Usage of distance education technologies in the process of innovative training of future teachers in institutions of higher education
The formation of a young personality and the entry of the education system into the world integration processes taking place in the conditions of informatization and globalization. Adaptation of the professional development system to new requirements.
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Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Municipal Institution «Uman Taras Shevchenko Professional College of Education and Humanities of Cherkasy Regional Council»
Usage of distance education technologies in the process of innovative training of future teachers in institutions of higher education
Honcharuk V.V., Honcharuk V.A., Меіпук O.V., Dekarchuk S.O., Hedzyk A.A., Poshtaruk L.I.
The current stage of education development in Ukraine is characterized by a special intensity and scale of transformations caused not only by the urgent tasks of forming a young personality but also by the entry of the education system into the world integration processes taking place in the conditions of informatization and globalization. The quality of education is one of the most urgent problems of the global community. Education is a complex and multifaceted formation. At the current stage, scientists and practitioners consider it both as a certain value (personal, public, state, economic, cultural) and as a social system that unites various state institutions, public organizations, educative, didactic, educational institutions and organizations, and as a special educational, informational, communicative, social, spiritual and cultural process, and as a multifaceted and multilevel result, and as a state of consciousness of an individual or society.
As stated in the National Doctrine of Education Development of Ukraine in the 21st century, new priorities and socio-cultural values, which determine the need to innovate the content, means, forms and methods of training scientific and pedagogical personnel of higher education contributed to the significant activation of scientific research in various directions. However, the issue of innovative training of future teachers in institutions of higher education, as well as related scientific- pedagogical and scientific-methodical aspects of teachers' activities, in particular, improving their skills in modeling and implementing the functions of innovative activity, were not the subject of a special scientific-pedagogical study.
Nowadays, occurs a period of adaptation of the qualification improvement system to new requirements and conditions, because the old system cannot fully satisfy Ukraine's entry into the international educational and information space. One of the leading trends in modern education is its renewal with electronic educational tools. In the system of professional development of pedagogical workers, considerable attention is paid to distance education. Information globalization made it possible to expand the degree of openness and democratic freedoms in society, creating unprecedented opportunities for free access to information and, accordingly, education (self-education) of an individual.
Literature Review. The main purpose of using distance learning in higher education institutions is to provide access to electronic educational resources through the use of modern information technologies. Solving this problem requires finding effective and optimal ways to implement the professional training of future teachers, increasing attention to the formation of their scientific outlook.
At the current stage of the development of science, several studies by domestic and foreign scientists dedicated to the problems of the development of pedagogical education should be highlighted, in particular, M. Alekseeva, V. Andruschenko, V. Baidenko, B. Wolfson, V. Lugovoi, V. Osadchyo, A. Kharkivska, V. Honcharuk, V. Tyurina, etc. [1-6, 17].
Most scientific publications are devoted to the identification and justification of structural components, content and means of forming digital competence of the teacher (P. Boichuk, V. Honcharuk, O. Redko and etc. [8], I. Astremska, V. Honcharuk, O. Bialyk and etc. [9]). In the context of the specified problem, T. Stratan-Artyshkova, N. Fedchychyn, V. Honcharuk considered the creative potential of the future specialist as an important component of professional training [10].
The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of the use of distance learning technologies in institutions of higher education in the process of training future teachers.
In the ХХІ century, the Internet, information and communication technologies, telecommunication communication systems began to determine the nature of building relationships in society. The modern «network society» is a single computerized information community focused on the production of information and processing of information and communication flows. Consequently, ICT acquires global significance in the life of modern society, and information and communication competence becomes a key skill of an individual, necessary for his active socialization.
Information and communication technologies of education are understood as technologies that are oriented towards the pedagogically balanced use of various components of modern information and communication technologies for various purposes in the educational process. In this case, the purposeful educational activity simultaneously involves teaching the relevant academic discipline and mastering IT technologies and how to use them in the educational process. The European Commission considers the use of new multimedia technologies and the Internet to be extremely important and promising for improving the learning process by simplifying access to resources and services, as well as through remote exchange and collaboration [11]. The use of Internet technologies in the educational process is devoted to the research of some domestic and foreign scientists. The issue of using the global Internet network in education is discussed in the works of M. Zhaldak [12] and N. Morse [13].
Distance learning as an educational technology can be easily integrated into any form of education. Distance technologies are intended for the delivery of educational material at any time and in any place convenient for students of higher education, therefore such technologies are used both for full-time and extramural forms of education with elements of distance learning. Special attention is paid to these technologies in the conditions of pandemics, natural disasters, wars, when there is a need to carry out educational activities.
The term «information technologies» was introduced by V. Hlushkov [14]. The scientist believed that information technologies are related to the process of processing data. With this approach, it becomes obvious that information technologies have always been used in education, because education is a process of searching, analyzing and understanding various information, in particular, the transmission of educational messages from a teacher to a student. When computers became so widely used in education that it became possible to talk about information technologies of learning, it turned out that they have long been actually implemented in the learning process. Then the term «new information technologies of education» appeared, which, with the advent of powerful means of telecommunications and the global Internet, was replaced by the clarifying term «information and communication technologies of education». We understand distance learning as an individualized process of acquiring knowledge, abilities, skills and ways of cognitive activity of a person, which takes place mainly through the mediated interaction of remote participants of the educational process in a specialized environment that functions on the basis of modern psychological and pedagogical and information and communication technologies.
