Formation of professional values orientation of the future teacher through the content discipline of social and humanitarian cycle
The need for the formation of professional and value orientations of the future foreign language teacher in the process of educational activities. Determination of a purposeful strategy of educational activities for the development of a future teacher.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.06.2024 |
Размер файла | 20,8 K |
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Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
Formation of professional values orientation of the future teacher through the content discipline of social and humanitarian cycle
Yevhen Mamchur, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages
The article substantiates the importance and necessity of forming the professional and value orientations of the future foreign language teacher in the process of educational activities. It is argued that the content of the formation of professional value orientations is a complete system of scientific, professionally necessary competences, knowledge, abilities, skills, experience in their application and determine a purposeful strategy of educational activities for the development of the future teacher. The main goals and ways of forming the student's professional and value orientations are determined while studying the discipline of the socio-humanitarian cycle in a modular-block form. It was found that the content of the educational material is implemented through productive learning technologies aimed at developing the professional competence of the future foreign language teacher, his intelligence, harmonization of emotional and motivational, cognitive, activity components.
Groups of formation of professional and value orientations are outlined: goal orientations (nature of motivation for pedagogical activity, orientation to the image of the self-concept of the future foreign language teacher); orientation-competencies; orientation-quality using the educational text. The results showed that in the process of studying the theoretical material, special attention should be paid to the selection of texts, as they are an important means of forming the professional and value orientations of the future teacher.
Key words: cognitive component, future teacher, value orientations.
Мамчур Євген Анатолійович,
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземних мов, Уманського державного педагогічного університету імені Павла Тичини
У статті обґрунтовано значення й необхідність формування професійно-ціннісних орієнтацій майбутнього вчителя іноземної мови у процесі навчально-виховної діяльності. Аргументовано, що зміст формування професійно-ціннісних орієнтацій є цілісною системою наукових, фахово потрібних компетентностей, знань, умінь, навичок, досвіду їх застосування і визначають цілеспрямовану стратегію навчальної діяльності для розвитку майбутнього вчителя. Визначено головні цілі й шляхи формування професійно- ціннісних орієнтацій студента під час вивчення дисциплін соціально- гуманітарного циклу в модульно-блоковій формі. З'ясовано, що зміст навчального матеріалу реалізується через продуктивні технології навчання, спрямовані на розвиток професійної компетентності майбутнього вчителя іноземної мови, його інтелекту, гармонізації емоційно-мотиваційного, когнітивного, діяльнісного компонентів. Окреслено групи формування професійно-ціннісних орієнтацій: орієнтації-цілі (характер мотивації до педагогічної діяльності, орієнтація на образ Я-концепції майбутнього вчителя іноземної мови); орієнтації-компетентності; орієнтації-якості з використанням навчального тексту. Результати показали, що у процесі вивчення теоретичного матеріалу особливу увагу необхідно приділяти добору текстів, оскільки вони є важливим засобом формування професійно-ціннісних орієнтацій майбутнього вчителя.
Ключові слова: когнітивний компонент, майбутній учитель, ціннісні орієнтації.
Socio-economic conditions, moral and cultural priorities of modern Ukraine orient language education to the formation of a morally stable, creative, mobile, communicatively competent personality. In times of martial law and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, there is an urgent need to improve professional and value orientations in the preparation of future teachers of both native (Ukrainian) and foreign languages.
Current state documents emphasize the importance of forming the value orientations of pupils and student youth (the Constitution of Ukraine [2], the Law of Ukraine "On Education" [1], the National Doctrine of the Development of Education of Ukraine in the 21st Century [4], the Concept of Humanization of Higher Education [3]) , in which the purposeful idea is the formation of universal and national spiritual values as a priority direction of state policy.
Analysis of current scientific research and problems. Over the last decades, the problem of the formation of value orientations in the educational process during the education and upbringing of the younger generation in various aspects has attracted the attention of many researchers (I. Bekh, M. Boryshevskyi, T. Butkivska, V. Vasyutynskyi, V. Galuzyak, V. Hrynyova, I. Zyazyun, P. Ignatenko, O. Kobernyk, G. Pecherska, O. Plahotniuk, H. Sytnyk, I. Sokolova, O. Sukhomlynska, N. Tkachova, etc.). In their works, scientists reveal the essence of the phenomena "value", "value orientations", systematize scientific approaches to the practice of these phenomena, make attempts to develop the theory of values, partially touch on the problem of the formation of values and value orientations of the individual during professional training.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the importance and necessity of forming the professional value orientations of the future foreign language teacher in the process of educational activities through the implementation of modern productive learning technologies.
