Regulatory and legal framework of ecological and naturalistic work in the out-of- school education institutions of North-Eastern Ukraine (40-90’s of the 20th century)
The article deals with the regulatory and legal framework of ecological and naturalistic work in the out-of-school education institutions of North-Eastern Ukraine. Is to analyze legal acts that regulated the work of the out-of-school institutions.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.06.2024 |
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Regulatory and legal framework of ecological and naturalistic work in the out-of- school education institutions of North-Eastern Ukraine
(40-90's of the 20th century)
Vertel Vladyslav Viktorovych
post-graduate student of the Pedagogy Department, Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy
The imperfection of the legislative framework of Ukraine has a negative impact on many aspects of its activities. Regulatory and legal framework of the educational sector, including out-of-school education, which needs constant review and improvement, is no exception.
The article deals with the regulatory and legal framework of ecological and naturalistic work in the out-of-school education institutions of North-Eastern Ukraine (Sumy and Chernihiv regions). Its purpose is to analyze legal acts that regulated the work of the out-of-school institutions of ecological and naturalistic direction in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in the 40-90's of the 20th century.
As a result of the study, it was established that formation of the legal framework for the activities of the out-of-school education institutions in the North-Eastern region, and in the republic as a whole, in the period from 1945 to 1965 was carried out in accordance with the legal framework of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Legal acts, in the part of out-of-school education, were aimed at strengthening out-of-school ecological and naturalistic work, the main purpose of which was organization of controlled leisure time for children in their free from lessons time, involvement in socially useful work, and elimination of child neglect.
At that time, the system of legislative and state policy in the field of education did not consider out-of-school education as an independent part of the education system. But at the same time, with each adopted legislative act, decision of the central party bodies and the government in the field of education, the structure of out-of-school education, including ecological and naturalistic education, became more and more distinct. At the end of the 70's, the network of out-of-school education institutions of ecological and naturalistic direction was expanded, their staffs were regulated, and their activities were systematized on the basis of developed standard provisions. Regardless of the ideological orientation of the forms and content of their work, the contribution of the stations of young naturalists to the development of the nature conservation movement of youth at that time was very significant.
The most productive period of functioning of out-of-school education institutions of ecological and naturalistic direction in Soviet Ukraine was 1965-1985. During this period, a number of legislative acts and state resolutions aimed at reforming the educational sector, including extracurricular activities, came into effect. The nomenclature and staff of out- of-school education institutions were regulated, qualification requirements for employees were approved, the concept of the main directions of the development of out-of-school education institutions was developed. The Ministry of Education changed the curricula and plans for biology in schools, which had a positive effect on the content of the programs of biological circles and the development of ecological and naturalistic work in general. The legal framework for the activity of creative student associations was regulated. The activation of ecological and naturalistic work was facilitated by the introduction of various nature conservation actions and competitions of various levels, in which the participation of young people was the most massive in the entire history of the ecological and naturalistic movement in Ukraine.
Keywords: institution of out-of-school education, regulatory and legal framework, ecological and naturalistic work, station of young naturalists.
ecological naturalistic school education ukraine
Вертель Владислав Вікторович аспірант кафедри педагогіки, Сумський державний педагогічний університет імені А. С. Макаренка, м. Суми
Недосконалість законодавчої бази України негативно відображається на багатьох аспектах її життєдіяльності. Не є винятком і нормативно-правове забезпечення освітянської галузі, в тому числі позашкільної, яка потребує постійного перегляду та вдосконалення.
У статті розглянута нормативно-правове забезпечення еколого- натуралістичної роботи в закладах позашкільної освіти Північно- Східної України (Сумська та Чернігівська області). ЇЇ мета - аналіз
нормативно-правових актів, які регулювали роботу закладів позашкільної освіти еколого-натуралістичного напряму в Українській Радянській Соціалістичній Республіці у 40-х-90-х роках XX століття.
У результаті дослідження встановлено, що формування нормативно- правової бази діяльності закладів позашкільної освіти в Північно- Східному регіоні, та в республіці в цілому, в період з 1945 по 1965 роки здійснювалось у відповідності з правовим полем Союзу Радянських Соціалістичних Республік. Нормативно-правові акти, в частині позашкільної освіти, були спрямовані на посилення позашкільної еколого-натуралістичної роботи, головною метою якої було організація керованого дозвілля дітей у вільний від уроків час, залучення до суспільної та корисної праці, боротьба з дитячою бездоглядністю.
