Methods of training inspectors-cynologists with service dogs to search for explosives, weapons and ammunition

Features of developing skills in service dogs for the search for explosives, weapons and ammunition; tasks, stages of training. The mode of training dogs, taking into account their individual characteristics of behavior. Possible mistakes of trainers.

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Дата добавления 12.05.2024
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Dmytro Sofian PhD in Psychology, Head of the Dog Handling Department, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine

Serhii SERKHOVETS, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Dog Handling Department, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine

Anatolii AFANASIEV, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Dog Handling Department, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine

Serhii KLEPATSKYI,Senior lecturer of the Dog Handling Department, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine

Oleh KOVALCHUK, Senior lecturer of the Dog Handling Department, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine

The article presents a variant of the methodology of training inspectors-cynologists with service dogs to search for explosives, weapons and ammunition, which is implemented during the training of future border guard officers at the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. The authors present the method of training service dogs for the detection of explosives, weapons and ammunition as a scientifically based system with the following main components: specific skills that ensure the use of service dogs for the search for explosives, weapons and ammunition; tasks and standards of training service dogs according to the stages of their training (initial, main and final); features of developing skills separately or in combination with others; the mode of training service dogs, taking into account their individual characteristics of behavior; possible mistakes of trainers, which cause formation of unwanted conditioned reflexes of service dogs, as well as ways to prevent them; structural and logical scheme of introduction of complications to the methodology of developing necessary skills of service dogs. The method of training service dogs to search for explosives, weapons and ammunition involves development of relevant skills in a certain sequence during within three periods of training. The main components of the specified stages (periods) are: preparatory exercises; development of a search system and a marking system (recording a characteristic reaction of behavior when finding explosives, weapons and ammunition); complicating options for finding explosives, weapons and ammunition. The training of inspectors-cynologists consists of two parts: theoretical and practical, as well as improvement of their acquired knowledge and skills in border guard units in conditions as close as possible to future professional activity.

Keywords: officers of dog handling units; professional training; method of training inspectors-cynologists with service dogs; explosives, weapons and ammunition.


У статті подано варіант методики підготовки інспекторів-кінологів зі службовими собаками до пошуку вибухових речовин, зброї та боєприпасів, який реалізується під час навчання майбутніх офіцерів-прикордонників у Національній академії Державної прикордонної служби України.

З метою недопущення випадків незаконного переміщення через державний кордон вибухових речовин, зброї та боєприпасів у пунктах пропуску здійснюється комплекс дій та заходів - огляд транспортних засобів і вантажів. Під час огляду застосовуються заходи контролю першої та другої лінії прикордонного контролю, які забезпечуються, у тому числі, використанням службових собак, спеціально підготовлених до пошуку зазначених речовин. Результати оперативно-службової діяльності прикордонних підрозділів переконливо свідчить про вагоме значення кінологічного забезпечення у безпековій складовій.

Автори подали методику підготовки службових собак до виявлення вибухових речовин, зброї та боєприпасів як науково обґрунтовану систему вироблення у них комплексу необхідних навичок з метою використання їх для пошуку цих засобів і речовин. Основними складовими методики підготовки інспекторів-кінологів до пошуку вибухових речовин, зброї та боєприпасів є: загальна кількість навичок, що забезпечують використання службових собак для пошуку вибухових речовин, зброї та боєприпасів; завдання і нормативи підготовки службових собак за періодами їх дресирування; особливості вироблення навичок окремо або в комплексі з іншими; режим дресирування службових собак з урахуванням їх індивідуальних особливостей поведінки, ступеня підготовки і стану формування умовних рефлексів під час занять; вплив конкретної обстановки та інших умов на роботу службового собаки; можливі помилки дресирувальників, які викликають утворення у службових собак небажаних умовних рефлексів, а також способи їх попередження; структурно-логічна схема введення ускладнень до методики вироблення необхідних навичок у службових собак.

Крім того, методика підготовки службових собак до пошуку вибухових речовин, зброї та боєприпасів передбачає вироблення відповідних навичок у визначеній послідовності під час підготовчого, основного та заключного етапів, а також у межах окремих періодів підготовки (I, II та III). Основними складовими зазначених етапів (періодів) є: підготовчі вправи; вироблення системи пошуку і системи позначення (закріплення характерної реакції поведінки під час знаходження вибухових речовин, зброї та боєприпасів); ускладнення варіантів пошуку вибухових речовин, зброї та боєприпасів. Підготовка інспекторів-кінологів складається з двох частин: теоретичної та практичної, а також удосконалення отриманих знань та навичок у прикордонних підрозділах в умовах, максимально наближених до майбутньої професійної діяльності.