The main goal, the task of forming the professional value orientations of future teachers is the education, development and improvement of the conscious personality of the future teacher, who has a high level of professional competences, is able to apply them during pedagogical activities, loves children, is a patriot of Ukraine. The integral task of studying the disciplines of the socio-humanitarian cycle is the formation of professionally significant formations of the personal structure of the future foreign language teacher, his professional and value orientations as a component of the spiritual world, motivational attitude to social life and the role of the teacher's profession in its functioning and improvement.
Presenting main material. The process of training a future teacher in a pedagogical educational institution should involve the student's assimilation of not individual knowledge and skills and emotional and value attitudes, but a system of professional training in which each component has a personal and activity character. This is primarily a system of components of higher education: educational (forms professional competences, provides intellectual development, emotional sphere, ability to learn throughout life) and socio-cultural (forms the ability of a future foreign language teacher to work, live and interact in a multicultural environment, guided by professional, general human , national and public spiritual values). The disciplines of the socio-humanitarian cycle are aimed at the implementation of these components, since they form professional and value orientations in students, contribute to the understanding of social and humanitarian processes in modern society.
The content of higher pedagogical education is a clear and integral system of scientific, professionally necessary knowledge, practical abilities and skills, methods of activity and thinking, which a student should master while carrying out professional training. The current state program of education of children and school youth in Ukraine declares that "the modern content of education in Ukraine includes a scientifically based system of general cultural and national values and a corresponding set of socially significant qualities of an individual characterizing his attitude to society and the state, other people, oneself, work, nature, art, the entire surrounding reality [5]”.
As a result of the analysis of the theoretical foundations of the study of the problem, the main components of the content of education at the pedagogical university, which contribute to the formation of professional value orientations of future foreign language teachers, were modeled and filled. The content of the formation of professional value orientations is a complete system of scientific, professionally necessary competences (knowledge, abilities, skills, experience in their application), the acquisition of which determined the purposeful strategy of the student's educational activities for his development as a future teacher of a foreign language. The values of pedagogical activity should not only be included in the content of the chosen disciplines, but it is also important to teach and convey them to students so that they embody information in the form of considerations and assessments about the professional value orientations of future teachers. The content of the disciplines of the socio-humanitarian cycle in this aspect provided for the search for ways to identify the mechanisms of integration of theoretical knowledge, practical experience of their implementation from the study of pedagogical values and the process of their internalization, appropriation. Interiorization (from the Latin interior) is a psychological concept that means the formation of mental actions and the internal plane of consciousness through the individual's assimilation of external actions with objects and social forms of communication. Most scientists tend to think that internalization is not a simple transition to action, because it does the importance of the formation of the inner plane of consciousness. Undoubtedly, a modern person is endowed with the most complex manifestations of the psyche, and therefore is the bearer of consciousness, which in psychological science is defined as "the highest level of mental reflection of the surrounding reality, which has developed in a person as a social being as a result of mastering language and joint activities with other people". "Consciousness, emphasizes V. Yablonko, is the subjective inner world of a person, a product of knowledge, experiences, volitional efforts and social communication of people" [6, p. 19]. Undoubtedly, the process of internalization concerns the professional and value orientations of future foreign language teachers, and this made it possible to meaningfully fill the educational sphere with spiritual, moral, intellectual, social and professional values and create a valuable basis for the formation of the student's "selfconcept".
Content of pedagogical training of future foreign language teachers structured in a modular-block form of studying the disciplines of the social and humanitarian cycle. The implementation of the principle of modularity ensured the integrity of the student's intellectual and emotional growth, and eliminated the diversity of the content of the disciplines being studied. Each module consisted of educational blocks that had a professional and valuable purpose. The block structuring of the content of the educational material had a personally oriented basis, made it possible to create conditions for the formation of students' own professional and value orientations, to implement their individual educational program of professional development and growth. The content of the educational material was implemented through productive learning technologies aimed at developing the professional competence of the future foreign language teacher, his intellect, and the harmonization of emotional- motivational, cognitive, and operational components.
