Pedagogical conditions for the formation of geographical knowledge, skills and abilities in the school course of geography

Geographical knowledge as an analysis of reflection in the thinking of the outside world. The peculiarity of the use of educational wall geographical pictures. Generalization of the image of the territory and research of the most characteristic features.

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Pedagogical conditions for the formation of geographical knowledge, skills and abilities in the school course of geography


School geography has important educational value. The educational value is that geography as a subject gives the student geographical knowledge. Modern geography is a whole system of sciences. Its main branches are reflected in school courses of geography as a system of knowledge (geological-geomorphological, climatic, hydrological, topographic-cartographic, etc.).

Presenting main material. Geographical knowledge is a reflection in the thinking of the outside world. They are the main component that makes up the content of school geography. Empirical geographical knowledge (facts, ideas) expresses the external features of geographical objects, processes or phenomena. Theoretical geographical knowledge (concepts, causal relationships, patterns) in a generalized form reflect the essence of geographical objects, processes or phenomena, internal connections and relationships [1,2,3,7,8].

Formation of views. Any idea is based on our sensory experience, present or past. If there is no such experience, then it is impossible to form an idea. Geographic representations are images of geographic objects in memory. These images can be created by observing objects in nature, in the image and on models. Many geographical representations can be formed by studying local geographic objects and phenomena (the idea of a plain, flat plain, climate, river, lake, population, etc.) important properties and make descriptions on the basis of observations. However, in school geography, mainly remote geographic objects are studied and it is necessary to create an idea about them. For this, visual aids are used. With the help of educational films and television, you can visit different parts of the world, show the processes They are performed either quickly or slowly. Educational wall geographical pictures are also used. They have a generalized image of the territory, the most characteristic features are shown. Volumetric visual aids, models, models in schematic form give a three-dimensional image. Conditional visual aids are also used - diagrams, graphs and, diagrams [3]. When studying rocks, minerals, minerals, vegetation, appropriate collections and herbariums of plants are used [6, p.208-211].

Each type of visual aid most fully reflects some one side of an object or phenomenon. To create a generalized image, a set of visual aids is used (an idea of a volcano - a model of a volcano, drawings of a shield volcano and a stratovolcano, a diagram of the internal structure of a volcano).

When forming a presentation, it is necessary to use a geographic map. After all, the map determines the geographical position and shape of the object, sets the approximate dimensions. All studied geographic objects must be shown on the map. geographical knowledge educational picture

In the formation of ideas, a large role is assigned to the living word of the teacher. He, drawing a verbal image of an object or phenomenon, can read texts from specially published books for reading on geography - geographical readers. They contain excerpts from popular science, fiction and other literature, which provide a colorful description of objects or phenomena.

Creation of performances - the initial stage of training; learning, like cognition in general, proceeds from the perception of reality to theoretical thinking and from it to practice.

The formation of representations includes the following stages: perception of objects in nature, in the image and on models; identifying in them the most characteristic features, traits of properties; memorizing the image of an object; reproduction of the image of an object in verbal form or graphic expression [1,8].

Studying the facts

The facts in school geography are mainly of auxiliary value, they serve to form theoretical knowledge. The task of the teacher is to teach the student to find factual material in the educational material and make an analysis of the facts, based on the analysis, come to certain conclusions and ideas. According to the figurative expression of V.G. Belinsky, facts without ideas are rubbish for the head and memory. Only a few facts in school geography are memorized. They are necessary for completeness of information about geographic objects (for example, the earth's surface area, land area, world population, the highest point of the earth's surface, etc.). Any fact needs to be comprehended.

In preparation for the lesson, the teacher determines the factual material, on what theoretical principles this material will be based, what concepts and patterns will be concretized. The source of factual material is the educational text, general geographic and thematic maps, various quantitative indicators and visual aids. For example, by analyzing climatic maps, you can determine the prevailing winds, patterns in the distribution of temperatures, precipitation, and identify climatic zones and types of climate. For this, the teacher needs to develop a system of questions and assignments for reading the climate map. Facts also serve to concretize general concepts. However, in practice, the role of facts is often overestimated. They become the main content of geographical knowledge and are studied independently of each other. Geography as an academic subject turns into factology.

A prominent place as a type of empirical knowledge is occupied by geographical nomenclature, the number and composition of which is determined by school programs in geography. The ability to analyze the content of geographical maps, to operate the geographical nomenclature is an integral part of school geographical education and is necessary for the formation of key competencies.

Significant information is stored in geographical names. An interdisciplinary field of knowledge that studies the origin of geographical names, their semantic meaning, pronunciation, etc., which uses the principles and methods of geography, is called toponymy (from the Greek. Topos - place, those - name). The names of geographical objects form the language of geography, which is the easiest way to tell about space. Getting acquainted with any territory or map begins with the study of geographical nomenclature - a set of names of natural objects. Man, having studied the nomenclature, has two undeniable advantages - he gets the opportunity to navigate freely on the maps and imagine the structure of space (geographical shell).