Тогочасна система законодавчої та державної політики у сфері освіти не розглядала позашкільну освіту як самостійну частку системи освіти. Але при цьому з кожним прийнятим законодавчим актом, рішенням центральних партійних органів та уряду в галузі освіти структура позашкільної освіти, і в тому числі еколого-натуралістичної, виокремлювалась все чіткіше. На кінець 70-х років мережа закладів позашкільної освіти еколого-натуралістичного напряму була розширена, їх штати впорядковані, діяльність систематизована на основі розроблених типових положень. Не зважаючи на ідеологічне спрямування форм і змісту їх роботи внесок станцій юних натуралістів в розбудову природоохоронного руху молоді на ті часи був дуже вагомим.
Найпродуктивнішим періодом функціонування закладів позашкільної освіти еколого-натуралістичного напряму в радянській Україні були 1965-85 роки. В цей період вступають в дію ряд законодавчих актів та державних постанов спрямованих на реформування освітянської галузі й в тому числі позашкільної. Упорядковується номенклатура і штати закладів позашкільної освіти, затверджуються кваліфікаційні вимоги до працівників, розробляється концепція основних напрямків розвитку закладів позашкільної освіти. Міністерство освіти змінює навчальні програми та плани з біології в школах, що позитивно впливає за зміст програм гуртків біологічного профілю та розвиток еколого- натуралістичної роботи в цілому. Упорядкується нормативно-правова база діяльності творчих учнівських об'єднань. Активізації еколого- натуралістичної роботи сприяло впровадження різноманітних природо- охоронних акцій та конкурсів різного рівня, участь молоді в яких була наймасовішою за всю історію еколого-натуралістичного руху в Україні.
Ключові слова: заклад позашкільної освіти, нормативно-правова база, еколого-натуралістична робота, станція юних натуралістів.
Formulation of the problem
Ukraine, as a country with a democratic system, is actively going through the stages of its formation and development. The process of formation of various public institutions, including the Institute of Ukrainian Law, continues. As a result, the legal framework of the country remains imperfect, which negatively affects various aspects of its activities. This has a negative impact on many aspects of the country's life. This also applies to the regulatory framework (RF) of the out-of-school education institutions (OEI), which needs revision and improvement. The study of legislation and legal norms in which out-of- school education had developed, and the adaptation of this heritage to the conditions of modern Ukrainian society is an urgent task. Improving the regulatory and legal framework of OEI in accordance with actual needs will allow to effectively prepare education seekers for the professional challenges of the future.
Analysis of recent research and publications
The studies of V. Bereka, O. Bykovska, V. Voichuk, V. Verbytskyi, H. Pustovit, R. Naumenko, A. Hutsol, L. Kostenko, I. Mosiakova and others are devoted to the historical and pedagogical context of the problem of regulatory and legal framework of out-of-school education.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the legal acts that regulated ecological and naturalistic work (ENW) in the OEI of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) in the 40-90's of the 20th century.
Presenting main material
The RF analysis of the out-of-school education system in Ukraine during the time of the Soviet republic gives the right to claim that during the entire time of being part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Ukraine did not have its own policy in the field of education, including out-of-school education. The party-state leadership of the Ukrainian SSR duplicated and consistently implemented at the level of the republic, the decisions and resolutions of the congresses and plenums of the Central Committee (СС) of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), decisions of the Verkhovna Rada and the government of the USSR. The legal foundations of the system of out-of-school education and upbringing were laws of USSR and Ukrainian SSR, decrees and resolutions of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of the USSR and the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR, laws and orders of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and Ukrainian SSR, orders and decisions of the boards of individual ministries, decisions of regional and district councils of people's deputies and other legal documents. No less important were the documents of the Soviet Union Lenin Communist Youth Union (VLKSM), the Soviet Union Pioneer Organization named after V. Lenin and their republican unions. In the decision of the plenum of the Central Committee of the VLKSM in 1949, it was stated that these organizations should direct the work of OEI, take control of the selection of high-quality teaching staff, and strengthen the material base [1].
