Formation of professional competences of a bachelor of cultural studies in the process of studying the disciplines of professional training
The place of the disciplines "Museum Studies", "Fundamentals of Socio-Cultural Design", "Information Technologies for Professional Activity", and "University Education and Academic Writing" in of Bachelor of Cultural Studies professional training.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.05.2024 |
Размер файла | 19,9 K |
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Размещено на
Formation of professional competences of a bachelor of cultural studies in the process of studying the disciplines of professional training
Oleksandr Lukianenko,
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Cultural Studies;
Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University
Vita Dmytrenko,
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies;
Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University
Vitaliy Dmytrenko,
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University.
The article analyzes the place and role of the disciplines «Museum Studies», «Fundamentals of Socio-Cultural Design», «Information Technologies for Professional Activity», and «University Education and Academic Writing» in the system of Bachelor of Cultural Studies professional training. The stages of the above-mentioned disciplines' introduction into educational and professional programs «Cultural Studies» of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 034 Cultural Studies of the field of knowledge 03 Humanities of different years of introduction have been determined. The scope, form of control, and transformation of educational components have been clarified. It has been established that the introduction of such disciplines as mandatory for professional training is directly related to the approval by the State Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine for specialty 034 «Cultural Studies» for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education. professional competences bachelor
The study of the discipline's content shows that the topics presented in the programs have a clear practical orientation and allow to effectively form the future specialist's professional skills and abilities. The priority importance of these disciplines in the formation of specific (professional, subject) competencies, which corresponds to SC1, SC2, SC3, SC6, SC8, SC9, SC10, SC11, and SC12 of the educational and professional program «Cultural Studies» has been proven for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 034 Cultural Studies of the field of knowledge 03 Humanities.
This approach corresponds to the goals of education stated in the standard of higher education and modern trends in the training of a competitive, high-class specialist who can actively develop his creative potential, which is necessary for solving complex multifaceted socio-cultural objectives and practical problems.
In addition, it contributes to the formation of a specialist with an innovative type of thinking, capable not only of perceiving and adapting but also of producing changes in society, taking into account the norms ofprofessional ethics. The formation of the professional ethos of a cultural specialist is extremely important in the context of the process of Ukraine's integration into the European community, which requires new communication skills and activities with a fundamentally tolerant, non-aggressive approach to other traditions, views, and norms.
Keywords: higher education, «Information Technologies for Professional Activity», culturologist, «Museum Studies», «Fundamentals of Socio-Cultural Design», professional training, «University Education and Academic Writing».
Олександр Лук'яненко,
доктор історичних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри культурології;
Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В. Г. Короленка
Віта Дмитренко,
кандидатка історичних наук, доцентка кафедри культурології;
Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В. Г. Короленка
Віталій Дмитренко,
кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри культурології; Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В. Г. Короленка.
У статті проаналізовано місце та роль дисциплін «Музеєзнавство», «Основи соціокультурного проєктування», «Інформаційні технологій в професійній діяльності», «Університетська освіта та академічне письмо» у системі професійної підготовки бакалавра-культуролога. Визначено етапи впровадження означених вище дисциплін в освітньо-професійні програми «Культурологія» першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освіти за спеціальністю 034 Культурологія галузі знань 03 Гуманітарні науки різних років укладення. З'ясовано обсяг, форму контролю й трансформацію освітніх компонентів. Встановлено, що уведення таких предметів як обов 'язкових до професійної підготовки напряму пов'язане з прийняттям державного Стандартом вищої освіти України за спеціальністю 034 «Культурологія» для першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освіти.
Дослідження змістового наповнення дисциплін показало, що теми, представлені в програмах, мають виразне практичне спрямування й дозволяють ефективно сформувати професійні вміння й навички майбутнього фахівця. Доведено пріоритетне значення цих дисциплін при формуванні спеціальних (фахових, предметних) компетентностей, що відповідає СК 1, СК 2, СК 3, СК 6, СК 8, СК 9, СК10, СК11, СК12 освітньо-професійної програми «Культурологія» першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освіти за спеціальністю 034 Культурологія галузі знань 03 Гуманітарні науки.
Такий підхід відповідає цілям навчання, заявленим у стандарті вищої освіти та сучасним тенденціям підготовки конкурентоздатного, висококласного спеціаліста, здатного активно розвивати свій творчий потенціал, необхідний для розв'язання складних багатопланових соціокультурних задач і практичних проблем. Окрім цього, він сприяє формуванню фахівця з інноваційним типом мислення, здатного не лише сприймати і пристосовуватися, а й продукувати зміни у соціумі з урахуванням норм професійної етики. Формування професійного етосу фахівця-культуролога вкрай важливе в контексті процесу інтеграції України у європейську спільноту, що потребує нових навичок комунікації й діяльності з принципово толерантним, неагресивним підходом до інших традицій, поглядів та норм.
Ключові слова: вища освіта, «Інформаційні технологій в професійній діяльності», культуролог, «Музеєзнавство», «Основи соціокультурного проєктування», професійна підготовка, «Університетська освіта та академічне письмо».
