Border Police, which is organizationally part of the Bureau of the Border Police and the Police for Foreigners. In Estonia - to the Border Guard, which is included in the Department of Police and Border Guard.
Special attention was paid to the foreign experience of professional training of Slovak and Estonian specialists in border protection. A number of common and distinctive features of the professional training of border guards of these countries have been determined. The results of the study of the border guards' training system of the Border Police of Slovakia and the Border Guard of Estonia give grounds to conclude that the state policy on the training of border guards is implemented quite effectively in these countries. The system of their training is complex and consists of three levels: the first (primary and specialized), the second (first level of higher education) and the third (second level of higher education). During training, the main attention is paid to practical skills and the formation of the personality of a border police specialist, the development of professional values and such qualities as discipline, courage, and tolerance, etc.
It was established that the organization of professional training of border guards of the above-mentioned countries ensures maximization of training of personnel of various categories, as well as continuous training both during the performance of official duties and within the framework of advanced training courses organized at the national and international levels.
Prospects for further scientific research in this area include a comprehensive comparative analysis of the professional training of border protection specialists of law enforcement agencies of Slovakia, Estonia and the Border Guard Service of Ukraine.
training professional border guard specialist
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15. Martins Spridzans, Janis Dzerviniks (2021). Impact of covid-19 on border guards training in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland. Society Integration Education. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, pp. 209-220. DOI: 10.17770/sie2021vol5.6335 [in English]
16. Kralik J., Kralikova K., Surma L. (2021). Significance, structure and innovation in police education in the Slovak Republic and in the Republic of Poland. Philosophy, economics and law review, vol. 1, pp. 146-159. DOI: 10.31733/20783566-2020-5-146-159 [in English]
17. Zalltis I., Soboleva D., Madzule I. (2016). Professional training of the state border guard officials of the republic of Latvia: essentials, challenges and possible solutions. Border security and management, no. 1(6), pp. 123-135. DOI: 10.17770/ bsm.v1i6.1708 [in English]
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