In the difficult conditions of the first post-war years, the main efforts of the state leadership and public education authorities were primarily aimed at reviving the network of schools and covering a large number of students. At the same time, attention was paid to improving the work of existing OEIs, reviving the accumulated traditions and experience of ENW. This is confirmed by the fact that already in May 1945, the People's Commissariat of Education of the Ukrainian SSR issued an order “On the state of work of the out-of-school education institutions in Ukraine and the implementation of the instructions of M. S. Khrushchev on improving extracurricular educational work among children”, which provided for measures to update networks of OEIs, involve community and students in their reconstruction and repair, provide OEIs with high-quality teaching staff [2, p. 159].
The next regulatory document that contributed to the expansion of the network and further development of the OEIs was the resolution of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Communist Party of 1946 “On measures to improve extracurricular work with children”. It provided for the expansion of the OEI network, strengthening of their material and technical base, staffing with qualified personnel, establishing relations with schools and community. The implementation of this resolution in the republics and regions forced the departments of public education to take measures to improve extracurricular work, drew public attention to the activities of OEIs [3].
A significant impetus for the further development of ENW in OEIs was the adoption of the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On arranging the network and approving standard staff and salaries of employees of out-of-school institutions of the Ministries of Education of the Union Republics”. The decree streamlined the network and states of the OEIs, and also included the republican, regional and city stations of young naturalists (SYN), city and district houses in the nomenclature of the OEIs [4].
Despite the fact that Soviet Union Pioneer Organization named after V. Lenin bore the signs of Soviet totalitarianism, and to some extent regulated the process of raising children in the communist spirit, it played a positive role in the formation and development of the Young Naturalists' movement, especially in terms of its mass. The All-Union competition for the best pioneer squad was announced. In its provisions, it was stated that “pioneers take an active part in labor affairs for the benefit of the Motherland, grow corn, take care of young birds, landscape settlements, plant gardens and parks, and protect nature” [5, sheet. 13].
Those years, the Ministry of Education of the Ukrainian SSR (Ministry of Education) issued a number of orders that directed and activated the work of OEIs in the area of environmental protection. In some of them, the work of young naturalists of the republic for the year was analyzed, the best OEIs and their employees, groups, leaders of groups, individual young naturalists, including those of the North-Eastern region, were honored [6, sheet. 12].
Government regulations in the field of nature protection and environment are important for the analysis of NPW. In 1958, the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine (CPU) and the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR “On measures to improve nature protection in the Ukrainian SSR” was issued, in compliance with which educational authorities intensified environmental protection work among schoolchildren and involved them in the young naturalists' movement. In schools, the number of groups, campaigns and educational activities in the field of environmental protection has increased significantly [7].
The content of ENW in OEI underwent significant changes after the adoption in 1959 by the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR of the law “On strengthening the connection between school and life and on the further development of the public education system in the Ukrainian SSR” [8]. It determined the course for polytechnicization, strengthening the school's connection with production, combining education with productive work. And taking into account the fact that the content of the educational process of OEI was oriented to school programs, all the above-mentioned changes were significantly reflected in the content and forms of ENW in OEI.
VLKSM and Soviet Union Pioneer Organization named after V. Lenin actively participated in the implementation of the law. In the resolution of the Central Committee of the VLKSM of 1959 “On the participation of Komsomol and pioneer organizations in the implementation of the law “On strengthening the connection of school with life and on the further development of the system of public education”, a demand was put forward for OEIs, including SYN, to actively involve pioneers and schoolchildren in socially useful work on the cultivation of corn, greening of cities and villages, breeding of poultry and rabbits [9]. And the resolutions “On improving the work of out-of-school institutions” (1959), “On further development of initiative and self-activity in the Soviet Union Pioneer Organization named after V. I. Lenin” (1960), adopted by the Central Council of the Soviet Union Pioneer Organization named after V. Lenin emphasized the need to improve the work of Komsomol and pioneer centers in schools and OEIs.
All-Union contests for the best botanist researcher and the best young horticulturist among juniors, which were started in the pre-war years, were resumed. Only in Chernihiv Oblast, 285 schools, 569 pioneer units and wives, 15 orphanages, 357 circles of young naturalists and 31,451 students took part in these events [10, sheet 1, 30].
