Socialization of higher education recipients in the modern media space using information technologies

The importance of informatization of society in improving the quality of education based on the use of information technologies. Orientation to the development of the intellectual sphere of students and the possibilities of information technologies.

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Kryvyi Rih educational and scientific institute of Donetsk state university of internal affairs

Socialization of higher education recipients in the modern media space using information technologies

Viktoriia Zinchenko,

candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the department of social humanities and legal disciplines

Oleksiy Gigin,

lecturer at the department of social humanities and legal disciplines

Larysa Dzevitska,

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, associate professor at the department of social humanities and legal disciplines

Kryvyi Rih


The transition of humanity to a new stage of development - the information society is an objective reality and it affects all spheres of society, in particular the education system.

Informatization of education, caused by global changes and, above all, the emergence and development of the information society, allows solving the main task - improving the quality of education based on the use of modern information technologies. This ensures the preparation of the subjects of the educational process for functioning under the conditions of the information society, when more than half of the jobs involve the use of computers and the Internet.

When discussing the possibilities of informatization of education, it is stated:

1. The electronic form of educational materials (curriculums, programs, study guides, study guides, methodical instructions, recommendations, etc.) allows the student to have such an information environment that facilitates the organization of independent work on the assimilation of educational information at an individual pace at a time convenient for him or her. (Конопляник, 2022: 286)

2. The flexibility and openness of the educational process in relation to social and cultural differences between students, their individual styles, learning pace, which allows increasing the effectiveness of the educational process.

3. The possibility of a systematic approach in the organization of the educational process, which allows you to set the content in the form of a system of interconnected modules, and in fact determine the approximate basis of educational activities for mastering the content. (Андросович, 2019: 8)

4. The competent orientation of the educational process based on the unified methodology of information technology use, which allows integrating educational, research, independent and other activities of students. This determines the formation of students' competence in the field of using information technologies in the structure of professional competence, which generally contributes to the competitiveness of university graduates.

5. The possibility of intensifying the educational process taking into account the multimedia form of providing educational material.

6. The formation of a system of continuous education aimed at the constant development of the individual.

The traditional system does not rely much on the visibility of educational material in the educational process. Orientation to the development of the intellectual sphere of students and the possibilities of new means and information technologies leads to the necessity and expediency of visualizing the content of the disciplines, making it visible.

Informatization of education is characterized by the use of computer-oriented methodical systems at various stages of education in higher and general educational institutions, the use of educational information technologies, which is, in turn, a procedural component of computer-oriented educational systems. (Іванюк, Овчарук, 2020: 8)

Key words: means of media education, information and communication space, media literacy, media culture, media education, media text, socialization.


Вікторія Зінченко, кандидат педагогічних наук, завідувач кафедри соціально-гуманітарних та загальноправових дисциплін Криворізького навчально-наукового інституту Донецького державного університету внутрішніх справ (Кривий Ріг, Дніпропетровська область, Україна)

Олексій Гігін, викладач кафедри соціально-гуманітарних та загальноправових дисциплін Криворізького навчально-наукового інституту Донецького державного університету внутрішніх справ (Кривий Ріг, Дніпропетровська область, Україна)

Лариса Дзевицька, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри осіб - гуманітарних та загальноправових дисциплін Криворізького навчально-наукового інституту Донецького державного університету внутрішніх справ (Кривий Ріг, Дніпропетровська область, Україна)

Соціалізація здобувачів вищої освіти в сучасному медіапросторі засобами інформаційних технологій

Перехід людства до нового етапу розвитку - інформаційному суспільству є об'єктивною реальністю і впливає попри всі сфери діяльності суспільства, зокрема і систему освіти.

Інформатизація освіти, зумовлена глобальними змінами та, насамперед, зародженням та розвитком інформаційного суспільства, дозволяє вирішити головне завдання - підвищення якості освіти на основі використання сучасних інформаційних технологій. Це забезпечує підготовку суб'єктів освітнього процесу до життєдіяльності за умов інформаційного суспільства, коли більше половини робочих місць передбачає використання комп'ютерів та Internet.

Обговорюючи можливості інформатизації освіти, зазначено:

1. Електронна форма навчально-методичних матеріалів (навчальних планів, програм, навчальних посібників, конспектів лекцій, методичних вказівок, рекомендацій та ін.) дозволяє студенту мати таке інформаційне середовище, яке сприяє організації самостійної роботи з засвоєння навчальної інформації в індивідуальному темпі у зручне для його час. (Конопляник, 2022: 286)

2. Гнучкість та відкритість навчального процесу стосовно соціальних та культурних відмінностей між студентами, їх індивідуальними стилями, темпами навчання, що дозволяє підвищити ефективність навчального процесу.

