Educational resources as a means of improving the quality of education
The theoretical issues of teaching in secondary schools when using educational resources in the classroom. Bring to the attention the didactic, psychological, physiological foundations of the use of educational resources. Analyze existing literature.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.05.2024 |
Размер файла | 22,7 K |
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Educational resources as a means of improving the quality of education
Narmina Mammadova,
Ph.D. in pedagogy
Head of Department, Industrial and Technological College.
Baku, Azerbaijan.
In the modern era, which is characterized as the “age of knowledge”, “the age of information”, the rapid development of science and technology and quick access to information are vital for the development of man and society. In the conditions of revolutionary technological changes observed in the world economy in the XXI century, the real power is no longer in physical strength, but in the trained human brain, the widespread use of information and communication technologies in education and the transformation of natural resources into high potential human capital. Everywhere in the world, at every stage of social development, there was an organic connection between society and education. It may happen that some societies may not be able to mobilize sufficient resources for educational activities and institutions, but not all accept the central role of education in public life. In a world moving towards rapid globalization, education and technology must be interconnected, and scientific and technological innovation must be carefully monitored in order to take its rightful place in the information society. Formation of an independent, creative personality and citizen with the qualities of human adaptation to modern requirements and conditions, competitiveness, responsibility, participation in collegial decision-making, the functioning and development of democratic institutions, democracy, nationalism and secularism, efficiency, humanism. There is an urgent need for each country to devote more attention to education in order to form a personality based on the principles of continuity, unity and continuity. This is only possible for training an individual in accordance with the conditions of the present and new conditions that will appear in the future.
Key words: educational resources; students; efficiency; educational process; resources.
resources quality education
Мамедова Нарміна Ісрафіль Гизи,
доктор філософії з педагогіки,
завідувач відділенням індустріально-технологічного коледжу.
Баку, Азербайджан.
У сучасну епоху, яку характеризують як «вік знань», «вік інформації», стрімкий розвиток науки і техніки та швидкий доступ до інформації є життєво важливими для розвитку людини і суспільства. В умовах революційних технологічних змін, які спостерігаються у світовій економіці ХХІ століття, справжня сила вже не у фізичній силі, а в тренованому людському мозку, широкому застосуванні інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій в освіті та трансформації природних ресурсів, у високому потенційному людському капіталі. Скрізь у світі, на кожному етапі суспільного розвитку існував органічний зв'язок суспільства з освітою. Може статися так, що деякі суспільства можуть не в змозі мобілізувати достатні ресурси для освітньої діяльності та установ, але не всі визнають центральну роль освіти в суспільному житті. У світі, який рухається до стрімкої глобалізації, освіта та технології мають бути взаємопов'язані, а наукові та технологічні інновації мають ретельно відслідковуватися, щоб посісти належне їм місце в інформаційному суспільстві. Формування незалежної, творчої особистості та громадянина з якостями адаптованості людини до сучасних вимог та умов, конкурентоспроможності, відповідальності, участі в ухвалі колегіальних рішень, функціонування та розвитку демократичних інститутів, демократизму, націоналізму та секуляризму, ефективності, гуманізму. Існує нагальна потреба в кожній країні приділяти більше уваги освіті з метою формування особистості на принципах наступності, єдності та неперервності. Це можливо лише для підготовки особистості відповідно до умов сьогодення і нових умов, які з'являться в майбутньому.
Ключові слова: освітні ресурси; студенти; ефективність; навчальний процес; ресурси.
Formulation of the problem. When it comes to national education systems, as well as their integration into the global education system, it is necessary to create modern conditions for the targeted provision of schools with modern educational resources and the organization of their effective use. In a modern world where technology is not available (most modern information and communication technologies - computer, Internet, email, etc.), we can talk about technology in education or in the absence of education. Changes in information and communication technologies have also led to changes in students, which are the most important element of education. Of course, this change in students also led to many difficulties for teachers who teach in traditional and methodical ways.
In order to improve the quality of education and improve the quality of education in our country, it is necessary to study the necessary educational resources for schools of various indicators and categories operating in the country and establish a mechanism for their optimal use. To be more precise, the education system must be completely modernized, and all potential opportunities in this area should be explored.