Formulation of the problem. Humanistic principles, which from a worldview, legal, political and economic point of view, determine the civilizational progress of mankind, starting from the Renaissance, inevitably lead to the expansion of opportunities for human selfrealization in the world. Scientific and technical progress, a culture of tolerance not only creates opportunities for the professional development of an individual, but also contributes to strengthening the requirements for his professional training. Accordingly, the demand for high- quality educational services capable of forming a competitive professional on the labor market is growing. However, there is no objection to the fact that it is much easier to train a narrow-profile specialist than a specialist capable of solving complex multi-faceted and multifunctional tasks. The training of such professionals is the goal of the educational and professional program «Culturology» of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education of the Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University.
A specialist in Cultural Stidies must possess a wide range of modern cultural knowledge, able to carry out analytical and practical, protection and popularization, organizational, research and leisure activities in the field of culture. After all, the field of employment of such a specialist is wide: institutions of education, culture, art, cultural and creative industries (Освітньо- професійна програма «Культурологія», 2020).
The formation of competencies necessary for work ensures a successful selection of educational disciplines of professional training. The adoption in 2020 of the standard of higher education in the specialty 034 Culturology contributed to the delineation of the range of subjects capable of forming the necessary skills and abilities of a culturologist. At the same time, the specific list of educational components is determined by the graduation department, students of higher education and stakeholders during the discussion of the educational program project. The result of such cooperation is an up-to-date, dynamic product (educational and professional program) oriented to today's needs.
Analysis of the latest research. Despite the great attention of scientists to the stated topic, we note the actual absence of special publications on this issue. Some aspects of the practical professional training of a culturologist are considered in the works of Inna Hurova (Гурова, 2017), Vyta and Vitaliy Dmytrenkos (Дмитренко В. А., Дмитренко В. І., 2022), Lyubov Kravchenko (Кравченко, Карапузова, 2009; Кравченко, Степаненко, 2014), Alla Lytvynenko (Литвиненко, 2022), Renata Vynnychuk, Oleksandr Lukyanenko (Lukyanenko, Vynnychuk, 2022, Лук'яненко, 2023), Olha Chernyavska (Чернявська, 2020) and others.
The main basis of the research was: the educational and professional program «Culturology» of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 034 Culturology of the field of knowledge 03 Humanities, syllabi of the educational components of the program, which are publicly available on the official website of the Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University (Кафедра культурології Полтавського національного педагогічного університету імені В. Г. Короленка).
The purpose of the research is the analysis of individual disciplines of the professional training of a bachelor of cultural studies, which form professional competences.
Presenting main material. The above-mentioned educational and professional program includes 13 educational disciplines of professional training of the bachelor of cultural studies. In the study, we will analyze the following of them: «Museology», «Basics of socio-cultural design», «Information technologies in professional activity», «University education and academic writing». They ensure the formation of 9 special (professional, subject) competencies (Освітньо-професійна програма «Культурологія», 2020. c. 9, 16).
«Museology» was introduced as a mandatory subject of the professional training of cultural studies in 2020. Its study is provided for the second year of education for students (III semester). The amount of the educational component is 4 ECTS credits, the control form is an exam. The discipline is aimed at highlighting museum institutions as a repository of museum objects and a research center as a socio-cultural phenomenon; awareness of their role in the formation of universal values; formation of practical skills for determining the museum value of
objects, drawing up an act of acceptance of museum objects for permanent storage, filling in the book of receipts of the main fund, checking compliance with the conditions of storage of exhibits, drawing up an extended thematic exposition plan of the museum exposition and explanation. It is a prerequisite for the completion of industrial cultural and museological practice.
The goal of the educational discipline is realized through the study of the following topics: «Museology as a science and an educational discipline»; «History of museum affairs»; «Museum as a socio-cultural institution»; «Scientific foundation work of museums»; «Exposition work of museums»; «Marketing and advertising and information activities of museums»; «Excursion service in museum institutions»; «Innovations in museum activity» (Силабус навчальної дисципліни «Музеєзнавство», 2021). Studying the material forms students' ability to determine the degree of value and uniqueness of museum objects; to analyze the cultural policy of museum institutions; evaluate the material and spiritual value of the object of cultural heritage of different historical periods and geographical areas. This corresponds to the Special Competence (SC)2, SC6, SC9 of the educational and professional program (Освітньо-професійна програма «Культурологія», 2020).
«Fundamentals of Socio-Cultural Projecting» was introduced as a mandatory subject of professional training of cultural studies also in 2020. Its study was provided for in the fourth year of study of education seekers (VII semester) with the amount of 4 ECTS credits, the form of control is an exam. However, in 2021, during the meeting of the working group on the creation/updation of the educational program «Culturology» by education seekers and stakeholders, it was recommended to transfer the educational component to the III semester (second year of study), changing the form of control (credit) and the scope (3 ECTS credits). Such recommendations are related to the fact that the completion of industrial cultural and museological practice requires the application of project activity skills.
