Scientific approaches to the implementation of a complex hygienic assessment of psychophysiological adaptation of modern pupils and students

One of the problems of preventive medicine that requires analysis and adequate solution should be recognized as the problem of conducting an adequate comprehensive assessment of the state of health of various population groups, children and adolescents.

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Scientific approaches to the implementation of a complex hygienic assessment of psychophysiological adaptation of modern pupils and students

Serheta I.V., National Pirogov Memorial Medical University


One of the leading problems of modern preventive medicine, requiring objective analysis and an adequate solution, should be recognized as the problem of carrying out an adequate comprehensive assessment of the health status of various populations and, above all, children and adolescents, which involves identifying conditions on the verge of normality and pathology. Its undeniable significance and significant relevance determine a number of issues directly related to the need to identify borderline conditions, determine the initial manifestations of the disease, establish and justify priority areas of prevention and correction [1, 2, 3]. medicine children adolescents

At the same time, it must be emphasized that the existing system of primary prevention at present, unfortunately, lacks a tool that allows for an objective assessment of the functional state of the organism at the level of prenosological changes in the state of mental health, in conditions where, as a result of inconsistency of adaptive capabilities to the requirements of the environment and social living conditions, prerequisites arise for the occurrence of a pathological process [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12].

The aim of the study is to develop modern approaches to hygienic diagnostics of psychophysiological adaptation of schoolage pupils and students in conditions of intensive educational activity and to substantiate ways of its effective correction.

Presentation of main material. Studies during which the features of the level of development of psychophysiological functions and, accordingly, psychophysiological adaptation of the organism were studied in 556 pupils aged 14-17 years and 460 students aged 18-24 years, were carried out on the basis of general education educational and vocational institutions. The level of development of psychophysiological functions that have significant social and educational significance was determined using methods generally accepted for hygienic research of this kind. Thus, the functional features of higher nervous activity were studied using the chronoreflexometry technique based on the assessment of indicators of a simple and differentiated visual-motor reaction, as well as the mobility and balance of nervous processes, the functional features of the visual sensory system using the "Light test" technique, which allows assess the features of the critical frequency of fusion of light flickers, the functional features of the somatosensory analyzer - using the tremometry technique [3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12].

To develop methods for a comprehensive scoring of the characteristics of the course of psychophysiological adaptation of pupils and students, the method of expert assessments was used, which involved conducting a group examination of the obtained data with their subsequent ranking and pairwise comparisons.

Statistical analysis of the obtained results involved the use of descriptive statistics procedures, correlation and cluster analysis in the standard application package "Statistica 6.1 for Windows" (license number BXXR901E245722FA).

Currently, prenosological changes in the state of mental health should be interpreted from three leading positions: as certain conditions that do not meet the criteria of the average statistical norm and are distinguished by the presence of subthreshold mental and behavioral disorders, as a state of predisease and, thus, the initial stage development of the pathological process, as well as as a disruption of the processes of mental, psychophysiological and socio-psychological adaptation [1, 2, 3, 7, 8].

In this context, it is necessary to emphasize that mental adaptation is usually defined as the process of establishing the optimal relationship between the individual and the environment in the course of performing activities inherent to humans, allowing one to satisfy current needs and realize the social, professional and educational goals associated with them. Socio-psychological adaptation should be considered both as a process of an individual's active adaptation to environmental conditions, and as a component of the individual's effective relationship to the world, the leading function of which is to ensure a stable level of life, and as a component of the effective solution of typical socially significant problems with using situationally possible methods of behavior. Finally, psychophysiological adaptation is clearly related to ensuring the optimal organization of psychophysiological relationships between the basic constants of the organism and, thus, maintaining both mental and somatic health. Indeed, the peculiarities of the functioning of physiological systems that have the most important adaptive significance under conditions of pronounced changes in the "organism-environment" system in many aspects are determined by the nature of psychophysiological relationships, that is, the role played by individual psychophysiological aggregates and, in first of all, individual psychophysiological functions in a system of psychophysiological connections. At the same time, the adaptive significance of the dynamics of psychophysiological parameters can change depending on the degree of their inclusion in one or another complex characteristic of the organization of psychophysiological relationships is carried out thanks to the construction of functional systems that are quite complex in their content, combining physiological regulatory mechanisms [3, 6, 8].

