Development of the training system for information security management specialists in Ukraine: problems and prospects

Training of specialists in the field "Information security". Cooperation between the state and business in improving the qualifications of information security management personnel. Adaptation of higher education to the requirements of the labor market.

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NAS of Ukraine

Research Center for Industrial Problems of Development

Publishing Group “Scientific Perspectives”,

Development of the training system for information security management specialists in Ukraine: problems and prospects

Zhukova I.,

Trushkina N.


The global world is rapidly changing, and with it - the business environment, information space, tasks, challenges and threats facing society. In recent years, there has been a tendency to change the information security paradigm of the countries of the world in the direction of digital transformation of economic systems.

The current stage of digitization of the national economies of many countries in the context of Industry 4.0 is characterized by the integration of a wide range of cyber-physical systems, large databases, artificial intelligence, blockchain, innovative and financial technologies, information infrastructures, digital platforms and services [1-2]. However, this, in turn, leads to the emergence of cyber threats and risks to the information security of the state [3-5]. And this is especially connected with the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine.

Therefore, at present, in the conditions of war, the problems of training and improving the qualifications of personnel in the field of information and cybernetic security are actualized. This corresponds to the main provisions of the laws of Ukraine “On stimulating the development of the digital economy in Ukraine”, “On the basic principles of ensuring cybersecurity of Ukraine”, Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine, the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On approval of the Concept of the development of digital competences and approval of the plan of measures for its implementation”, in which are about educational activities in the field of information technologies; creating a personnel training system and improving the competence of specialists in various fields of activity in cybersecurity and cyber protection.

Therefore, for the successful formation and functioning of the national education system in Ukraine in the war and post-war periods, it is expedient to develop and implement a set of measures to train and improve the qualifications of personnel in the field of information security management, taking into account modern challenges. Among them, we can mention the rapid development of the digital economy [6-7]; formation of the necessary personnel [8-9] and infrastructural support [10-16], an effective model of public-private partnership [17-19] and proper control over cyber protection, etc.

In view of this, the purpose of this article is to study the peculiarities of the formation of the national educational system for training personnel in information security management. To achieve the set goal and identified scientific tasks, the following general scientific methods of research were used: analysis and synthesis; comparison and classification; expert survey; system approach; structural and logical generalization.

Presentation of the main material

As the analysis of special scientific literature [20-32] shows, there is currently no single theoretical approach to determining the essence of information security. This is primarily due to the ambiguity and multifaceted nature of this concept. After all, this term is considered as an object of research from the standpoint of public administration, economic, financial, national security at various levels, investment, financial and strategic management.

Based on the generalization of the positions of scientists regarding the interpretation of the “information security” phenomenon, its essential characteristics are singled out, namely: it is a state of security of the information space; the state of protection of Ukraine's national interests in the information environment; security of the rules established by law, according to which information processes take place in the state; social relations related to the protection of the vital interests of a person and citizen, society and the state from real and potential threats in the information space; an integral part of political, economic, defence and other components of national security.

Based on the above, it can be noted that mostly researchers (Y. Cherdantseva, J. Hilton, S. Antonova, O. Baranovskyi, L. Byesedina, V. Bohush, I. Bodnar, A. Voitsikhovskyi, Y. Harichev, A. Harkusha, N. Hrabar, S. Dombrovska, Ya. Zharkov, V. Zhelikhovskyi, Z. Zhivko, M. Zubok, U. Ilnytska, R. Kalyuzhnyi, I. Kernytskyi, V. Kononenko, B. Kormych, I. Koterlin, R. Kukliak, V. Lipkan, Yu. Maksimenko, I. Markina, G. Martyniuk, A. Marushchak, T. Mykytenko, A. Nashinets-Naumova, V. Ortynskyi, I. Panarin, O. Panchenko, V. Petryk, I. Petrovska, E. Rohova, O. Skochylias-Pavliv, T. Tkachuk, Ya. Chmyr, V. Shatun, V. Shulga, G. Yarovenko and others) under the concept of “information security” understand the state, sphere of activity, system of guarantees, property of functioning, capacity, function of the state, social relations, process of management of threats and dangers, etc.

In scientific sources, this concept is usually defined as:

1) priority function of the state;

2) the state of legal norms and security institutions corresponding to them;

3) a set of means of ensuring information sovereignty of the state;

4) state of security;

5) integrated component of national security;

6) a component of economic security;

7) the state of information work of business entities;

8) the state of legal norms and security institutions corresponding to them;

9) legislative formation of state information policy;

10) creation and implementation of safe information technologies;

11) multi-aspect system from the standpoint of a systemic approach;

12) multidisciplinary field.

Therefore, based on the generalization of conceptual provisions regarding this issue, the term “information security” is proposed to be considered from two positions, as:

- a key element of the state's national security;

- an important factor in increasing competitiveness, investment attractiveness and achieving sustainable development of critical infrastructure in the system of the national economy.

