Ukrainian music therapy as a phenomenon of modern university education: trends of development and formation

This article is devoted to the introduction of music therapy into the content of modern university education in Ukraine. It examines the theoretical and practical aspects of using music as a means of improving the mental and emotional state of students.

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Ukrainian music therapy as a phenomenon of modern university education: trends of development and formation

Dobrovolska Rufina Olehivna Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Senior teacher of the Vitalii Hazynskyi Chair of Vocal and Choral Training, Theory and Methods of Music Education, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kosybynsky State Pedagogical University, Vinnitsa,

Bilozerska Hanna Olehivna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Vitalii Hazynskyi Chair of Vocal and Choral Training, Theory and Methods of Music Education, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kosybynsky State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia


This article is devoted to the introduction of music therapy into the content of modern university education in Ukraine. It examines the theoretical and practical aspects of using music as a means of improving the mental and emotional state of students, as well as increasing the effectiveness of the educational process.The article examines scientific studies that confirm the usefulness of music therapy for mental health and improving human cognitive functions. The author also offers specific recommendations for the introduction of music therapy into the educational process, in particular, the use of music in lectures, seminars and other forms of classes. The experience of using music therapy in universities around the world, studies that confirm its effectiveness and the feasibility of introducing such an approach to education in Ukraine are briefly analyzed. Based on the results of the research, the author concluded about the need to introduce music therapy into university education in Ukraine.

The purpose of the article is to solve the identified problems, which contributes to the use of music therapy in the modern university space, for which it is necessary to implement: highly qualified training of personnel in music therapy and educational projects and programs in universities in Europe and the USA. During the 20th and 21st centuries in Europe and the USA, music therapy began to be intensively introduced into university education to activate educational and intellectual activity, model a health-saving educational environment, meet the special needs of student youth in inclusive education, and create a STEAM learning environment. music therapy university education

Today scientists of Ukraine have systematized only certain aspects of scientific knowledge about music therapy, which is introduced into the content of modern university education in Europe and the USA. In this way, the leading international experience on the issue of involving student youth in music therapy classes at the world's leading universities has not been summarized, the system of measures for attracting education seekers to these classes has not been substantiated, and data on the specifics of the content of music therapy classes have not been systematized. Therefore, there is a need for research and comparative analysis of foreign experience of introducing music therapy into modern university education.

Keywords: music therapy, university education, health care technologies, music therapist

Добровольська Руфіна Олегівна доктор філософії (PhD), старший викладач кафедри вокально-хорової підготовки, теорії та методики музичної освіти, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського, м. Вінниця

Білозерська Ганна Олегівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри вокально-хорової підготовки, теорії та методики музичної освіти імені Віталія Газінського, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського, м. Вінниця



Сучасний Етап реформування і якісні зміни в сучасній університетській освіти країн Європи та США пов'язані із реалізацією концептуальних ідей та змісту вищої школи, що залежить від педагогів в університетах, здатних до професійного розвитку, готових до впровадження інноваційних технологій, активних творчих дій, генерування продуктивних оригінальних ідей у нових змінних професійних та життєвих ситуаціях. З огляду на це, посилюється інтерес у світовій науці і практиці до розв'язання проблем, висунутих сучасним соціокультурним простором. Так зростаючий потік інформації, прискорені темпи суперечливого життя сучасного члена суспільства, інтенсивність комунікативних зав'язків впливають на психологічне здоров'я особистості педагогів університетів та здобувачів освіти, якість її життя, душевний баланс і добробут, рівновагу й гармонію, здатність до подолання стресу, підтримку працездатності у різних сферах життя і професійної діяльності. Одним з ефективних способів подолання цих проблем в освітньому просторі є використання технологій, які створюють комфортні об'єктивні і суб'єктивні умови для емоційно-психологічної саморегуляції, забезпечують емоційну стабільність людини, запобігають синдрому «емоційного вигорання» і є важливим чинником у досягненні успіхів в навчанні, розвитку та професійній діяльності.

Дана стаття присвячена впровадженню музичної терапії у зміст сучасної університетської освіти в Україні. У ній розглядаються теоретичні та практичні аспекти використання музики як засобу покращення психічного та емоційного стану студентів, а також підвищення ефективності навчального процесу. В статті розглядаються наукові дослідження, які підтверджують корисність музичної терапії для психічного здоров'я та покращення когнітивних функцій людини. Автори також пропонують конкретні рекомендації щодо впровадження музичної терапії в навчальний процес, зокрема, використання музики на лекціях, семінарах та інших формах занять. Коротко аналізується досвід використання музичної терапії в університетах країн світу, дослідження, які підтверджують її ефективність та доцільність введення такого підходу до освіти в Україні. За результатами дослідження автори зробили висновок про необхідність впровадження музичної терапії в університетську освіту в Україні.

