Peculiarities of the Experimental Study of the Pedagogical Culture Formation of the Ground Forces Future Officers in the Process of Humanitarian Disciplines Studying

Awareness of the important role of humanitarian education in the professional training of future representatives of the officer corps of the Armed Forces. Formation of officers' ability to preserve and multiply moral, cultural, scientific values.

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Дата добавления 25.06.2024
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Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy

Peculiarities of the Experimental Study of the Pedagogical Culture Formation of the Ground Forces Future Officers in the Process of Humanitarian Disciplines Studying

Viacheslav Sevruk

Postgraduate Student


humanitarian education professional officer

The article is devoted to awareness of the important role of humanitarian education in the professional training of future representatives of the officer corps of the Armed Forces. To analyze the changes that may occur during an experimental study, the basic requirements for organizing and adhering to clearly defined stages of the pedagogical experiment were taken into account: organizational, diagnostic, formative, and results-analytical.

Humanitarian education in all educational institutions is traditionally carried out in the process of studying humanitarian disciplines. Humanitarian training of future officers is a component of professional training of officer personnel in the system of higher educational institutions.

Among the fundamental milestones of the humanitarian development of the Armed Forces, which must be taken into account in the humanitarian training of future officers, the affirmation of the personality of a serviceman as the highest social value is outlined.

An important aspect of the professional activity of future officers is to take into account the educational and educational influences in working with subordinates, therefore, graduates of VVNIZ need to take into account the subjectivity of each of the participants in such interaction (character, individual characteristics of each of them, etc.).

Future officers are called to demonstrate a high level of pedagogical culture in providing the necessary assistance to subordinates in getting out of crisis situations caused by changes in the life cycle, separation from family, friends, changes in the social situation and social status.

The formation of future officers' ability to preserve and multiply moral, cultural, and scientific values involves familiarizing cadets with the laws of development of psychological and pedagogical science as one of the components of the content of humanitarian disciplines. An important aspect in the formation of pedagogical culture in the process of studying humanitarian disciplines is taking into account the content of military professional competencies of future officers. Future officers not only develop knowledge of humanitarian disciplines, abilities and skills related to the manifestation of pedagogical culture, but also try out, choose and assimilate new effective models of interpersonal service-professional interaction in the military team based on the analysis and evaluation of the activities of all participants in the interactions, reflection, aspirations to improve one's own model of activity at a high level of pedagogical culture.

Keywords: pedagogical experiment, future officers, Ground Forces, Armed Forces of Ukraine, formation of pedagogical culture.

Вячеслав Севрук, аспірант

Україна, Хмельницький, Хмельницька гуманітарно-педагогічна академія

Особливості експериментального дослідження формування педагогічної культури майбутніх офіцерів сухопутних військ у процесі вивчення гуманітарних дисциплін


Стаття присвячена усвідомленню важливої ролі гуманітарної освіти в професійній підготовці майбутніх представників офіцерського корпусу ЗСУ. Враховувалися основні вимоги до організації та дотримання чітко окреслених етапів педагогічного експерименту: організаційного, констатувального, формувального та результативно-аналітичного.

Гуманітарна освіта у всіх навчальних закладах традиційно здійснюється в процесі вивчення гуманітарних дисциплін. Гуманітарна підготовка майбутніх офіцерів є складником професійної підготовки офіцерських кадрів у системі ВВНЗ. Серед засадничих віх гуманітарного розвитку ЗСУ, що необхідно враховувати у гуманітарній підготовці майбутніх офіцерів, окреслюється утвердження особистості військовослужбовця, як найвищої соціальної цінності.

Важливим аспектом професійної діяльності майбутніх офіцерів є врахування навчально-виховних впливів у роботі з підлеглими, відтак випускникам ВВНЗ потрібно враховувати суб'єктність кожного з учасників такої взаємодії (характер, індивідуальні особливості кожного з них тощо).

Майбутні офіцери покликані виявляти високий рівень педагогічної культури в наданні необхідної допомоги підлеглим у виході з кризових ситуацій, зумовлених змінами у життєвому циклі, відділенні від родини, друзів, зміни соціальної обстановки та соціального статусу.

