New approaches and methods of teaching foreign languages in institutions of higher education of the ministry of interior affairs

The "distance learning" arose due to the need of society and in such a short period of time managed to combine all the advantages of using the latest technologies. Educational institutions around the world support the development of distance education.

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New approaches and methods of teaching foreign languages in institutions of higher education of the ministry of interior affairs


здобувач вищої освіти ІІ курсу Науковий керівник -


старший викладач Дніпропетровський державний університет внутрішніх справ

In recent decades, technologies and multimedia for remote learning of foreign languages have become extremely widely used.

Such scientists as O. Andreev, E. Belova, A. Bernadskyi, V. Tikhomirov, T. Kashytsyn, P. Mayer, V. Soldatkin, T. Yashtur, etc. dealt with the problem of using modern information technologies in the educational process of universities.

The term "distance learning" arose due to the need of society and in such a short period of time managed to combine all the advantages of using the latest technologies in the educational process. Note that Ukrainian legislation and educational institutions around the world support the development of distance education. distance learning educational

The new reality dictates its own rules to us. The realities of today are such that there is a need not only to update the content and methods of applying innovative approaches to teaching a foreign language in a professional direction, but also to introduce platforms for conducting classes remotely [1, p.44].

We encountered this problem en masse for the first time in the spring of 2020. Thus, in addition to the implementation of innovative approaches, we faced another task: work on the basis of ZOOM, Classroom, Moodle, etc. platforms.

All this played a significant role in the lives of both students and teachers We had to adapt to modern teaching conditions. The formation of foreign language communicative competence in the above-mentioned conditions required the updating and use of new materials, the development of more diverse and methodologically appropriate methods, and the mastery of new technologies.

The development of distance courses is extremely useful both in the conditions of studying students during the quarantine period, and to ensure access to educational materials for all students at a time convenient for them, this is especially relevant for working students or for those who study in parallel at other universities.

The global Internet is a completely unique environment that provides excellent informational and didactic opportunities for learning foreign languages [2, p.273].

For example, in the training of future legal professionals, the following effective methods that can be practiced using the Internet should be highlighted:

1. Participation in all-Ukrainian and international Internet conferences, which allows you to improve your language skills, develop your horizons, and gain knowledge in a certain field.

2. Participation in contests, Olympiads, testing. In this way, you can get an objective assessment of knowledge, prove yourself, prepare for exams, participate in other types of competitions and Olympiads.

It should be noted that the majority of students positively perceive participation in such activities online, they do not have a negative psychological moment and a sense of fear, which are characteristic of students in real situations.

3. Learning vocabulary, performing lexical tasks.

4. Practicing pronunciation, monologue speech.

work on dialogic and

5. Studying grammar and performing grammar exercises and test tasks.

6. Creating presentations in the Microsoft PowerPoint software environment.

In general, both classical and innovative teaching methods should be used to

increase the effectiveness of the educational process. Modern classes using innovative technologies are more personalized, they are aimed at the interests and abilities of each student.

In modern conditions of distance learning, interactive learning methods are widely used. Under such conditions, the teacher does not just teach the material, but becomes an active participant in the discussion, guiding it in the right direction.

The implementation of individual, pair and group work of students is important.

In general, in recent years, teaching has shifted from a teacher-led approach to a student-led approach. If earlier the teacher acted as the main source of information, today he turns into a consultant, manager, expert or moderator.

The main tasks of a foreign language teacher are the following:

1. formation and development of abilities and skills of reading texts in a professional direction;

2. work on improving the monologic and dialogic speech of students of higher education institutions;

3. improving the skills and abilities of translating texts in a professional direction;

4. expansion of students' vocabulary, familiarization with general and specialized vocabulary of a foreign language;

5. repetition of grammatical topics, work on English verb tenses;

6. formation of listening skills based on adapted and authentic texts;

7. communicative orientation of classes [3, p. 195].

The latter is very important, because the specificity of a foreign language as an educational subject is that communication is not only the ultimate goal of learning, but also a means of achieving it. Educational material is better learned if the student does not passively perceive information, but is involved in discussions and actively acts while studying the material.

Because of this, certain one-way systems for learning foreign languages in the form of videos, presentations or the actual completion of written homework have been criticized because they do not involve two-way interaction.


1. Gadzevych I. M. The search for optimal methods and methods of teaching in classes on the course "Business English". Bulletin of Zhytomyr State University named after I. Franko. 2004. Issue 17. P. 44-45.

2. All-European Recommendations on language education: study, teaching, evaluation / Scientific editor of the Ukrainian edition, prof. S. Yu. Nikolaeva. Kyiv: Lenvit, 2003. 273 p.

3. Khodtseva A. O. Peculiarities of the formation of professional communication skills in the business English course. Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Kyiv, 2010. P. 192-198.

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