Development of the main components of intercultural competence in the process of professional foreign language training
The substantiation of the need for the formation of intercultural competence of the students of non-linguistic educational institutions while studying foreign language communication. A cultural meaning of learning foreign language communication.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.06.2024 |
Размер файла | 49,1 K |
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Размещено на
Cherkasy State Technological University
Potapenko Liudmyla Vitaliivna PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and International Communication Chabak Larysa Ivanivna Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages and International Communication
language communication intercultural competence
The processes of Ukraine's integration into the European economic and educational space require solving the problem of acquiring intercultural communication skills by the students of non-linguistic educational institutions. In the conditions of a growing multicultural society, the training of specialists in cross-cultural communication is a guarantee for all interaction with foreign-speaking partners under the conditions of international mobility. Mastering the language of international communication contributes to the development of students' practical abilities, the capability to use it as a communication tool in the dialogue of cultures and civilizations of the modern world.
The purpose of the paper is to substantiate the need for the formation of intercultural competence of the students of non-linguistic educational institutions while studying foreign language communication.
Learning foreign language communication in higher education institutions acquires a cultural meaning, since a future specialist of a new type who knows a foreign language must carry out professional activities at the international level, using new means of communication, adapting in the multicultural space and showing a tolerant attitude to another language and culture. Due to the improvement of intercultural competence, the professional competence of students of higher education also increases.
In the structure of intercultural competence, three main components characterize the level of communicative culture: linguistic, social and communicative.
The components of intercultural competence are connected through the concept of cultural and social contexts and require a comprehensive and complex study. The cultural context involves knowledge of the realities common to the native speakers, and the social context is the knowledge of the specific social conditions of communication used in the country whose language is being studied. Therefore, intercultural competence is a person's ability to take into account the knowledge of the social and cultural contexts of the country in the process of foreign language communication.
The authors emphasize that intercultural competence is an integral quality of the individual, the basis of foreign language culture, and therefore ensures a high level of foreign language proficiency. The importance of mastering it by learners in the process of learning a foreign language has been proved.
Keywords: intercultural competence, professional foreign language communication, intercultural communication, communicative culture, multicultural space.
Потапенко Людмила Віталіївна кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземних мов та міжнародної комунікації, Черкаський державний технологічний університет, м. Черкаси
Чабак Лариса Іванівна старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов та міжнародної комунікації, Черкаський державний технологічний університет, м. Черкаси
Процеси інтеграції України в європейський економічний та освітній простір вимагають розв'язання проблеми набуття навичок міжкультурної комунікації здобувачами освіти немовних спеціальностей ЗВО. Підготовка фахівців до професійної інтеркультурної комунікації є гарантією успішної взаємодії з іншомовними партнерами в умовах міжнародної мобільності. Оволодіння мовою міжнародного спілкування сприяє розвитку у майбутніх фахівців практичних здібностей, уміння використовувати її як інструмент комунікації у діалозі культур і цивілізацій сучасного глобалізованого світу.
Мета статті - обґрунтувати необхідність формування інтеркультурної компетенції здобувачів освіти немовних навчальних закладів у процесі навчання іншомовного професійного спілкування.
Навчання іншомовного професійного спілкування у закладах вищої освіти набуває культурологічного сенсу, оскільки майбутній фахівець нового типу, який володіє іноземною мовою, повинен якісно здійснювати професійну діяльність на міжнародному рівні, використовуючи новий засіб спілкування, адаптуючись у полікультурному просторі та виявляючи толерантне ставлення до іншої мови та культури. За рахунок покращення інтеркультурної компетенції підвищується і професійна компетентність здобувачів вищої освіти.
Структуру інтеркультурної компетенції складають три ключові компоненти, що характеризують рівень комунікативної культури: лінгвістична, соціальна та комунікативна.
