The place of the English language in the professional formation of prospective legal specialists in Theconditions of European integration

Studying a foreign language in the professional field of law is necessary for mastering a foreign language in its colloquial, everyday and professional aspects in order to apply it in various spheres of everyday life and in future professional activities.

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The place of the English language in the professional formation of prospective legal specialists in Theconditions of European integration

Yuliia Samoilova, Associate Professor at the department of Humanities, Valentyna Vasylenko, Head the department of Humanities, Sumy Branch of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs

foreign language professional

English is widely recognized as the language of international communication and is an important skill in today's globalized world. There are a number of reasons for this, including:

1) much of the world's information and knowledge is available in English, including leading scientific articles, academic journals and news articles. Proficiency in English opens access to this deep source of knowledge;

2) knowledge of a foreign language, in particular English, can increase employment prospects and opportunities for professional growth, because today many companies require their employees to have a high level of English;

3) learning English can provide a deeper understanding of the rich cultural heritage and increase the assimilation of other cultures, contribute to the development of the state, etc.

In the context of training modern competitive specialists, the study of the English language occupies a special place, taking into account the draft law, which was submitted for consideration by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, on granting the English language international status. According to the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, "the transformation of the status of the English language in Ukraine is a necessity and a strategic step towards the full membership of our country in the EU, because knowledge of the English language is a key competence in the conditions of globalization and changes". The approval of this draft law will mean that civil servants, prosecutors, representatives of the middle and higher ranks of the police, representatives of certain positions in the tax and customs authorities must have a sufficiently high level of English; medical workers must be able to provide assistance to foreigners without an interpreter; teachers must use English in the teaching process, etc. All this once again confirms the fact that the knowledge of the English language for a modern specialist is a guarantee of success and career development.

When determining modern globalized trends, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the professional development of lawyers within the legal system of Ukraine, since the development of law in Ukraine is directly related to international legal integration.

For future specialists in the sphere of law, legal English is a tool for developing creative potential and increasing competitiveness among lawyers. A lawyer who knows legal English will be able to decode foreign legal information (international legal documents, legal terminology); will be able to carry out freely international legal activities with the solution of complex professional problems and communicate fluently in direct contact with foreign colleagues.

A lawyer must speak correctly and fluently, possess oral and written communication skills, because he needs to state facts using the appropriate terminology, convince, explain the content of the document in an accessible manner, etc. If a lawyer can do all this in English, it greatly increases his status as a specialist in the international labor market. However, the vocabulary of a separate specialty is like a language within a language, which must be studied in detail and persistently, because each subtype of the language of a specialized field is characterized by certain grammatical and syntactic constructions, specific vocabulary, etc.

The study of legal English forms communicative competences in all types of speech activity for professional and communicative purposes and the development of skills without which it is impossible to work independently with English- language legal literature and documents. A lawyer must have a grammatical minimum that covers syntax and morphology. We should not forget about the written legal language, because each country has its own legal system and corresponding legal terminology.

It is also worth noting that knowledge of English or any other foreign language is not only the actual skill of mastering a foreign language, but also a certain indicator of the desire for self-realization and development of a lawyer. This state of affairs forms a certain increased competitiveness of a particular lawyer within the limits of professional activity.

The English language and the desire of the government of our country to give it the status of international one shows that the knowledge of the English language should be an integral part of the training of modern specialists. Studying a foreign language in the professional field of law is necessary for mastering a foreign language in its colloquial, everyday and professional aspects in order to apply it in various spheres of everyday life and in future professional activities.

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