Concepts and categories used in training future journalists

The concept of training future journalists in the aspect of interdisciplinary "great integration" to joint innovations. Training journalists in the era of artificial intelligence: opportunities for the future of journalism and communication education.

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Lviv polytechnic national university

Institute of law, psychology and innovative education

Department of pedagogy and innovative education

Concepts and categories used in training future journalists

О.S. Isayeva, Dr Ped. Sci., Professor

Zhu Fangzhou, Postgraduate Student


Modernization process of journalism education has consistently maintained a pragmatic orientation. Traditional approaches to journalism education often struggle to meet the demands of today's complex societal needs.

The main goal of this article is to highlight the key concepts in the training of future journalists, categorize and organize them from the perspective of cross-disciplinary “big integration” to collaborative innovation. In doing so, it aims to provide new guidance to journalism education in the era of big data and artificial intelligence, enhance the capabilities of future journalists, and constitute an inevitable choice for the future of journalism and communication education.

The evolution of the relationship between individuals and the media, driven by media technology, has also spurred transformations in media education. Technology, culture, and education are interconnected, forming a nested relationship. Education, as a constituent part of culture, undergoes changes under the dual forces of promoting technological development and facing technological disruptions. Examining the historical evolution of media technology and the reform processes in journalism education, it is evident that the evolution of media technology and the shift in journalism education are mutually influential. Technological orientation is one of the guiding principles in the reform of journalism education, and the significance of this orientation has increased with the advancing evolution of media technology. The specific manifestation lies in the development of media technology and the changing production environment, which has widened the gap between journalism talent cultivation and demand.

It is necessary to effectively apply new concepts and technologies to journalism and communication education, cultivate students' practical skills, enhance their understanding and evaluative abilities of media information, integrate knowledge from various disciplines in classroom teaching, foster students' cross-cultural communication skills, and guide them in reflecting on media ethics standards and social responsibility while cultivating their awareness of actively engaging with societal issues are critical challenges in the current journalism and communication education reform.

Key words: Journalism Education, Future Journalists, Training Concepts and Categories, Innovative Education.


Ісаєва О., Чжу Фанчжоу. Поняття та категорії, котрі використовуються у підготовці майбутніх журналістів

Процес модернізації освіти журналістів послідовно підтримав прагматичне спрямування. Однак, неможливо задовольнити вимоги сучасних складних суспільних потреб у освіті журналістів традиційними підходами до навчання.

Мета статті - висвітлити ключові концепції підготовки майбутніх журналістів, класифікувати та систематизувати їх з точки зору міждисциплінарної «великої інтеграції» до спільних інновацій. Тобто, надати нові рекомендації для підготовки журналістів в епоху штучного інтелекту, розширити можливості і неминучий вибір для майбутнього журналістстики та комунікаційної освіти.

Еволюція взаємин між окремими людьми та медіа, спричинена медіатехнологіями, також стимулювала зміни і в медіаосвіті. Технологія, культура та освіта взаємопов'язані, утворюючи гніздовий зв'язок. Тож освіта, як складова культури, зазнає змін під впливом подвійних сил: сприяння технологічному розвитку та протистояння технологічним збоям. Досліджуючи історичну еволюцію медіатехнологій і процеси реформування освіти журналістів, стає очевидним, що еволюція медіатехнологій і зміни в освіті мають безпосередній взаємовплив. Технологічна орієнтація є одним із ключових принципів у реформуванні освіти журналістів, оскільки значення цієї орієнтації зростає з поступовим розвитком медіатехнологій. Конкретний прояв цього процесу полягає в розвитку медіатехнологій і мінливому виробничому середовищі, що збільшило розрив між розвитком журналістських талантів і попитом.

Тому необхідно ефективно застосовувати нові концепції та технології в журналістиці та комунікаційній освіті, розвивати практичні навички студентів, покращувати їхнє розуміння та оцінку медіаінформації, інтегрувати знання з різних дисциплін у викладання, розвивати навички міжкультурного спілкування студентів та направляти їх роздуми про стандарти медіа-етики і соціальну відповідальність, одночасно розвиваючи їхню обізнаність щодо активної взаємодії з суспільними проблемами, що є критичними викликами поточної реформи журналістики та комунікаційної освіти.

Ключові слова: освіта журналістів, майбутні журналісти, концепції та категорії підготовки, інноваційна освіта.

