Peculiarities of teaching coloronyms at different levels of studying a foreign language in higher education institutions

Peculiarities of learning coloronyms at different levels of foreign language learning in institutions of higher education. Analysis of color terms at the modern stage. Use of nouns that mean food, materials, plants, animals, birds, natural phenomena.

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Дата добавления 25.06.2024
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Foreign Citizens Training Center Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University Zaporizhzhia

Peculiarities of teaching coloronyms at different levels of studying a foreign language in higher education institutions

Solovyova O.V. PhD, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor at the Foreign Citizens Training Center Chorna J. V.

Senior Lecturer


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of teaching coloronyms at different levels of foreign language learning in institutions of higher education. The article notes that color is an important element of nature that affects the result of a person's perception of the external world. An interpretation of the color terms at the modern stage is provided. The definition of the term “coloronym” is given separately and it is stated that this definition is the most appropriate for conveying the emotional and mental state of a person, his character traits, social and cultural aspects of life. Three groups of coloronyms are studied by meaning: initial, extended and abstract meaning. The article indicates that most color adjectives are represented by nouns that mean food, materials, plants, animals, birds, and natural phenomena. It is noted that learning color vocabulary is not only about recognition; it's a fun way to learn a language that offers opportunities to practice grammar, expand vocabulary and have meaningful conversations. Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of learning coloronyms for students with different levels of knowledge of a foreign language. It suggests that students should be introduced to the pronunciation and spelling of the primary colors at an early stage and use visual materials such as color cards, real objects or even presentations to effectively associate the colors with their names. When working with intermediate students, it is necessary to expand their language skills while delving into the subtleties of color perception. At this stage of learning, it necessary to develop roleplaying scenarios that require students to solve problems related to color. At the advanced level students already have a good understanding of color vocabulary and can explore complex concepts related to color. At this stage, thought-provoking activities and discussions are needed that promote students' critical thinking. The article indicates that when teaching the vocabulary of colors, the teacher must choose the most effective method according to the goals and take into account the level of language proficiency of the students and the tasks set before the students, especially if they are learning a foreign language for special purposes.

Key words: coloronyms, color-related concepts, color perception, color vocabulary, phenomenon of color.



Соловйова О. В.

кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент, доцент Центру підготовки іноземних громадян Запорізький державний медико-фармацевтичний університет Запоріжжя

Чорна Ю. В.

старший викладач Центру підготовки іноземних громадян Запорізький державний медико-фармацевтичний університет Запоріжжя

Стаття присвячена особливостям навчання колоронімів на різних рівнях вивчення іноземної мови в закладах вищої освіти. У статті зазначається, що колір - це важливий елемент природи, який впливає на результат сприйняття людиною зовнішнього світу. Представлено аналіз термінів на позначення кольору на сучасному етапі. Окремо надано визначення терміну «колоронім» і зазначено, що це визначення є найбільш влучним для передачі емоційного та ментального стану людини, її рис характеру, соціальних і культурних аспектів життя. Досліджуються три групи колоронімів за значенням: початкове, розширене й абстрактне значення. У статті зазначається, що більшість прикметників на позначення кольору представлені іменниками, які означають продукти харчування, матеріали, рослини, тварин, птахів, природні явища. Зазначається, що навчання лексики кольорів - це не лише розпізнавання; це шлях до захоплюючого вивчення мови, який пропонує можливості практикувати граматику, розширювати словниковий запас і вести змістовні бесіди. Окрема увага приділена особливостям навчання колоронімів у студентів з різним рівнем знання іноземної мови в закладах вищої освіти. Вказується на те, що на початковому етапі потрібно ознайомити студентів з вимовою та написанням основних кольорів і використовувати візуальні матеріали, як-от кольорові картки, реальні об'єкти або навіть презентації, щоб ефективно пов'язувати кольори з їхніми назвами. У роботі зі студентами середнього рівня потрібно розширювати їхні мовні навички, водночас заглиблюватись у тонкощі сприйняття кольорів. На цьому етапі навчання потрібно розробити сценарії рольових ігор, які вимагають від студентів вирішення проблем, пов'язаних із кольором. На просунутому рівні студенти вже мають добре розуміння кольорової лексики та можуть досліджувати складні концепції, пов'язані з кольором. На цьому етапі потрібні заходи та дискусії, що спонукають до роздумів і сприяють критичному мисленню студентів. У статті зазначено, що під час навчання лексики кольорів викладачеві необхідно вибирати найбільш ефективний метод відповідно до поставлених цілей і брати до уваги рівень володіння мовою студентів і завдання, поставлені перед студентами, особливо якщо вони вивчають іноземну мову для спеціальних цілей.