Formation of concepts

The main particle of geographical knowledge is the concept. The process of concept assimilation proceeds in two directions: the number of concepts is constantly growing, and at the same time the volume and content of those previously assimilated is expanding. Therefore, concepts in the learning process are at different stages of formation. As the learning progresses, the content of concepts deepens, they become more complete in content and more solid in assimilation. A concept cannot be formed by memorizing its definition. It is necessary to organize the cognitive activity of students to work with sources of geographic information. It should be borne in mind that the concepts are different in importance: the concepts are fundamental, leading and secondary. Therefore, the emphasis should be on the basic concepts. Scientific concepts, including geographic ones, are in subordination, forming certain systems. In this regard, when studying them, it is necessary to pay attention to the belonging of a concept to a particular system [9, p. 161-166].

As you know, geographic concepts are subdivided into general and individual ones. The methodology for studying them differs. General concepts are formed inductively or deductively. With the inductive path, the teacher leads the student to the definition of the concept, with the deductive path, he himself gives the definition, explaining its essence. The choice of the path is determined by the following conditions:

The opportunity to get acquainted with local objects and phenomena and the availability of appropriate visual aids. In this case, the inductive path is preferable.

Content of concepts. Abstract, theoretical concepts are formed mainly in a deductive way, their content is revealed by the teacher.

Availability of study time. The inductive path is time consuming.

Development of cognitive abilities of children. The inductive path involves the ability to observe, compare, draw conclusions.

With an inductive path, the following stages are distinguished:

observation of objects and phenomena in nature, in the image, on models;

analysis, identification of the most significant features;

the formulation of the definition of the concept based on the analysis;

memorization of the definition, its reproduction;

application of the concept for solving educational problems [7,8].

With the deductive way of forming a concept, the teacher himself gives its definition, explains the content, organizes the student's cognitive activity to identify essential features. General concepts are concretized. The student's task is to perceive the definition of a concept, comprehend its content, remember the definition and use the concept to solve educational problems, to complete standard and creative tasks.

For any way of forming general concepts, the main attention is paid to the analysis of the content of the definition of the concept. The definition reflects the most essential features, signs of objects and phenomena.

A general concept is mastered when a student knows its definition, understands the content of the definition, has a figurative idea of the object or phenomenon being studied, and is able to independently apply the concept when solving educational problems.

Single concepts are formed on the basis of general ones. If the essence of general concepts is expressed in their definition, then the essence of single concepts is revealed in the description, characteristics of the object. Description, characteristics are given according to a specific plan. Plans are generally accepted, typical and are subject to learners' assimilation. One of the main features of a single concept is the geographical location of an object. It defines its features. When describing geographic objects, the main source of information is a geographic map. Almost all information for the characteristics is taken from the map [4, p.34-40].

When describing an object, the general, which is characteristic of a homogeneous group as a whole, and specific, characteristic of the given object, are highlighted.

The study of cause and effect relationships is essential in teaching. Opening them makes it possible to reveal the most important thing, the main thing. One of the main questions in geography should be the question «Why?» or "How to explain?" First, it is necessary to give the concept of cause and effect, explain that the cause lies in the previous phenomena, and the result of the action of the cause is the effect. This can be expressed graphically by showing with a specific example:

I destruction of I

I plains effect I

The teacher explains causal relationships and dependencies when studying a specific topic. For example, when studying volcanoes and earthquakes, he explains the reasons for their occurrence and the patterns in their geographical distribution. The explanation should be logical, accessible, understandable. Usually many connections are explained in the study of a particular object.

For better perception by students, it is desirable to express causal relationships and dependencies in the form of a diagram. The diagrams show the most essential connections. To systematize cause-effect relationships and dependencies, they can be arranged in the form of a table. it is necessary to teach the student to independently find cause-and-effect relationships in the educational text, explain cause-and-effect relationships, and express them graphically [2].

You can give various independent work to identify cause-and- effect relationships.

Formation of patterns

Regularities, like general concepts, are studied either inductively or deductively. Regularity can be identified by studying many objects and phenomena and discovering what is characteristic of them as a whole. Regularity is a stable, repeating connection between objects and phenomena. With the inductive path, based on the study of individual objects and phenomena, what is common is revealed that is characteristic of them, and this general is formulated in the form of a regularity. For example, based on the analysis of the climatic map, patterns in the spatial distribution of temperatures and precipitation are revealed. With the deductive path, the teacher himself defines the pattern, explains its content, gives specific examples of the manifestation of the pattern. In any way, students must learn the definition of regularity, be able to apply the law when characterizing other phenomena. It is also necessary to substantiate the reason for the pattern.

Development of skills and abilities. Skills and skills are formed together with new knowledge and on their basis as a result of repeated exercises. Their development involves working with various sources of geographic information. The purpose and content of each source of geographical knowledge is explained, its cognitive capabilities are revealed. Pupils should know what parts the textbook consists of, what extra-textual components are, what can be learned from the table, what is the order of reading the graphs, etc. Typically, for working with sources of knowledge, standard plans, memos, instructions are given that allow you to consistently present educational material [6].

The formation of skills and abilities includes the following links:

showing the value of a skill and setting goals for mastering it (for example: «Today we will learn to describe mountains on a map»);

familiarization with the composition of the skill, the procedure, the standard plan;

showing by the teacher a sample of performing actions;

training exercises for mastering the skill (under the guidance of a teacher);

independent application of the skill. In a new educational situation, when performing creative tasks, the student must significantly restructure and supplement the procedure, the standard plan [3,8].

A skill is mastered if the student knows the scope of its application, the content and sequence of actions, practically knows how to use it. Developing skills is a more complex process than acquiring knowledge.


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