Introduction and statement of the problem

Journalism is an interdisciplinary field with strong practical applications and significant influence from media technology. At the applied level, this field closely relates to journalism and media industry practices. However, traditional approaches to journalism education often struggle to meet the demands of today's complex societal needs as “In today's world, where everyone can become an amateur journalist or a producer of information through the social media, the position of the journalist has been opened for discussion once again” [4]. In other words, current journalism education in universities may not adequately address the rapidly evolving requirements of the media industry.

Driven by advancements in media technology, each wave of media disruption prompts reforms in journalism education, leading to changes in educational philosophies, objectives, and talent development models: “two influential concepts of university education: powerful knowledge emphasising a coherent theoretical knowledge structure, and expertise emphasising reflective integration of theoretical knowledge with other modes of knowledge” [11]. Today, the internet-driven media landscape offers diverse forms of media, leading to a situation where “everything becomes media.” Moreover, with the integration of social media and artificial intelligence, some tasks traditionally performed by journalists may be automated, presenting a challenge that universities must address. Furthermore, from an interdisciplinary perspective, journalism education intersects with disciplines such as literature, history, political science, philosophy, sociology, social psychology, and computer science. This interdisciplinary nature is becoming increasingly evident. Therefore, it is essential for journalism education to reconsider the concepts and categories for training future journalists. As the researcher states “Journalism education studies in different parts of the world is thus conceptually synthesized into 10 categories, starting with philosophical notions of motivation and mission, ending with more “down-to-earth” concepts like curriculum and pedagogy. [2]. Within the framework of media technology-driven transformations and a commitment to humanistic values, universities need to enhance the strength of future journalists through interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation to adapt to complex communication contexts and societal realities.

Review of publications. Human history is also a history of the evolution of the “human-media” relationship. Building upon Elias's concept of “figuration,” [9] Kurdelli and others proposed the proposition of “mutual shaping of humans and media,” responding precisely to the closeness of the “human-media” relationship. As technological media, each iteration releases tremendous tension, profoundly impacting society and culture. “Technology is something passed on to us as culture; it embodies a way of life but is not transmitted to us as an eternal existence. Instead, it is constantly accelerating mutation [12].” Education, as a constituent part of culture, is inevitably innovating in the face of advancing technology and the dual forces of technological impact, especially in response to technological alienation. Education must take action. Returning to the dialectical relationship between technology and humans, “technology invents humans, and humans also invent technology.” The two coexist, inseparable. While it is easy to understand “humans inventing technology,” the concept of “technology inventing humans” is closely tied to the domestication of technology [1]. In the evolution of technological media, from print media and electronic media to online media and smart media, regardless of the medium, when it assumes a dominant position, it tames humans, gradually adapting them to the “nature of the medium.”

People go from encountering and using media to depending on and becoming addicted to it. Sometimes, individuals find themselves being led by the media, and in certain situations, they have to act according to the agenda set by the media and within the scenarios it constructs. In the news and communication education environment propelled by the surge of media technology, there is also the phenomenon of technological domestication, shaping both academia and industry. Tang Ihde attempts to explore the relationship between technology and the lifeworld, examining the phenomenon where “technology withdraws while remaining embodied.” He believes, “Embodied relationships constitute a form of existence in all `human-technology' fields [3].”

In the era supported by big data, algorithmic recommendations, and communication technology, artificial intelligence has emerged and is unstoppable, causing the existing social systems to lose balance. Peng Lan points out, “The combination of intelligent technology and news production will bring about five new news production models [10].” The media industry ecosystem is also undergoing a boundaryless reconstruction. In this entirely new media ecosystem, aspects such as news production, the positioning of communicators, values, and status need to be reevaluated.

As of today, “smart media” is gradually penetrating various sectors of society, causing upheaval and even overturning the landscape of the media industry. This trend is also radiating back to journalism and communication education in higher education institutions, forcing them to undergo transformation. With the evolution of big data technology, the interconnectedness of all things and the ubiquity of media, artificial intelligence is comprehensively intervening in social production and life, leading to algorithmic recommendations and user “small-world information interaction.” Undoubtedly, the evolution of media technology has brought opportunities for the training of journalism and communication talents. However, the rapid advancement of technology has also triggered anxiety and concerns about being replaced, a psychological perception shared by both educators and learners. In this stage, journalism and communication studies need to shift towards interdisciplinary and collaborative innovation to enhance the discipline's strength and redefine the concepts and categories of future journalists, especially “around attitudes towards the concept of professionalism in the practice, training and scholarship of journalism. These tensions are apparent in both the news media and in the academy. The contradictory positions of those who favour greater industry involvement in curriculum matters, including accreditation of courses, and those who are less sanguine about the normative influence of industry on critical scholarship are explored in relation to differing attitudes to professionalism and the political economy of news production” [6].

