Secrets of modern lesson effectiveness - use of innovative teaching technologies

Modernization of the education system. Creating an interactive learning environment, using paired and group, collective activity formats, projects. Formation of the creative personality of the younger classes as a task of the new Ukrainian school.

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Secrets of modern lesson effectiveness - use of innovative teaching technologies

Ostrovska Marianna Yaroslavivna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Primary and Preschool Education and Management of Educational Institutions, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education Ukraine, Beregovo


At the current stage, the education system is moving towards modernisation, and educational practice is beginning to require teachers to update the entire educational process, educational methods, teacher's work, and changes in student activities. It is now important to provide students not only with knowledge, but also with the ability to apply it in everyday life, developing an innovator and a citizen who can make responsible decisions and respect human rights.

Analysing the scientific and methodological literature, we can conclude that school should not be a preparation for life, but rather school should be life. The content and methods of teaching should be close to reality. Less theory and more practical application in life.

This can be achieved through the creation of an interactive learning environment, the use of pair, group, and collective activity formats, social projects, and research experiments.

The formation of a creative personality in primary school students is one of the most important issues in the new Ukrainian school, and innovative and active forms and methods of teaching should be introduced into the educational process, which can ensure that children develop critical thinking. A large amount of material, as well as thoughts, problematic visions, fantasies and imaginations.

The primary task of any school is to create conditions for the development and progress of a child in accordance with his or her inclinations, interests, needs and life goals.

Primary school is the first and most important stage of the general education process, as it is the place where such personal qualities as thinking, attention, memory and imagination are intensively developed. It is clear that school development is possible through innovation. Innovation is defined as the activity of designing, researching, developing and using innovations.

Pedagogical innovation is the result of the creative search of teachers and scientists: new ideas, technologies, approaches, teaching methods, as well as individual elements of the educational process, should be primarily a process of building a child's confidence in himself or herself and their abilities.

Keywords: pedagogical activity, innovative technologies, primary school teacher, methods, techniques, teaching aids.


Островська Маріанна Ярославівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри педагогіки, психології, початкової, дошкільної освіти та управління закладами освіти, Закарпатський угорський інститут ім. Ф. Ракоці ІІ, м. Берегово


На сучасному етапі система освіти рухається в бік модернізації, і освітня практика починає вимагати від учителя оновлення всього навчального процесу, виховних методик, роботи вчителя, зміни діяльності учнів. Зараз важливо дати учням не лише знання, а й уміння застосовувати їх у повсякденному житті, розвиваючи інноватора та громадянина, який вміє приймати відповідальні рішення та поважати права людини. Аналізуючи науково-методичну літературу, можна дійти висновку, що школа має бути не підготовкою до життя, школа має бути життям. Зміст і методи навчання мають бути наближеними до реальності. Менше теорії і більше практичного застосування в житті. Цього можна досягти шляхом створення інтерактивного навчального середовища, використання парних, групових, колективних форматів діяльності, проєктів - соціальних, дослідницьких експериментів. Формування творчої особистості молодших класів є одним із важливих питань у новій українській школі, у навчальний процес необхідно впроваджувати інноваційні та активні форми та методи навчання, які можуть забезпечити формування у дітей критичного мислення. Великий обсяг матеріалу, а також думки, проблемні бачення, фантазії та уяви. Першочерговим завданням будь-якої школи є створення умов для розвитку та прогресу дитини відповідно до її нахилів, інтересів, потреб та власних життєвих цілей. Початкова школа є першою і найважливішою сходинкою загальноосвітнього процесу, тому що в початковій школі інтенсивно розвиваються такі якості особистості, як мислення, увага, пам'ять, уява. Зрозуміло, що розвиток школи можливий за допомогою інновацій. Інноваційна діяльність визначається як діяльність з розробки, дослідження, розробки та використання інновацій. Педагогічна інноватика є результатом творчих пошуків педагогів і науковців: нові ідеї, технології, підходи, методи навчання, як і окремі елементи навчально- виховного процесу, мають бути насамперед процесом формування у дитини впевненості в собі та своїх силах, своїх можливостях.

Ключові слова: педагогічна діяльність, інноваційні технології, вчитель початкових класів, методи, прийоми, засоби навчання.