Формування у майбутніх офіцерів здатності зберігати та примножувати моральні, культурні, наукові цінності передбачає ознайомлення курсантів із закономірностями розвитку психолого-педагогічної науки як одного із складників змісту гуманітарних дисциплін. Важливим аспектом у формуванні педагогічної культури в процесі вивчення гуманітарних дисциплін є врахування змісту військово-професійних компетентностей майбутніх офіцерів. У майбутніх офіцерів формуються не тільки знання з гуманітарних дисциплін, уміння і навички стосовно вияву педагогічної культури, але й апробовуються, обираються й засвоюються нові ефективні зразки міжособистісної службово-професійної взаємодії у військовому колективі на основі аналізу й оцінки діяльності всіх учасників інтеракцій, рефлексії, прагнення вдосконалити власну модель діяльності на високому рівні педагогічної культури.

Ключові слова: педагогічний експеримент, майбутні офіцери, Сухопутні війська, Збройні Сили України, формування педагогічної культури.

Introduction / Вступ

Humanitarian education -- a set of knowledge in the field of social and humanitarian sciences and related practical skills and abilities. The term «humanitarian» is something related to human consciousness and human society. The need to humanize modern education is caused by changes in society, political, and economic spheres of life in Ukraine. Education must ensure the destruction of old stereotypes of thinking, must move from ideological coercion and general averaging, leveling of the individual to defining the uniqueness and originality of each person, to declaring it the most important value of the state, to affirming the priority of spiritual universal values (Honcharenko S., 2007; Humanitaryzatsiia zahalnoi serednoi..., 1994).

It is known that humanitarian sciences are fields of research, the subject of which is man as a social (cultural, moral, spiritual) being and everything created by him. It should be noted that the humanities are a group of academic disciplines united by the desire to study such aspects of human existence and qualitative approaches that do not at all assume a single paradigm that defines any scientific discipline. Humanities began to form university disciplines only in the 19th century (5).

Awareness of the important role of humanitarian education affects the professional training of future representatives of the officer corps of the Armed Forces.

To analyze the changes that may occur during an experimental study, the basic requirements for organizing and adhering to clearly defined stages of the pedagogical experiment were taken into account: organizational, diagnostic, formative, and results-analytical.

The personalities of the development of military education were the focus of researchers H. Haydukevych, S. Hrechko, D. Ishchenko, V. Oliynyk, V. Shostak and others. The scientific works of V. Bespalko, A. Lihotskyi, and others were devoted to the issue of training future officers for professional activity.

Aim and Tasks / Мета та завдання. Peculiarities of the experimental study of the pedagogical culture formation of the Ground Forces future officers in the process of humanitarian disciplines studying. Directing the study of humanitarian disciplines to the formation of the pedagogical culture of future officers of the Ground Forces.

Results / Результати

At the organizational stage of the experimental research, the following procedures were carried out:

Identified higher education institutions (HEIs) where the pedagogical experiment was conducted.

Analyzed educational plans and educational-professional programs used in HEIs to determine the humanitarian disciplines during the study of which the author's methodology for the formation of pedagogical culture of future officers of the Armed Forces was implemented.

The essence of pedagogical conditions was identified and substantiated, and a structural-functional model for the formation of pedagogical culture in future officers of the Armed Forces during the study of humanitarian disciplines was developed.

Methodological materials were created and utilized during the study of humanitarian disciplines by cadets in the experimental groups to facilitate the development of pedagogical culture in future officers of the Armed Forces.

At the diagnostic stage of the experimental research, the following procedures of experimental work were conducted:

Questionnaires and tests were developed for cadets and students of higher education institutions who completed their studies to determine the levels of formation of pedagogical culture in future officers of the Armed Forces. These individuals were studying humanitarian disciplines in traditional learning settings. This was done to confirm the relevance and necessity of improving military-humanitarian education in the specified direction.

Surveying of participants in the diagnostic stage of the experiment was carried out to establish their awareness of the importance and motivation for the formation of pedagogical culture in the process of studying humanitarian disciplines at higher education institutions.

Through testing, the levels of formation of the cognitive-ideological and personal-developmental components of the pedagogical culture in future officers of the Armed Forces were determined.

Participants in the diagnostic stage of the research were actively involved in the development and execution of simulation interactive tasks aimed at identifying the levels of formation of the activity- behavioral component of the pedagogical culture in future officers of the Armed Forces.

