Contextual teaching and learning for HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence development within the framework of corporate training

Detailed coverage of the problem of using contextual learning for the development of psychological and pedagogical competence of HR managers. Theoretical substantiation of the role and importance of psychological and pedagogical competence of HR managers.

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Дата добавления 17.06.2024
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Lviv Polytechnic National University

Contextual teaching and learning for HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence development within the framework of corporate training

Nataliya Mukan

Fei Gao


The article is devoted to highlighting the problem of the use of contextual teaching and learning for HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence development in within corporate training. The aim of the article is as follows: to substantiate the contextual teaching and learning as pedagogical condition for HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence development within the framework of corporate training. The role and significance of psychological and pedagogical competence in the professional activity of HR managers is substantiated. An analysis of the scientific literature on the research problem, highlighting various aspects of contextual teaching and learning usage was carried out. It is justified that for HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence development in the framework of corporate training, it is important to master knowledge, develop skills, professional values and attitudes that totality can be characterized as the HR manager's ability to reach acme and realize one's own competence in the conditions of a fast-developing business environment consisting of typical, atypical, problematic, creative and innovative situations and tasks. It is proved that to gain experience in the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical competence of HR managers, it is important to harmonize the content of training, which reflects the specifics of their professional activity, with organizational forms and methods that have proven their effectiveness in the framework of corporate training. The content of professional development should be practice-oriented, based on the experience of HR managers and provide for its further use in practice. The features and content of contextual teaching and learning for the acquisition of experience in the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical competence of HR managers are presented (the content, tasks, the organizational forms of learning and methods, the peculiarities of participants' activity, the expected results, the indicators of development). The examples of training organization using the potential of a seminar, role-playing and business games, team building and teamwork, etc. are provided. On the basis of the conducted research, the conclusion was formulated that the development of HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence in the framework of corporate training is possible, if its theoretical foundations are substantiated, and the specifics of the implementation of this pedagogical condition is clearly defined, as well as the appropriate organizational forms of learning and teaching methods are chosen.

Key words: HR manager, corporate training, professional competence, psychological and pedagogical competence development, pedagogical condition, contextual teaching and learning, seminar, role-playing and business games, team building and team work activities.


contextual learning pedagogical competence

Мукан Наталія, Гао Феі

Контекстне навчання для розвитку психолого-педагогічної компетентності HR менеджерів в умовах корпоративного навчання

Стаття присвячена висвітленню проблеми використання контекстного навчання для розвитку психолого-педагогічної компетентності HR менеджерів у рамках корпоративного навчання. Метою статті є обґрунтування контекстного навчання як педагогічної умови розвитку психолого-педагогічної компетентності HR менеджерів у рамках корпоративного навчання. Обґрунтовано роль і значення психолого-педагогічної компетентності у професійній діяльності HR менеджерів. Виконано аналіз наукової літератури з досліджуваної проблеми, що висвітлює різні аспекти використання контекстного навчання. Обґрунтовано, що для розвитку психолого-педагогічної компетентності HR менеджера в рамках корпоративного навчання важливе оволодіння знаннями, розвиток умінь, професійних цінностей і ставлення, сукупність яких можна охарактеризувати як здатність HR менеджера досягати акме та реалізовувати власну компетентність в умовах бізнес-середовища, що швидко розвивається, якому притаманна наявність типових, нетипових, проблемних, творчих та інноваційних ситуацій і завдань. Доведено, що для набуття досвіду реалізації психолого-педагогічної компетентності HR менеджерів важливо узгодити зміст навчання, який відображає специфіку їхньої професійної діяльності, з організаційними формами і методами, які довели свою ефективність у рамки корпоративного навчання. Зміст професійного розвитку має бути практико-орієнтованим, базуватися на досвіді HR менеджерів та передбачати його подальше використання на практиці. Представлено особливості та зміст контекстного навчання для набуття досвіду реалізації психолого-педагогічної компетентності HR менеджерів (зміст, завдання, організаційні форми навчання та методи, особливості діяльності учасників, очікувані результати, показники розвитку). Наведено приклади організації навчання з використанням потенціалу семінару, рольових та ділових ігор, тім-білдингу та командної роботи тощо. На основі проведеного дослідження сформульовано висновок про те, що розвиток психолого-педагогічної компетентності HR-менеджерів у рамках корпоративного навчання можливий за умови обґрунтування її теоретичних засад та специфіки реалізації такої педагогічної умови як контекстне навчання, а також вибір відповідних організаційних форм навчання та методів.

