Peculiarities of forming future security and defense sector officers’ social and communicative competence

Detailed coverage of the features of the formation of social and communicative competence of future officers of the security and defense sector in the process of professional training. The need to introduce the latest state educational standards.

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Дата добавления 15.04.2024
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Military Academy, Odesa, Ukraine

National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Khmelnytsky, Ukraine

Military Technical and Information Research Research Center Taras Shevchenko National Institute of Kyiv Military Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine

Peculiarities of forming future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence

Nataliia Bhinder

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogics), Associate Professor

Head of the Department of Foreign Languages

Yuriy Demyanyuk

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Head of the scientific and organizational department

Oleksandr Kravchenko

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences

Associate Professor, Research Department


The article deals with the peculiarities of forming future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence. New state educational standards have been implemented. They considered competence approach to be the main methodological approach of modern higher education. Within the competence approach, the focus is on the outcome of education, which is considered not as the amount of learned information and the set of acquired skills, but as the ability to act in different situations, including problematic and non-standard ones, showing a sufficient level of competence. It is emphasized that modern graduates' knowledge, skills and abilities are characterized by a set of their key social and communicative competencies.

In the article the author gives the definition of social and communicative competence and indicators of its forming. Attention is drawn to the fact that the modern army needs officers who would be true professionals in their field, have leadership qualities and be able not only to solve training and combat tasks, but also to navigate the changing social and military reality, to solve complex and multifunctional tasks while performing their professional duties. It is emphasized that an important component of officers' professionalism is their ability to interact effectively with other individuals in different conditions and situations while performing their professional activities. It is noted that in most cases, the effectiveness of such interaction is associated with military specialist's communicative skills. These skills reflect their ability to choose, establish and maintain the most appropriate communication style based on respect and personal characteristics of the interlocutor in order to achieve needed professional goals.

It is emphasized that in the context of forming future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence, special attention should be paid to the formation of graduate's neuro-psychological stability, balance and endurance, which, in turn, guarantees a friendly and decent attitude to others. Thus, there is a need for purposeful work with cadets on their communicative skills forming, that is an important component of communicative competence in general.

Key words: social and communicative competence; security and defense sector officer; motivational and value attitudes; modeling; interactive methods; individual work.

Бхіндер Н., Дем'янюк Ю., Кравченко О.

Особливості формування соціально-комунікативної компетентності майбутніх офіцерів сектору безпеки і оборони


professional training officer competence

У статті висвітлено особливості формування соціально-комунікативної компетентності майбутніх офіцерів сектору безпеки і оборони в процесі професійної підготовки. Запровадження новітніх державних освітніх стандартів провідним орієнтиром визначає компетентнісний підхід освіти. Зазначається, що у межах компетентнісного підходу увага акцентується на результаті освіти, що розглядається не як сума засвоєної інформації та сукупність отриманих умінь та навичок, а як уміння діяти в різних ситуаціях, у тому числі проблемних та нестандартних, виявляючи достатній рівень компетентності. Підкреслюється, що знання, уміння та навички су-часного випускника характеризуються сукупністю його ключових соціальних та комунікативних компетентностей.

У статті автори наводять визначення соціально-комунікативної компетентності та показники її сформованості. Увага звертається на той факт, що сучасна армія потребує офіцерів, які були б справжніми професіоналами своєї справи, таких, що володіють лідерськими якостями та здатні не лише самостійно вирішувати навчально-бойові завдання, але й орієнтуватися в мінливій соціальній та військовій дійсності, розв'язувати складні та багатофункціональні завдання під час виконання своїх професійних обов'язків. Підкреслюється, що важливою складовою професіоналізму офіцерів є їхня здатність до ефективної взаємодії з іншими суб'єктами в різних умовах та ситуаціях під час професійної діяльності. Зазначається, що у більшості випадків ефективність такої взаємодії пов'язана з комунікативними здібностями військового спеціаліста, що відображають його вміння вибирати, встановлювати та підтримувати для досягнення професійних цілей найбільш адекватний конкретній ситуації стиль спілкування, що базується на поважному ставленні та врахуванні особистісних особливостей співрозмовника.

