Features of studying English language for students in physical education and sports

Consideration of the optimizing the methodology of teaching English to students in the field of physical education and sports. The use of communication methods, information and communication technologies when learning English for sports purposes.

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Department of Ukrainian and Foreign Languages

Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Features of studying English language for students in physical education and sports

Vorobel Mariia PhD (Pedagogy) Senior Lecturer

Kalymon Yuliia PhD in Philology Senior Lecturer

Yurko Nadiya Senior Lecturer


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of optimizing the methodology of teaching English to students in the field of physical culture and sports through the using of communicative methods, information and communication technologies, etc. The article proves the need for the formation of communicative and intercultural competence, which will allow the future specialists- athletes to use a foreign language in professional and social spheres taking into account parameters necessary for free communication in the conditions of international sports professional activity. The article examines the main factors of professionally oriented education, directions of foreign language teaching athletes, as well as the use of electronic services in the educational process. The focus is also on the cultural aspect of language learning which will contribute to the development of intercultural communicative competence. And the main task of learning English at the institutions of higher education is to develop and to practice the communication competence in the field of physical culture and sports that would primarily be context based for the future sports specialists on many different levels.

Keywords: English language, students in physical education and sport, communication skills, intercultural communicative competence, sports specialists, electronic services.

Sports professions are very popular in a modern society and knowledge of a foreign language is a great benefit for athletes in their professional career. The learning of English language for the future specialists in the field of physical culture and sports represents a way to communicate on different kinds of events, matches or professional training that will be crucial both during their studies as well as their professional career. Thus, there are increased requirements for the level of speech training of sports specialists.

The urgency of the problem is also due to the fact that the level of foreign language proficiency among sports students remains quite low. The practice of teaching English at the university level has shown that students mostly face make difficulties to verbally communicate in English and the traditional methods of teaching English to the students of sport were not completely effectively in their area of expertise [8]. The biggest problem, in our opinion, is insufficient attention paid to the formation and development of communicative skills. Often, the level of knowledge of student athletes is limited to the ability to read and translate simple adapted texts, distant from real "living" sports vocabulary.

The research is aimed at the study of English language by the students in physical education and sports and the development of communicative competence necessary for an appropriate communication in a foreign language.

Mastery of language skills is in a straight line depending on the content of the study. The process of learning English should not only focus on acquiring language skills such as vocabulary, pragmatics, phonology and the aspects of critical thinking. The learning of foreign language represents a multi-layered model that is taught through a gradual process, planning and modeling by the educators themselves [3]. According to the curriculum, the introduction of the general and specialized sports lexicon is done in progressive stages during the first year of the university studies. During this period, the students acquired, strengthen the lexicon of the general English language, laying the foundations for learning the specialized terminology. With lexicon also students assimilate the general sports lexicon which is taught through the specific sports and real-life simulations of these sports and training environments. But, educational institutions have textbooks that are built according to the requirements of traditional methods and aimed at teaching all four types of language activities, often do not contribute to students' mastery of skills professional sports communication. Teachers have to supplement the text material, educational exercises manuals, independently develop language situations for professional- oriented communication. If in such areas of professional activity as economics, jurisprudence, medicine, etc., there is a large the amount of authentic material developed by leading British scientists, such manuals are practical in the field of sports missing. The available textbooks almost do not present creative language exercises for the formation of skills in role-playing and professional oriented games, and there are no materials of a pronounced sports orientation [6].

Interest in learning a foreign language gradually decreases during studies at educational institutions. At primary school stage, students have a motive that prompts them to study more intensively and learn the material more effectively. Due to the effect of novelty, methodological techniques, setting tasks, the evaluation system, the construction of the lesson, different from school lessons. Gradually, interest is lost, which reduces the effectiveness of learning. This is explained detachment of the subject «foreign language» from the real needs of students, the complication of lexical and grammatical material, not having developed the skills of independent work on language material. Although the material is professionally oriented orientation students perceive with great interest. Thus, the process of learning has a great impact on the student's motivation combining previous knowledge and experiences and creating real-life situation [7, 12].

A foreign language is often not in demand among physical education specialists, which can also cause low motivation for its study. Often students who study English do not see it in their future, believe that «will carry» and they will not need it. Because of this, the teacher must not only explain the material, but also act decisively. As a psychologist, motivating students and explaining the importance of a foreign language for their career growth. Although the curriculum of the courses envisages the acquisition by students of all four language skills, there is the number of classroom hours often does not make it possible to fully achieve this goal, and therefore needs to be prioritized direction of teaching [1]. This direction, in our opinion, communicative skills of oral communication, because in addition direct sports activities, professional activities of students in the field of physical education and sports can related to communication: coaching, teaching, participation in teams of foreign countries, etc.