Ключові слова: музична терапія, університетська освіта, здоров'язбере- жувальні технології, музичний терапевт

Formulation of the problem. In Ukraine, music therapy has proven itself as an effective tool for the treatment of mental and emotional problems. However, it can also have an important application in the field of education, in particular, university education. The use of music in the educational process can improve the emotional state of students and increase their cognitive functions, which, in turn, can lead to improved academic results. Music has a powerful effect on the psyche and emotional state of a person, which makes it a very effective tool in many areas of life. Therefore, the introduction of music therapy into the content of modern university education in Ukraine can become an important step in ensuring the health and success of students.

We believe that the introduction of music therapy into the content of modern university education in Europe and the USA is the most effective mechanism for solving these issues, because music therapy is the same means of influencing a person, aimed at preserving and restoring his psychological health. Music therapy encourages specialists and students of education in the university space to regulate their physical, emotional and psychological states, relieve tension and fatigue, resist stressful situations, and help other members of modern society to effectively use the possibilities of music therapy. We can note that when introducing music therapy into the content of modern university education, it is necessary to adhere to the following system principles: integrity, structure, interdependence of the environment and the system. Let us emphasize that the first purpose of music therapy in an educational environment is the use of various means that facilitate the expression of emotions. At the same time, the therapeutic effect is achieved with the help of non-traditional interpretation of art, which makes it possible to involve students of higher education and teachers in the learning process, to encourage them to non-verbal communication. We note that, in accordance with the above, the introduction of music therapy into the content of modern university education in Europe and the USA is very relevant.

The goal of modern university education in Europe and the USA is training, upbringing, harmonious development and socialization of a highly moral, spiritually developed personality, which takes place with the use of health-preserving technologies. This goal acquires great importance precisely in the conditions of the educational space, since it covers a large part of the population, which is characterized by differences in cultural level, material status, and age. The number of students with special needs is increasing in university education. This is influenced by a number of extreme and crisis situations in Europe related to military conflicts in Ukraine, the countries of the former Yugoslavia; pandemic; migration of refugees. We can note that in the modern world there is a trend: degradation of moral standards, ideals of aesthetics; increase in neuropsychological load accompanying the education process; the increase in difficulties in communication is associated with informatization and the spread of digital technologies. All this leads to the deterioration of the mental and physical health of the individual, first of all, those seeking education. This affects the quality of educational activities, the emotional climate of educational teams. Therefore, in university education there is a need to master not only cognitive skills, but also skills to prevent: stress, fatigue and emotional burnout. This requires mental culture, the ability to relax after stress in classes in various disciplines.

The purpose of the article is to solve the identified problems, which contributes to the use of music therapy in the modern university space, for which it is necessary to implement: highly qualified training of personnel in music therapy and educational projects and programs in universities in Europe and the USA. During the 20th and 21st centuries in Europe and the USA, music therapy began to be intensively introduced into university education to activate educational and intellectual activities, model a health-saving educational environment, meet the special needs of student youth in inclusive education, and create a STEAM learning environment.

To date, Ukrainian scientists have systematized only certain aspects of scientific knowledge about music therapy, which is introduced into the content of modern university education in Europe and the USA. In this way, the leading international experience on the issue of involving student youth in music therapy classes at the world's leading universities has not been summarized, the system of measures for attracting education seekers to these classes has not been substantiated, and data on the specifics of the content of music therapy classes have not been systematized. The consequence of using music therapy in the university environment should be the expression of feelings and positive changes in the behavior of subjects of education during communication with others and reflection. Music therapy solves communication issues, improves motivation, attention, behavior, improves memory and the ability to learn, affects the emotional sphere of the individual.

Analysis of recent research and publications. According to T. Strohal, music therapy can become an effective method of treating neuroses in students, from whom today not only students, but also their parents and teachers suffer. For students and teachers, music therapy classes could become a factor of adjustment and harmonization [13, p. 2]. It should be noted that all theoretical concepts of the introduction of music therapy into the content of modern university therapy were made by foreign scientists, but Ukrainian scientists, based on these studies, determine the directions of the development of music therapy in university education in Ukraine. In our country, music develops in three directions: medical (V. Havrylyuk, O. Strashny, K. Yatskevich), social (L. Vasylevska-Skupa, I. Miroshnyk) [1], pedagogical (O. Bezklinska, N. Kravtsova, V. Draganchuk, L. Kiyanovska, I. Malashevska, G. Poberezhna) [5].