Voluntary decisions of the party leadership of the state in the field of agriculture caused the “corn company”, which had a negative impact on the activities of the SYN. Their teaching teams were focused on studying the basics of Michurin's theory, familiarizing students with the resolution of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the further development of agriculture, highlighting the priorities of domestic scientists in the development of agrobiological science, familiarizing them with the achievements of the pioneers of collective farm production [11, sheet 13]. Growing corn becomes a priority in the work of young naturalists and schoolchildren.
Resolution No. 85 of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 15, 1959 approved the “Regulations on the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy of the USSR”, the main task of which was to actively promote the latest achievements of science, technology, and culture. This document also provided for the involvement of education institutions in the participation in the expositions of industry pavilions. In view of this, the preparation and selection of participants of exhibitions and exhibits occupied a prominent place in the work of regional and district SYN and encouraged the revitalization of ENW in the localities [12, sheet 13].
In general, the 1960's and 1970's were characterized by the intensity of the formation of the RF of out-of-school education, the basis of which was legislative acts of the union and republican levels, resolutions of the governing bodies of the party and the Komsomol, decisions of the collegium, regulations and orders of the Ministries of Education of the USSR and Ukrainian SSR and other interested departments.
The “Law on Nature Protection of the Ukrainian SSR”, adopted in 1960, became an incentive for the mass involvement of schoolchildren in the protection and restoration of forests. For its implementation, a new form of student labor unions was born - student forestry. Considering the significant forest cover of the North-Eastern region of the republic, the movement of young foresters was gaining widespread use here. They were organized at schools, OEIs, at the bases of forestry enterprises and collective farm forests. In 1969, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Ukrainian SSR, the Ukrainian Nature Conservation Society, in agreement with the Central Committee of the Lenin Communist Youth Union of Ukraine (LKSMU), approved the “Regulations on School Forestry”, which stated that school forestry was one of the forms of communication of the education institution with production, polytechnic and labor training and upbringing, socially useful work of students [13, sheet 39].
To improve the quality of students' knowledge of biology and agriculture, to strengthen the connection between education and socially useful work, the Ministry of Education, the Central Committee of LKSMU and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Ukrainian SSR launched a Republican competition for the best research work in biology and agriculture among schools and OEIs. This competition was repeatedly renewed over several decades and became a real school of research for hundreds of thousands of students [14, sheet 213].
In order to improve the work of institutions, demonstrate achievements and draw public attention to their activities, the Ministry of Education, together with the Central Committee of LKSMU, the Central Council of Professional Unions, conducted regular inspections and competitions of education institutions. Appropriate provisions were developed for their implementation, the results of the reviews were analyzed in the orders of the Ministry of Education and Departments of Public Education in each region [14, sheet 174].
The activation of the ENW in the field of environmental protection was facilitated by the order of the Ministry of Education “On the status and measures of further improvement of the work of schools and out-of-school institutions for the protection and enrichment of nature”, in which it was recognized that environmental protection work in secondary schools had not yet become massive, and there was insufficient work of youth sections on nature protection. There was a demand for fostering love and careful attitude towards nature in students, wide propagation of environmental protection ideas among student youth.
In 1964, the Ministry of Education issued the order “On the participation of the schools of the republic in the improvement of landscaping, greening and exterior design of the cities and towns of the Ukrainian SSR” in order to attract schoolchildren to the landscaping of the country. It indicated the need for schools and OEIs to carry out spring and autumn work on landscaping the territory of schools, hospitals, fields and roads.
In the Resolution of the Central Committee of the VLKSM (1967) “On the further improvement of the activities of the VLKSM under the leadership of the Soviet Union Pioneer Organization named after V. Lenin” it was noted that Komsomol committees weakly implemented various forms of organization of children's leisure time outside of school, on weekends and during vacations. Komsomol activists and the public were tasked with turning OEIs into strongholds for organizing work with children. It is proposed to involve pioneers and schoolchildren “to a powerful participation in labor affairs of the people, nature protection, improvement of cities and villages. Emphasis was placed on improving the quality of OEIs' staff, their Marxist-Leninist training and practical experience [15].
Various republican contests were regularly announced by the Ministry of Education, the Central Committee of the LKSMU and the Central SYN in order to implement government regulations regarding the improvement of the work of schools and OEIs, the activation of the environmental protection movement of schoolchildren. In 1967, the relay “For Lenin's attitude to nature” was announced. With varying levels of activity, it continued for almost two decades and became the largest extracurricular event for the protection and enrichment of nature in the entire history of the Young Naturalists' movement [16].