Linguist Nastas claims that the learning process in the field sport is not only about learning the terminology because we need to know not only the meaning of the words, but also the interconnectivity with other collocations and words and also to develop the ability to comprehension of the text. It is, in his opinion, important to know morpho-syntactic constructions, not just isolated terms, in the case of squiring the specialized language [8].

In the process of learning a foreign language, student-athletes learn to perform a number of professional actions in English language in the most typical situations of official and informal communication. The main factors of professional oriented training of student-athletes are:

1) the need to develop communicative and intercultural competence, which will allow future specialists-athletes to use a foreign language in the professional and social spheres, taking into account the necessary parameters for the implementation of free communication in the conditions of international sports professional activity (international competitions, tripsfor consultations, participation in refereeing of international sports events, performance of coaching work);

2) the priority of sports-oriented topics with a dynamic mobile context;

3) creating motivation to master the English language, stimulating awareness of the need to studyforeign language for professional career growth;

4) development of a stock of professional vocabulary and formation of skills of possessing professional knowledge in English language;

5) accounting of the professional interests of athletes, in particular consideration of such issues as the place of sports in modern society, the importance of the English language for the sports management industry, the relationship between sports and mass media, peculiarities of the work of specialists in the field of sports industry, sports structures and organizations, doping [7, 9].

The study of a foreign language by students in physical education and sports covers two areas: immersion in a commonly used language vocabulary and the use of specific highly specialized vocabulary. Athletes visit different countries of the world, and therefore eat it is absolutely necessary to know English language, which has already become international. This is needed to solve household problems, walking around the city, shopping, etc. for this you will not need highly specialized sports vocabulary. The second direction covers specialized sports vocabulary. When teaching it, depending on the specific one directions of student training, foreign language classes may include practices in the following communicative areas [11]:

* names of sports;

* sports equipment, inventory;

* verbs (actions) related to sports (for example: to bowl - to throw a ball, to draw - to equalize the score);

* phrasal verbs (to knock out, bulk up - increase muscles);

* people related to sports (linesman - side referee, fan - supporter);

* names of countries, cities, teams;

* phraseological units and slang, sports cliches;

* cultural information about sports and athletes;

* the difference between varieties of the English language, for example, the meaning of the word "football" in British and American English;

* in order to learn the "live" sports language, it is advisable to use materials from thematic forums, blogs, specialized Internet resources and printed publications;

* it is useful to use audio recordings of sports commentary, which are characterized by individual language turns;

* special phrases and, even, manners of speech [5].

In order to quickly master professional vocabulary, it is recommended to explain various ones on its basis grammatical constructions. So, for example, to learn the Present Simple, the student describes a certain sport, game, action or sport tools: “People wear this to play ice hockey and to drive F1" "I never play this sport", "People usually play it in the summer", and others have to guess what it is about. To repeat the Present Continuous, students show a game, sporting activity or what use certain sports equipment, and others ask questions: "Are you doing judo?", "Are you kicking a ball?", "Are you swinging a bat? Also, students can decide what rules they would change to make a sport safer, or even invent your own game, with new rules, say, combining boxing with chess. It will do occupation is not only useful, but also interesting [2].

One of the problems of teaching a foreign language to athletes is the problem of over-employment of students trainings, meetings, competitions and the impossibility of attending all the classes planned by the curriculum. With, omissions lead to students falling behind and further reluctance to continue learning the language. The solution to this problem, in our opinion, is the active implementation of information and communication technologies in the educational process that allow:

* to organize independent work of students;

* to ensure the optimal speed of perceiving the material for each student;

* to provide the possibility of remote learning of the material, provided that the student is not in the class;

* provide opportunities for self-monitoring of the quality of acquired knowledge and skills;

* to overcome the monotony of the lesson in the formation of speech and communicative competence of students during training English language [10, 12].

The emphasis of the research in this article is also on the developing communicative model of learning English at the institutions of higher education presented by Doric that will offer students the opportunity to practice language skills in real-life situations, instead just focusing on the text and terminology [3]. This model contains clear learning objectives and incorporation of the cultural aspects into the communicative model. It also takes into account various methods of learning such as project work, exercises, group work, dialogues, presentations, individual work and reflection. Thus, focusing on the practice in real-life aspects of training and sport activity offers the opportunity to incorporate different learning styles and modern technologies to train the future sports specialists, to develop the English language communication skills of students in the field of physical culture and sports.

In particular, it is worth paying attention to the use in the educational process of such computer services as Quizlet, LearningApps, Moodle, Socrative platforms, which enable students to learn the material remotely, pass interactive tests, improve knowledge with the help of interesting thematic games, as well as self-monitoring. For the teacher, such resources offer a wide selection of tools for the implementation of new methods of learning and improvement pedagogical skill. In particular, these are tools for introducing new vocabulary, creating flash cards, and developing control tests, tracking the work and progress of the class [4].