3. Можливість системного підходу в організації навчального процесу, що дозволяє задати зміст у вигляді системи взаємопов'язаних модулів, фактично визначити орієнтовну основу навчальної діяльності з освоєння змісту. (Андросович, 2019: 8)

4. Компетентна спрямованість освітнього процесу на основі єдиної методології застосування інформаційних технологій, що дозволяє інтегрувати навчальну, дослідницьку, самостійну та інші види діяльності студентів. Це визначає формування у студентів компетентності у сфері використання інформаційних технологій у структурі професійної компетентності, що загалом сприяє конкурентоспроможності випускників вузу.

5. Можливість інтенсифікувати навчальний процес з урахуванням мультимедійної форми подачі навчального матеріалу.

6. Формування системи безперервної освіти, спрямованої на постійний розвиток особистості.

Традиційна система мало спирається на наочність навчального матеріалу у освітньому процесі. Орієнтація на розвиток інтелектуальної сфери студентів та можливості нових засобів та інформаційних технологій призводить до необхідності та доцільності візуалізувати зміст дисциплін, зробити його наочним.

Інформатизація освіти характеризується застосуванням комп'ютерно-орієнтованих методичних систем на різних стадіях навчання у вищих та загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах, використанням навчальних інформаційних технологій, що є, у свою чергу, процесуальною складовою комп'ютерно-орієнтованих освітніх систем. (Іванюк, Овчарук, 2020: 8)

Ключові слова: засоби медіаосвіти, інформаційно-комунікаційний простір, медіадослідженні, медіакультура, медіаосвіта, медіатекст, соціалізація.

Main part

Articulation of the issue: the rapid development in the modern world of information and communication technologies and the mass media system urgently requires purposeful training of the individual for competent and safe use of them. Since interaction with various media (press, radio, cinema, television, Internet) accounts for a large part of the free time of modern youth, the media have a powerful and contradictory influence on the education of the young generation, often turning into a leading factor in its socialization, spontaneous social learning. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the development of media education, one of the main tasks of which is to prevent human vulnerability to media violence and productive socialization in the conditions of the modern information space. This problem is particularly relevant for children and teenagers. The outlined facts encourage the search for ways and directions of the teacher's activity for the successful socialization of the student in the modern information and communication space.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. International concepts in the direction of the development of media education are being implemented in Ukraine to a certain extent. The concept of «media education» in the present time is interpreted as a direction of pedagogy, whose representatives advocate the study of the patterns of mass communication by pupils.

Recently, the problem of media education has attracted more attention and has become the subject of research for the Ukrainian scientists. It is believed that media education is studying on the basis of materials and with the help of mass media, the ultimate goal of which is media literacy, the ability to critically perceive media messages (Кухаренко, Березенська, Бугайчук, Олійник, Олійник, Рибалко, Сиротенко, Столяревська, 2016: 219). At the same time, many believe that the main task of media education is to prepare the new generation for life in modern information conditions, for the perception and understanding of various information, awareness of the consequences of its influence on the mind.

In the modern «Encyclopedia of Education» it is noted that media education is «technical means of creating, recording, copying, duplicating, storing, distributing, perceiving information and exchanging it between the subject (the author of the media text) and the object (the mass audience), and namely: printing, photography, radio, cinematography, television, video, multimedia computer systems, including the Internet».

The purpose of the article. The purpose of our research is to consider media education as a means of forming the media culture of students with the aim of developing a creative personality that is ready for life in modern information conditions. After all, the rapid development in the modern world of information and communication technologies and the mass media system urgently requires purposeful training of an individual to competent and safe use of them. We see the prospects for further research in the identification and substantiation of vectors in the training of teachers, which will contribute to the formation of media literate specialists.

Tasks of the research:

- to determine scientific approaches to understanding the concepts of «information and communication space», «media literacy», «media culture», «media education», «media text», «socialization»;

- to consider effective ways, types, methods and forms of using elements of media education in the initial process with the aim of socializing students in the modern information and communication space;

- to outline the effective ways of using media education means in classes of Ukrainian language and literature and to find out the positive aspects of using media education tools.