The study “Record optimism in the face of new challenges”, which was conducted in 2018 by PwC, made it possible to establish that cybersecurity has become one of the most pressing issues for business. And if in 2017 only 62% of the heads of the world's largest companies were concerned about this, then in 2018 the value of this indicator increased to 80%. According to the forecast calculations of Cybersecurity Ventures, losses from cyberattacks due to the use of extortion and malicious software will amount to 11.5 billion dollars USA in the coming years.

According to the Ponemon Institute, 75% of surveyed IT professionals agreed that the risk of hacking through third parties is dangerous and will grow. A survey by Soha Systems found that 63% of all data breaches can be directly or indirectly linked to third-party attacks. An international study on information security problems (Global Information Security Survey, GISS), which was conducted by the consulting company Ernst & Young, showed that in 2021, 77% of respondents in the world reported an increase in the number of serious cyberattacks (in 2020 - 59%). And only 9% of respondents are confident that their company's existing cyber risk mitigation measures are capable of protecting it from serious cyberattacks (compared to 20% in 2020). At the same time, it was found that despite the growing threat of cyberattacks, the budget for cybersecurity is minimal compared to the general costs for the use of information and communication technologies.

According to a survey of Ukrainian enterprises in the course of the Global Study of Economic Crimes and Frauds conducted by PwC in 2020, it was found that 31% of respondents are faced with cybercrimes. According to the National Cyber Security Coordination Center under the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, more than 22 million cyberincidents were recorded between September 7 and December 6, 2020. The overall level of information and cybersecurity threats is 58%.

The Global Trust in Digital Technologies 2021 study by PwC shows an increase in the level of risks of cyberattacks on businesses worldwide by approximately 24%. At the same time, only 20% of entrepreneurs in Ukraine consider cybersecurity as a modern necessity, are ready to adjust the strategy of ensuring information security in connection with the COVID pandemic and invest certain investment resources for its implementation.

According to the results of a survey of 600 top managers of large international companies conducted by Deloitte as part of the study “The Future of Cyberspace in 2021”, it was found that 69% of respondents note a significant increase in cyber threats and risks to their business since the beginning of 2020. Almost 75% of respondents who had an income of more than 30 billion dollars. The United States announced that it will spend more than 100 million dollars USA on cybersecurity.

The Global Information Security Survey showed that the company's revenue in 2021 was approximately 11 billion dollars USA. While annual information security costs averaged only 5.28 million dollars. It was found that 56% of representatives of companies with insufficient budgets note the review of cybersecurity requirements. And 44% said they were forced to cut costs and focus on their legacy architecture and information systems. At the same time, 39% of respondents noted that the costs of cybersecurity are not properly taken into account in the cost of strategic investments related to the digital transformation of supply chains. 36% of respondents believe that they could face a serious breach of information security, which can be avoided if the company increases the amount of investments in cyber protection tools.

In the Report “View of business leaders in Ukraine 2021”, which was prepared by KPMG in Ukraine, cyber threats are included among the key risks of companies' activities in conditions of uncertainty. Only 58% of organizations in the world and 49% in Ukraine said that they are well-prepared for cyberattacks. Company leaders recognize the importance of collaboration and an adaptive approach to transformations - 54% of leaders in Ukraine and 70% worldwide note that new partnerships will be crucial for increasing the pace of digital transformation.

According to the World Economic Forum (WEF) Center for Cybersecurity's Global Cybersecurity Outlook to 2022 Report, 81% of respondents identify digital transformation as a key enabler to increase cyber resilience by strengthening policies, processes and standards with third-party engagement. 84% of respondents say that cyber resilience is considered a business priority in their organization, supported by management. However, 68% of respondents see cyber resilience as a core part of overall risk management.

All this confirms the relevance of research on the problems of ensuring information security of the national economies of most countries of the world.

According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the share of expenditures on higher education in GDP was only 1.3% in 2021 (2.3% in 2010). In 2021, the specific weight of expenditures on higher education was 2.5% of the total expenditures of the consolidated budget (4.7% in 2000), and 16.5% of the total expenditures of the consolidated budget on education (in 2000 - 32.3%).

According to the statistical analysis, the number of students who received higher education in the field of training “Information security” (field of knowledge “Security”) decreased by 99.9% in 2018-2022, and those who graduated from institutions of higher education (universities, academies, institutes) - by 99.6% (Table 1). During this period, the training of specialists was carried out at the educational and qualification level “bachelor”.

Ernst & Young Global Information Security Survey 2018-19 “Cybersecurity - more than protection?” shows that cybersecurity remains an important issue on the agenda of most companies and organizations (more than 1400 managers of the largest international companies with revenues of 10 million dollars or more participated in the survey). At the same time, 60% of organizations claim that employees who are directly responsible for ensuring information security are not members of the board of directors. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF) Cybersecurity Center Report “Global Cybersecurity Outlook to 2022”, 59% of all respondents consider it difficult to adequately respond to a cybersecurity incident due to a lack of qualified professionals on their team.