Ключові слова: HR менеджер, корпоративне навчання, професійна компетентність, розвиток психолого-педагогічної компетентності, педагогічна умова, контекстне навчання, семінар, рольові та ділові ігри, тім-білдинг та командна робота.


At the beginning of the 21st century, the professional competence of a modern specialist, the possibilities of its formation during initial professional training are the subject of scientific discussions by both theorists and practitioners. No less importance is given to corporate training, among the main functions of which is a compensatory function. It is about the development of those competencies of modern specialists that are in demand in the professional environment, and their presence is mandatory, although not formed in the conditions of the higher education system. Among such mandatory HR manager competencies, we single out psychological and pedagogical competence. Actually, we focused our research on the analysis of the possibilities of its development in the conditions of corporate training and found out that its development can be ensured with the help of contextual teaching and learning.

Modern science has studied the development of professional competence of HR managers in various countries (N. Dries, A. Kolot, O. Kravchuk, H. Lopushniak, M. Meyers, J. Paauwe, I. Ryabokon, I. Varis, M. van Woerkom etc.). The problem of using contextual teaching and learning is relevant for different levels of the education system and is highlighted by researchers from different countries (A. Akmal, E. Baker, R. Berns, P. Erickson, M. Hakim, L. Hope, W. Indrayati, K. Krandjeff, U. Kuni, D. Sari, C. Mazzeo, A. Mema, M. Nduru, M. Ota, R. Ruto).

The aim of the article is to substantiate the contextual teaching and learning as pedagogical condition for HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence development within the framework of corporate training.

Research results

In our research we determine contextual teaching and learning for HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence development as one of the main pedagogical conditions which are realized within the framework of corporate training. Having analysed the requirements for the professional qualification of HR managers, identified by such international professional organizations as the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD, 2018) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM, 2018), their professional functions, having studied the educational and professional training programs of managers in institutions of higher education, we found that the formation of psychological and pedagogical competence within the initial professional training is not sufficient. Most aspects of this problem receive too little attention.

This situation is justified by the fact that the scientific and pedagogical literature only partially covers the theoretical and methodological foundations of HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence development; there is an insufficient level of establishing the relationship between the educational sphere and the business environment, which characterizes the modern practice of higher education institutions. It is obvious that the educational process in higher education institutions is not sufficiently provided with educational and methodological materials for the development of psychological and pedagogical competence of future HR managers and the use of interactive methods corresponding to their content.

In our opinion, for HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence development in the framework of corporate training, which should be considered as a unity of its components (motivational, cognitive, activity), it is important to master knowledge, develop skills, professional values and attitudes that totality can be characterized as the HR manager's ability to reach acme and realize one's own competence in the conditions of a fast-developing business environment consisting of typical, atypical, problematic, creative and innovative situations and tasks.

Berns and Erickson (2001) claim, that "contextual teaching and learning is a conception of teaching and learning that helps teachers relate subject matter content to real world situations; and motivates students to make connections between knowledge and its applications to their lives as family members, citizens, and workers and engage in the hard work that learning requires" (p. 3); "Contextualized Teaching and Learning (CTL) is identified as a promising strategy that actively engages students and promotes improved learning and skills development" (Baker, Hope, & Karandjeff, 2009, p. 6). Mazzeo (2008) describes contextual learning as "diverse family of instructional strategies designed to more seamlessly link the learning of foundational skills and academic or occupational content by focusing teaching and learning squarely on concrete applications in a specific context that is of interest to the student" (p. 4). Using the potential of contextual teaching and learning contributes to the development of skills to analyse professional situations and tasks, make balanced decisions based on analysis and synthesis of information, determine the optimal model of behaviour, choose an effective strategy of communication and interaction with other employees, etc. In this case Berns and Erickson (2001) research the use of various approaches among which they distinguish problem-based learning, cooperative learning, project-based learning, work-based learning etc. Contextual teaching and learning, which reflects professional reality, allows analyzing real situations of the professional environment, establishing cooperation in a team to make a joint decision, and therefore is an effective toolkit for ensuring an active position of a specialist in the organization of corporate training.