The state of pedagogical culture formation in cadets completing their education in higher education institutions was documented, indicating the justification for improving the process of studying humanitarian disciplines to purposefully develop pedagogical culture in future officers of the Armed Forces.

At the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment, there was a systematic implementation of the identified pedagogical conditions and the structural-functional model for the formation of pedagogical culture in future officers of the Armed Forces during the study of humanitarian disciplines. Throughout the experiment, qualitative and quantitative changes in the formation of each component of pedagogical culture were documented, observed in cadets from the experimental group and control group.

During the results-analytical stage, the factual data and indicators of the formation of each component and overall pedagogical culture in future officers of the Armed Forces during the study of humanitarian disciplines in the experimental group and control group are to be compared. The reliability of the obtained results was established using mathematical statistical methods.

The state legislative documents emphasize the focus of the activities of the military management bodies on the humanitarian development of the Armed Forces, which provides for the organization and implementation of organizational, pedagogical, psychological, cultural and educational and other measures aimed at awareness, support and development of the professionally necessary qualities of the personnel, promoting the implementation of the state-established social and legal guarantees in order to fulfill the tasks of military service (Pro Kontseptsiiu humanitarnoho..., 2004).

In this way, attention to the humanitarian education of future officers is strengthened. Humanitarian education in all educational institutions is traditionally carried out in the process of studying humanitarian disciplines. The humanitarian training of future officers of the JI is a component of the professional training of officer personnel in the system of higher educational institutions.

Among the fundamental milestones of the humanitarian development of the Armed Forces, which must be taken into account in the humanitarian training of future officers of the Armed Forces, the affirmation of the personality of a serviceman as the highest social value, which requires the implementation of effective relationships in military teams, is outlined.

The EPP defines a set of the following general competencies:

The ability to act socially responsibly and consciously.

Ability to make informed decisions.

Ability to adapt and act in a new situation.

Ability to plan and manage time.

Determination and perseverance in solving the tasks and responsibilities assumed.

Ability to motivate people and move towards a common goal.

Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity.

The ability to preserve and multiply moral, cultural, scientific values and achievements of society based on understanding the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society and in the development of society, technology and technology.

The content of the specified general competences, which are expected to be mastered by future officers of the JI, emphasizes the importance of humanitarian training of cadets in the formation of pedagogical culture.

After all, socially responsible and conscious activity involves not only the functionality of officers in military affairs, but also educational and educational work with subordinates, which is based on the formed ability to make informed decisions to solve complex psychological and pedagogical situations in a professional environment at a high level of pedagogical culture.

Since an important aspect of the professional activity of future officers of the JI is taking into account the educational and educational influences in the work with subordinates, the graduates of HMEI need to take into account the subjectivity of each of the participants in such interaction (character, individual characteristics of each of them, etc.).

After all, identical conditions of interpersonal interaction in military-professional situations can produce different effects of leaving them, which requires the readiness of future officers to adapt and act in new situations and the formation of an appropriate level of pedagogical culture in order to plan and optimize time for solving the educational and educational tasks in work with subordinates and demonstrate persistence in defining and fulfilling professional duties.

An important role in this context is played by the ability of future military officers to motivate others to solve joint military-professional tasks, which will contribute to joint activities in the direction of achieving the specified goals.

The readiness of officers to effectively influence subordinates requires cadets to master a set of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, which will contribute not only to understanding the essence of professional activity, but also to awareness of the specifics of work in a team of military personnel. After all, for the most part, each of them falls into new conditions of life, which are caused by a turning stage of the life path, a change in the statuses of personal life, which in psychology are defined as crises (Yevdokymova N., & et al, 2016, p. 11).

Therefore, the future officers of the JI are called to show a high level of pedagogical culture in providing the necessary help to subordinates in getting out of crisis situations caused by changes in the life cycle, separation from family, friends, changes in the social situation and social status.

The formation of the ability of future military officers to preserve and multiply moral, cultural, and scientific values involves familiarizing cadets with the laws of the development of psychological and pedagogical science as one of the components of the content of humanitarian disciplines.