Компоненти міжкультурної компетенції поєднуються через поняття культурного та соціального контекстів і потребують всебічного та комплексного вивчення. Культурний контекст передбачає знання реалій, спільних для всіх носіїв мови, а соціальний контекст - це знання конкретних соціальних умов спілкування, що використовуються у країні, мова якої вивчається. Тому міжкультурна компетенція - це здатність людини враховувати знання соціального та культурного контекстів країни у процесі іншомовного спілкування.
Автори наголошують, що інтеркультурна компетенція є інтегральною якістю особистості, основою іншомовної культури, а отже, забезпечує високий рівень володіння іноземною мовою. Доведено важливість опанування нею здобувачами вищої освіти у процесі навчання іншомовного професійного спілкування.
Ключові слова: інтеркультурна компетенція, іншомовне професійне спілкування, міжкультурна комунікація, комунікативна культура, полікультурний простір.
Statement of the problem
The current development of informational, scientific, technical and cultural interaction as well as integration of Ukraine into the world and the European community provides an increased possibility of crossing different cultures due to the emergence of mutual peaceful and cultural space. Because of the gradual expansion of international relations in Ukraine, the internationalization of all aspects of public interaction is taking place. Foreign language is a vital component in various spheres of human activity and communication. Thus, it becomes the main factor in the social, economic, scientific, technical and multicultural progress of the society. With the time passing it becomes evident that cultural differences play an important role in business relations significantly influencing the final outcome of the cooperation. In the conditions of multicultural community growth and the creation of a new open educational space, the problem of preparation of professionals is one of the important issue of world educational politics. The common multicultural space will help to protect from discrimination, violence and conflicts arising as a result of the interaction between different cultures and the ideologies [1, p. 10].
The changed world put forward new requirements for foreign language proficiency as it is becoming more globalized and therefore multicultural. The development of intercultural communication is becoming a defining feature of modern Ukrainian society and one of the priority areas of the research in the educational system.
Moreover, solving numerous problems of modern civilization often requires interaction and mutual understanding between people belonging to different national and corporate cultures. It is obvious that intercultural communication can be considered a special type of culture of different nationalities and professions. It should also be the basis of mutual understanding contributing to the alternate enrichment of the cultures. Intercultural communication is also characterized by close interaction of national and corporate cultures and is manifested in national self-awareness, ethno-cultural and linguistic-cultural competency of the individual. It promotes tolerance and the desire for international agreement in various spheres of human communication.
Mastering the language of international communication contributes to the development of students' practical skills, their ability to use it as a communication tool in the dialogue of cultures and civilizations of the modern world. Therefore, there is a clear need to supplement the traditional mastery of conversational skills and communication practice being interculturally justified, having humanistically oriented content.
One of the main goals of teaching a foreign language is to develop students' communicative competences in the language they learn. It includes language competence (phonetic, grammatical, lexical and spelling), linguistic competence (listening, speaking, reading and writing) and cross-cultural competence. Cross-cultural competence consists of country studies and linguistic-ethnographic competencies [2, p. 103].
Improving intercultural competence, we also increase the professional level of students of higher education. That is why the study of foreign language in higher education institutions acquires a cultural sense. A future specialist of a new type speaking foreign language fluently must carry out professional activities at the international level, adapt to a new means of communication, get to know another culture and understand his own ethnocultural original sources. Quick adaptation to a multicultural space will express tolerant attitude towards the foreign language and the culture. In the process of a foreign culture involvement and in the context of the dialogue of cultures, students rely on the cognitive means of the culture, on new knowledge, formed in the process of its studying.
The relevance of this research is determined by the need to identify the priorities of the professionally oriented training of a highly qualified, competitive specialist who is able to work in the conditions of cultural diversity and coexist in the realities of the ever-growing multicultural society. The formation of intercultural competence foresees qualitative changes in the student's attitude to the worldview dominants of the life and learning process in a higher educational institution. It is based on the formation of an adequate value picture of the world, awareness of the priority of intercultural communication importance in the multicultural educational space.
The scope of intercultural competence is very large and we have to agree that it has a direct impact on the daily communications and activities of each individual. It is not even just about business processes in international operations, which are of great importance. Studying the issue of intercultural competence is relevant for all organizations that want to succeed under the conditions of constantly increasing level of globalization processes.