Ключові слова: офіцери кінологічних підрозділів; професійна підготовка; методика підготовки інспекторів-кінологів зі службовими собаками; вибухові речовини, зброя та боєприпаси.


Problem statement. Nowadays, in view of the Russian aggression and taking into account the importance of adapting training standards in the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGSU) to the requirements of the NATO member-countries, it is considered necessary to reconsider the ways and the system of the Border Guard Service personnel professional training. Cynologists (dog handlers) and service dogs training is an important component of the border guards' professional training in departmental educational institutions, and when talking about future border guard officers' training, it is conducted at National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi.

It should be noted that, according to security experts in various spheres, the best detector of explosive materials, weapons, and ammunition today is the olfactory analyzer of service dogs. Their effectiveness as biodetectors in combating terrorism has long been proven in practice. They are capable of detecting explosive materials of any kind, regardless of the camouflage of the explosive item or its quantity. Service dogs can sense the odor of such materials from several meters away.

In order to ensure effectiveness of border control, as well as for the purpose of combating smuggling narcotics, psychotropic substances, weapons, ammunition and explosives, inspectors-cynologists of units of the SBGSU while implementing procedures of border checks at the border crossing points and while conducting surveillance of the green border sectors use specially trained service dogs. Effective use of service dogs, the organization of their care and maintenance requires inspectors-cynologists to have special knowledge and skills [1].

In the light of the recent beginning of the full-scale russian invasion to Ukraine the issue of developing the methods of training the border guard inspectors-cynologists with service dogs to search for explosives, weapons and ammunition at the higher military education institution of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine have become evidently relevant and therefore has been chosen as the aim of our scientific research.

skill service dog weapon

Analysis of recent research and publications

Analysis of the recent studies and publications allows to conclude that considerable attention has been paid to the professional training of inspectors-cynologists. In particular, the issue of developing readiness for professional activity of cynologists-officers of the border guard service was studied O. Bohdanyuk, the conditions for the formation of professional qualities of servicemen-dog handlers during their training was studied by O. Vynohrad. Various aspects of the law enforcement canine units activity were studied by S. Mordyushenko, S. Serkhovets, etc. A significant number of Ukrainian scientists are engaged in studying the specifics of professional training of border guards, including: O. Torichnyi, O. Didenko, K. Tushko. However, our investigations have shown that nowadays there is practically no thorough analysis of the problem of organization of training of future border guard officers-cynologists at the higher military education institution within the system of professional training of Ukrainian border guard officers. The relevance of this study and the lack of scientific research and methodological sources on dog handling training of future border guard officers justifies detailed study of this problem.

Research results

At the current stage of development of a sovereign and independent Ukraine, a stable complex of threats to border security has been formed, namely: terrorism, human trafficking, illegal migration, and cross border (transnational) crime. Continuous increasing of the level of terrorist threats worldwide, coupled with their cross border nature, necessitates implementation of necessary preventive measures at the state border to prevent the illegal movement of explosives, weapons, and ammunition, as well as to identify those involved in these activities.

Modern explosive materials have not only become extremely powerful and diverse but also allow for remote detonation. According to experts, there are approximately 19,000 types of explosive materials used by individuals for various purposes. Among them, there are military and industrial explosives.

Today, there are many devices for detecting and identifying explosive materials based on direct or derived indicators (X-ray television detectors, neural analysis detectors, gas chromatographs, devices based on radio waves, magnetic fields, etc.). However, all over the world, alongside technical means, service dogs are widely used for the detection of explosive materials, weapons, and ammunition. The development of service dog training technology suggest that the probability of creating a device that could replace the olfactory and other physiological qualities of a service dog should not be expected for at least 50-100 years. For example, a Labrador Retriever can detect an explosive material at a distance of over 50 meters in an open area and up to 10 meters if it is concealed in packaging [2]. Dog handling units within the security system significantly enhance the efficiency and quality of preventive measures.

It is impossible to train a service dog to identify a vast spectrum of explosive materials. However, it should be noted that most explosive mixtures consist of a relatively small number of basic substances, so the same or identical components are used in each mixture.