Ключові слова: колороніми, концепції кольору, кольорова лексика, сприйняття кольору, феномен кольору.

Formulation of the problem

Color is an important element of nature that affects the result of a person's perception of the external world. People of different cultures perceive the color of objects in different ways. Depending on the importance of certain colors and shades in the everyday life of people, some of them may be more or less reflected in the language. According to the observations of scientists, as the human experience developed and enriched, the system of color designations developed and enriched too. Color is of great importance in the life of a modern person.

The phenomenon of color is multifaceted, therefore the processes of color perception and color designation in language have always been interesting to scientists.

If we look at modern European languages, we can state that the existing system of color markings was developed over many centuries, and human color sensations underwent changes in the course of the history of human development: from an elementary sense of colors to a highly developed sense of colors.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The diversity of linguistic approaches to the study of color designation determines the need to use a single term to denote lexical units with the meaning of color. Research on the specificity of color names at the current stage is carried out by linguists B. Berlin [1] and E. Rosch [7]. In linguistic studies, you can find the following terms for color designation: color designation, color naming, color lexeme, color name, color term, expression with a color component, adjective / noun with a color meaning, coloronym, colorism, word with a color meaning. The separate definition of coloronyms is given by I. Kovalska [6]. R. Casson and R. Russett [2] studied the development of secondary color terms. A. Steinval [8] researched colour terms in context. Ma Hailing [6] and Chen Xiuhuan [9] analyzed the application of color teaching in primary education. M. Dzulkifli and A. Mustafar [3] made and overview on the influence of colour on memory performance. coloronym education noun learning

Purpose of the article

The purpose of the study is to analyze peculiarities of teaching coloronyms at different levels of studying a foreign language in higher education institutions and to reveal the meaning of the term “coloronyms”.

Research results

Coloronyms (from Latin color - color, Greek onima - name), or color names are defined as lexemes, the denotative meaning of which is a sign of color. The phenomenon of color is the subject of study of many fundamental sciences (natural science, physics, astronomy, psychology, etc.), and in recent years the study of coloronyms as a layer of vocabulary that reflects the perception of reality by a certain nation is very common in linguistics. Color is considered a psychological- emotional-cultural phenomenon, which is used to convey the emotional and mental state of a person, his character traits, social and cultural aspects of a people's life [6].

Names of color in the language are organized into a certain system, characterized by a clear structure and levels, which has universal and national-cultural features. Linguists are actively interested in the combinability properties of the names of colors and the objects and phenomena defined by them. There is a growing interest in identifying nationally specific features of color vocabulary. In general, it is difficult to name an area of linguistics or psychology in which color vocabulary would not be involved.

Coloronyms perform a cultural-linguistic function to convey an emotional state, cultural features, and mental stereotypes. Therefore, consideration of lexical-semantic aspects of coloronyms are relevant for detailed study. And in order to reveal more deeply the semantics and functional uniqueness of coloronyms, the study of vocabulary units that express the concept of colors remains relevant.

There are three groups of coloronyms by meaning, namely: initial, extended and abstract meaning. The original meaning refers to the etymological meaning of the coloronym. By expanded meaning, we mean that the meaning of the coloronym has been expanded from its original meaning. Abstract meaning refers to the meaning that a coloronym has acquired over the years and historical changes. It should be noted that the time periods during which different values were developed differ. However, the initial meaning is the earliest meaning of the coloronym in a historical context, the expanded meaning arose later, and the abstract is the most recent meaning of the coloronym [5].

