Monitoring the formation of entrepreneurial competence of Ukrainian and American secondary school students

To determine the level of entrepreneurial competence achieved by secondary school students in the learning process, the following criteria for the formation of this quality are appropriate: the criterion of value orientation, the criterion of resource.

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Monitoring the formation of entrepreneurial competence of Ukrainian and American secondary school students

Slipenko ^О.,

Doctor of Philosophy,

Associate Professor at the Department

of Foreign languages

Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical


The article monitors the formation of entrepreneurial competence of students in general secondary education institutions of the USA and Ukraine based on the study of scientific sources and personal observations. The purpose of the article is to monitor the formation of students' entrepreneurial competence in general secondary education institutions of the USA and Ukraine based on the study of scientific sources and the author's own observations. We have chosen the following methods of monitoring the formation of the levels of entrepreneurial competence of secondary school students: observation of students' behavior in society, conversation and testing.

To determine the level of entrepreneurial competence achieved by secondary school students in the learning process, the following criteria for the formation of this quality are appropriate: the criterion of value orientation, the criterion of cognitive resource, the criterion of practical experience. Each of the criteria we have identified contains an economic aspect that reflects the degree of formation of secondary school students' entrepreneurial competence, which generally affects the success of the development of this personal formation at the following levels: unproductive, situationally productive and productive.

It is stated that American and Ukrainian high school students are characterized by different levels of formation of the components of entrepreneurial competence. The difference between Ukrainian high school students in terms of the criteria of economic knowledge and practical experience is particularly evident. The high level of formation of American high school students according to the criteria we have presented is due to the variability of US education, school cooperation with business structures, and economic education provided by parents of adolescents. The result of such interaction is reflected in the social behavior of students, their active life position, and readiness for entrepreneurship.

Key words: monitoring, entrepreneurial competence, students, general secondary education institutions, Ukraine, USA.


У статті здійснено моніторинг формування підприємницької компетентності учнів у закладах загальної середньої освіти США та

України на основі вивчення наукових джерел та власних спостережень. Мета статті - здійснити моніторинг сформованості підприємницької компетентності учнів закладів загальної середньої освіти США та України на основі вивчення наукових джерел та власних спостережень автора. Методами моніторингу сформованості рівнів підприємницької компетентності учнів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів було обрано: спостереження за поведінкою учнів у соціумі, бесіда та анкетування.

Для визначення рівня сформованості підприємницької компетентності, досягнутого учнями загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів у процесі навчання, доцільними є такі критерії сформованості цієї якості: критерій ціннісної орієнтацій, критерій когнітивного ресурсу, критерій практичного досвіду. Кожен із виділених нами критеріїв містить економічний аспект, який відображає ступінь сформованості підприємницької компетентності учнів закладів загальної середньої освіти, що загалом впливає на успішність розвитку цього особистісного утворення на таких рівнях: непродуктивному, ситуативно-продуктивному та продуктивному.

Констатовано, що американські та українські старшокласники характеризуються різними рівнями сформованості компонентів підприємницької компетентності. Особливо помітною є різниця між українськими старшокласниками за критеріями економічних знань та практичного досвіду. Високий рівень сформованості американських старшокласників за представленими нами критеріями пояснюється варіативністю американської освіти, співпрацею школи з бізнес-структурами та економічною освітою, яку забезпечують батьки підлітків.

Результат такої взаємодії відображається на соціальній поведінці учнів, їхній активній життєвій позиції та готовності до підприємницької діяльності.

Ключові слова: моніторинг, підприємницька компетентність, учні, заклади загальної середньої освіти, Україна, США.


The current state of development of Ukraine determines the definition of new priorities and prospects for the development of entrepreneurial competence of all segments of the population and puts forward new requirements for the content, forms and methods of education of this personal formation. Currently, the goals and objectives of entrepreneurial education of students of general secondary education institutions are being rethought and the principles of reforming the system of economic education are being developed on this basis. Therefore, the formation of entrepreneurial competence of school graduates is of strategic importance, taking into account the concept of the «New Ukrainian School» for the period up to 2029 and the Law of Ukraine «On Education» [1].

It is worth noting that the development of students' entrepreneurial competence is also defined by US educators as the most important result of school activities today, and on December 18, 2006, following a long discussion by representatives of educational institutions of the European Union, an important document was adopted - the Recommendations of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe «Key competences for lifelong learning (European benchmarks)». Eight key competences were identified, including entrepreneurial competence. monitoring entrepreneurial competence

In view of this, governments in most countries, including Europe and America, emphasize the growing unemployment among young people and focus on developing the entrepreneurial competence of school youth, encouraging them to become self-employed.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Therefore, Ukrainian scientists and teacher-researchers, using foreign experience, including American, determine the content and develop methods of economic education of schoolchildren (Z. Varnalii, V. Syzonenko); study the peculiarities of children's learning of the basics of entrepreneurship (L. Med- vid, O. Protsenko); find out the specific features of the student's entrepreneurial personality, ways and peculiarities of education of entrepreneurial competence (Y. Bilova); formation of entrepreneurial competence of student youth within the framework of the project «School Academy of Entrepreneurship».