A vast amount of experience in training service dogs for the detection of explosive materials was gained during the time of the former Soviet Union. In its dog handling training centers, unlike European countries, which during the training of service dogs used materials such as: black powder (smokeless and smoky); ammonite; TNT, Tetryl; plastid, a synthesized substance called octogen was used. This substance induces an association with any organic and inorganic explosive materials among service dog [3].

However, it is important to note that none of the mentioned methods of detecting explosive materials ensures a 100 % probability of detection. Therefore, it is advisable to use a comprehensive approach with the available resources.

It should be mentioned that one of the primary functions of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is to carry out border control and inspection of individuals, vehicles, cargo, and luggage crossing the state border of Ukraine in accordance with established procedures, as well as to identify and prevent cases of illegal movement. Border security agencies, in accordance with their delegated powers, combat terrorism by preventing, detecting, and stopping attempts of illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine with weapons and explosive materials. For this purpose, border patrols, while performing their tasks to protect the state border, have the right to use service dogs. In particular, the border guard service has specially trained service dogs for the search and detection of explosive materials, firearms, and ammunition. The results of their operational activities have demonstrated their significant role in the security component.

All work involving explosive materials is considered hazardous and harmful and requires strict adherence to established safety rules.

Inspectors-cynologists must be allowed to work with explosive materials only after they have studied the rules of handling them, received appropriate instructions before starting training, and passed safety assessments. Training of service dogs, whenever possible, should be conducted with a minimum amount of explosive materials, and the use of devices for detonation should be excluded during training.

All work with explosive materials must be carried out in specially designated areas and in the absence of unauthorized persons. During work with explosive materials, it is essential to avoid the inhalation or ingestion of particles of these materials for both cynologists and service dogs.

In order to provide the necessary training materials for the training of service dogs (explosive materials, ammunition), the task of manufacturing odor carriers for explosive materials and issuing them for training is entrusted to a special laboratory for narcotics and explosive substances. Before commencing training sessions for cynologists-inspectors and specialized dogs with personnel involved in the training, it is necessary to conduct a briefing on the observance of safety measures when working with engineering ammunition.

During the training of inspectors-cynologists and service dogs, the following requirements must be adhered to [4]:

using engineering ammunition in the quantity defined by service standards;

store engineering ammunition intended for placement in controlled objects separately from odorous substances and food products since they retain the odors of these substances;

explosive materials should vary in terms of chemical composition, odor, and hygroscopicity of the material (polymer bags, paper boxes, bags made of different fabrics, etc.) and should be placed in different containers (glass, plastic, metal, etc.);

engineering ammunition, including explosive materials and demolition tools, must be placed in sturdy, securely closed containers before use to prevent any damage to the integrity of the explosive material by the service dog;

personnel who have received engineering ammunition and weapons for training inspectors-cynologists with service dogs are prohibited from passing them on to other personnel. They must personally place them in the location, building, structure, vehicle, cargo, or luggage and ensure their security.

The safety of searching for explosive materials depends largely on the correctness of actions taken by the inspector-cynologist and the service dog. For this purpose, the service dog must be trained to move calmly, thoroughly, sequentially sniff the designated surfaces, and signal the inspector with a minimal movement when detecting the odor of the target substance. Rapid, chaotic movements near the identified object, grabbing items with their mouth, or mechanical damage to items subject to inspection must be completely excluded.

Training of specialized dogs should be conducted under various conditions, with periodic changes in the names and quantities of explosive materials, as well as the timing and locations of their placement in training facilities.

The methodology of training service dogs for the detection of explosives, weapons, and ammunition is a scientifically based system for developing the necessary skills of service dogs to use them for the detection of explosives, weapons, and ammunition. It encompasses the overall set of skills that enable the use of service dogs for the detection of explosives, weapons, and ammunition, the tasks and training standards for service dogs during different stages of their training (initial, primary, and final), development of skills individually or in combination with others, training regime for service dogs considering their individual behavior characteristics, level of preparation, and the formation of reflexes during training sessions, the influence of specific conditions and other factors of the service dog performance, possible mistakes made by trainers that can lead to the formation of undesired reflexes, and methods to prevent them [5].

Training techniques involve the methods of influencing a service dog with specific stimuli during formation of a particular conditioned reflex (practical implementation of the technique).

Thus, the methodology for preparing specialized dogs for the detection of explosives, weapons, and ammunition includes the development of the following skills:

1. Search and detection of explosives, weapons, and ammunition in luggage:

training the service dog to search for and detect samples in unpacked luggage;

training the service dog to search for and detect samples in luggage on a stationary conveyor and a moving conveyor;

training the service dog to search for and detect samples in luggage placed on carts.

