Current trends in the professional English language teaching of the Ukrainian border guard agency personnel
Correspondence of the professional foreign language competence of the staff to the requirements of the Unified training program for EU border guards. Increasing the level of compatibility of personnel of the border agencies of Ukraine and the EU.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.05.2024 |
Размер файла | 21,6 K |
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Размещено на
Department of Foreign Languages, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine
Current trends in the professional english language teaching of the Ukrainian border guard agency personnel
Nadiia Moroz PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Associate professor
Tetiana Shchegoleva PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Senior lecturer Valentyna Hrishko-Dunaievska PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Senior lecturer
Anzhela Petrash Lecturer
Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
The article highlights the features of professional foreign language training of border guards in Ukraine, focusing on its basic tendencies: compliance of the personnel professional foreign language competence with the requirements of the NATO STANAG 6001, CEFR, Common Core Curriculum of the EU border guards basic training, with the purpose of improving the level of interoperability of the personnel of Ukrainian and EU border guard agencies. The authors argue that Ukrainian border guard agency has set a course to improve international military cooperation with EU and NATO member states. It has been established that the effectiveness of achieving the compatibility of the Armed Forces and the SBGSU with the armed forces of the EU and NATO Member States largely depends on the level of foreign language proficiency of military specialists. The authors defined key directions in the border guards' English for Specific Purposes training delivery methodology development at the present stage: focusing on the communicative competence development of the border guard agency personnel; implementing multimedia technologies of foreign language teaching; using of blended learning technologies; using infographics, gamification in teaching English; developing and utilizing web quests and Internet projects. Generalization of the best ideas of organizing joint professional foreign language training of border guards in the EU countries is necessary for introduction and adaptation of the acquired experience in the system of professional training of personnel of the state border guard service of Ukraine. professional foreign language competence
Key words: border guards; professional training; English for Specific Purposes; interoperability.
Мороз Н., Щеголева Т., Грішко-Дунаєвська В., Петраш А. Сучасні тенденції у навчанні англійської мови для професійних потреб персоналу прикордонного відомства України
У статті висвітлено сучасні тенденції у навчанні англійській мові для професійних потреб персоналу Держприкордонслужби України: відповідність професійної іншомовної компетентності персоналу вимогам НАТО STANAG 6001, CEFR, Єдиної навчальної програми для прикордонників ЄС базового рівня, з метою підвищення рівня сумісності персоналу прикордонних відомств України та ЄС. Автори обґрунтовано доводять, що українське прикордонне відомство останнім часом взяло курс на покращення міжнародної військової співпраці з країнами-членами ЄС та НАТО. Одним із пріоритетних напрямів співпраці є забезпечення представництва ДПСУ у багатонаціональних військових навчаннях НАТО за кордоном та на території України. Водночас, ефективність сумісності Збройних Сил та Держприкордонслужби України зі збройними силами країн-членів ЄС та НАТО значною мірою залежить від рівня володіння іноземною мовою військових фахівців. З'ясовано, що опис результатів навчання у спільних програмах підготовки прикордонників країн ЄС узгоджується з Галузевою рамкою кваліфікацій у сфері охорони кордонів країн ЄС. Виявлено, що підготовка прикордонників передбачає вивчення особовим складом прикордонних підрозділів професійно-орієнтованої тематики для їх злагоджених дій під час спільного патрулювання та спільних прикордонних операцій. Автори визначили ключові напрями розвитку професійної іншомовної підготовки прикордонників на сучасному етапі: розвиток комунікативної компетентності персоналу прикордонного відомства; впровадження мультимедійних технологій під час навчання іноземній мові; використання змішаних технологій навчання; використання інфографіки, гейміфікації у викладанні англійської мови; розробка та використання вебквестів та інтернет-проєктів. Узагальнення найкращих ідей організації професійної іншомовної підготовки прикордонників інших країн вважається необхідним для впровадження та адаптації набутого досвіду в систему професійної підготовки персоналу Державної прикордонної служби України.
Ключові слова: прикордонники; професійна підготовка; англійська мова для професійних потреб; сумісність.