Presenting main material. «Today, it is relevant to remove «musical prevention» from the psychiatric and medical-psychological boundaries, which will make it possible to transfer the achievements of music therapy made over thousands of years into the psychological and pedagogical sphere, researching and applying the influence of music on a person» [4, p.144].

Domestic scientists identify four main elements of the influence of music therapy:

- stimulation of the emotional state during verbal psychotherapy;

- development of communication skills with others;

- regulation of mental and vegetative systems of a person;

- satisfaction and development of aesthetic requests.

Such scientists as H. Poberezhna, O. Bezklinska, I. Malashevska, S. Nederitsa, L. Khudyn, V. Draganchuk, L. Kiyanovska write about the functioning of music therapy in the modern socio-cultural and educational space of our country. The first in Ukraine to deal with the problems of introducing music therapy into the content of modern university education was the Doctor of Art Studies, Professor G. Poberezhna, who created the course program «The Phenomenon of Art Therapy». The purpose of this course is to teach students how to prevent stress and normalize the psyche of the individual by means of art, in particular music. After completing the course, students receive certificates. Students can use the acquired knowledge and skills in their future professional activities. The author of the course teaches it also for high school teachers to apply the acquired skills and abilities in professional activities for working with students.

Under the leadership of O. Bezklinska (head of the civil association «Ukrainian Association of Music Therapists of Ukraine»), a music therapy curriculum for secondary schools was developed for the first time, which was approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine. These programs for the introduction of music therapy in a general educational institution were developed by leading specialists of the Drahomanov Ukrainian State University and the National University «Chernihiv collegium named after T.G. Shevchenko». I. Malashevska is the author of numerous publications and several programs [7]. The scientist works at Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav.

Analyzing the status of the introduction of music therapy into the content of modern university education in Ukraine, special attention is drawn to the study of V. Draganchuk, who developed a curriculum and a study guide for training future specialists in the artistic field to use music therapy in their professional activities. The author paid attention to the influence of music therapy: on the psyche, physiology and modeling of emotions of subjects of education. The researcher introduced methodological achievements into the educational process of the Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University [2; 3].

To introduce music therapy into modern university education in Ukraine, an educational project was implemented with the support of the Association of Waldorf Initiatives in Ukraine. Also in Ukraine, with the support of the art therapy association, the Ukrainian Academy of Music Therapy «EGUILIBRIUM» has been operating for some time now, and Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar «Cultural and pedagogical aspects of the introduction of music therapy tools into the system of preschool, school and higher art education» is held annually in the Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav under the leadership of I. Malashevska.

In the educational process of the Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University implemented the «Synergistic interactive music therapy» technique, which is based on the interpretation of M. Luscher's color test - on sound-color simultaneity, as well as verbal psychodiagnostic tests to establish the correspondence between various musical works and psycho-emotional states of a person [3, pp. 159-160]. This technique is built on the unity of auditory, kinesthetic and visual senses. The psychophysiological basis of this synthesis is the amphoteric (bifunctional) unity of the left and right hemispheres of the human brain. Researcher V. Draganchuk believes that the synergistic unity of the cerebral hemispheres can be initiated with the help of innovative psychotechnologies based on the synergy of arts (synesthetics), scientific technologies (multimedia), spiritual practices (initiation) [3, p.159-160]. In pedagogical education, this technique and related ones can be used to stimulate the memory of students by introducing a triple modality (auditory, kinesthetic, visual). To improve the psycho-emotional background during the lesson, alternating between relaxation and activation, in particular, by introducing digital technologies in lectures, seminars, etc. It should be noted that in the modern educational space of our country there is no «music therapist» specialization. Single universities of Ukraine are starting to introduce the discipline «Music Therapy». The program for the discipline "Music therapy in the educational space" was developed and implemented by the scientist T. Strogal in the educational process of the Drahomanov Ukrainian State University [13, p. 4 ].

In our opinion, the introduction of music therapy into the content of modern education in Ukraine should be accompanied by:

- the involvement of subjects in the process of education without requirements for the level of musical training, because for the student the main thing is the action, and not the result or the artistic level of music performance;

- diagnosis and correction of emotions, change of behavior patterns, because music therapy has many possibilities of influence;

- music therapy does not aim to teach music, but through its use professional education will be more productive.