Наголошується на тому, що в контексті формування соціально-ко¬мунікативної компетентності майбутніх офіцерів сектору безпеки і оборони особливу увагу слід приділити формуванню нервово-психічної стійкості, врівноваженості та витримки випускника, що, в свою чергу, є гарантією доброзичливого та порядного ставлення до оточуючих. Отже, простежується необхідність у здійсненні цілеспрямованої роботи з курсантами щодо формування їхніх комунікативних умінь, що є важливою складовою комунікативної компетентності загалом.

Ключові слова: соціально-комунікативна компетентність; офіцер сектору безпеки і оборони; мотиваційно-ціннісні установки; моделювання; інтерактивні методи; самостійна робота.


Problem statement. Knowledge of social and communicative interaction is needed today in all spheres of public relations, including military service. Security and defense sector officer's social and communicative competence is necessary for proper professional communication with higher ranking military officers, colleagues and the public. Future specialists must be ready for constant interaction, for making and maintaining contacts. Taking into account this fact, an important task of professionally oriented education is to find effective ways of forming social and communicative competence in the process of their professional training, to teach cadets some communicative practices and non-power tools for problems solving.

Recent research and publications review. Today, researchers suggest different ways and directions of forming future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence. In particular, O. Didenko and N. Kalyniuk single out the following pedagogical conditions for forming future border guard officers' communicative skills: purposeful cadets' training to master communicative skills using a special course; cadets' involvement in communication close to the conditions of their professional activity; development of cadets' creative potential during their research work; constant diagnostics of cadets' communicative skills forming [4, p. 120].

V. Kruchek thinks that it is possible to form communicative skills of the students of higher agricultural educational institutions in the process of their studying psychological and pedagogical academic disciplines by means of systematic and scientific educational information, its compliance with the achievements of modern science; acquainting students with the fundamentals of the theory of communicative activity; positive motivation for communicative skills and values of communicative activity forming; students' conscious assimilation of educational material on the theory of communicative activity; ensuring consistent and continuous theoretical and practical classes; diversity and gradual complication of communicative tasks [5, p. 184].

According to T. Butenko, in order to form future engineers' communicative competence in the process of their studying psychological and pedagogical academic disciplines the following should be done: a personality-oriented approach to learning, aimed at developing dialogic interaction should be applied; professional and production conditions of communication in order to involve each student in practical communicative activities should be modeled; training tasks and exercises aimed at increasing students' communicative activity should be used [2, p. 8].

Yu. Nenko proposes to form cadet's value attitude to the future professionally oriented communicative activity in order to form professionally oriented communicative training of future officers of the Civil Defense Service; to use interactive teaching methods; to improve the educational and methodological support of professionally oriented communicative training; to optimize participants' subject-subject interaction while the educational process in simulated situations of professional communication [8, p. 291]. In general, the researchers draw attention to the importance of proper choice of content, the use of innovative methods for forming future professionals' social and communicative competence.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of forming future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence.

Research results

At the present stage, higher education is undergoing significant changes, in particular related to the introduction of new generation state standards. The main methodological approach of modern higher education is the competence approach. Within the competence approach, the focus is on the outcome of education, which is considered not as the amount of learned information and the set of acquired skills, but as the ability to act in different situations, including problematic and non-standard ones, showing a sufficient level of competence. Modern graduates' knowledge, skills and abilities are characterized by a set of their key social and communicative competencies [7, p. 140].

Social and communicative competence is an experience of communication between people, which is formed under the conditions of direct interaction. The process of improving communicative competence is associated with personality's development. The means of regulating communicative acts are part of human culture, and its appropriation and enrichment follow the same laws as the development and multiplication of cultural heritage in general. In many ways, the acquisition of communicative experience occurs through direct interaction. Social and communicative competence implies adaptability and freedom of verbal and nonverbal means of communication. It can be considered as a category that regulates the system of human relations to themselves, natural and social world.

