Types, forms, models and methods of training the staff of the organization

The most used taxonomies of learning, their primary elements, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Types of personnel training. Examples of forms of education: the Kolb cycle, Shewhart-Deming cycle, learning models of ADDIE, AIDA, Dewey.

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Types, forms, models and methods of training the staff of the organization

Vynnychuk R.O., Lviv Polytechnic National University


In today's world, which is characterized by rapid changes, training the organization's personnel becomes one of the critical success factors. Productivity, the organization's competitiveness, and long-term prosperity depend on how effectively the staff learns. In conditions of limited resources, it is essential to optimally invest them, planning activities for training employees in advance and relying on crucial theoretical provisions. For the planning of training activities to be the most effective, it is necessary to understand the conceptual and categorical apparatus of training. Therefore, it is appropriate to consider these measures in the context of taxonomies of learning, which describe different levels of knowledge and skill acquisition, types and forms of education, learning models that explain the learning process as a sequence of stages, and teaching methods used to impart knowledge and skills. Understanding these aspects will help you develop an effective training system for your organization's personnel. Let's consider these categories in more detail.

Presentation of the main material

Learning taxonomies are systems for classifying learning objectives used to systematize and organize learning content and tasks. Learning taxonomies help teachers and learning organizers correctly define learning goals, develop appropriate learning content, and evaluate learning outcomes. Taxonomies of learning help define learning goals by offering precise and understandable definitions of various levels of knowledge and skill acquisition. Taxonomies help develop appropriate learning content that meets learning objectives. Thus, the educational content is more effective and contributes to the achievement of the desired learning outcomes. Another advantage of using taxonomies is the effectiveness of evaluating the employee training process. Learning taxonomies can be used to develop tasks and tests that assess learning outcomes at various knowledge and skill acquisition levels. However, using taxonomies of learning also has several shortcomings; they need to consider all aspects of learning, usually focusing on cognitive aspects such as knowledge and understanding, but not considering other essential aspects of learning, such as creativity, social skills, and emotional intelligence. Also, they are tricky to use, especially for training organizers who do not have experience in using them.

Table 1 presents the most used taxonomies of learning, defines their primary elements, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Table 1. The most common taxonomies of training

Taxonomy name

Basic elements



Bloom's taxonomy

Knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation

It is widely used to determine learning goals, develop learning content, and evaluate learning outcomes

It does not consider some aspects of learning, such as creativity, social skills

Anderson's taxonomy

Knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, synthesis, creation

Considers a broader range of aspects of learning than Bloom's taxonomy

More difficult to use

Marriott Taxonomy

Knowledge, understanding, application, generalization, evaluation

Considers the importance of generalizing knowledge

It does not consider some aspects of learning, such as creativity, social skills

Davies' taxonomy

Knowledge, understanding, application, adaptation, innovation

Considers the importance of creativity and innovation

More difficult to use

Summarized based on [1,2,3,4]

Types of training of the organization's employees are how employees receive the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their duties. They can be classified according to various criteria, in particular, the venue, the method of information transmission, the level of activity of the participants, the nature of the interaction of the participants, the nature of the learning goals, etc. Figure 1 shows the details of these types of employee training.

Figure 1. Classification of types of employee training

The choice of the type of training for employees depends on the specific training goals, the needs of employees, and available resources. It is essential to choose a type of training that will be effective for all participants.

Also, in the literature, we find such types of learning as active, cognitive, sociocultural, and empirical. Their essence is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Types of personnel training

Type of training


Advantages of use

Disadvantages of use

Active learning

the participant is actively involved in the learning process, for example, through discussions, projects, research, etc.

n improves understanding and assimilation of the material;

develops critical thinking and creativity;

increases motivation to study;

p increases the level of student involvement.

could be difficult to implement;

requires additional time and resources; only sometimes suitable for all students.

Cognitive training

the participant focuses on their thinking and cognition through reflection, reflection, selfassessment, etc.

improves the ability to understand and analyze information;

develops critical thinking and independence;

increases motivation to study.

can be challenging to implement;

requires additional time and resources;

only sometimes suitable for all students.