Analysis of recent researches and publications shows that both Ukrainian and foreign researchers in the field of sociology, cultural studies, linguistics, psychology and philosophy show considerably increased interest in the issue of studying aspects of intercultural competence. The key directions of their studies are: formation of sociocultural competence (O. Byriuk, I. Zakiryanova, D. Ishchenko, etc.); formation of communicative competence (T. Tarasenko); formation of professional competency (L. Zelenska, S. Karpova); formation of cultural competence (S. Aleksandrov, L. Borovykov, D. Danilov, A. Kupavska); connection between professional activities and intercultural communication (O. Bakhlay, A. Yudin); formation of individual aspects of professional foreign language competence (I. Bakhov, A. Bykonia, R. Hryshkova).
The researchers have made a significant contribution to the development of intercultural competence studies. Recently, many papers have been devoted to the issues of intercultural competence components formation.
Many scientists conclude that the formation of intercultural competence is carried out in the process of familiarization with living conditions of other countries, acquiring knowledge about everyday culture and the traditions of celebrating holidays, getting to know the student subculture, critical analysis of social problems and trends, emotional perception and intellectual work with samples of culture. Formation of the professional competence of future specialists of non-linguistic educational institutions is considered, as a rule, in the context of particular aspects: the features of the competence and the development of its main components.
Foreign scientists define the notion of intercultural competence as a set of forms of behaviour, relations and policies that allow effective functioning and enshrining in the system of international relationship. Domestic scientists see this as a personal characteristic that appears under the influence of a person's education and training.
In addition, all researchers emphasize that the essence of professional competence reflects business reliability and the ability to carry out professional activities in both stereotyped and non-standard situations successfully and flawlessly.
However, the problem of the formation of intercultural competence in the process of foreign language learning has not been studied enough. Therefore, there are reasons to believe that the studies conducted so far on the formation of intercultural competence do not exhaust all the problems of this issue, which determines the relevance of this work.
The purpose of the paper is to substantiate theoretically the need for the formation of intercultural competence of the students of non-linguistic educational institutions while studying foreign language communication. The scientific innovation is due to the phenomenon of intercultural competence, which is relevant in accordance with the processes taking place in multicultural space.
Main results of the study
Foreign language competence provides a certain cultural level of oral and written communication and non-verbal speech behaviour. The formation of foreign language communicative competence of the students of non-linguistic educational institutions at the current stage of the world development should be considered as a necessary component of a general professional training.
In her research, N. Borysko states that the multicultural competence of an individual arises during the growth of his cultural and linguistic experience beginning with the native language that is learned and used daily in the family. The researcher emphasizes that the competence continues its formation while learning thoroughly the languages of other nations. [3, p. 304].
Intercultural competence is mastered in educational institutions or directly in the language environment using modern Internet resources and technologies for the formation of written and conversational skills. They provide significant assistance in achieving the set goals, motivate students to study foreign language and contribute to the formation of intercultural competence by establishing intercultural connections in virtual space. [4, p.29].
In the research, we face the following tasks:
1) determination of the structure of foreign language competence of the students of non-linguistic specialities;
2) definition of the components of the competence in the structure of professionally oriented educational activity;
3) description of the specifications of foreign language learning.
For our study, it is very important to understand the definition of intercultural competence. It can be defined as the ability to apply knowledge, the ability to act successfully on the basis of practical experience in solving certain tasks in the process of multicultural communication.
Intercultural competence is “a competence of a special nature. It is based on knowledge, skills and the ability to carry out intercultural communication due to the creation among the communicators the common understanding of what is going on. The final goal is to achieve positive result of the communication for both parties, to use successfully a foreign language both in professional activities and for self-education of the individual. The purpose of the formation of intercultural competence is to achieve such a quality of linguistic personality that will give it the opportunity to go beyond the boundaries of its own culture and acquire the quality of a mediator of cultures without losing its own cultural identity” [5, p.31].