A number of American researchers have also studied theoretical and methodological provisions for the formation of entrepreneurial competence of young people in the United States. In particular, scholars

J.Dearie and C. Geduldig (2013) describe how American society can restore job creation through entrepreneurship; scholars L. Doti and L. Schweikart (2010) illustrate the history of business creation in the United States by entrepreneurial men and women who first started entrepreneurship in this country; A. Alan D. Stafford, Stuart D. Allen, developed a methodological guide for teachers to teach students in economic courses and develop relationships and skills of successful entrepreneurs, expanding understanding of how business works [5-6] etc.

The purpose of the article is to monitor the formation of students' entrepreneurial competence in general secondary education institutions of the USA and Ukraine based on the study of scientific sources and the author's own observations.

We have chosen the following methods of monitoring the formation of the levels of entrepreneurial competence of secondary school students: observation of students' behavior in society, conversation and testing.

Summary of the main research material

In the US pedagogical literature, scholar D. Shepherd defines competence as «a cluster (set) of related knowledge, traits, attitudes and skills that affect the main part of the work; they can be improved through training and development and proposes to attribute competence to the sphere of work as the ability and willingness to act, to perform tasks». In turn, entrepreneurship is most often interpreted as the quality of personal capabilities and ideas that translate them into value for others and relates to all spheres of life.

In a broad sense, the concept of «entrepreneurial competence» is associated with the acquisition by students of comprehensive knowledge of creating and expanding an enterprise, securing employment and self-realization opportunities, mastering skills and experience in business development. It is manifested in the ability of an individual to transform ideas into action, which contains creative, innovative character, the ability to take risks and the acquisition of skills to plan and manage projects to achieve a specific goal. It also provides citizens with the opportunity to make an active contribution to society, take care of their own development, enter the labor market as an employee or self-employed person, start their own business or take an enterprise to a higher level, which can be social, cultural or commercial [7].

To determine the level of entrepreneurial competence achieved by secondary school students in the learning process, the following criteria for the formation of this quality are appropriate.

The criterion of value orientation, which characterizes the motivational and value component of entrepreneurial competence, reflects the motivation of students to perform creative complex tasks that require a high degree of independence and ingenuity, along with the willingness to cooperate to achieve a common goal when working in a group. It demonstrates the need to succeed and take initiative in practical work, the understanding by secondary school students of the importance of entrepreneurial activity, and their orientation towards entrepreneurial values.

The criterion of cognitive resource, which assesses the cognitive component of entrepreneurial competence, characterizes the availability of knowledge related to economics and entrepreneurship; the ability to find an unconventional approach to solving creative tasks and work with information, independently obtaining data from various sources; readiness to analyze and structure the information obtained, logically complete the unknown factors necessary for solving problems; the ability to know how to assess the risks associated with decisions and find solutions.

The criterion of practical experience shows the degree of formation of the activity-practice component of entrepreneurial competence and is expressed in the ability of students to interpret the practical experience of entrepreneurs; work in a team, performing different roles and coordinating their activities with other participants. It also allows us to determine the level of development of practical skills and abilities to successfully implement business projects, as well as the ability of students to independently carry out and regulate entrepreneurial activities.

Each of the criteria we have identified contains an economic aspect that reflects the degree of formation of secondary school students' entrepreneurial competence, which generally affects the success of the development of this personal formation at the following levels: unproductive, situationally productive and productive.

Unproductive level of entrepreneurial competence (initial): lack of desire to join the cultural values of society; focus on negative stereotypes about entrepreneurial activity; distorted ideas about entrepreneurial values or interest only in the financial side of entrepreneurship; disbelief in one's own abilities or their inadequate assessment; uncertainty about future professional activity, sometimes lack of desire to take measures to obtain their future profession; knowledge of general terminology.

Situational and productive level of entrepreneurial competence (average): readiness to choose behavioral tactics and ways of communication that will help them avoid the negative impact of existing patterns; awareness of the importance and attractiveness of entrepreneurial work, desire to participate in commercial and social projects; interest in entrepreneurial activity, which, in addition to financial well-being, offers the possibility of freedom of choice, self-determination and self-realization, material assistance to family and relatives; orientation towards freelance work a generally positive attitude toward participation in project activities and teamwork; willingness to participate in teamwork on a project in the absence of a desire to take on a leadership role or be responsible for a large amount of work.

Productive level of entrepreneurial competence (high): understanding of the importance of involvement in the entrepreneurial culture of society; willingness to prove one's ability to overcome difficulties, understanding of how to overcome stereotypes; demonstration of a high level of faith in one's abilities, willingness to work hard to achieve goals; desire to engage in entrepreneurial activities, which allows choosing the type and scope of activity, range of tasks and level of responsibility; approval of entrepreneurial ideology and the importance of the role of entrepreneur.