Presentation of basic material of the research. From the first days of his or her life, a person becomes a subject of social relations, develops under the influence of the surrounding environment, acquires appropriate social experience. Therefore, every community faces the problem of creating conditions for social education and social development of children and youth. Despite the fact that the socialization of the individual is considered as a psychological, sociological and pedagogical issue, the interpretation of this phenomenon as a process of adaptation to the environment by learning the norms and rules of behavior, which are set by society, becomes a common thing (Конопляник, 2022: 285). Based on various studies, which consider the process of socialization as a process of integration of an individual into society, into various types of social communities through his or her assimilation of elements of culture, social norms and values, on the basis of which socially significant personality traits are formed. Since young people are already involved in the information and communication environment from preschool age, there is an objective problem of effectively continuing their integration in it. They do not have significant life experience, young people are prone to blind imitation of attractive images. A big problem is related to virtual interactive games. All over the world, attention is paid to the fact that children and teenagers often identify themselves with images (avatars) in games, exchanging the real successes and struggle for a worthy place in their social group for illusory titles and achievements. But, of course, this does not mean that you should hide in a shell and isolate yourself from information flows. Now this is not even possible. When entering the Internet, modern pupils immerse themselves in a special, virtual world. In order to get the necessary information, pupils turn to virtual sources (the Internet, computer guides and encyclopedias) hardly more often than to ordinary books and textbooks. The computer world, including the gaming world, opens wide opportunities to the modern young generation. It is an important source of information: a pupil or student can find and read almost any book they need, written in any language, or find messages on a topic that concerns them by keywords.

The computer is an exciting form of recreation and entertainment. Computer games, listening to CDs, watching movies - all this is quite accessible to any pupil or student.

On the bright side, computer technology can be used as a learning tool. This is both distance learning and the study of scientific data, reference books, geographical maps, and «downloading» of reference papers, which is familiar to almost every participant of the educational process. The availability of almost any information, novelty, great entertainment possibilities, proximity of virtual reality to living conditions, in terms of emotionality and aesthetic canons, etc., explain the constant popularity of the computer world. It is known that in order to develop motivation for the learning process, it is necessary to intensify cognitive activity and expand the circle of cognitive interests. The cognitive activity at school age is quite high, it is manifested in the curiosity of the child, who asks many questions, seeks to learn new things about familiar objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, but, at the same time, a large amount of new information can contribute to fatigue, loss of interest and the desire to switch to another type of activity not only for a pupil, but also for a student.

Thus, media education has a great influence on the formation of cognitive activity and the formation of media culture during the educational process. Experts consider the integration of media literacy in other subjects to be the most effective direction. In countries with a developed system of media education, this is common - in particular, in Sweden and the USA. The easiest way is to include media education in computer science and computer literacy classes. That is, it is possible to pay more attention to cyber security, to tell students about modern programs with the help of which they can create media products. The second option is a combination with literature classes, involving the topic of cinema and theater.

It is believed that the main task of media education is to prepare students for life in the information society, to develop the ability to use information in any form, to carry out communication, and to understand the consequences of media influence on people. Consonant with this statement is an opinion that sees the task of media education in the formation of a critically thinking, socially active, communicative personality who freely and meaningfully navigates the media space.

You need to be able to work with the information.

The theory has been worked out enough. Even real mechanisms for the implementation of the plan are thought out. But is this enough in practice? And although the development and adoption of the Concept of the introduction of media education in Ukraine is an important component of the modernization of education, unfortunately, today the results are not very encouraging. In Ukraine, there are certain theoretical developments and exploratory works in the field of media education. But it should be noted that, firstly, there is an established practice of media education in Western countries, which can and should be guided by, and secondly, the theoretical developments of the majority of Ukrainian scientists are not aimed, in most cases, at the formation of critical thinking and an independent personality from the media (as in many Western countries), but at the mastery of media equipment and the use of media opportunities in the educational process. The media education continues to be fragmented and, as a rule, carried out chaotically.

The implementation of media and educational activity at the educational institution depends on the teacher; it concerns his or her preventive, consulting and socially transformative functions. The first one will ensure the formation of a healthy lifestyle for students, prevention of negative phenomena in the student environment, including computer addiction, i.e. computer dependence.

In order to form the student's value orientations in the media space, a system of work tools is necessary in the teacher's work. This system would form the norms and culture of communication (including in the process of Internet communication), would raise the culture of appearance and the culture of behavior.

Media and educational means can be:

1) media didactic material in the form of visual media texts (photos, advertising and music videos, documentary and feature films of patriotic content);

2) the method of organizing classes in the integrated format of trainings and media clubs (joint viewing, reflective, analytical work during perception and discussion of the viewed);

3) application of special methods and techniques for the development of reflection of emotions, feelings and analytical, critical understanding of the perceived thing.