Most color adjectives are represented by nouns with certain meaning:

Food products:

vegetables: carrot - carrot color, eggplant - eggplant color, olive - olive color, brown-green;

fruits: peach - peach color, apricot - apricot color, plum - plum-colored, dark purple, apple - apple color, pineapple - pineapple color, banana - banana- color, coconut - coconut color, lemon - lemon- colored, light yellow, lime - yellowish-green color, orange - orange color, tangerine - tangerine color;

berries: berry - berry color, cherry - cherry color, strawberry - strawberry color, currant - currant color, raspberry - raspberry color;

dairy products: cream - cream color, butter - oily color;

condiments: honey - honey color, mint - mint color, mustard - mustard color, ginger - ginger color, cinnamon - light brown, cinnamon colors;

sweets, pastries: jam - the colors of jam, marmalade - the colors of orange jam, chocolate - chocolate color, caramel - light brown, the color of burnt sugar, gingerbread - gingerbread color;

drinks: wine - dark red, the colors of red wine, lemonade - lemonade color, coffee - coffee-colored, latte - latte coffee color, cocoa - light chocolate;

nuts: pistachio - pistachio color, hazelnut - the colors of hazelnuts, walnut - walnut color;

fish, seafood: salmon - orange-pink color, oyster - grayish-white color.

Material: ivory - colors of ivory, copper - copper color, gold - golden color, silver - silver color, bronze - bronze color, denim blue - denim color, mahogany - brown-red color, the color of mahogany, coral - coral color, emerald - emerald, rich green color, wood - the colors of wood.

Plants: lavender - pale purple color, the color of lavender, lilac - lilac color, iris - iris color.

Animals, birds: canary - canary, bright yellow, peacock - an iridescent blue color, tiger - tiger color.

Natural phenomena: snow - snow-white color, sky - a blue, heavenly color, arctic - the colors of ice, fire - fiery red.

The relevance of the study is determined by the growing interest to the ways of teaching coloronyms in a foreign language classroom. Teaching color vocabulary in foreign classrooms goes far beyond identifying primary colors such as red, blue, green, or yellow. Learning color vocabulary isn't just about recognition; it's a fun way to learn a language that offers opportunities to practice grammar, expand vocabulary and have meaningful conversations.

Color vocabulary for elementary level requires a focus on introducing primary colors and building a strong foundation for future language development.

At the elementary level, you need to familiarize students with the pronunciation and writing of the main colors: red, blue, yellow and their simple combinations (for example, orange, green, purple). Later, add descriptive terms like light blue, dark green, or pale yellow to easily expand color vocabulary.

Visual materials such as color cards, real objects, or even presentations should be used to effectively associate colors with their names.

Add repetition and memorization exercises to improve color recognition. Students should be encouraged to practice and repeat the colors by saying the words aloud or using them in sentences or conversations.

Create role-play scenarios where students describe the colors they see, or use color-related phrases in everyday conversation, or ask them to practice dialogues centered around color preferences or describing the colors of objects.

When working with intermediate level students, it is necessary to expand their language skills while delving into the subtleties of color perception. Add some more colors like burgundy, lavender, mint, beige, turquoise, indigo, magenta, ivory, ruby, charcoal, ebony. Familiarize students with words that will allow to expand color vocabulary. For example, dark purple, bright orange, pastel blue, muted gray, deep green, bright red, dull brown, intense blue, warm orange, cool green.

Use photos with different color schemes where students are asked to describe the colors and their emotional impact. This activity improves description skills and encourages critical thinking about color choices.

Also, at this stage of learning, role play scenarios that require students to negotiate or solve problems related to color should be developed. It promotes cooperation and effective communication.

The psychological impact of colors and how they affect human behavior and emotions can be explored. Find an online article for students to read and ask them to discuss how the meanings of colors differ or not differ in their culture. Involve students in discussing what colors are used in marketing, medicine, and other fields.

Adding these activities and discussions will capture your students' curiosity and inspire them to dive deeper into all colors. This stage lays the foundation for more advanced learning where they can explore the fascinating world of colors.

At the advanced level, students have already developed a strong understanding of color vocabulary and its wider meaning. Now it's time to deepen their understanding by exploring complex color-related concepts and delving into color theory. This stage requires thought-provoking activities and discussions that promote critical thinking and creativity.

Here are some approaches to improve understanding of color vocabulary:

learn advanced color terms such as hue, color temperature, saturation;

discuss how these terms are used in different contexts such as art, design and science;

explore the color theories, color harmony and color psychology, and discuss their applications in various fields;

provide students with case studies to analyze and discuss where color choices have influenced consumer behavior or public perception.

Students should explore how different cultures associate colors with certain meanings and emotions. A good idea is to analyze the use of color in movies and media to convey themes, moods, and character traits.

Students at this level are very interested in exploring how color is used in digital media such as photography, graphic design and website development.

It is very interesting to hold debates or discussions on topics related to color. Encourage students to express their opinions and support their arguments with appropriate vocabulary.