Music therapy includes many methods that promote the expression of emotions. Such a strategy is focused on the individual, on the way of non-verbal communication, in particular, with oneself. The healing effect in music therapy occurs due to the non-traditional perception of art, thanks to which students and university teachers are included in the process of non-verbal communication. Music is a means that gives an outlet to emotions through the consonance of the feelings of the composer (performer) and the listener, as noted by V. Sukhomlynskyi, « the hands of a teacher there is a powerful means of preventing rudeness, heartlessness, moral lack of culture, this is music treatment» [13, p. 5 ].

Therapeutic and pedagogical work is always evolving. We agree with the opinions of the leading researcher of music therapy G. Poberezhnaya, who claims that depending on the choice of music by the subject of education, it is possible to determine what behavioral and emotional disorders he may have, how they can be corrected or corrected, and more importantly - it is a selection of the most effective methods of solving problems. In practice, music therapists use meditative, ethnic, spiritual background music along with «classical» music. Also, music therapists use music of modern directions and styles in their activities. Both ready-made music for all occasions - a «music first aid kit» (for example, music to prevent stress) and individually selected music are used [11; 12].The introduction of music therapy into the content of modern university education in Ukraine can be carried out only during the separate preparation of the university teacher for each lesson, determination of: the goals of the lesson, expected results, tasks; carrying out: analyzing the reaction of students, adjusting the lesson (if necessary), researching the effectiveness of music therapy by a teacher. We emphasize that this requires certain theoretical and practical training of the teaching staff. Educational music therapy programs are able to provide students with such personal qualities as diligence, self-discipline, patience, confidence and self-esteem. For many students, music is a means of expressing complex emotions of fear and care, so now it is justified to use not only classical soothing music, but also high-energy music, rap, modern hip-hop, grunge and punk in music therapy among students [9, p. 7]. Music therapy with the use of such music was introduced at the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov under the leadership of scientist S. Naumenko.

The success of music therapy is determined by the level of professionalism of a specialist in this field, his personal qualities, his empathy, the ability to establish psycho-emotional contact with the client, the level of mastery of musical instruments, and the ability to interact in groups and individually. Unfortunately, programs have been developed [8] and methods [9] on music therapy, have not yet been widely implemented in domestic pedagogical and psychotherapeutic practice.

Therefore, on the basis of the above, it is possible to draw conclusions about the perspective and relevance of issues related to the development and implementation of the latest programs for the introduction of music therapy into modern national university education, the introduction of teacher training programs for music therapy, into the system of professional and post-graduate pedagogical art education of Ukraine.

We can note that among universities in Europe and the USA, Ukrainian institutions of higher education are at the initial stage of introducing music therapy into the content of modern education. Leading universities in Europe and the USA have achieved much greater results from the use of music therapy in the university space. Therefore, it is necessary to implement the leading international experience on the issue of involving education subjects in music therapy classes during professional training. This is how Ukrainian scientists work in this direction with well-known specialist music therapists.

The practical experience of the German scientist B. Luban-Polotz was used in the educational process of the Drahomanov Ukrainian State University. This work was conducted under the guidance of researcher H. Poberezhnaya [6]. Domestic researcher I. Malashevska introduced the pedagogical innovations of Czech specialists in music therapy into the educational process of the Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav [7]. But the theoretical and practical experience of foreign music therapists who successfully work in the modern university space requires careful analysis for the effective introduction of music therapy into the content of modern university education in Ukraine.


A well-known scientist in the field of music therapy, a representative of the American school, R. Graham emphasized that modern learners lack live active movement and communication, so they enjoy playing musical instruments, performing musical and rhythmic, dance movements, improvising, perceive and experience music through conducting. We also believe that the modern music lesson has a music therapeutic effect, as it stimulates the psychomotor, emotional sphere of the subjects of education through their active participation in various types of musical activities related to perception, performance, creation and communication.


1. Vasylevska - Skupa L.P. (2010). Sotsiokulturnyi rozvytok osobystosti zasobamy mystetstva (svitovyi dosvid) [Socio-cultural development of personality by means of art (world experience)] / L.P.Vasylevska-Skupa // Suchasni informatsiini tekhnolohii ta innovatsiini metodyky navchannia u pidhotovtsi fakhivtsiv : Metodolohiia, teoriia, dosvid, problemy // Zb. nauk. pr. - Vypusk 24. - Redkol. : I. A.Ziaziun (holova) ta in.. - Kyiv - Vinnytsia : TOV firma «Planer», p. 246-250.

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6. Lyuban-Plotsa B., Poberezhna G., Belov O. (2002). Muzyka ta psykhika [Music and psyche]. Kyiv, ADEF-Ukraine, 200 p.

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