Among the indicators of social and communicative competence forming are the following: reflection, empathy, ability to decentralize and predict, communicative tolerance, dialogic orientation in communication, motivational focus on constructive business communication, personality type, communicative control, internality, leadership qualities, typological thinking peculiarities, skills and abilities of business communication, styles and ways of communication, social intelligence, altruism, language literacy, communication skills, etc. [3, p. 5].

In conditions of military service modernization, special attention should be paid to the problem of improving future security and defense sector officers' professional training. Modern social and cultural reality, as well as the transformations taking place in our country in general and in its Armed Forces in particular, necessitated the introduction of large-scale innovative processes in the practice of higher military school, development of leading pedagogical projects, use of various pedagogical technologies.

We must pay attention to the fact that the modern army needs officers who would be true professionals in their field, have leadership qualities and be able not only to solve training and combat tasks, but also to navigate the changing social and military reality, to solve complex and multifunctional tasks while performing their professional duties.

In turn, an important component of officers' professionalism is their ability to interact effectively with other individuals in different conditions and situations while performing their professional activities. In most cases, the effectiveness of such interaction is associated with military specialist's communicative skills. These skills reflect their ability to choose, establish and maintain the most appropriate communication style based on respect and personal characteristics of the interlocutor in order to achieve needed professional goals. At the same time, the analysis of military practice shows significant problems and difficulties faced by especially young officers in situations of communication and interaction with subordinates and senior commanders. These problems acquire their specificity depending on officer's personal characteristics and activity nature.

Future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence formation and development in the process of their professional training while the process of higher education obtaining can be realized by creating a professionally oriented environment of communicative interaction with its focus on: a) improving or correcting components of ineffective communication styles and inadequate role positions; b) encouraging trends in the implementation of dialogue in communicative interaction; c) expanding the arsenal of mastery of communicative techniques and skills of self-diagnosis; d) providing a sufficiently complete information base of professional activity and participation in real activities aimed at the development of social and communicative interaction as their organizer.

The requirements of general scientific approaches and principles have been taken into account for future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence forming. In particular, a systematic approach is needed to characterize social and communicative competence by its semantic, structural and functional connections, to build a model of its formation. In accordance with the requirements of the activity approach, the following educational technologies are of paramount importance: those ones that focus not on the knowledge accumulation, but on the mode of action formation, the skills of social and communicative interaction in professional activities acquisition. Adherence to the requirements of personality-oriented approach helps to determine the forms and methods of future officers' social and communicative competence forming, taking into account their motivational and value attitudes, social orientations that determine the direction of communication, choice of ways, strategies and tactics of interaction with other people. The axiological approach determines the need for increased attention to the future officers' value orientations as a prerequisite for their responsible attitude to their duties and professional communication, realizing each person's value.

Competence approach implies the need to constantly update the content of academic disciplines in accordance with the new needs of public life and professional activities. Socio-cultural approach as a system of methodological guidelines outlines the principles, teaching methods focused on future specialist's socio-cultural development, determines the need for constant dialogic interaction in order to form the necessary social and communicative skills, providing psychologically comfortable communication. In addition to these approaches, it is also important to comply with the requirements of general (scientific, systematic, individual approach, connection of theory with practice, clarity, independence and activity, professional orientation) and specific (andragogy, creativity, problems, subject-subject interaction, variability) principles.

Thus, the competence approach, first of all, focuses on educational outcomes, which are not the total amount of information learned by graduates, but young professionals' ability to adequately implement their professional activities in various multiple choice situations [10, p. 34]. In a military organization, the competence approach provides an opportunity to train future security and defense sector officers as highly moral persons and citizens of their country, who are able to properly assess the current situation and make the best decision, thus ensuring the task in the shortest possible term and with minimal losses.