The cognitive component of the professional value orientations of the future foreign language teacher includes: values-goals related to the attitude to the profession and the motivational sphere of activity; competence values that determine the theoretical and practical content of the activity; values-qualities - determine the emotional component of activity. The professional and value orientations of future foreign language teachers were formed on the basis of a system of values, which include universal and national, moral and spiritual values, humanistic, pedagogical and professional values. The system of value orientations, which is more variable than value systems, is used to indicate the result of individual reflection of value systems developed in society. The value orientations of the personality of the future teacher of a foreign language are such values that act as strategic goals for the teacher in his pedagogical activity, occupy a high level in the motivational system of professional behavior and activity, influence the content and focus of his needs, motives and interests [8;9].
The subsystem of the teacher's professional orientations is modeled by the general professional value orientations, which are specific to each teacher, regardless of the subject of teaching, as well as specific pedagogical values and values determined by the peculiarity of the subject of teaching - foreign language. At the same time, it should be taken into account that all values are in a systemic relationship. During the study of the disciplines of the social and humanitarian cycle, we form the following groups of professional and value orientations:
orientations-goals (the nature of motivation for pedagogical activity, orientation towards the image of the self-concept of the future foreign language teacher, orientation towards the development of one's own acme-personality of a highly qualified professional, interesting creative pedagogical activity, self-confidence); professional value educational strategy
orientation-competency (completeness and depth of knowledge from the theory of value orientations, focus on mastering and increasing the level of professional competence, focus on mastering all components of professional competence (foreign- language communicative competence, Ukrainian-language communicative competence, psychological-pedagogical, methodical, multicultural, activity, creative competence), ability to apply professional competence);
quality orientations (love for children, vocation and love for the profession, respect for students, kindness, patriotism, the desire to leave a mark on the earth, upbringing, honesty, sensitivity, responsibility, cheerfulness, reflection, selfimprovement, etc.) .
The main source of the formation of professional and value orientations was the meaningful life activity of students, which determined the level of their aspirations, demands and orientation in the process of educational activities to achieve specific goals.
In the process of studying theoretical material (for example, from the English language), special attention should be paid to the selection of texts for educational processing. The use of the educational text is an important means of forming the professional value orientations of the future teacher. First of all, the texts used during practical classes should contain in their content certain professionally oriented value meanings, the mastery of which is one of the defining goals of professional training of students. At the same time, the choice of value-oriented educational texts should have a professionally significant and cultural-historical justification, which will enable the student to form his own system of professional and value orientations.
We offer for consideration an example of such a text with tasks.
EDUCATION SYSTEM IN UKRAINE PRESCHOOL EDUCATION Usually, children aged 3-6 are studying on kindergartens. In some cases - children under 7. Pre-school education for children from the age of 5 is mandatory in Ukraine. A child can receive it both in educational institutions and at home. Preschool education is provided in accordance with the State Standard “Basic Component on Preschool Education”. This document defines the results on a child's preschool education - key competencies. According to the Standard, the content on education consists on mandatory (invariant) and additional components (variable).
Mandatory components:
child's personality;
child in the sensory and cognitive space;
child in a natural environment;
child's play;
child in society;
child's speech;
child in the world of art.
Additional components:
child's personality/sports games;
child in the sensory and cognitive space/computer literacy;
child's speech/fundamentals of Literacy;
child's speech/foreign language;
child in society/social and financial literacy;
child in the world of art/choreography
GENERAL SECONDARY EDUCATION School education is compulsory. Previously, it lasted 11 years, but with the start of the New Ukrainian School reform on 2018, school education will last 12 years.
School education is divided into 3 levels of education:
primary education (grades 1-4);
basic secondary education (grades 5-9);
specialized secondary education (grades 10-11(12)).
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION A vocational profession in Ukraine can be obtained in institutions of professional (vocational education and training) education (VET). A student can enter such institutions after the 9th grade (basic general secondary education) or after the 11th grade (general secondary education). If a student entered after the 9th grade, then within 3-4 years he/she will master the complete general secondary education program and the educational program according to the standards of vocational professions. There is on opportunity to consistently get 2-3 professions. For those who already have a compulsory school education, training on profession can last up to 1 year. In VET institutions, you can get pre-professional training, retraining, as well as advanced training.