Statement of the problem

education creative personality new ukrainian school

To analyse the scientific and methodological literature on the problem of using innovative teaching methods in the professional activity of a teacher of the New Ukrainian School. To scientifically substantiate the essence of innovative teaching technologies and to consider the methodology for introducing innovative forms and interactive methods into the educational process[6]. The use of advanced technologies is not an end in itself. It is only one way to create a classroom environment that best promotes cooperation, understanding and goodwill and makes it truly possible to implement an active, child-centred approach to learning. If the use of innovative technology in one layer or another is not working, then the strategy needs to be re-evaluated and the use of technology needs to be carefully considered.

Analysis of recent research and publications. As early as the early 20s of the last century, the terms "pedagogical technology" appeared in the works of famous teachers (I.P. Pavlov, A.A. Ukhtomsky, S.T. Shatsky, V.M. Bekhterev, etc.). Almost 100 years have passed since then, and there are still no unified, comprehensive definitions of the concepts of educational, pedagogical, and learning technologies in the modern pedagogical literature. Researchers count about 300 interpretations of these terms, which differ not only in form but also in the content they contain. The concept of "technology" appeared at the turn of the 40s and 50s of the twentieth century. Its use is associated, firstly, with the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, which has led not only to the technologisation of the production sector, but also the humanitarian sphere, and secondly, with the unsatisfactory state of traditional forms and methods of education.

The purpose of the article is to review and analyse the theoretical substantiation of the essence of innovative and interactive teaching methods and their implementation in the educational process.

Summary of the main material. According to the National Doctrine of Education Development of Ukraine in the XXI century, the priority in the development of education is the training of educated people, qualified specialists capable of creative work, professional development, development and implementation of modern technologies [1]. The desire to continuously optimise the educational process has led to the emergence of new and improvement of the best pedagogical technologies that have been used so far. Their further development is associated with the focus on the implementation of modern concepts of education and upbringing.

But modern primary schools are not perfect. "One of the most serious flaws of our school is that it is mainly the teacher who works in teaching children." [20, p. 301]. This opinion of Vasyl Sukhomlynsky can be applied to the characteristics of the educational process at the present stage. The work of a student who sits silently at a desk, listens to the teacher and tries to memorise what he or she is told cannot ensure either the full formation of a personality or the highest happiness of a person from success in work.

At the current stage of education development, children really learn because they can fully realise themselves. They are not afraid to express their opinions, criticism, and are not afraid to be heard. In such lessons, the teacher must become an invisible conductor who can hear, notice, support and interest each student in time. When children work together, they develop the skills necessary for independent living:

S conflict resolution;

S actively listen;

S criticise the opinion, not the person who expressed it;

S analysing;

S making decisions.

School should not be a preparation for life, school should be life. This can be achieved by creating an interactive learning environment, integrated learning, using pair, group, and collective forms of activity.

Therefore, the educational process should effectively use such creative, innovative technologies and methods that teach to make independent choices, connect what is learnt with practical life, taking into account the individuality of the student, as

S developmental learning;

S interactive technologies;

S project-based learning;

S human-personal technology;

S -Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TIS).

The development of elements of interactive learning can be found in the works of V. Sukhomlynsky, teachers-innovators of the 70s and 80s (Sh. Amonashvili, V. Shatalov, E. Ilyin, S. Lysenkova, etc.).

The essence of interactive learning is that the interaction between teacher and student is understood as direct interpersonal communication, the most important feature of which is the ability of a person to "take on the role of another", to imagine how he or she is perceived by a partner in communication or a group, and accordingly to interpret the situation and construct his or her own actions.

The use of these technologies in education allows students to:

> Analyse educational information in depth and be creative in their approach to learning;

> learn to listen to another person, respect alternative opinions;

> model and solve cognitive, life and social situations, thus enriching their own cognitive and social experience;

> learn to build constructive relationships in a group, determine their place in it, avoid conflicts, resolve them, seek compromises, strive for dialogue, find a common solution to the problem;

> develop skills of project activity, independent work, creative work, etc [5, с. 157].

In a modern school, the entire educational process is aimed at shaping the spiritual world of the individual, unlocking the potential and abilities of students, and promoting universal values. At the centre of this process is the individual student. The task of the school is to find effective forms and methods of work that will teach students to master knowledge independently, to learn about themselves and others.