Thus, considering the place of psychophysiological adaptation in the structure of the general adaptation process, it should be noted that it is the core component of adaptive transformations, and, therefore, consideration and assessment of its leading manifestations requires taking into account several aspects: the first is to optimize the process of constant interaction the individual with the environment, the second involves establishing an adequate correspondence between mental and physiological characteristics. An adequate course of adaptive transformations of psychophysiological content ensures the formation of high socially, educationally significant adaptation, which is understood as an adequate adaptation of a person to the nature and content of the educational process, the conditions of everyday stay in an educational institution, the development of self-organization and self-control skills. In this regard, it is the adaptation-oriented approach to defining, interpreting and assessing prenosological changes in mental health that should be considered a priority in the course of scientific research in preventive medicine.

Taking into account the above provisions, in the course of our research, methods for a comprehensive scoring of the characteristics of the course of psychophysiological adaptation of high school students to the conditions of intense daily activity in modern educational institutions have been developed and scientifically substantiated, providing for the use of highly informative psychophysiological methods and being quite easy to use and extremely informative, based on prognostic positions, tools for assessing the characteristics of ongoing adaptive transformations, determining the characteristics of the occurrence of prenosological changes in the state of mental health and, above all, various deviations from the processes of formation and development of criterion psychophysiological functions of the pupils and students.

Let us consider the leading features of one of these methods, namely the method of complex scoring of the characteristics of the course of psychophysiological adaptation of high school students to the conditions of intense daily activity in modern general education institutions.

The initial stage of its development involved taking into account the results of procedures for correlation and cluster analysis of indicators of psychophysiological functions and, thus, determining, in the first case, the functional interdependence of the characteristics of the population under study by assessing the degree of proximity of its individual characteristics in the multidimensional space of the determined characteristics and conduction, in the second case, a classification procedure for the analysis of certain accounting characteristics (in this case, individual psychophysiological functions) of a certain set of obtained data (in this case, a set of studied indicators of medical, social, psychophysiological and psychohygienic content) in a multidimensional space of factors and the identification of clear criteria-significant qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the analyzed processes in conditions of intergroup diversity of the studied indicators, namely the psychophysiological adaptationsignificant cluster that determines the features of the course of psychophysiological adaptation.

Next, based on the use of a number of modern instrumental and test psychophysiological techniques, the degree of expression of the leading socially and educationally significant psychophysiological functions included in the selected cluster was determined and in accordance with the proposed scoring scale for the level of development of psychophysiological functions of high school students in modern schools, created on the basis of currently existing approaches to the qualitative assessment of the results of their quantitative measurement, the data obtained during the implementation of instrumental and test measurements were assessed in points, the values of which were used to calculate the success rate of psychophysiological adaptation (PUPfA), which determines the level of psychophysiological readiness of the students' organism for the successful acquisition of educationally significant knowledge and skills.

Considering the fact that an extremely important feature of modeling and prognostic assessment of processes occurring in the human organism is the multivariate and multivector nature of the criteria for assessing the leading characteristics of the functional state of the organism, which are at the center of the study, an integral component of the scientific substantiation of the comprehensive methodology scoring the characteristics of the course of psychophysiological adaptation of high school students was an expert assessment of the degree of significance of the identified psychophysiological functions to ensure the adequate course of adaptation processes. For this purpose, the method of group examination with subsequent ranking and the method of pairwise comparison of indicators of the development of psychophysiological functions were used.

The data obtained and, above all, the calculated weighting coefficients, provided the opportunity to substantiate the formula (1) for determining the features of the processes of psychophysiological adaptation of pupils and students:

ISPphA = 0.190 x LPPZMR + 0.262 x LPDZMR + 0.200 x MNP + 0.186 x BNP + 0.043 x KFFLF + 0.048 x MC + 0.071 x ISMC; (1)

where ISPphA - indicator of the success of psychophysiological adaptation; LPSVMR - latent period of simple visual-motor reaction; LPDZMR - latent period of differentiated visual-motor reaction; MNP - mobility of nervous processes; BNP - balance of nervous processes; KFFLF - critical frequency of fusion of light flickers; MC - number of touches during determination of movement coordination; IIMC -integral indicator of movement coordination.