The discipline is designed to form the future specialist's knowledge and skills in the use of design patterns in the development of socio-cultural programs. The course presents an overview of both the basic concepts of project activity, as well as the processes and tools necessary for professional mastery of the design methodology. The component of the educational program involves studying the specifics of financing cultural projects; creation of a project team and its management, as well as cultural projects for various categories of the population.
The goal of the educational discipline is realized through the study of the following topics: «General characteristics of design»; «Culture of Projecting»; «Project»; «Essence of sociocultural design»; «Results of socio-cultural planning»; «Stages of creating socio-cultural programs (projects)» (Силабус освітнього компонента «Основи соціокультурного проєктування», 2022). Studying the material forms in students the ability to present the results of their activities (that is, a personally developed project) orally and in writing; generate projects; organize cultural events. In addition, «Socio-cultural design» develops analytical skills in students of higher education, the ability to provide appropriate arguments using current and relevant sources, etc. This corresponds to SC1, SC8, SC11 of the educational and professional program (Освітньо-професійна програма «Культурологія», 2020, c. 6-7).
«Information technologies in professional activity» was introduced as a mandatory subject of professional training of cultural studies in 2017. Its study is provided for in the third year of education of students (VI semester) with the amount of 5 ECTS credits, the form of control is an exam.
The discipline provides familiarization with the most commonly used computer programs; forms an idea about the principles of work and the use of modern information technologies in professional activity; teaches to effectively apply information technologies and programming during scientific and research work. Contributes to the acquisition of skills to evaluate the effectiveness of the development and functioning of modern information systems based on advanced information technology and taking into account international and domestic experience.
The goal of the educational discipline is realized through the study of the following topics: «Conceptual apparatus of IT»; «Historical stages of information technology development»; «Informational culture»; «Text editors and spreadsheets»; «Graphic objects and multimedia»; «Hypertext systems», «IT in practical activity» (Силабус освітнього компонента «Інформаційні технології в професійній діяльності, 2022). Studying the material forms in students the ability to determine the degree of value and uniqueness of cultural objects using information technologies, the ability to popularize knowledge about culture and disseminate information of cultural content using modern information, communication tools and visual technologies. This corresponds to SC2, SC3, SC9, SC10 of the educational and professional program.
«University education and academic writing» was introduced as a mandatory subject of professional training of cultural studies also in 2020. Its study is provided for in the first year of study of education seekers (I semester) with the amount of 3 ECTS credits, the form of control is credit. The discipline allows students to form a system of knowledge about the essence and social significance of higher education, modern trends in its development. It is designed to develop the skills of independent and effective learning in a higher education institution, to foster a sense of belonging and respect for the educational institution, its history and traditions. Allows the student to organize his educational activities, including work at lectures, seminars, practical, laboratory classes; independent work (preparation for practicals, writing essays, term papers (projects), control papers, practicals, etc.); to work with the library funds of the institution of higher education and literature; participate in student self-government. Studying the above subject, students get acquainted with the principles of the organization of the Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, its structural subdivisions and the main normative documents regulating the educational process; learn the rules and norms of academic writing and the basics of scientific ethos. In addition, «University education and academic writing» is a kind of introduction to the profession, an invitation to form an idea of the field of cultural studies, positions defined by the Classifier of Professions (Національний класифікатор України, 2010).
The purpose of the academic discipline is realized through the study of the following topics: «University as a cultural phenomenon and center of higher education»; «Poltava National Pedagogical University: structure, management and self-government bodies, regulatory framework»; «Higher education standard and educational and professional program (EPP) «Culturology» of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in the specialty 034 Culturology of the field of knowledge 03 Humanities»; «Higher education standard of specialty 034 Cultural studies of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education. Normative content. Attestation forms»; «Classifier of professions. The specificity of the work of a culturologist»; «Academic integrity as an element of corporate culture», «Academic writing as one of the types of scientific communication», «Creation of academic texts» (Силабус освітнього компонента «Університетська освіта та академічне письмо», 2020).
Studying the material forms in students the ability to present the results of their activities in the form of essays, annotations, video clips; adhere to the standards of professional ethics. This corresponds to SC 1, SC 12 of the educational and professional program (Освітньо-професійна програма «Культурологія», 2020. c. 6-7).
Thus, the development of professional competences of a bachelor of cultural studies takes place at the expense of a number of educational disciplines. Their choice is dictated by the Standard of Higher Education of Ukraine in specialty 034 «Cultural Studies» for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education. The analysis of the content of such subjects as «Museology», «Basics of socio-cultural design», «Information technologies in professional activity», «University education and academic writing» proved that their thematic content allows for the effective formation of professional skills and abilities. At least 50% of the volume of the educational program is aimed at ensuring general and special (professional) competences in the specialty, as well as defined by the standard of higher education. An important component of the
technology for the formation of the professional competence of culturologists is the organization and quality control of training, which includes tests; monitoring the quality of education using information technologies; modular rating system for evaluating studentse educational achievements; presentation and defense of socio-cultural projects.
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