The division of cultures by the factor of occurrence into primary and secondary circumstances is also conditional. However, such a classification helps to more easily and effectively determine what the problem of intercultural communications is and to focus on the main problem areas of competence development. A broader interpretation of intercultural competence provides the necessary awareness that almost every human communication is, in its own sense, intercultural, because it crosses the boundaries of personal culture. Understanding the role of culture in learning foreign languages determines the necessity of immersion in the national and linguistic mentality, the spiritual and cultural world of a person.
The possibility of achieving this goal becomes real while providing the condition of creating such motives and situations under which the students of higher education can demonstrate cognitive activity, have the desire to really and effectively use the acquired knowledge, language skills and abilities. The formation of intercultural competence becomes possible by explaining the peculiarities of the world perception as well as the appreciation of the world by other nations. Intercultural competence contributes to the acquisition of practical conversational skills with representatives of other cultures and is always manifested in the process of the activity. In the context of general integration and development of information technologies of the society intercultural competence is interpreted as a student's ability to effectively solve tasks under the conditions of intercultural communication, which involves dialogue and mutual understanding, and not just a collision of different cultures. The sociocultural component in the content of foreign language learning is the basis of intercultural competence formation and plays a significant role in the development of those personalities who study [6, p.36].
In order to form intercultural competence of the students, it is necessary to understand its components. Using the scientific sources analysis on the research problem the structure of intercultural competence has three main components that are “responsible” for the level of the communicative culture: linguistic, social and communicative.
Linguistic component of intercultural competence is a system of function knowledge of the foreign language internally acquired by the communicator and is manifested in the speech and mental activity. During the foreign language lessons, such activity is provided by working with a text, a problem or with a game task.
The content of social component of intercultural competence is revealed through sociocultural, sociolinguistic and professional components that contribute to the implementation of the main goal of modern education. Mastering a foreign language is considered as a means of sociocultural development of the individual, knowledge enrichment of the new culture. In the process of the formation of social competence which consists of sociocultural, sociolinguistic and professional components the work of interdisciplinary connections deserves special attention. The main goal of the foreign language teacher is to form students' ability to communicate on the professionally oriented topic as well as adequately respond to questions within a professionally oriented situation. It is necessary to emphasize that socio and cultural development through learning a foreign language is important for the professional development of the future specialist of any field [7, p. 103].
The communicative component of intercultural competence means that each expression has its own rule subject to the general rules of grammar ensuring the ability of using language in the process of communication. The essence of the communicative competence is revealed through pragmatic, discursive and informative components. Communicative pragmatism means readiness to denote communicative content in a specific communication situation. The discursive component refers to the rules for constructing the content of a specific statement.
When analysing the formation of the communicative competence periodicals, the Internet and the television are among the most common sources of information used by the society. Working with English newspapers and magazines on special subjects gives students the opportunity to master a unique thematic variety of the vocabulary. It is also the basis for communicative activity and the contribution to the creation of an individual as an active member of the society [8].
Thus, systemic approach should be applied to the analysis of intercultural communicative competence and it should be considered as a kind of integrated system of interrelated components.
According to E. Griffin it is distinguished the following components of intercultural competence:
- knowledge - information about the specifics of a certain culture;
- motivation - the desire and need to interact with a representative of another culture;
- skill - having experience and abilities in building intercultural communication;
- affection - a positive or unbiased attitude towards the bearer of another culture [9].
In our opinion, these four components are able to ensure the necessary quality of the basic components of intercultural competence, on which practical experience can already be applied. Thus, when forming training for the specialists, it is necessary to ensure that none of these elements are omitted and to fill it with case situations that are as close to reality as possible. It is also appropriate to add that intercultural competence cannot be fully utilized without the ability to conduct business negotiations, express one's opinion clearly, and without knowledge of the general provisions of business ethics.
Formation of the intercultural competence of the future specialists is considered in the context of combining the above mentioned components. The level of the formation of intercultural competence will be higher if authentic materials are systematically used in foreign language classes; student interaction is organized in small groups aimed at working with cultural phenomena provided with authentic materials. Exercises in different types of speech activity will perform interrelated actions and promote intercultural communication.