With regard to national education systems, as well as their integration into the global education system, there is a need to create modern conditions for the targeted provision of schools with modern educational resources and the organization of their effective use. In a modern world where technology is not available (most modern information and communication technologies - computer, Internet, email, etc.), we can talk about technology in education or in lack of education. Changes in information and communication technologies have also brought about changes in students, who are the most important element of education. Of course, this change of students has also caused many difficulties for teachers who teach in a traditional and methodical manner.
In order to improve the quality of education and improve the quality of education in our country, it is necessary to study the educational resources needed for schools of various indicators and categories operating in the country and establish a mechanism for their optimal use. To be more precise, the education system must be completely modernized and all potential opportunities in this area must be explored.
In this regard, the use of modern educational resources in schools should take into account the age, physiological, psychological, personal characteristics and potential of the pupils and should be considered as the most pressing problem of the education system. At the same time, the development of scientific pedagogical, psychological and physiological foundations for the use of educational resources is also an urgent problem. Strengthen the material and technical base of the education system to ensure development in this area, provide secondary schools with modern teaching resources, create innovative teaching methods and related resources for all educational levels, introduce new interactive methods, teaching elements modules in information and communication technologies. There is a need to increase the efficiency of the development of analytical and methodological forecasting materials, teaching materials, teaching aids based on new programs and information and communication technologies.
In this context, the content of education in modern conditions, along with teaching methods and tools, as well as the use of educational resources are also an integral part of education and are one of the main priorities.
Analysis of major research and publications. Addition to this professors M. Muradkhanov [8] and others' “Pedagogy”, A. Abbasov [1] and E. Alizade's [4], A. Hasanov [5], F. Ibrahimov [6] and Y. Talibov [10], N. Kazimov's [7] “School pedagogy, E. Pashayev [9], book “Teaching Methods in the History of Azerbaijan” discusses best practices and discusses ways to solve problems using textbooks used by teachers in the school environment, which demonstrates the visual, systematic and systematic use of learning resources.
The aim of the research is to create a system of work on the use of modern educational resources in secondary schools.
The objectives of the study. Based on the purpose of the study and assumptions, the object and subject of the study, the following tasks were identified:
* clarify the theoretical issues of teaching in secondary schools when using educational resources in the classroom;
* study the general issues of using educational resources;
* bring to the attention the didactic, psychological, physiological foundations of the use of educational resources;
* clarify the didactic issues of the use of educational resources;
* clarify the psychological aspects of the use of educational resources;
* clarify the physiological basis for the use of educational resources;
* analyze existing literature;
* develop a mechanism for the optimal application of the classification of educational resources;
* determine the principles of preparation, selection and use of educational resources;
* development of principles for planning educational resources;
* consider the use of educational resources in the classroom as a factor in increasing the effectiveness of training;
* consider students as a criterion for the quality use of educational resources;
* substantiate the personal and professional qualities of the teacher as a factor that regulates the spiritual and psychological atmosphere of the learning environment and improves the use of educational resources;
* identify ways to improve the quality of educational resources in training;
* to make a general idea about the organization, conduct and conduct of the experiment.
The scientific results of research will enrich the theory of pedagogy with new ideas and will be based on a scientific basis for the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities that can be used to create conditions and conditions for the use of modern educational resources.
The main scientific ideas and suggestions expressed in the study, positive experience, problem solving systems and research results are designed for focused, systematic and planned work on the use of educational resources, faculty, teachers, all teachers and undergraduates, will help everyone.
In the modern world, the rapid development of society, science and technology and their rapid development are both a cause and a consequence of changes in the content of educational resources. This factor affects the content of other areas, including educational resources, and makes them change.
The absence or absence of sufficient educational resources, especially written resources in our country, as well as the preparation of a 12-year education in the country, the development of a new curriculum, requires the creation of new educational resources. It is also impossible to think independently of learning resources, among other factors that make up the learning process, but this one resource can be used throughout the entire teaching and learning process.
Factors contributing to the change in learning resources can be divided into two groups.
1) external factors, including social, economic, technological and legal consequences;
2) Internal factors associated with the structure of the education system, the human factor and technology.
One of the key aspects of changes in the modern scientific and pedagogical process is that it affects the content of educational resources. One of the features of facts, processes, and manifestations is that they are not constant. They change over time, and they have to give new ones. In particular, educational resources in the humanities should be updated on the basis of modern science, against the background of new facts, processes and manifestations.