The following parameters have been established as quantitative criteria for meaningful assessment of indicators of the success of psychophysiological adaptation: the level of psychophysiological adaptation of students is low - indicator of the success of psychophysiological adaptation values range from 1.00 to 2.80 points; the level of psychophysiological adaptation of students is below average - indicator of the success of psychophysiological adaptation values range from 2.81 to 4.60 points; the level of psychophysiological adaptation of students is average - indicator of the success of psychophysiological adaptation values range from 4.61 to 6.40 points; the level of psychophysiological adaptation of students is above average - indicator of the success of psychophysiological adaptation values range from 6.41 to 8.20 points; the level of psychophysiological adaptation of students is high - indicator of the success of psychophysiological adaptation values range from 8.21 to 10.00 points.

It is necessary to emphasize that the results obtained make it possible both to determine the characteristics of the course of psychophysiological processes in high school students under the conditions of intense educational activity, and to substantiate the strategies of using psychophysiological means and psychohygienic correction of existing ones that are adequate to the requirements of the individual, individualized in accordance with the content deviations.

Thus, if a high level of psychophysiological adaptation is established, schoolchildren do not need to use any specific approaches aimed at improving the course of adaptive transformations. It is recommended to re-determine indicator of the success of psychophysiological adaptation values after 12 months.

If a level of psychophysiological adaptation is identified above average, it should, first of all, emphasize the need to correct the stereotype of daily activity of students and, first of all, to ensure rational alternation of various types of activities and recreation, balancing mental and physical stress, optimizing motor mode by increasing the level of motor activity to the limits of hygienically justified values through the use of various traditional and non- traditional means of physical education. It is recommended to re-determine the values of indicator of the success of psychophysiological adaptation after 6 months.

In the case of establishing an average level of psychophysiological adaptation, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to both the implementation of correction of the stereotype of students' daily activity and, first of all, the duration of the main regime elements, ensuring rational alternation of various types of activity and rest, balancing mental and physical activity, streamlining free time and optimizing the motor regime, as well as the use of a number of exercises of non-traditional physical education (exercises of asynchronous gymnastics and visual gymnastics) and means of psychophysiological influence (psychophysical training, psycho-gymnastics). It is recommended to re-determine indicator of the success of psychophysiological adaptation values after 6 months.

If a level of psychophysiological adaptation is identified below average, it is necessary, first of all, to emphasize the need for in-depth use of a number of non-traditional physical education exercises (asynchronous and visual gymnastics exercises), means of psychophysiological influence (psychophysical training, psychogymnastics) and psychohygienic correction (psychotechnical exercises and games, exercises aimed at overcoming anxiety and acute pathological stress, preventing manifestations of emotional burnout). It is recommended to re-determine indicator of the success of psychophysiological adaptation values after 3 months.

Finally, in the case of a low level of psychophysiological adaptation, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to the use of means of psychophysiological influence, which include in their structure breathing and sound-motor exercises, asynchronous and visual gymnastics exercises, psychophysical training exercises, as well as means of psychohygienic correction, the structure of which includes exercises aimed at overcoming anxiety and acute pathological stress, preventing manifestations of emotional burnout, autogenic training exercises and neuro-linguistic programming. It is recommended to re-determine indicator of the success of psychophysiological adaptation values after 3 months.


The main stages of the practical interpretation of the methodology for a comprehensive scoring assessment of the characteristics of the course of psychophysiological adaptation of pupils and students to the conditions of intense daily activity in modern educational institutions should be recognized: determination, based on the use of instrumental and test psychophysiological methods, of the degree of severity leading psychophysiological functions (stage #1); assessment of the results obtained in points in accordance with specially created scoring scales for the level of psychophysiological functions of high school students (stage #2); calculation, in accordance with the generalized formula for determining the characteristics of the processes of psychophysiological adaptation of pupils and students to the conditions of intense activity in modern educational institutions, the values of the indicator of success of psychophysiological adaptation, which determines the level of psychophysiological readiness of the body of young women and young men for the successful mastery of educationally significant knowledge and skills (stage #3); determination of the features of the course of psychophysiological adaptation based on the application of quantitative criteria for meaningful assessment of the values of the indicator of success of psychophysiological adaptation (stage #4); substantiation of strategies for the use of psychophysiological means and psychohygienic correction of existing deviations from the criterial characteristics of psychophysiological adaptation, individualized in accordance with the content and focus (stage #5).

The developed approach became the basis for the development of a methodology for a comprehensive pupils and students to the conditions of intense daily activities in modern general educational institutions, a methodology for a comprehensive scoring assessment of the characteristics of the course of psychophysiological and mental adaptation of higher medical students educational institutions, methods of comprehensive scoring of the features of the processes of formation of high professional suitability of students.


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