Thus, students obtain different levels of intercultural competence formation: insufficient, elementary, sufficient, high and very high. Incorrect communicative activity creates student's emotional tension and uncertainty. The development of knowledge and skills will give possibilities to progress intercultural competence, compare the phenomena of native and foreign cultures and improve mutual understanding between people.
Intercultural competence creates favourable conditions for successful survival and functioning in contemporary labour market. The factors of sociability and tolerance acquire special importance, improving the professional qualification and retraining of employees, increasing their professional mobility.
Formation and development of students' intercultural competence presupposes:
- understanding of the fact that all people show culturally conditioned behaviour;
- realization that social differences (age, sex, social class, place of living, etc.) greatly influence the way people speak and behave;
- formation of tolerant attitude to other cultures;
- familiarization with conventional behaviour of representatives of different cultures in various situations;
- realization of one's own cultural behaviour and acquiring skills to analyse it;
- development of the ability to recognize cultural connotations and decode them;
- improvement of students' ability to define how their own sociocultural belonging influences their behaviour and teach them to correct their own acts according to situations.
All components of intercultural competence are interconnected through the concept of cultural and social contexts, and need comprehensive and complex training. The context of culture involves knowledge of realities common to all the native speakers, and the social context is knowledge of the specific social conditions of communication used in the country of the language. Therefore, intercultural competence is the ability of a person to take into account knowledge of the social and cultural contexts of the country in the process of foreign language communication [10, p. 171].
Language training procedure for the students of no-linguistic specialties should include several basic components:
- language units that form the language competence;
- roles, stereotypes, strategies, and tactics of communication, which constitute the pragmatic competence;
- speech material presented in the form of monological and dialogical texts in oral and written form and intended to develop the speech competence;
- as well as the obligatory country-specific material that represents the features of communication in a given culture or subculture.
Authenticity should be one of the main principles for selecting materials for reading and listening. Michael McCarthy believes that keeping the norms of linguistic communication adopted by native speakers, as well as the naturalness of the context in which language communication is conducted, contributes to more successful learning [11, с. 102].
It is obvious that intercultural competence has an integrative nature. According to the essence, it is the result of the development of the student's personality in the process of learning. The intercultural competence is a set of special knowledge of the national and cultural features and realities of the country whose language is being studied. When forming the intercultural competence of the students of non-linguistic educational institutions, using foreign language material it is necessary to ensure the high quality of educational content, its thematic organization, intercultural adaptation, the ability to possess tolerance and empathy in the most effective way. The use of the country studies and cultural studies information in the process of foreign language communication learning will contribute to the students' mastery of the language component of the communicative competence in the broad social context [12, p. 162].
Cultural teaching of foreign language communication aims not only to convey specific information. First of all, it is about the development of the ability to perceive others, to be aware of common features and differences between different cultures, as well as about the formation of knowledge, abilities and skills to communicate with other cultures and societies [13, p. 47].
The theoretical analysis of the research problem allows us to assert that foreign language communication is possible when the subjects of foreign language communication possess the language as a means of communication. In terms of international experience and today's challenges, it is necessary to state that there is a general need for justification and development of a systematic, comprehensive approach to providing professionally oriented intercultural training for students of non-linguistic specialties.
According to the above mentioned it is possible to summarize that the student's intercultural competence is a combination of his/her linguistic, social and communicative competency. The important result of the formation of intercultural competence of the students of non-linguistic educational institutions is the development of their desire for continuous multicultural education. It is based on the constant tendency to expand knowing of the cultural and sociocultural life of the native country and the country whose language is being learned. That is why the program of the English language course for students of non-linguistic educational institutions should contain a large amount of knowledge of the national culture providing the use of all types of speech activities in their interconnection and interdependence. It will put forward the necessity to teach specialists being able to promote mutual understanding between nations and to provide access to the diversity of the world culture. The revealed new features of intercultural competence provide a field for conducting more detailed scientific investigation and research.
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