Public education, changes and changes in society have had a greater impact on the teaching of subjects (especially in the humanities). Democratically humanistic, respect for human rights and freedoms, etc. Thus, educational resources in the humanities can play an important role in the formation of moral and ethical values. In this context, a new approach to the content of educational resources, including the humanities, appears, and there is a need to revise the content.
Preparation of a training resource begins with the development and implementation of an appropriate plan. The plan indicates the purpose of the resource, how it will be used, and so on. Questions should be reflected.
The principles common to the development of learning resources can be grouped as follows: simple and clear; to be selected and prepared in accordance with the purpose of the subject and subject; not all information covering the subject and course, but important and concise information should be included; the content should be scientifically correct and contain relevant information; There should be no scientific errors; Features of the Azerbaijani language should not be violated and used correctly; must not conflict with fundamental human rights and should not be discriminated against on the basis of gender, race, religion, language, color, political thinking, philosophical beliefs, religion or the like; the subjects making up the subject must be free from extremism; correspond to aesthetic, literary, cultural and social values; safety should be considered during operation; used visual elements (images, graphics, colors) should be used to highlight important points and to avoid overuse; graphics, diagrams, drawings, tables, photographs, posters, portraits, diagrams, maps and similar works should be auxiliary and complementary texts; visual design (drawing, graphics, etc.) should not contradict the general values of society; design elements should not include advertising functions; used written texts, audiovisual elements must comply with the pedagogical characteristics of the student; reflect real life and show the student's attitude to real life; questions and assignments should provide students with the opportunity to practice and apply; Different levels (upper and lower) should be suitable for use by students; not only as easy as a teacher can easily use, but as simple as students can use; be made of durable materials suitable for recycling and should not be disposed of at a time; should not interfere with the user; be written in a font appropriate to the student's level and readable; and should be easily updated and updated as necessary in accordance with curriculum changes.
When choosing educational resources in secondary schools, it is important to apply certain principles and a number of methods.
The use of training equipment and resources in the modern education system means the educational environment, the classroom of the teacher's main workplace with personal computers, projectors, screens, scanners, printers, mimo devices, smart boards, etc. It is planned to deliver. E-schools also have mobile classes equipped with laptops. Teachers and students use these learning resources and equipment both in the learning process and in extracurricular activities.
Modern technologies are used at different stages of the course using different computer programs.
You can demonstrate the following forms of organization of work with educational resources in the classroom environment: 1) online lessons;
2) Presentation lessons; 3) Seminars and lessons; 4) mental and intellectual activities; 5) Design lessons; 6) Combined lessons: video, sound, animation, “smart” boards, etc.; 7) Organization of classes using the explanations of the teacher; 8) Online - lessons, etc.
Certain principles should be considered for the use of educational resources in the school environment:
1) Compliance with the work plan for the academic year: proper planning of the educational process, including using educational resources (including educational equipment);
2) teachers have relevant knowledge and skills;
3) the creation of a conscious (problematic) problematic situation by the teacher;
4) the student's position as a “discoverer” and “researcher”;
5) the position of the teacher as a facilitator (facilitating the English language - creating favorable conditions);
6) psychological support for students;
7) targeted cooperation with a teacher whose task is to teach;
8) to guide students in setting goals, to provide methodological assistance in solving them, to teach them how to acquire and master knowledge;
9) types of student learning: taking into account their individual abilities, interests and habits, levels of training, form of training;
10) stimulation of an active research position of students;
11) creating conditions that allow students to independently discover, acquire and master new and necessary knowledge, as well as realize their potential;
12) the disclosure of new knowledge by students, not by the teacher;
13) the use of educational resources aimed at multiple feelings;
14) are easily accessible and easy to use, do not use complex and expensive training equipment and resources;
15) restrictions: taking into account financial resources and time factors;
16) the orientation of the physical characteristics of the learning environment;
17) the resources used will correspond to the age and individual characteristics of the students.
One of the organizations working with educational resources (including educational equipment) in the learning environment is presentation lessons. Presentation lessons are organized using smart whiteboards, not mechanical memorization, so that students understand and understand.
Practice shows that it is advisable to pay attention to the following aspects of organizing a lesson based on a smart board, which has a number of advantages compared to a regular course.
If the teacher uses the “smart board” to teach the subject, then the equipment becomes a teaching aid. This means that no matter what the teacher uses in the classroom, he / she must use and use resources to improve the quality of education.