HIGHER EDUCATION Citizens of Ukraine can receive higher education free of charge - on a competitive basis. Budget place quotas for certain categories of persons (orphans, children deprived of parental care, persons from temporarily occupied territories, etc.) are also determined annually. Thus, vulnerable categories have access to higher education at the expense of state or local budgets. Since 2005, Ukraine has been a member of the Bologna Process. Training of higher education specialists is carried out according to the relevant educational (vocational training, scientific training or creative training) programs at various levels of higher education regulated by the National Qualifications.
Admission to Junior Bachelor's or Bachelor's Degree is carried out on the basis of school education according to the results of an external independent assessment. In addition, the average score of the certificate on complete general secondary education, the score for special achievements (for example, winners of academic competitions on basic subjects) could be taken into account. For admission to certain programs of study, the level of creative or physical abilities of applicants is also taken into account. For admission to the Master's Program, in addition to exams at higher education institutions, applicants had to pass a common entrance examination in a foreign language (on the principle of external independent assessment). And applicants for occupations on the fields of “Social and Behavioral Sciences”, “Journalism”, “Management and Administration”, “Law”, “Public Governance and Administration”, as well as “International Relations” had to additionally pass a common entrance proficiency test (testing for general educational competencies and testing on the specialty) which was also independent. Due to the full-scale war of russia against Ukraine, the procedure for admission to higher education institutions has undergone significant changes. Admission to higher education will be carried out according to a simplified procedure (first of all, due to security factors). However, the competition for budget places was still conducted based on the results of independent (albeit modified) testing, which ensured transparent conditions and equal opportunities for applicants. Such independent tests will take place both on Ukraine and in EU countries [7].
Does education in Ukraine provide for the formation of the value component of the personality?
What universal values does education form?
Name the mandatory and additional content components in accordance with the State Standard "Basic component of preschool education."
What innovations in the higher school program took place in 2005 after joining the Bologna process?
Conclusions and prospects for further research of the problem Thus, one of the most important components of the professionally significant qualities of a future teacher are professional value orientations, which should be purposefully formed in students during the entire period of study in a pedagogical educational institution. And it is the axiological cognitive component (values-goals, values-competence, values- quality) of the student's subjectivity that allows us to consider the professional and pedagogical activity of forming the professional and value orientations of the future foreign language teacher during the study of the disciplines of the socio-humanitarian cycle of professional training.
1. Zakon Ukrayiny' «Pro osvitu»
2. Konsty'tuciya Ukrayiny'
3. Koncepciya gumanitary'zaciyi vy'shhoyi osvity'
4. Nacional'na doktry'na rozvy'tku osvity' Ukrayiny' u XXI stolitti
5. Programa vy'xovannya ditej ta uchnivs'koyi molodi v Ukrayini
6. Yablon'ko V. Ya. Psy'xologo-pedagogichni osnovy' formuvannya osoby'stosti: Navch. pos. - K. : Centr uchbovoyi literatury', 2008. - 258s.
7. Pidtry'mka osvity' ta nauky' pid chas vijny'
8. Kravchenko H., Liu Yanshi Sutnist i struktura mizhkulturnoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh perekladachiv / elektronnoho naukovoho fakhovoho zhurnalu «Imidzh suchasnoho pedahoha» № 2 (197), 2021. S.42
9. Chychun, V., Grechanyk, O., Khliebnikova, T., Temchenko, O., Kravchenko Н. (2023). Change management models and methods: implementing innovations, ensuring sustainability and engaging staff. Revista De Gestao E Secretariado (Management and Administrative Professional Review), 14(10), 16484-16506.
Використані джерела
1. Закон України «Про освіту»
2. Конституція України
3. Концепція гуманітаризації вищої освіти
4. Національна доктрина розвитку освіти України у ХХІ столітті
5. Чинна програма виховання дітей та учнівської молоді в Україні
6. Яблонько В. Я. Психолого-педагогічні основи формування особистості: Навч. пос. К. : Центр учбової літератури, 2008. 258с.
7. Підтримка освіти та науки під час війни
8. Кравченко Г.Ю., Лю Яньші Сутність і структура міжкультурної компетентності майбутніх перекладачів / електронного наукового фахового журналу «Імідж сучасного педагога» № 2 (197), 2021. С.42 -47
9. Chychun, V., Grechanyk, O., Khliebnikova, T., Temchenko, O., Kravchenko Н. (2023). Change management models and methods: implementing innovations, ensuring sustainability and engaging staff. Revista De Gestao E Secretariado (Management and Administrative Professional Review), 14(10), 1648416506.
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