Problem statement. Taking into account the importance of adapting training standards in the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGSU) to the requirements of the European and global educational space, it is necessary to study the best foreign experience of foreign language training of border guards, and especially the member states of the European Union (EU). These countries, taking into account the peculiarities of their cultural and historical development, have formed their own approaches to border protection, which, accordingly, has influenced the development of various training systems for personnel of their border guard agencies [1]. Also, the Ukrainian Border Guard Agency has been a partner of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex for more than ten years, and in 2019 the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (NASBGSU) received associate membership in the network of border partner academies under the auspices of this agency. At the same time, the joint professional activity of border guards' specialists forced the European border guard organisations to put in the first place the issue of using one language, for which English was chosen, and therefore today the unified training of personnel from different EU countries is conducted using this language. It becomes especially effective during joint border guard operations, when representatives of different European agencies can communicate in the same language and use the same terminology [2].
The purpose of the article is to reveal modern tendencies in the professional English language training for the Ukrainian border guard agency personnel based on the common European educational standards for the purpose of further implementing the best practices in the system of professional training of the SBGSU personnel.
Analysis of recent research and publications. A significant number of Ukrainian scientists are engaged in studying the specifics of professional training of border guards, including: I. Bloshchynsky, O. Torichny, O. Didenko, K. Tushko. Issues of implementation of advanced foreign experience in organizing foreign language training of specialists were studied by: D. Taushan, O. Nitenko, I. Yaremchuk. N. Moroz was engaged in research on ESP training for the border protection specialists. However, our investigations have shown that nowadays there is practically no thorough analysis of the problem of introducing best practices for professional foreign language training of border guard personnel based on European educational standards into the system of professional training of Ukrainian border guards.
Research results
Today, new requirements are being put forward for specialists in many spheres, the world is moving towards general education, this also applies to border protection specialists, and if earlier border guards were engaged only in protecting the state border of their own country, now they also need to participate in joint patrols with border guards of other countries, as well as in joint operations of the European border and coast guard agency [3].
The educational strategy for common professional training of border guard agencies personnel in the EU countries is aimed at encouraging the professional development of border guards. Participants in the educational process are expected to constantly use available resources to stimulate the educational process. This approach contributes to the development of the learners' autonomy, allows them to use their experience and competencies formed during an internship or previous professional activity at the border. At the same time, the training that takes place in the border guard units after graduation in an educational institution is crucial.
Joint training of border guards of the EU countries offers measurable and unified standards of professional training of border guard officers based on certain expected learning outcomes - a set of knowledge, skills and competencies acquired in the course of studying professionally-oriented academic disciplines. Joint training of EU border guards is designed in such a way that it can be implemented in relevant training programs at the national level. Other topics can be retained in national curricula, such as strategic communication, cross-cultural competence formation, second-line interviews, and so on. To a certain extent, the joint training of border guards of the EU countries can also be used to develop training programs for advanced training and specialized training, as well as to form professional competencies in order to continue education at the highest level [4].
Joint foreign language training of EU border guards uses three forms of training: independent (online), contact, and experiential, which is carried out directly at the border guard units and takes place after graduation or between contact phases of training. All forms of training take into account the practical role of border guards and reflect the concept of developing professional competencies defined in the Sectoral Qualifications Framework (SQF) in the field of Border Protection [7]. Coordination with the SQF for Border Protection makes all the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies understandable in an all-European context and therefore they can be easily transferred to the operational and service environment in order to perform the necessary border protection tasks at a professional level. The description of training results in joint training programs for border guards of EU countries is based on the taxonomy of training goals developed by B. Bloom and is agreed with the SQF of the EU border protection [5].
The main problematic issue in the organization of unified training of border guards of EU countries is the need to organize it in English. Foreign language proficiency levels for Border Guard officers are set out in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR) [9]. Threshold level of foreign language proficiency in accordance with the requirements of joint training of EU border guards is B1. Also, the European qualifications framework of for Lifelong Learning provides the necessary recommendations for learning, teaching, and evaluating the language, while the necessary content (English for Specific Purposes) is reflected in the relevant sections and topics of the Common Core Curriculum for EU border guards (CCC) [10].
Despite the fact that CEFR is sometimes criticized for certain shortcomings, it is still the most recognized system of standards and objective criteria for describing language proficiency, a tool that is generally recognized by language learning centres, textbook publishers, language educational institutions, Language teachers, developers of foreign language teaching programs and curricula in (and in many other countries outside) Europe. The SQF for border protection states that: “all foreign language training should be described as presented in the CEFR” [12]. In addition, the latest edition of the CCC of border guards of the EU countries states that: “since learning a foreign language and foreign language competence do not correspond to the levels of SQF in terms of learning complexity, the assessment of learning outcomes related to learning a foreign language should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the European system of reference languages for learning languages: study, teaching and assessment [10].