Interactive learning technologies contribute to the effective development of a system of universal human values and generally accepted norms of behavior in each person; development of the ability to appreciate freedom and the ability to use it; awareness of personal responsibility and the ability to unite with other members of society to solve a common problem; development of the ability to recognize and respect the values of another person; formation of communication skills and cooperation with other members of the group (society), mutual understanding and mutual respect for each individual; education of tolerance, compassion, benevolence and care, a sense of solidarity and equality; formation of the ability to make a free and independent choice based on one's own judgments and analysis of reality, understanding of norms and rules of behavior in society and respect for them, knowledge of laws, basic human rights; personal responsibility and civil obligation.

To solve this difficult task, it is necessary to introduce new educational technologies aimed at comprehensive development of the child. One of such educational technologies is interactive learning. Its advantage is that students learn all levels of knowledge (knowledge, understanding, application, evaluation), the number of students who consciously learn the educational material increases in classes.

Students take an active position, their interest in acquiring knowledge grows. The personal role of the teacher is significantly increased - he acts as a leader, organizer, mentor, moderator, coach, tutor and facilitator in the child's individual educational trajectory.

The conclusion of researchers O. Pometun and L. Pirozhenko that interactive learning is a set of technologies is important. The authors divide interactive technologies into four groups:

> pair study (student works with a teacher or with a peer one on one);

> frontal training;

> learning in the game;

> discussions [3, p. 54].

Cooperative educational activity is a form (model) of organizing learning in small groups of students united by a common educational goal. Under such an organization of learning, the teacher manages the work of each student indirectly, through the tasks with which he directs the activity of the group, that is, he implements an activity and competence approach. Cooperative learning opens opportunities for students to cooperate with their peers, enables the realization of each person's natural desire to communicate, helps students achieve higher results in learning knowledge and building skills. Such a model is easily and effectively combined with traditional forms and methods of education and can be applied at various stages of education.

Group (cooperative) learning includes: work in pairs, rotating threes, "Two - four - all together", "Carousel", work in small groups, "Aquarium".

When working in pairs, you can perform the following exercises: discuss the task, a short text; conduct an interview, determine the partner's attitude (opinion) to this or that question, statement, etc.; make a critical analysis of each other's work; form a summary of the topic being studied, etc.

Collective and group interactive learning includes those that involve the simultaneous joint work of the entire class. This is a discussion of the problem in a general circle (it is used with other technologies): "Microphone" (everyone is given the opportunity to say something quickly, in turn, express their opinion or position), unfinished sentences (combined with the exercise "Microphone"), "Brainstorming "(a well-known interactive collective discussion technology, widely used for making several decisions for making several decisions on a specific problem), "Teachinglearning", "Decision Tree" and others.

The technology of situational modeling, that is, the technologies of learning in the game include simulations, role-playing games, and dramatization.

Participants of the educational process based on the game model are in different conditions than in traditional education. Pupils are given maximum freedom of intellectual activity, limited only by specific rules of the game. Students themselves choose their role in the game; putting forward assumptions about the likely development of events, create a problematic situation, look for ways to solve it, taking responsibility for the chosen decision.

The teacher in the game model is an instructor (familiarization with the rules of the game, consultations during the game), a judge - a referee (adjustment and advice on the distribution of roles), a coach (tips to students in order to speed up the game), a chairman, a presenter (organizer of the discussion). As a rule, the game model of learning has four stages:

> orientation (introduction of students to the topic, familiarization with the rules of the game, a general overview of its progress);

> preparation for the game (familiarization with the scenario, definition of game tasks, roles, approximate ways to solve the problem);

> the main part - conducting the game;

> discussion of the results.

Learning technologies in the discussion are an important means of students' cognitive activity in the process of competence training, because the discussion is a broad public discussion of a controversial issue. The experience of using discussions in education makes it possible to formulate some main organizational and pedagogical issues that are common to all types of discussions:

> the discussion must begin with raising a specific question for discussion (that is, one that does not have an unambiguous answer and involves different solution options, in particular opposite ones);

> one should not raise questions such as: who is right and who is wrong in this or that issue;

> the focus should be on the probable course of the discussion (What would be possible under this or that coincidence of circumstances?

What could happen if..?