In order to organize contextual teaching and learning to gain experience in the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical competence of HR managers, in our opinion, it is important to harmonize the content of training, which reflects the specifics of the professional activity of HR managers, with organizational forms and methods that have proven their effectiveness in the framework of corporate training. The content of professional development should be practice-oriented, based on the experience of HR managers and provide for its further use in practice.

In other words, it is about the integration of theoretical and practical components, ensuring interdisciplinary connections, systematicity and continuity in contextual teaching and learning. Such integration will ensure the training of HR managers for the performance of relevant professional functions, therefore, will support the mastery of knowledge in psychology and pedagogy, which contribute to the formation of worldview, motivation, enable understanding of the psychological and pedagogical features of HR managers' professional activity and corporate training; knowledge that enriches the scientific foundations of HR management in general and corporate training (as an integral element of corporate culture) in particular; practical knowledge about the observance of ethical and professional norms of behaviour, in particular, in the process of establishing interpersonal communication and teamwork in a corporate educational environment.

It should be emphasized here that contextual teaching and learning involves the active participation of participants in the study, and the teacher plays the role of organizer, manager, and facilitator. "The contextual approach / CTL is a learning concept that helps teachers relate the material being taught to real-world situations and encourages pupils to connect their knowledge and its application in their lives as family and community members. In a contextual classroom, the teacher's job is to help pupils achieve their goals. That is, the teacher deals more with strategy than providing information. The teacher's job is to manage the class as a team that works together to find something new for pupils in the class" (Ruto, Mema, Nduru, & Ota, 2021, p. 44-45).

Taking into account the results of the survey of HR managers of modern companies, in which they preferred certain organizational forms and interactive methods of corporate training, in our research we decided to use the potential of seminar, training, business and role-playing games, project method, team building and teamwork, portfolio. The analysis of the organizational forms and methods of training shows their practical orientation, interactive nature, based on activity and competence approaches.

In our study, we highlight the features and content of the implementation of the pedagogical condition - the organization of contextual teaching and learning for the acquisition of experience in the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical competence of HR managers:

the content: consulting HR managers on the content of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, mastering which is appropriate and useful for further use in professional activities, in particular for one's own professional development and organization of corporate training of employees;

the tasks: to ensure mastering, updating and systematization of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, methods and practices of interpersonal interaction building in a corporate learning environment, using appropriate organizational forms of corporate learning and methods of contextual teaching and learning for the development of psychological and pedagogical competence of HR managers and the performance of professional functions; to contribute to the development of an understanding of the essence of corporate culture, ethical and professional norms of behaviour in the company;

the organizational forms of learning and methods: the diagnosis of the level of HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence development; organization and holding of seminars, project method, business games;

the peculiarities of participants' activity: information and search work, preparation and presentations; planning, development and implementation of the project with further analysis and discussion of its advantages and disadvantages (during seminars, projects, business games);

the expected outcomes: the dynamics in the levels of the cognitive component of HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence development;

the indicators of development: the use of knowledge of psychology and pedagogy in professional activity; demonstration of understanding of the essence of corporate culture, ethical and professional norms of behaviour in the company; the use of knowledge of psychological features, methods and practices of building interpersonal interaction for the organization of corporate training.

In our research we realized the contextual teaching and learning for HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence development as one of the determined pedagogical conditions, through seminar, team building and teamwork activities, role-playing and business games, etc.