With the aim of improving the level of education and upbringing in OEIs, strengthening the role and ideological influence of the Komsomol, improving the material and technical base, drawing attention to the activities of public organizations, the Ministries of Education and the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the LKSMU in 1967 issued a joint resolution “On the state and measures to improve work of out-of-school institutions of the republic". It was noted that some OEIs had not become centers of extracurricular work with students, too few students were involved in systematic work in groups, especially high school students and students with behavioral deviations. It was pointed out that the pedagogical institutions of higher education of the republic did not provide sufficient assistance to the OEIs in the development of young naturalists' research work, in the training of group leaders. The Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogy of the Ukrainian SSR very slowly solved the problems of working with students of OEIs. It is found that the regional, district and city departments of education did not take enough care of the selection, placement, training of OEI staff and that a significant number of directors, methodologists, and group leaders did not have the appropriate education [17, sheet 108-109].
In 1968, the Ministry of Education inspected the work of public education bodies of the Poltava region. The results of the inspection revealed significant shortcomings in the organization of their work: group work was not sufficiently aimed at deepening the students' knowledge, groups of new directions were rarely created. According to the results of the inspection, an order was issued “On the work of public education bodies of the Poltava region in accordance with the joint resolution of the collegium of the Ministry of Education and the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the LKSM of Ukraine `On the state of measures to improve the work of out-of- school institutions of the republic'” [13, sheet 33-34].
In 1968, the Ministries of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Ukrainian SSR, the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, the Central Committee of LKSMU and the Republican SYN announced the “Republican competition for the best research work on biology and agriculture in comprehensive eight-year and secondary schools, boarding schools and out- of-school institutions”. The purpose of the competition was to further elevate educational work in the process of combining learning from the basics of science with socially useful work, broad involvement of students in research work aimed at deepening the quality of knowledge, in particular in biology, ENW in groups. The order of the Ministry of Education dated December 31, 1968 states that only in the first round of this competition, 33,000 schools, student production teams, young naturalists' circles, and OEIs of the republic took part [18, sheet 23].
With the aim of forming the ecological culture of students and improving the aesthetic condition of the premises, the Ministry of Education repeatedly announces republican competitions for the best external and internal landscaping of schools and OEIs [18, sheet 23].
In 1969, the Ministry of Education announced the beginning of the Republican expedition “To the land of knowledge”, the main task of which was to deepen the knowledge of students, develop their cognitive interests and inclinations to carry out research and search work. Expeditionary units for the study of nature, student scientific societies, competitions and Olympiads were held in the OEIs [19].
A landmark event was the adoption in 1973 by the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Verkhovna Rada of the USSR of the Law “Basics of Legislation of the USSR and Union Republics on Public Education” [20]. The law imposed on schools and OEIs the duty to form in students a Marxist- Leninist worldview, loyalty to the ideals of the Soviet state. On the basis of this law, along with the existing ones, pioneer camps were also included in the list of OEIs. Taking into account the fact that nature conservation work was also carried out in the camps, this contributed to the development of the students' ecological and naturalistic movement.
The Law of the Ukrainian SSR “On Public Education” adopted in 1974 demarcated the powers of union and republican bodies in the management of education, outlined the organizational foundations of the functioning of various components of public education in the Ukrainian SSR. It stated that out-of-school education was included in the education system of Ukraine, its task was the comprehensive development of students' abilities and inclinations, enhancing of their social activity, interest in work, science, as well as organization of their cultural leisure. It was pointed out that state- owned enterprises, institutions, collective farms and state farms should create OEIs, including SYN [21].
Simultaneously with the formation of the legislative framework, the existing provisions on the activities of OEIs were revised and new ones were developed. The Ministry of Education, in particular the Department of Out- of-School Education, developed a new regulation on SYN, which determined that the main tasks of such institutions were to deepen students' knowledge in environmental disciplines, help education institutions, clubs, and student labor associations in the organization of research [22].