Sociocultural education

the participant learns in the context of social interaction, for example, through collaboration, partnership, community, etc.

improves communication skills and cooperation;

develops critical thinking and creativity;

increases motivation to study.

can be challenging to implement;

requires additional time and resources;

only sometimes suitable for all students.

Empirical learning

the participant learns through their own experiences, such as practice, laboratory work, research, etc.

improves the ability to apply knowledge in practice;

develops critical thinking and creativity;

increases motivation to study.

may be dangerous or harmful;

requires additional time and resources;

only sometimes suitable for all students.

Organizations can use diverse types of employee training to achieve different goals. For example, an organization can use face- to-face courses to teach new employees the basics of its operations and distance learning to improve employees' skills in a particular field.

Forms of education are methods of organizing the educational process. Forms of training can be divided into various categories, for example, forms of individual training, forms of group training, and forms of distance training. Forms of education are a more specific concept, and types of education are a broader one. So, examples of forms of education can be:

• Face-to-face courses are a traditional method of training in which employees study in a classroom under the guidance of a teacher. Face-to-face courses can be practical for learning new knowledge and skills and developing critical thinking and problemsolving.

• Distance learning is a learning method in which employees learn at home or in another location, using online platforms or other means of distance learning. Distance learning can be effective for workers who cannot attend traditional classes, such as workers who live in remote areas or have limited opportunities.

• Training is a type of training that focuses on developing specific skills, such as sales, customer service, leadership, etc. Training sessions can effectively teach employees the new skills needed to perform their duties.

• Educational programs are comprehensive training programs that may include face-to-face courses, distance learning, training, etc. Educational programs can be effective for teaching employees new knowledge and skills and for career development.

Learning models are theoretical concepts that describe the learning process. Learning models help us understand how people learn and design effective training programs.

There are quite a few different training models for the organization's employees. Below, we will consider the most well- known and widely used, including the 70:20:10 model, the Kolb cycle, the Schuhart-Deming cycle, and others.

The 70:20:10 learning model is a learning model that defines how employees learn in the workplace. The model postulates that 70% of learning occurs in the workplace as a result of performing tasks, solving problems, and interacting with colleagues; 20% - as a result of communication with colleagues, in particular discussions, exchange of ideas and experience; and 10% - as a result of formal education takes place as a result of courses, training and other forms of formal education. The 70:20:10 training model is helpful in planning and implementing employee training programs. It helps organizations ensure employees receive the necessary training to perform their duties successfully. An example of the application of this model in an organization can be the creation of a mentoring system in which experienced employees teach new employees the basics of their work. Also, the organization can create a platform for communication among employees, where they will exchange ideas, experience, and resources. This approach will allow employees to develop their social skills and gain knowledge and skills from colleagues [5].

The Kolb Cycle is a learning model developed by David Kolb in 1984. The model is based on the idea that learning occurs because of active experience, reflection, theorizing, and application of new knowledge and skills[6].

The Kolba cycle consists of four stages:

1. Experimentation is a stage at which students gain new experience. This experience can be practical, theoretical, or a combination of both.

2. Reflection is the stage at which students reflect on their experience and draw conclusions.

3. Theorizing is a stage in which students try to make sense of their experiences based on theory.

4. Application is the stage where students apply their new knowledge and skills in the real world.

The Kolb Cycle can be used for learning in any context, including education, business, and professional development. For example, in education, the Kolb cycle can be used to develop training programs that focus on the active participation of training participants; in business, the Kolb cycle can be used to develop the skills of employees; in professional development, the Kolb cycle can be used to improve the skills of employees. The Kolb Cycle is an effective learning tool because it allows employees to acquire new knowledge and skills actively.