2. Search and detection of explosives, weapons, and ammunition in vehicles:

training the service dog to search for and detect samples in vehicles during external inspections;

training the service dog to search for and detect samples in the cargo compartments of trucks;

training the service dog to search for and detect samples in passenger bus cabins.

3. Search and detection of explosives, weapons, and ammunition in railway passenger cars:

training the service dog to search for and detect samples in cargo and passenger cars during external inspections;

training the service dog to search for and detect samples in passenger cars during internal inspections.

4. Search and detection of explosives, weapons, and ammunition in buildings or structures:

training the service dog to search for and detect samples in lower structural elements of buildings or structures;

training the service dog to search for and detect samples placed at a certain height (up to 2 meters) in wall openings, furniture, equipment, etc.

5. Search and detection of explosives, weapons, and ammunition on a person's body (concealed in their clothing or under it).

6. Differentiation of the odor of explosives, weapons, and ammunition among other odorous substances.

Upon completing the training course, a service dog should be prepared to meet the requirements set for a specialized dog in the category of explosives, weapons, and ammunition detection, namely:

execute obedience exercises clearly and without hesitation;

react calmly to gunfire, area illumination with illumination cartridges, and other auditory and visual stimuli;

independently and actively inspect, both externally and internally, two passenger cars, a cargo vehicle, or a bus, identifying and marking hiding places for explosives, weapons, and ammunition as the main skill.

Independently and actively, within 1 minute, inspect a group of 7-8 people who are located in a specific place or moving near the service dog, identify and mark with characteristic behavior a person who possesses concealed (on their body, in their clothing, or under their clothing) samples of explosives, weapons, or ammunition.

Independently and actively differentiate between the scents of explosives, weapons, and ammunition on a various setup among other containers with different odoriferous substances, and locate the container with explosive material.

It is important to understand that the search for explosives is a skill. However, it's worth noting that the speed of skill formation is influenced by motivation or psychophysiological needs, the ability to learn in general, the specifics of reinforcement, training schedules, the methodology of acquiring other skills, and the experience of the service dog.

To develop a skill, it requires repetitive practice of the trained response, gradual complexity, and reinforcement in various environmental conditions. In this regard, a skill is a conditioned reflex that has been automated and is executed by the service dog without conscious control by the cerebral cortex. In this case, it can be expected that general training exercises used in search work will not divert the service dog's attention.

During the training of service dogs, the skill is developed gradually in a consistent sequence in three periods.

The first period involves the development of the initial conditioned reflex to the trainer's signals. It is achieved through the execution of single combinations of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli, reinforced in various ways. The duration of the first stage is 3-10 days, including 3 to 7 sessions, where no more than 5-20 combinations are practiced daily, depending on the complexity of the actions performed by the service dog and the speed of forming the initial conditioned reflex.

At the beginning of forming the conditioned reflex, combinations are recommended to be repeated every 3-5 minutes to avoid interference with each other. The number of combinations in one exercise should not exceed 2-3. As signs of the initial conditioned reflex formation become apparent, the number of combinations in one exercise gradually increases, and the intervals between them decrease. Intervals of 5-10 minutes are provided for rest between exercises. Therefore, a training schedule is established based on the time and intensity of the dog's workload.

On initial sessions, combinations are repeated approximately every 3-5 minutes, and each combination is reinforced. After each combination and its reinforcement, the service dog is allowed a free state to relax.

In subsequent sessions, the intervals between combinations are reduced to 1-2 minutes, and when initial signs of conditioned reflex formation are observed, a system of exercises is introduced. Combinations are reinforced in various ways.

Checks to monitor formation of the initial conditioned reflex are conducted after 10, 20, 30, and 40 combinations. The indicator of the formation of the initial conditioned reflex of the service dog is its display without application of an unconditioned stimulus. When the conditioned reflex is formed, it actively manifests itself in response to the trainer's signal without distracting stimuli. If the service dog exhibits an opposite reaction to the trainer's actions, it is necessary to select a different unconditioned stimulus or change the methods of its application. Incorrect actions performed by the service dog should not be reinforced.

The second period involves complicating the initial conditioned reflex into a skill, achieved by employing a system of exercises. Depending on the complexity of the skill, the duration of the second stage can range from 1 to 2 months. Developing a skill of moderate complexity includes 3-5 sessions per week, with 2-5 exercises during each session. Calculations are made considering the sequential introduction and parallel development of several conditioned reflexes and different skills of the service dog. Simple skills are developed through a series of straightforward exercises or are integrated into the complex developed as a more intricate skill.