From the point of view of new pedagogical thinking, the role of educational resources and the teacher as an object of using educational resources in the education system is gradually increasing. The influence of modern teaching resources on the consciousness and activity of teachers and students, learning and student behavior can be considered as a form of interaction and interaction. Effective and efficient use of modern educational resources is necessary in every area. Thus, the activity of all enterprises, offices and organizations, state and state structures is noticeable with the help of modern educational equipment. Teachers play a unique role in the use of modern pedagogical resources in teaching and out-of-school education in secondary schools. Their professionalism and pedagogical skills determine the effectiveness of learning in the classroom. The effectiveness of the psychological and spiritual environment in the school environment depends on the efforts of each of the teachers, their pedagogical skills, their skills in pedagogical ethics and tactics, theoretical and methodological training, and the level of relationship between teacher and student.
A professional teacher expects pedagogical ethics in the classroom, respects the personality of the student, and becomes objective and fair. In addition, secondary school teachers are concerned about the democratization and humanization of the educational process, contributing to the cognitive activity, initiative and independence of students who regard them as equal participants in the educational process.
The positive effect of using modern educational resources is usually measured by the end result of the work done. The criterion is the use of modern educational resources. If the result is high, then modern learning resources are used effectively and efficiently in the learning process. The use of modern educational resources in the educational process cannot be discussed without the effective use of modern educational resources when work in this direction is not organized.
The high level of use of modern educational resources in secondary schools depends on the personal qualities of the teacher. The teacher should be able to track, benefit and apply the latest innovations in the field of information and communication technologies, innovations, educational systems and teaching methods. He should be humanistic, fair, caring, objective, principled, sincere and not distinguish students, no matter how he reads, but also serious and demanding. Another problem is that the student does not read well and his behavior is incorrect. Systematic, focused work in this direction should be provided and carried out.
The methodological basis of the study is a combination of theoretical principles, methods and tools used to understand and generalize the didactic approach to existence, pedagogical fact, events and processes.
During the study, the following research methods were used:
1. Theoretical analysis;
2. Sociological methods (questionnaires, interviews, written surveys);
3. Analytical diagnostics (comparison of the formation and development of indicators in various subjects);
4. Modeling: study and systematization of documents;
5. Mathematical statistics;
6. Pedagogical supervision;
7. Pedagogical interview;
8. Pedagogical experiment.
Thus, the results of the study confirmed that the use of computer technology and other educational resources in the subject area is an ideal tool for education. Thus, training and teaching become more accessible when educational resources are used for the purposeful, planned, systematic and continuous use of educational resources, providing students with cognitive activity, acquiring knowledge in subjects and increasing their level of logical thinking. plays an important role in the proper construction of relations between teacher and student, improving the quality of teaching and communication skills. Therefore, it is desirable that teachers systematically and consistently work in the learning process, both in the learning process and in the classroom.
The study led to the following conclusions: Since independence, Azerbaijan has undergone significant changes in all aspects of society, including the education system, both in form and content. Thus, new steps were taken in the theory of education, the main directions of state policy in the field of education, the content, purpose and structure of education, for the first time national curricula and textbooks for special schools were developed, the educational system is integrated into the international education system. laid the foundations of a modern national education system based on the latest achievements.
When it comes to national education systems, as well as integration into the global education system, it is necessary to create all the necessary conditions and opportunities for the targeted provision of schools with modern teaching equipment and resources, as well as for their effective use.
Today, studying how to use new ICT-based teaching methods in the country's education system, creating a resource base, increasing the motivation of school administrators and teachers to use ICTs effectively in the educational process, as well as improving school infrastructure and supplies, is an important requirement of the day. Teachers (trainees) are forced to use the latest educational resources: computer and audiovisual resources, CDs, DVDs, videos, the Internet, smart cards, projectors and other similar technological innovations.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the main factors that should be considered when applying educational resources are: purpose and topic; easy access and use; student age and personality; teacher and student attitude to resources; suitability of physical conditions, achievement of goals in the educational process; provide effective training; orientation of the student to new classes; time and economic profitability, etc.
1) Updating educational resources in accordance with rapidly developing technologies, which makes them more responsive to the requirements of the time and more efficiently uses their capabilities and advantages; providing each educational institution with the necessary technical equipment, resources and connecting all educational institutions to a single educational network.