Nowadays foreign language training of EU border guards is implemented through a student-centred approach, which is to support and develop students' independence and personal responsibility for their professional development. They should be equal and conscious partners in the educational process. In addition, the training strategy for foreign language training of EU border guards is based on the use of active training methods. First, it helps to combine learning with practice, which best helps to develop new skills and competencies. Secondly, the student-oriented approach to learning requires transparency of learning outcomes and the use of assessment methods that allow taking into account the activity of cadets in the educational process [6].
Common training approach to border guards training emphasize the importance of continuous professional development and personal responsibility. It is assumed that employees of border agencies should be able to search for and master knowledge, independently improve their skills and abilities using available means, and consciously develop basic competencies in the field of border protection during the educational process [8].
Recently, the Ukrainian border guard agency has set a course to improve international military cooperation with EU and NATO Member States. One of the priority areas of cooperation is to ensure the representation of the SBGS of Ukraine in NATO operations, multinational military exercises abroad, or conducting them on the territory of Ukraine, etc. The effectiveness of achieving the compatibility of the Armed Forces and the SBGSU with the armed forces of the EU and NATO Member States largely depends on the level of foreign language proficiency of military specialists.
The management of the border guard agency decided to organize special intensive English language courses at the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine for the Agency's personnel. The course design team, under supervision of an American expert, took part in development of the Intensive English Language Course for the border guard officers, Curriculum and 4 textbooks “English without Borders” (2 levels, one for students and one teacher's book) in compliance with NATO STANAG 6001 [11].
The National Academy intensive course teachers conducted a profound needs analysis and determined that border guard officers-instructors should have at minimum a Level 2 in the three skill areas of listening, speaking, and reading. Writing in English is rarely used by this population, so should not be a required skill. Border Guard officers serving at the borders should have at minimum a Level 2 for interactive listening and a 1+ in speaking and reading according to NATO STANAG 6001.
The length of the courses was established as 3-month program, which could allot 270 hours of direct classroom instruction. Placement and exit exams were developed to assess the English language proficiency of the border guards in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills for professional use. It is not based upon a particular language program, but is a proficiency test. The test level corresponds exactly to STANAG 6001 descriptors.
The team of testers developed a criterion-referenced, global assessment of functional listening, speaking, and reading proficiency. This test focuses on what the learner can “do” with the language rather than what he “knows.” It tests global competence and contains an unlimited amount of material. The English instructors develop and administer our own classroom achievement tests and quizzes. These assessments are used to determine what students have learned by measuring their mastery of specific vocabulary, structures, and content as taught in the course.
The intensive course teachers taught representatives of different security sector agencies, customs officers, policemen from Georgia. The teachers also actively participate in seminars of Bureau of International Language Coordination seminars conducted annually in Kyiv, conferences and participated in the development of a Roadmap for language learning in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
Modern forms and methods of professional foreign language training of border guards within the framework of common training take into account the diversity of cadets from different border guard bodies and various specialties. Foreign-language professional training of border guards is based on the principles of andragogy and provide flexibility in choosing training paths. The use of various pedagogical methods and forms of training contributes to the effectiveness of the training process for border guards. Thus, in the foreign language training of border guards, pedagogical methods used for adult education are used, such as problem-solving exercises, modelling, case studies, discussions, seminars. It is important that the foreign language competence of border guards is formed through the use of active training methods. This approach ensures that issues of professional ethics and fundamental human rights are included in all developed topics.
The principle of continuous training is an important part of the strategy of the border guards training. First of all, it means recognition of previous training and involvement of already acquired competencies in the learning process, both by students and by those who organize and contribute to the learning process (teachers, instructors, tutors, trainers, coaches, etc.). The profession of a border guard is not finalized at the end of training, it is the field of constant improvement. The key element of such professional development is the experience gained at the border guard units while performing professional duties. Also, reflexive and cognitive skills increase awareness and form the necessary professional competencies.
In addition to performing their tasks and duties in their native language, border guards must also demonstrate their proficiency in English, the official language of the EU, in order to be able to serve all persons crossing the border, as well as to cooperate with their foreign counterparts in joint operations.
To train the personnel of the Ukrainian border agency, it is necessary to implement student-centred methods of foreign language training, such as: “roadshow”, “border quest”, “critical case”, simulation, scenario-based training, case method, etc. Also, in the conditions of quarantine, it is advisable to study the experience of using modern technologies of professional training of European border guards, such as: technologies of interactive, web-oriented, mixed, collaborative, mobile training, smart technologies; interactive electronic training complexes based on mobile learning technology for selfstudy of English. They help to create a space for the exchange of experiences and new ideas and technologies of teaching English.