Table 1

Training of specialists in institutions of higher education in the field of training of “Information Security”

Academic years

The number of students who received higher education

The number of graduates from higher education

the total number

of them by the direction of IS training

the total number

of them by the direction of IS training





















Source: compiled on the basis of statistical and information

l materials posted in the

“Education” section on the official website of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. state business information security management specialist

In today's conditions of increased demand for professionals in the field of cybersecurity, the shortage of qualified personnel continues to grow. Thus, as a result of the Cybersecurity Workforce Study, it was found that the global shortage of personnel in the field of cybersecurity amounted to 3.4 million people in 2022, while 70% of organizations have unfilled vacancies. Many states are working to reduce this deficit. And large companies, such as Google, Microsoft, IBM, introduce various initiatives aimed at training and improving the skills of personnel in the field of cybersecurity. Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum together with several companies has launched an online educational platform “Cybersecurity Learning Hub”. The purpose of this project is to train and improve the skills of cybersecurity specialists to ensure quality work in this area.

If we consider Ukraine, it should be noted that higher education institutions graduate about 2000 specialists in the field of cybersecurity and information protection every year. But this number is not enough to cover the needs of the information services market. In addition, a significant problem is the lack of practical skills of students. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, institutions of higher education that train specialists in the field of security of information and communication systems conclude memorandums with the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine. In accordance with the signed memorandums of cooperation, students have the opportunity to study at the UA30 Training Center, where they acquire practical skills by working out countermeasures against cyberattacks on special simulators.

According to V. Zhora, Deputy Head of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine for Digital Development, Digital Transformations, and Digitalization [33], thorough systematic work is needed to solve the current problems of the lack of the required number of personnel in the field of cybersecurity and the insufficient practical skills of graduate's business and the state (Table 2).

Table 2

Key issues of cooperation between the state and business in the direction of improving the qualifications of information security management personnel

Priority areas of cooperation


Active participation of business in the formation of requirements for knowledge and competences of cybersecurity specialists

Ukraine implements the experience of the USA and EU countries in the field of education in the speciality “Cybersecurity”

Supporting educational initiatives and young talents in the field of cybersecurity

Some Ukrainian companies offer internship programs for students; IT companies in Ukraine interact with institutions of higher education for personnel training

Organization of national competitions and educational trainings for the development of students' practical skills

In the EU, the European Agency for Network and Information Security deals with the development of personnel potential in the field of cybersecurity at the highest level

Source: based on [33].

The essence of this cooperation is as follows [33]:

1) active participation of business in the formation of requirements for knowledge and competences of cybersecurity specialists (Ukraine implements the experience of the USA and EU countries in the field of education in the speciality “Cybersecurity”. The standards for the first six professions were developed by the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine with the support of the USAID project “Cybersecurity of critical infrastructure of Ukraine”. Work on 14 more standards will be continued in 2023);

2) support of educational initiatives and young talents in the field of cybersecurity (some Ukrainian companies offer internship programs for students; IT companies in Ukraine interact with higher education institutions to train personnel);

3) competitions and trainings for the development of practical skills among students (for example, in the European Union, the European Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) is engaged in the development of personnel potential in the field of cybersecurity at the highest level, which forms a policy in this direction. Every year, ENISA conducts the European Challenge on Cybersecurity (ECSC), whose task is to attract and develop young talents. In 2023, the national cyber security competition UA30CTF was held for the first time in Ukraine with the support of the EU4DigitalUA project, funded by the European Union).


As a result of the conducted research, it is proved that in order to improve the situation in the training of personnel in the field of information security management, it is necessary to qualitatively change the system of domestic higher education, which must adapt to fundamentally new requirements of the labour market and information and communication services. This is primarily due to the transformation of the personnel training system in the field of cybersecurity, taking into account the conditions of the war and post-war periods.

For this, it is necessary to implement a national educational project, which should cover the following important components:

1) strengthening the cyber resilience of the state due to the close cooperation of higher education institutions with the government of Ukraine (the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine and the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine);

2) support for universities to increase the number of specialists in the field of information security management and improve the quality of their education;

3) advanced training of cybersecurity experts through educational and practical trainings and webinars;

4) establishing contacts between Ukrainian institutions of higher education and the international academic and university community.

In order to successfully implement this educational project, first of all, it is proposed to make changes and additions to the National Security Strategy of Ukraine and the Information Security Strategy of Ukraine in terms of creating the appropriate institutional conditions for the formation of personnel potential in the field of cybersecurity.

It has been established that it is expedient to develop and approve the Concept of the Development of the Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine until 2030, in which to determine the mechanisms for training personnel in the field of information security of the state in the context of digital transformations, as well as to approve the Plan of annual measures for its implementation. This will become the direction of further scientific research.


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