The Shewhart-Deming cycle, also known as PDCA (Plan-Do- Check-Act), is a cyclical approach to quality management that William Edwards Deming and Walter Shewhart developed [7]. The cycle consists of four stages:

1. Plan - at this stage, goals are defined, and plans for their achievement are developed.

2. Do - at this stage, plans are implemented into reality.

3. Check - At this stage, it is checked whether the goals have been achieved and whether any problems have been detected.

4. Act - at this stage, the necessary changes are made to improve the results.

The Shewhart-Deming cycle is an effective organizational management tool because it allows organizations to improve their processes and products continuously. In production, the Schuhart- Deming cycle can be used to implement a new process or improve an existing one; in the service sector, the Schuhart-Deming cycle can be used to improve the quality of customer service; in professional development, the Shewhart-Deming cycle can be used to improve the skills of employees. For example, a company may use the Shewhart-Deming cycle to develop an employee training program. During the planning stage, the company defines program goals, such as improving employee productivity or reducing errors. At the implementation stage, the company implements a training program. During the verification phase, the company verifies whether the program goals have been achieved. In the action phase, the company makes the necessary changes to improve the training program results.

The ADDIE model is an acronym for the five stages of the learning process[8]:

• Analysis - at this stage, learning goals, student needs, and learning requirements are determined.

• Design - at this stage, a training plan is developed, which includes goals, content, training methods, and assessment.

• Development - at this stage, educational materials and other resources necessary for training are created.

• Implementation - at this stage, training is implemented into reality.

• Evaluation - at this stage, the effectiveness of training is evaluated.

The ADDIE model is an effective tool for developing and implementing employee training programs. It provides a structured approach to the learning process that helps ensure that learning is effective and meets the needs of the learning participants. An organization can use the ADDIE model to develop a training program for new hires, improving their qualifications, etc. At the analysis stage, it is determined what knowledge and skills employees need to improve productivity or career development. At the design stage, a training plan is developed, including training courses, training, and other forms of training. During the development phase, learning materials such as lectures, exercises, and tests are created. At the implementation stage, a training program for employees is implemented. In the evaluation phase, the organization can assess whether the learning objectives have been achieved. The ADDIE model is a versatile tool that can be applied to training employees in various contexts.

The AIDA model is an acronym for the four stages of the learning process:

• Attention - At this stage, drawing the students' attention to learning is necessary.

• Interest - at this stage, it is necessary to arouse students' interest in learning.

• Desire (Desire) - at this stage, it is necessary to make students want to learn.

• Action - at this stage, it is necessary to stimulate students to action.

The AIDA model is an effective tool for developing and implementing employee training programs. It helps ensure that the training is exciting and motivating for the participants. The AIDA model is an effective tool for staff training as it helps to ensure that learning is exciting and motivating for students. Using the AIDA model in training will help organizations achieve their training goals and improve staff performance.

The Dewey model of learning, also known as the problembased learning model, is based on the idea that learning occurs through problem-solving. The model was developed by John Dewey, an American philosopher and educator [9].

Dewey's model consists of four stages:

1. Problem formulation - at this stage, students face a problem they cannot solve with the help of their existing knowledge and skills.

2. Formulation of hypotheses - at this stage, students formulate hypotheses that can help them solve the problem.

3. Research - at this stage, students gather information to help them evaluate their hypotheses.

4. Evaluation - at this stage, students evaluate whether their hypotheses are correct.

The Dewey model is an effective tool for employee training because it helps employees develop critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

Training methods are how teachers and training providers help employees learn. Learning methods can be divided into different categories, such as attention activation, information acquisition, information application, and information acquisition control methods.

Table 3. Methods of personnel training


Method name


When it is appropriate to use

Activation of attention

Asking questions

Questions that provoke thought, discussion, and the search for answers.

When it is necessary to draw attention to the topic of study, to arouse interest and motivation to study.

Problem setting

Problematic situations that encourage the search for solutions.

When it is necessary to develop critical thinking and creativity.

Creating a problematic situation

Creating conditions that cause discomfort, uncertainty, and the need to find a way out.

When it is necessary to stimulate active thinking and action.