We have chosen the following methods of monitoring the formation of the levels of entrepreneurial competence of secondary school students: observation of students' behavior in society, conversation and testing. It should be emphasized that in the course of our study, we took into account high school students (10-12) of secondary education institutions, since we believe that it is at this stage of education that their entrepreneurial activity is fully activated.

In order to diagnose the levels of entrepreneurial competence of high school students, we used a test developed by us and posted on the website (https://, https://surveymon-, HDMYKWB, January 28, 2022). The SurveyMonkey server software is specially created in the cloud on the Internet for conducting surveys and receiving data online, which is supported by other social networks such as: Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn and installed messengers Viber, Whatsapp, Telegram, etc.

In addition, we studied the levels of entrepreneurial competence of high school students in schools in Cherkasy and Zhytomyr regions.

To compare the results, we used the information obtained by senior researcher Rosemary Athayde (Kingston University) [2], whose research focuses on measuring the entrepreneurial potential of students abroad, including the United States.

The following results were obtained in the course of the study.

An analysis of the data in Table 1 shows a slight advantage of American high school students in each of the criteria we have proposed. For example, the difference in the manifestation of the productive level of entrepreneurial competence between American and Ukrainian high school students is 42.5% in favor of high school students in the United States. The situational and productive level has similar indicators of 31.8% in the United States and 29.6% in Ukraine. Ukrainian high school students have a certain motivation for entrepreneurship, but they lack the knowledge and practical experience to carry it out. It is quite obvious that Ukrainian high school students have a clearly unproductive level of entrepreneurial competence 52.2%.

Table 1

Distribution of secondary school students by levels of entrepreneurial competence


Levels of entrepreneurial competence in %

US high school students

196 people)

High school students of Ukraine (243 people)







Situational and productive


Value orientation







Cognitive resource







Practical experience







General data:







This is because the change in approaches to the US education system, its decentralization, means that each school can implement numerous varied programs for students, including the basics of entrepreneurship. Variability accompanies entrepreneurial activity and the development of entrepreneurial competence in students, they are offered participation in various projects to create and manage mini-virtual enterprises, school-based banks, gain direct work experience, and participate in project activities (on behalf of firms and companies). The point of such training is to make students not only interested in the forms of entrepreneurship training in various programs, but also to develop an attitude of creativity and entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurial competence programs for students are focused mainly on the development of entrepreneurial qualities in young people and have three main goals: 1.Developing a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship, which is a combination of flexibility, initiative, ability to take reasonable risks, leadership, acquisition of cooperation skills and motivation to achieve; 2. Practical introduction to entrepreneurial activities; 3. Understanding the requirements for entrepreneurship in terms of career guidance and further education.

In turn, the school, with the help of investments from businessmen, organizes its own production, which allows children to gain entrepreneurial experience and benefit the school and local residents. Local companies, realizing that students are mastering new ideas that they can implement with financial support, involve them in various projects, such as creating original booklets for large travel companies, etc.

Research findings and prospects for further research

Thus, our monitoring made it possible to identify general patterns of entrepreneurial competence development in US and Ukrainian high school students and to compare the indicators of their components. Thus, American and Ukrainian high school students are characterized by different levels of entrepreneurial competence components. The difference between Ukrainian high school students is particularly evident in terms of the criteria for economic knowledge and practical experience. The high level of formation of American high school students according to the criteria we have presented is due to the variability of US education, school cooperation with business structures, and economic education provided by parents of adolescents. The result of such interaction is reflected in the social behavior of students, their active life position, and readiness for entrepreneurship.


1. Білова Ю. A. Поняття та структура підприємницької компетентності. Наукові записи. Харків. 2013. Вип. 7(50). С. 15-17.

2. Athayde R. Measuring enterprise potential in young people. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 2019. Issue 33(2). P. 481-500.

3. Moore D. R., Cheng M. I., Dainty A. R. Competence,

competency and competencies:performance

assessment in organisations. Work and Study. 2002. Issue 51. P. 314-319.

4. Peterman N. E. & Kennedy J. Enterprise education: Influencing students perceptions of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship theory and practice. 2003. Issue 28. P. 129-144.

5. Program concentration: business & computer science career pathway: Small Business Development course title: Entrepreneurial Ventures. URL: https:// Performance%20Standards%20CTAE/Entrepreneurial- Ventures.pdf (дата звернення: 09.07.2023).

6. Stafford A., Allen S., & Clow J. Entrepreneurship in the U.S. economy. New York: National Council on Economic Education, 2015. 170 p.

7. Soloman G. An examination of entrepreneurship education in the US. Small Business and Enterprise Development. 2007. Issue 23. P 15-23.

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