This article aims to explore how the evolution of media technology compels a conceptual reform in future journalism education. By analyzing the historical evolution of media technology, the goal is to identify the core concepts in journalism education, emphasizing cross-disciplinary and collaborative innovation to enhance the strength of the journalism discipline. The article further categorizes and organizes these concepts. In the era of big data and artificial intelligence, it seeks to chart a developmental path suitable for training future outstanding journalists.

Results and Discussion

interdisciplinary integration education journalism artificial intelligence

Training concept for future journalists. In the training of future journalists, diversified education is conducive to breaking through traditional teaching methods and content. It emphasizes the combination of theory and practice, the cross-fertilization of disciplines, and the cultivation of innovative thinking and practical skills and “... the efforts of uniting theory and practice. The shift to journalism education being mostly provided in university or college courses made it easier for researchers to establish a profile of journalism students, to interrogate their motivations for studying journalism, their role perceptions of journalism, and their expectations of future work” [7].

By benchmarking current affairs, integrating news and communication theories with commentary on current news, and emphasizing practical applications, integrating news business training with academic competitions to strengthen academic foundations, and combining general education in news and communication with academic training, a new dimension is forged in the reform of journalism and communication education as “Young people wanting to become full-time journalists are no longer the only people who want and need to learn journalistic skills. Others include people in community media, media entrepreneurs and “accidental journalists” - people who don't see themselves as journalists but who contribute worthwhile information. At the same time, there is substantial necessity for working journalists to update their skill sets for a rapidly changing world” [5].

1. Integrating News and Communication Theory with Current News Analysis

Current affairs analysis is an important component of the news and communication curriculum. By combining news and communication theory with commentary on current events, integrating theory into vibrant news and communication practices can inspire students' enthusiasm and curiosity about journalism. This approach deepens their understanding and reflection on theoretical concepts. Selecting typical news cases in the field of journalism and communication, and conducting commentary on current events in the classroom, allows the integration of abstract theoretical content with concrete social practices. This is beneficial for students to better comprehend the driving forces and mechanisms behind the theories. Moreover, combining news and communication theory with current news commentary also helps cultivate students' practical and analytical abilities.

2. Integrating News Business Training with Academic Competitions

Combining news business training with academic competitions helps cultivate students' innovative spirit and entrepreneurial awareness, making it a crucial pathway for enhancing practical skills and professional competence. Traditional news and communication business training often lags behind the cutting-edge knowledge and skills required in the industry due to the outdated nature of teaching content and the normative requirements of teaching methods. This leads to a lack of practical training and honing in real-world environments for students. By participating in academic competitions, students have the opportunity to access the latest information, learn cutting-edge skills, and apply theoretical and practical knowledge gained in the competition. This contributes to the enhancement of their practical working abilities.

3. Strengthening Academics: Integrating General Education in News Communication with Academic Training

The integration of general education in news communication with academic training aims to promote students' academic literacy and research capabilities. Introducing elements of academic training into general education in news communication, such as research methods modules and basic training in academic paper writing, not only nurtures students' interest in academic research but also enhances their academic literacy and preliminary research skills. Moreover, combining general education in news communication with academic training contributes to the mutual promotion of academic research and practice, facilitating a more effective transformation of research outcomes. This combined model of general education and academic training holds significant importance not only for students' personal growth and academic development but also for the gradual progress of the entire field of news communication.

Types of training for future journalists. The value and destination of the reform in journalism and communication education lie in cultivating future journalists who can meet the demands of the times. Therefore, the practical path of reform should delve into the autonomy cultivation goals of journalism and communication, including establishing mechanisms for student subjectivity, emotional development, interdisciplinary collaboration, and value shaping.