Use of interesting materials

Videos, presentations, and interactive exercises that arouse interest.

When it is necessary to draw attention to the topic of study, to arouse interest and motivation to study.

Creating an atmosphere of involvement and interaction

Involvement in discussions, discussions, and group work.

When it is necessary to activate the training participants, encourage them to communicate and cooperate.

Assimilation of information


Presentation of information by the teacher.

When it is necessary to acquaint the participants with a large amount of information that requires explanations and clarifications.


Independent familiarization of the participants with the information presented in text form.

When it is necessary to get acquainted with information that does not require explanations and clarifications.

Video viewing

Acquaintance with information presented in video format.

When it is necessary to familiarize with information that requires visibility and demonstration.

Practical work

Performing practical tasks that allow you to apply the acquired knowledge and skills.

When it is necessary to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills to develop practical skills.


Completing educational tasks aimed at mastering specific knowledge and skills.

When it is necessary to consolidate the acquired knowledge and skills to develop practical skills.

Application of information

Solving problems

Tasks that require the application of knowledge and skills in a practical situation.

When it is necessary to check whether the training participants can apply the acquired knowledge and skills in a practical situation.

Execution of projects

Conducting educational tasks that require research work, a creative approach, and applying acquired knowledge and skills.

When it is necessary to develop creative abilities, teach participants to work independently and solve problems.

Performance of roles

Work in groups, in which participants perform specific roles that require them to apply the acquired knowledge and skills.

When it is necessary to develop communication skills, teach participants to work in a team and solve problems.

Control of assimilation of information


Questions that allow to check whether the training participants have mastered specific knowledge and skills.

When it is necessary to check whether the participants have mastered specific knowledge and skills.


Tests that allow to check whether the participants have mastered specific knowledge and skills.


Exams that allow to check whether students have mastered specific knowledge and skills.

The choice of training methods for the organization's employees depends on the training goals, the characteristics of the employees, and the available resources.


Training of the organization's personnel is a complex and multifaceted process. Factors such as training objectives, staff needs, organizational resources, and business priorities must be considered for successful implementation. It is essential to understand that staff training is not a one-time event. It is a continuous process that should be aimed at developing the knowledge, skills, and abilities of personnel necessary for the organization's successful operation. Different approaches and methods should be used to increase the effectiveness of training the organization's personnel. The individual needs and abilities of each employee should also be considered. By applying theoretical knowledge about taxonomies, types, forms, models, and methods of personnel training, organizations can develop an effective training system that will help them achieve their goals and ensure long-term prosperity.

taxonomies learning personnel kolb


1. Bloom, B. S., Engelhart, M. D., Furst, E. J., Hill, W. H., & Krathwohl, D. R. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive domain. New York, NY: David McKay Company.

2. Anderson, L. W., Krathwohl, D. R., Airasian, P. W., Cruikshank, K. A., Mayer, R. E., Pintrich, P. R., ... & Wittrock, M. C. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives. New York, NY: Longman.

3. Marriott, G. (1992). A taxonomy of educational objectives: A revised and extended version of Bloom's Taxonomy. London, UK: Kogan Page.

4. Davis, B. G. (2006). Learner-centered education: Theory and practice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

5. Johnson, S. J., Blackman, D. A., & Buick, F. (2018). The 70: 20: 10 framework and the transfer of learning. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 29(4), 383-402.

6. Vince, R. (1998). Behind and beyond Kolb's learning cycle. Journal of management education, 22(3), 304-319.

7. Pietrzak, M., & Paliszkiewicz, J. (2015). Framework of Strategic Learning: The PDCA Cycle. Management (18544223), 10(2).

8. Trust, T., & Pektas, E. (2018). Using the ADDIE model and universal design for learning principles to develop an open online course for teacher professional development. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 34(4), 219-233.

9. Miettinen, R. (2000). The concept of experiential learning and John Dewey's theory of reflective thought and action. International journal of lifelong education, 19(1), 54-72.


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