To form and stabilize the skill, primarily the conditioned reflex system of exercises is used, where the conditioned reflex is reinforced through several repetitions within a single exercise.

The third period involves refining the skill to its flawless execution in complex conditions. This is achieved by gradually introducing various complexities into the system of exercises, dictated by the content of the training technique. Depending on the complexity of the skill and its importance within the system of preparing service dogs, the duration of the third stage can range from 1.5 to 2 months. During this period, numerous skills outlined in the training program are developed. Therefore, perfecting any skill must be done considering its interrelation with other skills and the purpose of the service dog. In all cases, the skill should actively manifest itself in the most challenging conditions. Training sessions are planned and conducted at different times of the day, regardless of weather conditions or terrain, in an environment as close as possible to the real conditions of future use.

The training regime for skill refinement is established considering the requirements of the future workload during service. The duration of training sessions is planned up to 5-6 hours. The service dog's active (working) state gradually increases from one to three hours. Breaks for the dog's rest are provided every 40-50 minutes of work. The duration of rest within the skill should vary from 3 to 30 minutes.

Control checks are performed every 10 days of training and at the end of the third stage. The development of the skill is considered complete when it actively manifests itself in a complex environment upon the first command or gesture of the trainer.

In summary, taking into account the theoretical foundations of training service dogs, the following is presented as a system for preparing inspectors-cynologists with service dogs for the detection of explosives, weapons, and ammunition (Table 1).

Table 1.

Methodology for training inspectors-cynologists with service dogs for the detection of explosives, weapons, and ammunition

Training stages

Service dogs training periods

Training of inspectors-cynologists

Service dogs training










familiarization with the basic rules of training service dogs

training certain methods of using a

service dog

practicing preparatory techniques and exercises

main (course of service dogs training)

study of the basics of veterinary medicine, theory, methods and techniques of training service dogs

teaching techniques for general training techniques and individual special techniques

development of conditioned reflexes of the general training course and beginning of development of conditioned reflexes of a special purpose


studying the methodology of developing special training methods

improvement of general and special training techniques

improvement of conditioned reflexes to skills


learning how to use service dogs during the inspection of vehicles, cargo, property, buildings and structures

improving the technique of using a service dog in conditions as close as possible to real service

improving skills in conditions as close as possible to real service

The and of the table 1






Final - training of inspectors-cynologists with service dogs in state border protection units

studying the features of service, ways of using and training service dogs

improving the skills of using and training of service dogs

improving work skills in specific service conditions. Development of additional skills

Therefore, conducting future inspectors-cynologists training according to the proposed system contributes to ensuring of the practical component of their professional training, acquiring skills necessary to perform tasks both in standard and specific service conditions, which are mandatory conditions for successful practical activity of a border guard cynologists.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine uses specially trained service dogs to conduct search and detection of explosive materials, firearms, and ammunition. The results of their operational activities have demonstrated their significant role in ensuring the state border security. The training of border guard service dogs is conducted under various conditions, with periodic changes in the names and quantities of explosive materials, as well as the timing and locations of their placement in training facilities.

The methodology of training service dogs for the detection of explosives, weapons, and ammunition is considered as a scientifically based system for developing the necessary skills of service dogs to use them for the detection of explosives, weapons, and ammunition. It encompasses the overall set of skills that enable the use of service dogs for the detection of explosives, weapons, and ammunition, the tasks and training standards for service dogs during different phases of their training, development of skills individually or in combination with others, training regime for service dogs considering their individual behavior characteristics, level of preparation, and the formation of reflexes during training sessions, the influence of specific conditions and other factors of the service dog performance, possible mistakes made by trainers that can lead to the formation of undesired reflexes, and methods to prevent them.

Although, in order to ensure a comprehensive system of both service dogs and inspectors-cynologists training for the needs of the border guard agency, a methodology for training of inspectors-cynologists with service dogs for the detection of explosives, weapons, and ammunition was developed. Thus, during the training of service dogs, the necessary skill is developed gradually in a consistent sequence of three stages: initial, main, final and training periods (I, II and III). The training of inspectors-cynologists encompasses two parts: theoretical and practical and also the service dogs training peculiarities are defined according to each training stage.

Further scientific research requires studying the experience of the world leading law-enforcement agencies regarding service dogs and dog handlers training for various missions including those conducted at the areas of combat operations.

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