This stage of learning allows students to explore color vocabulary in depth, helping them express complex ideas.

However, when you have a group of students with different level of knowledge in front of you, you need to use the following strategies with color vocabulary:

contextual learning: use real-life examples, images and multimedia to add color to everyday situations;

visual aids and multimedia: use color cards, videos and interactive media;

gradual progression: Start with the basics and then gradually dive into more complex color terms;

role plays and dialogues: Engage students in fun and practical role play scenarios and dialogues to practice colorful vocabulary during meaningful conversations;

integration with grammar lessons: integrate color-related vocabulary and idiomatic expressions into grammar lessons;

cultural Comparisons: Immerse students in cultural discussions about how colors are perceived and used differently around the world;

vocabulary games and contests: organize colorful vocabulary games, spelling bees, or contests;

- personalized learning: tailor vocabulary lessons and color exercises to your students' interests.

Conclusions and prospects of further studies

There is no perfect approach to teaching the vocabulary of colors, so a foreign language teacher should combine various methods, principles and elements of approaches, taking into account the peculiarities of the learning process. Despite the fact that each of the approaches described above has its advantages, the teacher must be selective in choosing the most effective method according to the goals. At the same time, it is important to take into account such aspects as the level of language proficiency of students and certain tasks set before students, especially if they are learning a foreign language for special purposes. Practical experience shows that the cognitive-mixed approach can be quite effective in teaching the vocabulary of colors, it reflects the relationship between students' vocabulary and receptive types of language activity and ensures the complexity and systematicity of its formation and development. For the successful implementation of the cognitive-mixed approach, the teacher of a foreign language needs to establish interdisciplinary connections, take into account the psycholinguistic features of learning foreign vocabulary, and also try to implement the principle of consciousness and individualize the process of learning a foreign language.


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2. Кнодель Л.В. Англійська кольорова ідіоматика. Київ, 2019. С. 202-256.

3. Berlin В. Basic Color Terms, their Universality and Evolution. Los Angeles : Berkeley, 1969. P. 124-168.

4. Casson R.W., Russett R. The Development of English Secondary Color Terms. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology. 1994. № 4 (22). P. 34-56.

5. Dzulkifli M., Mustafar M.F. The influence of colour on memory performance : a review. Malays. J. Med. Sci. (MJMS). 2013. № 20 (2). P. 3-9.

6. Hailing Ma. The application of color teaching in primary art education. New Curriculum, 2020. 44, 94.

7. Rosch E. The nature of mental codes for colour categories. Journal of experimental psychology: Human perception and performance. 1975. № 1. P. 303-332.

8. Steinval A. English Colour Terms in Context. Ume Universitet, 2002. P. 234-245.

9. Xiuhuan Chen. Research on the application of color Teaching in primary art Education. Art Education Research. 2019. № 24. P. 136-137.


1. Berlin, В. (1969). Basic Color Terms, their Universality and Evolution. Los Angeles: Berkeley, 124-168.

2. Casson, R.W., Russett, R. (1994). The Development of English Secondary Color Terms. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 4 (22), 34-56.

3. Dzulkifli, M., Mustafar, M.F. (2013). The influence of colour on memory performance: a review. Malays.

4. J. Med. Sci.: MJMS, 20 (2), 3-9.

5. Hailing, Ma. (2020). The application of color teaching in primary art education. New Curriculum, 44, 94.

6. Knodel, L.V. (2019). Anhliys'ka kol'orova idiomatyka [English color idiomatics]. Kyiv. 202-256.

7. Kovalska, I. (2001). Kolorystyka yak perekladoznavcha problema (na materiali ukrayins'kykh i anhlo- movnykh khudozhnikh tekstiv) [Colorism as a problem of translation studies (based on the material of

8. Ukrainian and English-language artistic texts)]: avtoref. dys. na zdobuttya nauk. stupenya kand. filol. nauk: spets. 10.02.16 “Perekladozdavstvo”. Kyiv. P. 19.

9. Rosch, E. (1975). The nature of mental codes for colour categories. Journal of experimental psychology: Human perception and performance, 1, 303-332.

10. Steinval, A. (2002). English Colour Terms in Context. Ume Universitet, 234-245.

11. Xiuhuan, Chen (2019). Research on the application of color Teaching in primary art Education. Art Education Research, 2019 (24), 136-137.

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