1. Establishing a Student-Centric Mechanism to Strengthen Students' Autonomous Learning Thinking

Establishing a student-centric mechanism and reinforcing students' autonomous learning thinking is a key issue in the reform of journalism and communication education. The establishment of this mechanism signifies placing students at the center of teaching, empowering them with more initiative and the ability for independent learning. Establishing a student-centric mechanism can stimulate students' interest and enthusiasm for learning. This mechanism is of significant importance for cultivating journalism and communication talents who can adapt to the requirements of the times. In the era of information explosion, the journalism and communication industry is facing rapid changes and diverse challenges. Traditional knowledge and skills are no longer sufficient to cope with the complex situations and tasks. Professionals in journalism and communication need strong abilities for independent learning and rapid adaptation to changes. The establishment of a student-centric mechanism is crucial for fostering students' autonomous learning thinking, learning abilities, and cultivating journalism and communication talents with the capacity for continuous learning and self-development.

2. Establishing an Emotional Cultivation Mechanism to Enhance the Permeation of Theoretical Knowledge

Establishing an emotional cultivation mechanism and enhancing the permeation of theoretical knowledge are important aspects of the reform of journalism and communication education. Through emotional permeation, theoretical knowledge becomes more deeply ingrained, and students' cognition and understanding of journalism and communication continually improve. The establishment of an emotional cultivation mechanism can stimulate students' emotional resonance with journalism and communication. This mechanism helps cultivate students' awareness of values and social responsibility, emphasizing the societal responsibilities that come with the discipline and their future roles. The emotional cultivation mechanism provides new perspectives for teachers to guide students in contemplating the values of journalism and communication, making them aware of their societal responsibilities as media practitioners, and cultivating their sense of social responsibility and professional ethics.

3. Establishing an Interdisciplinary Collaboration Mechanism to Strengthen Communication and Collaborative Innovation

Establishing an interdisciplinary collaboration mechanism and promoting collaborative innovation are important directions in the reform of journalism and communication education. The goal is to facilitate collaboration and integration among different disciplines, enhance students' comprehensive abilities, and cultivate their collaborative and innovative skills. The interdisciplinary collaboration mechanism can also promote the sharing and integration of resources among different disciplines [13]. The interdisciplinary collaboration mechanism also plays a crucial role in promoting collaborative cooperation and common innovation. In the real world, the journalism and communication industry is closely connected to many disciplines. Professionals often need to communicate and exchange ideas with experts in fields such as social sciences and technology. The accumulation of interdisciplinary knowledge during the school period is beneficial for reducing communication costs and better serving society.

4. Establishing a Value-shaping Mechanism, Embedding Media Values Education

The media industry plays a crucial role in information dissemination and public opinion guidance, and the values of the media can have a widespread and profound impact on society through the flow of information. Therefore, in the education of journalism and communication professionals, media values education is particularly important. Teachers consciously integrate the cultivation of media values into the process of journalism and communication education. Students, in the course of their studies, come to recognize the social responsibility and influence of the media, understanding the subjectivity and objectivity differences in media content and information [8].

Conclusions and Implications

How to effectively apply new concepts and technologies to journalism and communication education, cultivate students' practical skills, enhance their understanding and evaluative abilities of media information, integrate knowledge from various disciplines in classroom teaching, foster students' cross-cultural communication skills, and guide them in reflecting on media ethics standards and social responsibility while cultivating their awareness of actively engaging with societal issues are critical challenges in the current journalism and communication education reform.

On the one hand, social media, with its more immediate and closer-to-life news, has weakened the “cultural authority” of news institutions in collecting and disseminating factual information, significantly diminishing the appeal of professional journalism education to journalism students. On the other hand, media convergence has placed higher demands on the professional learning ability and team collaboration skills of journalism professionals.

Therefore, journalism and communication education needs to explore new perspectives, approaches, and paths for reform from multiple dimensions. Taking the perspective of integrated reform and practical pathways, journalism and communication education reform should focus on creating a diverse classroom environment and fostering the autonomy of journalism and communication talents, collectively constructing new pathways for journalism and communication education reform.


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3. Don Ihde. Technology and the Lifeworld: From Garden to Earth (Philosophy of Technology). 1990. 85 p.

4. Ercan E.E. The present and the future of journalism education. Quality & Quantity. 2018. №52 (Suppl 1). P 361-366.

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6. Hirst M. Journalism education “down under” A tale of two paradigms. Journalism Studies. 2010. №11(1). P. 83-98.

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8. Liao S & Shu J. Innovation in the training model of outstanding news communication talents in the digital society. Chinese Editors Journal. 2023. №(03). P. 74-79.

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10. Peng L. Smart Media: Future Trend of Media - New Media Development Trend Report. Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication. 2016. №38. P. 6-24.

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