It should be taken into account that the increase in the level of future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence is directly related to those components of the educational system that significantly affect the overall readiness of graduates for their professional work in general and communication as one of its the most important components in particular.

Thus, in accordance with the requirements of modern educational standards, a competent officer's activity is based on the formed social and communicative competence under the condition of continuous development of its structural elements, which can be represented as follows: professional qualities (purposefulness, truthfulness and ability to prove one's point of view); emotional and volitional qualities (self-control, persistence, objectivity and the ability to influence by personal example and word); general communicative qualities (activity, sociability, ingenuity, awareness, determination, etc.).

In the context of forming future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence, special attention should be paid to the formation of graduate's neuro-psychological stability, balance and endurance, which, in turn, guarantees a friendly and decent attitude to others.

Thus, there is a need for purposeful work with cadets on their communicative skills forming, that is an important component of communicative competence in general. The current situation requires future officers in the course of their professional activities not only to possess the necessary set of acquired skills and knowledge, but also practical skills in organizing a coordinated working process, equal dialogue of subjects, adjustment of relations and timely decision-making [ 9, p. 7].

It should be emphasized that the study of processes and methods of forming future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence and their integration into the process of cadets training will help to increase officers' readiness to pursue independent professional activities.

In this regard, forming future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence while their training process is relevant and caused by a number of objectively existing contradictions, namely: contradictions between future security and defense sector officers' quality of training and society's requirements to a military specialist's competencies; contradictions between the declaration of the need for a competency-based approach in the training process and low quality of aspects of its implementation in existing curricula, including insufficient scientific and methodological support.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

Based on the above mentioned contradictions, a significant problem can be identified. It is the need for theoretical justification and development of methods for forming future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence in the process of professional training, taking into account the specific conditions of modern military service.

Summarizing the above mentioned, it can be noted that the future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence is considered to be an individual's integral ability to assess the situation, communicative partner, own communicative potential (communicative skills, knowledge, abilities, experience) in the context of performed professional task and to choose constructive ways of its solving and methods of communicative interaction. The understanding of a clear division between internal personal preconditions, that are conditions for the implementation of communicative tasks and those mental formations that are the product of purposeful work in order to improve human communicative skills should be noted. Accordingly, forming future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence in terms of professional training should be described as a process of updating and strengthening those components of training and professional environment that are significantly related to internal preconditions.

It is anticipated that forming future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence in the process of professional training will be successful under the following conditions: communicative competence is considered as an important component of a military specialist's professional competence; during the pedagogical diagnostics of forming future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence, a level assessment of the relevant competence forming will be used; in the process of forming future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence, active methods of professional training and practice-oriented classes and/or additional classes will be used.

An important area of further research is to highlight the course of experimental testing of the proposed pedagogical conditions for forming future security and defense sector officers' social and communicative competence.

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    курсовая работа [326,6 K], добавлен 12.01.2016

  • Історія формування позитивної мотивації у навчанні. Виховання відчуття боргу, відповідальності та профорієнтації. Особливості проведення уроку англійської мови на теми "I`ve got an idea", "Plenty of things to do", "The life of social environment".

    курсовая работа [48,0 K], добавлен 16.11.2010

  • Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.

    курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012

  • The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.

    учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015

  • Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world and the largest research center in Oxford more than a hundred libraries and museums, its publisher. The main areas of training students. Admission to the university. Its history and structure.

    презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 28.11.2012

  • Problems of child's psychological development. "Hot-Cold" games (for children till 7 years old). Intellectual Eye Measurer. Definitions and classification. Assessment. Computer, teacher's version. Mathematics. Statistics (for training of banking workers).

    реферат [46,3 K], добавлен 19.09.2015

  • The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.

    презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 06.02.2014

  • Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. The importance of teaching reading. Developing reading skills and strategies. Stages of conducting reading and reading activities. Rules of training of the advanced readers.

    курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 10.04.2012

  • Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.

    презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015

  • The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.

    курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 19.03.2015

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