Therefore, for the formation of harmonious relations with the surrounding world and people, it is expedient to organize extracurricular events using media education means: contests, project exhibitions; research and creative work on the study of history, culture, customs, historical values of the native land using computer technologies. The attention of adults, the systematic and purposeful work of teachers in the defined field will contribute to the realization of the potential of modern students; formation of balance in emotional and intellectual settling in the world; personal and public position.

A personally oriented approach, individualization and differentiation of studying should become the defining priorities of practical activity. Focusing on a specific student, his or her potential opportunities as a partner who consciously acquires knowledge, develops abilities, acquires experience of communicating in dialogue, defends his or her opinion with arguments.

During language and literature classes, students have the opportunity to learn:

1) to analyze, critically interpret and create media texts;

2) to determine the sources of media texts, their political, social, commercial, cultural interests and context;

3) to interpret media texts and values that media carry;

4) to select appropriate media for creating and distributing one's own media texts and attracting an audience interested in them;

5) to enable free access to media for consumption and production of one's own media production. The more positive experience a student has in the educational process, the easier it is for him or her to adapt in the modern world. The students are co-creators of the class. They are involved in the educational process as active participants, create a media product based on the results of their research activities on the content of the piece of writing, while working out the characteristics of the hero, the writer's biography. This effective form helps to generalize, practice, repeat, systematize and create new things based on the learned material.

At the current stage, the dominant thing in education is a change in priorities, methods of studying and control of knowledge. All this is impossible without the use of interactive technologies, which are used both in class and outside of class, without the use of computers and multimedia projectors. Such work requires diligent preparation of both teachers and students, but it increases interest in studying, and as a result, the quality of knowledge in the subject improves. Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine television, radio, and the Internet without advertising.

In the Ukrainian Internet space, more and more popularity is given to the book trailers - videos that create a visual image of a book. Book trailer (from English book - книга, trailer - тягач, причіп) is a short video clip adapted from the book, a clip based on the book.

A book trailer is designed to promote a book, help convey its content to the reader, and leave a mark in his or her mind. At the same time, it should intrigue, make you want to read the book yourself. Its feature is that the story about the book is presented in an imaginative, intriguing form. In the vast majority, the duration of the book trailer does not exceed three minutes. A book trailer solves several tasks: it draws attention to the book and creates the reading audience.

The book trailer is a new genre of advertising and illustration, which combines literature, visual art, as well as electronic and Internet technologies. It motivates young people not just to play games and communicate on the Internet, but to study informatics more deeply and implement their knowledge and skills practically. Therefore, it is advisable to use the «advertising» method in literature classes during the study of certain topics in order to motivate educational activities. The students can advertise either a work of fiction or even a specific section of linguistic science.

Videos about famous Ukrainian public figures, especially those created by students, make a great impression on the audience. Everyone together discusses not only the content of the video, but also its technical points. In this way, interdisciplinary integration takes place.

The systematic use of computer video plots and demonstration presentations develops imagination, abstract thinking, increases interest in the studied educational material and the subject as a whole. The use of audio and video backup makes literature classes bright and meaningful (Кухаренко, Березенська, Бугайчук, Олійник, Олійник, Рибалко, Сиротенко, Столяревська, 2016: 94).

Having the ability to creatively solve problems using computer capabilities, the student learns to be a competitive member of modern society: creative, intellectually educated, responsible, communicative, able to solve problems autonomously, independently and effectively apply knowledge in life practice, everyday life, educational activities. Under such circumstances, the Internet allows you to organize a space in which you can not only obtain information, but also solve many other communicative tasks, that is, contribute to the development of personality, and not its degradation.

Conclusions. Media education contributes to the formation of students' media culture and their socialization in the modern information space. The necessity of this process is due to the fact that mass media, in the conditions of globalization and information society, often have a decisive influence on how people perceive the world around them. Media education is designed to provide an individual with the opportunity for self-defense by teaching critical perception of media messages.

Therefore, media education should become an integral part of the educational process of children and young people, since media sources and media space affect them in different ways. A purposeful process of teaching effective and safe interaction with mass media, the education of a conscious personality would ensure the formation of students' media immunity, and would lead to significant progress in their self-education, self-learning and self-actualization. The teachers of educational institutions should be involved in the implementation of the mentioned process. We see the prospects for further research in the identification and substantiation of vectors in the training of teachers, which will contribute to the formation of media literate specialists.


informatization education student

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