In early 70's, such a form of organizing meaningful leisure for high school students as work and recreation camps, in which the rehabilitation of children was combined with socially useful work, usually in agricultural production, became widespread. The activities of these institutions were regulated by the “Regulations on the Labor and Recreation Camp of School Youth of the Ukrainian SSR” [23, p. 315-319]. During the entire period of the existence of such camps, the republican and district SYN provided methodological assistance in organizing the work of nature-oriented circles in them, conducting observations and excursions into nature, and determining the topics of research works. It should be noted that the number of stationary labor and recreation camps in the Sumy region was the highest in the North- Eastern region.
At the beginning of 1976, the Ministry of Education of the USSR issued an order “On the approval of the nomenclature of out-of-school institutions”, which approved 12 types of OEIs, including republican, regional and city SYN [24]. To implement it, the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR issued a resolution “On the nomenclature and procedure for the creation of out-of-school institutions”, which approved the list of OEIs of the republic, corresponding to the Union one.
In the 1980's, Ukrainian education entered another period of change. Reforms were initiated by the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1984, which approved the main directions of education reform in the territory of the USSR. The conceptual foundations and directions of its development were outlined in the Decree of the Supreme Council of the USSR “On the main directions of the reform of general education and vocational schools”. For their implementation, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine and the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR adopted the resolution “On further improvement of secondary education of youth and improvement of working conditions of comprehensive schools” [25]. The resolution provided for the creation of additional OEIs at the children's place of residence and an increase in allocations for the wages of group leaders. The specified educational reforms were accompanied by strong support from the party-state apparatus structures. Undoubtedly, the reform caused positive changes in education, including out-of-school. But the lack of democratic foundations in the organization and management of the education system in the then Soviet state made its implementation impossible.
The Law of Ukraine “On Education” adopted in 1991 defined the legal, organizational and financial foundations of the functioning and development of the entire education system. Article 14, which was devoted to out-of-school education, defined its purpose - the development of children's abilities in various fields, their acquisition of primary professional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for their further self-realization and socialization. The law also outlined the forms and terms of obtaining education, the establishment and organizational principles of state OEIs operating.
Equally important for the development of the education system was the adoption by the Collegium of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine of the “Program for the Development of National Education of the Ukrainian SSR for the Transition Period of 1991-1995” [26]. The program provided for the development of a flexible network of OEIs taking into account the peculiarities of the regions, increased attention to the cultivation of creative abilities of students and youth, involvement of scientists, the public, and parents in the educational process in institutions. The implementation of the program in the part of out-of-school education had a noticeable positive impact on the development of OEIs in Ukraine, including in its North- Eastern region.
In the period from 1945 to 1965, the formation of the RF regarding the functioning of OEIs in the Ukrainian SSR was carried out in accordance with the legal framework of the USSR. Regulatory acts, in the part of out-of-school education, were aimed at strengthening extracurricular ENW, the main tasks of which were the organization of controlled leisure time for children in their free from lessons time, involvement in socially useful work, and elimination of child neglect.
The system of legislation and state policy in the field of education that existed at that time did not consider OEIs as an independent part of the education system. For almost two decades, they remained an appendage of the school education system, with all its tasks, forms and content. With each adopted legislative act, decision of the central party bodies and the government, aimed at the development and reform of education, the structure of out-of-school education, including ecological and naturalistic education, was more and more clearly distinguished in it. At the end of the 1970's, the network of ecological and naturalistic OEIs was expanded, their staffs were organized, and their activities were systematized on the basis of developed standard provisions. Regardless of the ideological direction of the content and forms of their work, the contribution of SYN to the development of the youth environmental movement at that time was very significant.
1965-1985 was the most productive period of OEIs functioning in Soviet Ukraine. During this period, a number of legislative acts and state resolutions on reforming the educational sector, including its component - out-of-school education, came into effect. The nomenclature and staff of OEIs were regulated, qualification requirements for employees of institutions, as well as the concept of the main directions of OEIs, were developed. The Ministry of Education changed the curricula and plans for biology in secondary schools, which had a positive effect on the content of the programs of the biological profile of OEIs. The RF of the activities of student labor unions was regulated. The activation of ENW was facilitated by the announcement of various all-Union and republican environmental actions and contests, in which the participation of student youth was the most massive in the entire history of the Young Naturalists' movement in Ukraine. The topic of regulatory and legal framework of ENW in OEIs at the regional level has not yet been sufficiently investigated. In the future, it is necessary to consider the regulatory and legal framework of ENW in OEIs in the pre-war years of the last century and during the time of the independent Ukrainian state.
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