The theoretical issues of psychological and pedagogical competence and its use for the purpose of organizing corporate training of the company's employees were discussed during the seminar "Psychological and pedagogical competence of HR manager: theoretical aspects and practical application". In particular, with the aim of mastering the knowledge of psychology and pedagogy, which is necessary for the performance of professional functions, the following issues were discussed: characteristics of adult learning: self-concept and motivation, the experience and prior knowledge, self-control and self-regulation, emphasis on relevance, learning orientation, reluctance to unjustified instruction, emotional role, time management; the principles of adult learning: respect for autonomy, relevance and practicality, experiential learning, intrinsic motivation, collaborative and inclusive environment, flexibility of learning formats, customization and individualization, reflection and feedback, clear learning objectives, active participation and facilitation; the differences between learning for adults and children in cognitive development, motivation and learning goals, learning styles, social and emotional factors, teaching role, time management, readiness for learning; the essence of pedagogy of academic success.

Understanding the role and importance of knowledge about the psychological features of the organization of corporate training, as well as methods and practices of building interpersonal interaction in a corporate training environment, a discussion on the main characteristics of corporate training was organized during the seminar: integrated with organizational objectives, continuous learning culture, skills enhancement and development, employee engagement and motivation, technology advances adaptation; the organizational aspects of corporate training: assessment of needs, strategic planning, customization of training programs, different forms of corporate training, technology integration, selection of instructors and facilitators, assessment and evaluation, feedback mechanisms, integration with performance management, continuous improvement; the characteristics of professional development HR managers within the company's human capital development: strategic alignment, continuous learning, leadership development, technical competences, adaptability and change management, networking and collaboration, data-driven decisionmaking, employee engagement and well-being, mentorship and coaching; the potential challenges for companies: resources constraints, resistance to change, maintain pace with technological advances, balance between operational and developmental responsibilities.

With the help of team building and teamwork, especially exercise "Group survival Scenario", "Just a Glimpse", "Sum of the Parts", role-playing and business games "Interview", "Enterprise", "Evaluation of employee performance" continued development skills of using effective communication, establishing cooperation with others, using reflective practices, etc.


On the basis of the conducted research, we conclude that the development of HR managers' psychological and pedagogical competence in the framework of corporate training is possible, if its theoretical foundations are substantiated, and the specifics of the implementation of this pedagogical condition is clearly defined, as well as the appropriate organizational forms of learning and teaching methods are chosen.


1. Akmal, A.U. (2023). Development of Contextual Teaching and Learning-Based Test Instruments to Improve 21st Century Skills in Students. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(7), 5097-5102.

2. Baker, E.D., Hope, L., & Karandjeff, K. (2009). Contextualized Teaching & Learning: A Faculty Primer. A Review of Literature and Faculty Practices with Implications for California Community College Practitioners. Academic senate for California community colleges. Retrieved from: Berns, R.G., & Erickson, P.M. (2001). Contextual teaching and learning: Preparing students for the new economy. Columbus, OH: National Dissemination Center for Career and Technical Education. Retrieved from: CIPD. (2018). The Profession Map. Retrieved from: full-standards-download.pdf.

3. Hakim, M.W., & Sari, D.M.M. (2022). Practicing Contextual Teaching and Learning Approach to Enhance Students' Higher Order Thinking Skill on Writing Ability. Elsya: Journal of English Language Studies, 4(3), 298-308.

4. Indrayati, W.D.E., & Kuni, U.H. (2022). Using contextual teaching-learning for enhance competency, student achievement and learning outcome in developing the accounting information system in Indonesia. American Interdisciplinary Journal of Business and Economics, 9(3), 71-85.

5. Mazzeo, C. (2008). Supporting student success at California community colleges. Prepared for the Bay Area Workforce Funding Collaborative Career by the Career Ladders Project for California Community Colleges.

6. Ruto, R., Mema, A., Nduru, M.P., & Ota, M.K. (2021). Contextual teaching and learning approach in social science: its role to encourage pupils' cognitive learning achievement. Journal of Research in Instructional, 1(1), 43-52.

7. SHRM. (2018). The SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge. Retrieved from:

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