Were there other possibilities, methods, actions?);

> the teacher should correct mistakes and inaccuracies made by students and encourage them to do the same;

> all students' statements must be accompanied by arguments, substantiation, for which the teacher asks questions such as: "What facts testify in favor of your opinion?", "How did you reason to reach such a conclusion?";

> the discussion can be resolved both by making an agreed decision and by preserving the existing differences between its participants [4, p. 134].

It promotes the development of critical thinking, as one of the competences of NUS, allows you to define your own position, forms the skills of defending your personal opinion, and deepens your knowledge of this problem. Such technologies are quite interesting for a modern school. These include: "PRESS method", "Choose a position", "Change position", "Continuous scale of opinions", "Discussion", "Discussion in the style of a television talk show", "Debate". So, for example, the "PRESS Method" technology can be offered to any problem, provided that four stages are followed:

S express your opinion, explain what your point of view is (starting with the words: I believe that..);

S explain the reason for the emergence of this opinion, that is, what the evidence is based on (starting with the words: Since ...);

S give examples, additional arguments in support of your position, as well as facts that demonstrate your evidence (...for example..);

S summarize your opinion (make a conclusion starting with the words: So, thus...).

Once students have mastered the PRESS steps of the method, it can be used in all lessons in the elementary grades, as it trains the student to logically express his or her thoughts.

Conclusions. Innovative technologies require a certain change in the life of the entire class, as well as a significant amount of time for the preparation of both students and the teacher [5]. It is necessary to start with the gradual use of technologies, it is even advisable to create a comprehensive plan for the gradual introduction of interactive technologies. It is better to diligently prepare several innovative classes in the school year than to often conduct hastily prepared "games".

For the effective application of innovative technologies, the teacher must carefully plan his work, namely: give tasks to students for preliminary preparation, read, think, and complete independent preparatory tasks. Classes with the use of innovative technologies are interesting, productive, and relieve the complexities of students with different levels of educational achievement. The main thing is that students' creative abilities and cognitive interests develop, the effectiveness of reading lessons increases significantly, students have a desire to read fiction, scientific literature, children's newspapers and magazines.

The use of innovative technologies is not an end in itself. This is not only a means of creating an atmosphere of cooperation, understanding and goodwill, but also an opportunity to really implement the basic principles of a person-oriented, competence-based and activity-based approach to learning. After all, the use of innovative technologies in reading and native language lessons makes it possible to create an educational environment that helps students to form character, develop a worldview, logical thinking, coherent speech, identify and realize individual capabilities.

So, effective learning techniques are learning techniques that use the strengths of our brain and close the holes in the weak areas. These are powerful mental techniques that will help elementary school students master complex material.


1. Derzhavnyi standart pochatkovoi zahalnoi osvity [State standard of primary general education] [Electronic resource] // NUSH: [official web portal]. - Access mode: content/uploads/.../NewSchool_Presentation-final_18-08-2017 [in Ukrainian].

2. Pometun, O. A (2004). Suchasnyi urok. Interaktyvni tekhnolohii navchannia [Modern lesson]. Naukovo-metodychnyi posibnyk - Interactive learning technologies: Scientific and methodological guide/ K.: A.S.K. Publishing House, 192 [in Ukrainian].

3. Pehoti, O.M. (2002). Osvitni tekhnolohii [Educational technologies]. K, 255 [in Ukrainian].

4. Pometun, O., & Pyrozhenko, L. (2002). Interaktyvni tekhnolohii navchannia: teoriia i praktyka [Interactive learning technologies: theory and practice]. K, 136 [in Ukrainian].

5. Komar, O. (2002). Interaktyvni tekhnolohii - tekhnolohii spivpratsi [Interactive technologies - cooperation technologies]. K; Abrys - K; Abris, 247 [in Ukrainian].


1. Державний стандарт початкової загальної освіти [Електронний ресурс] // НУШ : [офіційний веб портал]. - Режим доступу: Presentation-final_18-08-2017.

2. Пометун О. Сучасний урок. Інтерактивні технології навчання: Науково- методичний посібник / О.Пометун, Л.Пироженко. - К.: Видавництво А.С.К., 2004. - 192 с.

3. Освітні технології. 3а ред, О.М.Пехоти. -К-2002. - 255 с.

4. Пометун О., Пироженко Л. Інтерактивні технології навчання: теорія і практика. - К-, 2002. - 136.

5. Комар О. Інтерактивні технології - технології співпраці. К; Абрис, 2002 - 247с.

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