2) To emphasize a systematic approach to the use of modern pedagogical resources. A systematic approach is to consider education as a whole so that the goals, content, methods and training resources (including educational equipment) adequately complement each other. Since a change in one component affects all elements, it is important to master the system as a law.
3) Providing Internet access to all educational institutions of Azerbaijan (including schools located in remote areas); providing adequate financial support and assistance from relevant government agencies in this regard.
4) Studying the best practices of the countries of the world, establishing rules for using the Internet in schools to ensure a filtering process to protect students from harmful information and ensure the safety of the Internet when connecting the Internet to schools.
5) The acquisition by teachers of appropriate knowledge and skills for the use of modern educational equipment (including intellectual) and resources. To overcome this limitation, first of all, it is the provision of a wide range of teacher training courses on the job and the systematic continuation of the process while the service is free. Ensuring its sustainability by making the necessary updates to training courses on the job every year.
6) Development and improvement of educational standards and curricula in the field of modern educational resources.
7) To include, first of all, the systematic annual planning of the educational process with the aim of more efficient use of modern educational resources.
8) Creation and development of the regulatory framework of modern educational resources (including equipment) of the education system.
9) Elimination of teachers' shortcomings through the curriculum. Providing teachers with sufficient time for the effective use of modern teaching equipment (computer technology) and resources for educational programs.
10) School management should always focus on the use of modern teaching resources, as well as support teachers in this work. The increasing role of school management in the field of innovation in this area is an important factor in the organization of special training courses in order to form a wider understanding of them.
11) Preparation and provision of free educational materials in the Azerbaijani language, especially national electronic resources, covering all subjects, especially the Azerbaijani language and literature, the content of state disciplines; taking into account individual and age characteristics of students in the development and use of educational resources.
12) Modernization of library activities and an increase in the number of electronic libraries.
13) The importance of including existing teaching equipment and resources in the curricula of pedagogical universities for future teachers.
14) The use of advanced teaching resources (“smart” boards, word-powerpoint-excel lessons, communication with students, extra-curricular activities, assignment distribution systems) at the first stage of training at university teaching departments providing systematic lessons on how to use the system, podcast, active inspiration, etc.) to gain their theoretical knowledge and practical skills on new technologies.
15) Ensure consistent communication and coordination between school parents and teacher students to ensure the sustainable use of modern educational resources in education. The implementation of the teacher-student communication, communication, appointment and exchange of necessary documents using technological devices even in extracurricular times.
16) Encourage teachers to show interest in the field of modern teaching resources and related equipment (computer and related technologies). To encourage teachers to use modern teaching equipment and resources, the Ministry of Education once a year provides the best teachers and schools with modern educational resources and equipment (gifts, computers, projectors, computers, tablets, video cameras, video cameras, etc.).
17) Strengthening activities - the creation and regular continuation of television broadcasts aimed at informing teachers, especially teachers in schools, about innovations in modern teaching resources.
Prospects for further research in this direction. The use of learning resources is an organic component of the learning and training process. Modern teaching resources are also used by teachers of various disciplines, the leadership of the educational institution and the general teaching staff. The effectiveness of using modern educational resources, preparing students for a high level of education and upbringing from the infrastructure of educational resources, physical support of the classroom environment, moral and psychological atmosphere, the level of teacher-student, pedagogical, methodological, and pedagogical.
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курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 19.03.2015The most common difficulties in auding and speaking. Psychological characteristics of speech. Linguistic characteristics of speech. Prepared and unprepared speech. Mistakes and how to correct them. Speaking in teaching practice. Speech, oral exercises.
курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 01.04.2008Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.
презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011Intercultural Communication Competence: Language and Culture. The role Intercultural Communicative Competence in teaching foreign languages. Intercultural Competence in Foreign language teaching. Contexts for intercultural learning in the classroom.
курсовая работа [94,1 K], добавлен 13.05.2017The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.
презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 06.02.2014The bases of teaching a foreign language. Effective methodology of teaching a foreign language as a second. Using project methods in teaching. The method of debate. The advantages of using games. Various effective ways of teaching a foreign language.
курсовая работа [679,3 K], добавлен 21.01.2014Methods of foreign language teaching. The grammar-translation method. The direct, audio-lingual method, the silent way and the communicative approach. Teaching English to children in an EFL setting. Teaching vocabulary to children. Textbook analysis.
курсовая работа [142,6 K], добавлен 09.12.2012The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.
учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015