In addition, these resources create a healthy competitive learning environment that stimulates students for more intensive work. So, for example, Quizlet offers a "Live" activity - a service for team-based classroom play educational sets of Quizlet flashcards. Its essence is that students, united in small groups, compete for primacy in knowledge of words/terms from a specific lesson or topic. In addition, you can play on a smartphone, tablet or laptop [5].

The use of distance learning platforms Moodle, Socrative enables:

* have scientific and methodological support of the discipline;

* set deadlines for students to complete tasks;

* use text, audio or video materials in the educational process; have an automated systemrating assessment of students; use various tests, surveys and other means of control.

In conclusion, we note that professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language to students in the field of physical education and sports should be aimed at mastering a number of professional competencies necessary for full communication in international activities. However, it should become a priority area of study formation of communicative skills of oral communication. Prospects for further research lie in the study further ways of improving foreign language teaching to sports and physical education students.


learning english sports

[1] Романчук, О., & Данилевич, М. (2020) Особливості підготовки фахівців з фізичного виховання і спорту у педагогічних коледжах України. Collective monographs. https://doi.org/10.36074/rodmmrfssn.ed-1.02

[2] Case, A. (2012) Olympics Ideas Part One: Teaching English for and through Sport. Retrieved from https://www.usingenglish.com/articles/olympics-ideas-part-one- teaching-english-for-through-sport.html

[3] Doric, V. (2020) The model of English language learning of the sports students. Fakultet za sport i turizam, Novi Sad, TIMS Acta 14, 103-108. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348976384_The_model_of_English_language _learning_of_the_sport_students

[4] Komochkina, E.A. (2014) Foreign language teaching at the non-linguistic institute: history and the present. Inostrannye jazyki v shkole, Vol 7, pp. 30-37, Retrieved from: http://naukarus.com/obucheni-inostran-yazykam-v-neyazykovom-vuze-istoriya-i- sovremennost

[5] Malenko, O. (2019) The peculiarities of English language teaching to students- sportsmen”, Instytut vyshchoi osvity VAPN Ukrainy: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats III Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii "Osobystist studenta ta sotsiokulturne seredovyshche universytetu v suspilnomu konteksti" pp. 38-40.

[6] Masalkova, E. (2014) Some unsolved problems of foreign language teaching to students- sportsmen”, Sovremennye problemy razvitiia obrazovaniia i vospitaniia molodezhy. Retrieved from http://aprobacia.ru/nekotoryie-nereshennyi -problemyi-obucheniya- inostrannomu-yaz iku-studentov-sportsmenov.html

[7] Melnikova, E.J. (2020) Professionally-oriented foreign language teaching to students- sportsmen. Retrieved from https://spppc.com.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/136

[8] Nastas, N. (2017) The Importance of Studying Foreign Languages Texts for Athletes Specialized in Fitness. Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, 1(1), 34-39. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18662/mjesp/2017.0101.04.

[9] Yurko N., Kalymon Yu., Vorobel M. Professional English: the main features Priorities in the development of science and education: Abstracts of XX International Scientific and Practical Conference. Budapest, Hungary: International Science Group. Pp. 106-109. DOI https://doi.org/10.46299/ISG.2021J.XX Google Scholar, CrossRef, OUCI) https://isg- konf.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/XX-Conference-April-13-16-2021 -book.pdf

[10] Yurko N., Romanchuk O., Protsenko U., Kalymon Y., Vorobel M. (2022) English speaking: the resources for dealing. Theoretical and scientific foundations of pedagogy and collective monograph. International Science Group. Boston: Primedia eLaunch, P.209-216. DOI 10.46299/ISG.2022.MONO.PED.1 https://isg-konf.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Monograph/ISG.2022.MONO.PED.1.pdf

[11] Yurko, N. A., Styfanyshyn, I. M., & Romanchuk, O. V. (2019) English and Physical Education: The Mutually Beneficial Integration. International Journal of Education and Science (IJES), 2(2), 39.

[12] Vorobel M. M. (2021) Some criteria of professional teaching. Грааль науки: за матеріалами I Міжн. наук.-практ. конференції «Scientific researches and methods of their carrying out: world experience and domestic realities». ГО «Європейська наукова платформа» (Вінниця, Україна) та ТОВ «International Centre Corporative Management» (Відень, Австрія), № 2-3. С. 433-437. DOI 10.36074/grail-of-science.02.04.2021 https://ojs.ukrlogos.in.ua/index.php/grail-of- science/article/view/10713/10070

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