The main focus in teaching English nowadays is on finding solutions to strengthen the methodological component, in finding innovative forms, methods and means of ESP, as well as in fostering cooperation with other law-enforcement educational institutions. This can help border guards deepen their English language skills, improve their language comprehension skills, overcome the linguistic and ethnic barrier, find themselves in a situation of foreign language communication and develop dialogue and monologue speech.
So, the key promising directions in professional English language teaching of the border guards at the present stage are:
development of communicative competence of the Border Guard Agency personnel;
implementing multimedia technologies of foreign language teaching;
using of blended learning technologies;
using infographics, gamification in teaching English;
developing and utilizing web quests and Internet projects.
Also, the factors that especially affect the quality of foreign language training in Ukraine were identified:
external and internal evaluation of the quality of the educational process;
modernisation of the educational process components (curricula, programs of academic disciplines - their constant monitoring, updating);
constant improvement and professional development of the teaching staff (participation of teachers in conferences, seminars, symposiums, specialized methodical events, instructional and methodical classes organized on the basis of other educational institutions);
attending classes to monitor the activities of other teachers and exchange experiences, publication of best practices;
interaction with other educational institutions in order to study, compare and share experiences.
Conclusions and prospects for further research
Nowadays the professional foreign language training of border guards in Ukraine is conducted based on the basic modern tendencies in this sphere: compliance of the personnel professional foreign language competence with the requirements of the NATO STANAG 6001, CEFR, Common Core Curriculum of the EU border guards basic training, with the purpose of improving the level of interoperability of the personnel of Ukrainian and EU border guard agencies. The Ukrainian border guard agency has set a course to improve international military cooperation with EU and NATO member states in order to ensure representation of the SBGSU in NATO operations and military exercise. The effectiveness of achieving the compatibility of the Armed Forces and the SBGS of Ukraine with the armed forces of the EU and NATO Member States largely depends on the level of foreign language proficiency of military specialists. It was found out that the description of training results in joint training programs for border guards of EU countries is consistent with the Sectoral Qualifications Framework in the field of border protection of EU countries. The key directions in professional English language teaching of the border guards at present stage are: development of communicative competence of the border guard agency personnel; implementing multimedia technologies of foreign language teaching; using blended learning technologies; using infographics, gamification in teaching English; developing and utilizing web quests and Internet projects. Generalization of the best ideas of organizing joint professional foreign language training of border guards in the EU countries is necessary for the introduction and adaptation of the acquired experience in the system of professional training of personnel of the state border guard service of Ukraine.
Prospects for further scientific research encompass study of formation and development of professional foreign language training in overall security and defense sector of Ukraine and EU countries.
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дипломная работа [574,3 K], добавлен 06.06.2016Investigation of the main reasons English language jelly. Characteristics of the expansion content Total Physical Response; consideration of the basic pedagogical principles of its use in teaching language inostannomu junior and senior school age.
курсовая работа [40,2 K], добавлен 21.02.2012The employment of Internet in teaching Foreign Languages. The modern methods of teaching 4 basic skills. The usage of Internet technologies for effective Foreign Languages acquisition. Analysis of experience: my and teachers of Foreign Languages.
курсовая работа [2,3 M], добавлен 30.03.2016Effective reading is essential for success in acquiring a second language. Approaches to Teaching Reading Skills. The characteristic of methods of Teaching Reading to Learners. The Peculiarities of Reading Comprehension. Approaches to Correcting Mistakes.
курсовая работа [60,1 K], добавлен 28.03.2012Main part: Reading skills. A Writing Approach to–Reading Comprehension–Schema Theory in Action. The nature of foreign-language teaching. Vocabulary teaching techniques.
курсовая работа [23,8 K], добавлен 05.12.2007Direction of professional self - development. Features of emotional sphere. Personal qualities of the social teacher and teacher of self-knowledge. The concept of vital functions as a continuous process of goal-setting, operations and human behavior.
презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 08.10.2016Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. The importance of teaching reading. Developing reading skills and strategies. Stages of conducting reading and reading activities. Rules of training of the advanced readers.
курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 10.04.2012Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.
отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013Involvement of pupils to study language as the main task of the teacher. The significance of learners' errors. The definition of possible classifications of mistakes by examples. Correction of mistakes of pupils as a part of educational process.
курсовая работа [30,2 K], добавлен 05.11.2013