An important component in the structure of program competences, which are formed in future officers of the JI in the process of training at HMEI, is defined as the professional competences of the specialty, which include:

the ability to manage a unit (by types, types of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other military formations formed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine) (FC 1), which requires the formation of future officers of the JI leadership qualities and skills as important indicators of the formation of pedagogical culture;

the ability to provide moral and psychological support for the activities of the military unit, which is based on the cognitive aspect of the psychological and pedagogical training of cadets at the VVNIZ;

the ability to work autonomously and in a team (including leadership skills), performing official duties, which is expedient to form in future officers of the JI in the process of studying humanitarian disciplines, using simulated quasi-professional situations of interactive interaction, author's approaches to optimizing interpersonal interaction of interaction participants with the presentation of cases on the organization of effective relationships in the military team;

the ability to acquire knowledge in other areas of professional activity, search, analyze and provide a critical assessment of information from various sources, which is based on the motivation of future officers of the JI to study humanitarian disciplines and the activation of cadets in self- educational activities.

An important aspect in the formation of a pedagogical culture in the process of studying humanitarian disciplines at the HMEI is the consideration of the content of military professional competencies (MPC) of future officers of the JI, which in a certain way emphasize the relevance of those characteristics in the figure of representatives of the officer corps that were taken into account in the formation of professional competencies:

the ability to manage a unit in the course of combat use and daily activities based on knowledge and understanding of the essence and basic ethical issues of the officer's profession, which we consider as an important and necessary sign of the formation of the pedagogical culture of future JI officers;

the ability to provide moral and psychological support for the activities of a military unit, which can be demonstrated in cadets in the process of approbation of relevant knowledge and skills in simulated educational situations of interactive interaction;

the ability to organize and personally conduct classes with the personnel of the unit, to effectively use educational and training tools, which can be tested by cadets of HMEI in the conditions of educational, psychological-pedagogical, communicative, conflictological and other trainings in the process of studying humanitarian disciplines.

The analysis of the EPP makes it possible to focus attention on the requirements for the program results of training in military professional training (RN mt), which emphasizes the importance of forming the pedagogical culture of future JI officers in the process of studying humanitarian disciplines:

Maintain a favorable moral and psychological climate and psychologically prepare the personnel of the unit for actions in extreme conditions.

Work autonomously and in a team, fulfilling the duties of the assigned position, have leadership skills.

To have methodical skills, self-development and self-education skills throughout life, study and use of best practices of professional activity.

Thus, at the National Academy of Land Forces named after Hetman Pyotr Sahaidachny, in the process of training, future military officers of various specialties study the disciplines «Military pedagogy and psychology (including conflictology)», «Military pedagogy», «Military leadership», «Psychology of the leadership of military personnel», «Social and psychological technologies of military team management», «Organization of moral and psychological support for the actions of units»; «Methodical aspects of the military-pedagogical process», «Psychological training of personnel», «Training technologies in the training and education of military personnel», «Psychological-pedagogical aspects of the activity of a military leader», «Psychology of crisis situations», «Ethics of the professional activity of a military leader».

At the same time, cadets of the Military Academy (Odessa), obtaining a bachelor's degree in the field of knowledge 25 «Military sciences, national security, security of the state border» from the specialty 254 «Provision of troops (forces)» at the department of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, study the disciplines «Basics of military management», «Military pedagogy and psychology (including leadership)», «Moral and psychological support of the training and use of the Armed Forces of Ukraine», etc., the content of which almost coincides with the main sections of the disciplines specified in the EPP of the National Academy of Land Forces troops named after Hetman Petro Sahaidachny.

Choosing interactive technologies to update the methodology of studying humanitarian disciplines at VVNIZ with the aim of forming the pedagogical culture of future officers of the Soviet Union, the researchers' scientific understanding of the essence of interactive approaches, which encourage students to take an active position of independent knowledge acquisition and truth seeker, was taken into account (Pidlasyi I, 2004, p. 225).

Translated from English, interactive («inter» -- mutual and «act» -- to act) in the context of the educational process means the ability for active dialogic interaction and communication of its participants, which contributes to their personal development (Melnyk V., 2006, p. 15).

Conclusions / Висновки

Thus, the future officers of the JI not only develop knowledge of humanitarian disciplines, skills and abilities related to the manifestation of pedagogical culture, but also test, choose and assimilate new effective models of interpersonal service-professional interaction in the military team based on the analysis and evaluation of the activities of all participants of the interactions, reflections, striving to improve one's own model of activity at a high level of pedagogical culture.


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    курсовая работа [25,0 K], добавлен 16.01.2013

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