The purpose of distance learning is to provide educational services through the use of modern information and communication technologies in education at certain educational levels in accordance with state education standards; according to the programs of preparing citizens for admission to educational institutions, training foreigners and improving the qualifications of employees.
The task of distance education is to provide citizens with the opportunity to exercise the constitutional right to obtain education and professional qualifications and improve qualifications regardless of gender, race, nationality, social and property status, type and nature of occupations, worldview beliefs, party affiliation, attitude to religion, creed, state of health, place of residence, according to their abilities. Using such conditions, the innovative activity of the teacher involves the reorientation of the educational process from an extensive model, which is reduced to the transfer of a certain amount of ready-made knowledge to the acquirer, to an intensive model, which is based on the formation of the ability for self-education, the development of the creative potential of the future specialist.
The key direction of the state education policy, according to the project of the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine, is the informatization of education, the improvement of library and information-resource provision of education and science. M. Zgurovsky specified that one of the most characteristic educational technologies from the point of view of the need to use information networks is distance learning [15]. Distance education is a type of education, according to which the participants and organizers of the educational process carry out mainly individualized interaction both asynchronously and synchronously in time, mainly and fundamentally using electronic learning tools, computer networks, the Internet, media-learning tools and information and communication technologies.
V. Demkin [16] identifies a number of psychological principles that affect the quality of distance learning. He pays special attention to the need for detailed planning of educational activities, its organization, and clear setting of educational goals and objectives. Applicants for higher education must understand the purpose of the courses offered to them. The effectiveness of their educational activities directly depends on the content of the material, which determines the structure and level of cognitive interests, namely general or special.
Distance education, which was started at the end of the XX century, entered the XXI century as one of the most effective and promising systems and technologies of training specialists, characterized by the psychological features of the strategy and tactics of the student of higher education's interaction with the carriers and sources of new knowledge for him.
Learning in a distance course includes several types of interaction, such as: interaction with content (tutor - content, higher education student - content, content - content), interpersonal interaction (higher education student - tutor, higher education student - student, tutor - tutor). In the process of distance learning, certain requirements are put forward to the teacher-tutor, which should be paid attention to (Table 1).
Table 1 Tutor requirments
to be aware of |
to be able to |
to possess |
basic principles of functioning of telecommunication systems, cloud technologies |
work with information resources (databases, information services) |
information navigation skills, digital literacy |
pecularities of conducting video conferences, webinars, forums |
create web-sites |
skills of working in a specially created informational and educational environment |
basics of network etiquette |
use the complex of services provided by the environment and cloud technologies |
methodology of formation of system thinking and digital literacy of students of higher education |
individual styles of educational and cognitive activity of students of higher education |
to submit educational material in such a way as to ensure effective, individual, place- and time-independent work of the student of higher education |
active methods and methods of learning, individual style of interaction with students of higher education |
peculiarities of independent activity of higher education students in the network in the process of distance education |
to offer such tasks for independent work of higher education students to ensure their independent work, independent of place and time |
feedback skills |
facts that motivate the activity of higher education seekers in the network, combined with the ability to use them in the process of distance learning |
conduct psychological and pedagogical testing of the current activities of higher education applicants |
active learning methods (cooperative learning, project method, multi-level learning, research, search methods, etc.) |
warn and resolve conflict situations, conduct online role-playing games |
integrate face-to-face and distance learning |
organize and implement projects |
actively use the communication capabilities of computer networks to organize fruitful communication between participants of the educational process |
create courses or adjust existing ones according to the new requirements of the educational process |
Modern institutions of higher education diversify the forms of obtaining higher education; introduce interdisciplinary educational programs, methods of organizing the educational process, teaching methods and the academic environment in general.
The rapid change in living conditions forces us to look for new approaches to the training of personnel capable of working effectively in the 21st century. Between higher education and life, a certain information system, a kind of cognitive infrastructure, should be formed, which will ensure the translation of production needs into the education system, will encourage it to form the content of new ideas and knowledge in accordance with today's needs. Today, we can observe innovations in tutoring, which are widely supported by institutions of higher education. These innovations concern both the improvement of the tutoring development strategy and the use of the latest educational and information and communication technologies and specific teaching methods that are developed in response to the needs and interests of higher education students. Tutoring is a support and counseling system designed for higher education students, aimed at facilitating their integration into higher education institutions by guiding the process of choosing the best social, cultural, and educational options, as well as motivation and development of skills and abilities to improve their academic performance. education professional informatization
So, the conducted research and the experience of most institutions of higher education confirm that the use of tutoring programs, the use of distance learning has several advantages, among which should be mentioned the provision of assistance to students of higher education in understanding the optimal development of their academic trajectory, the development of self-management skills and abilities, responsibility for own personal and professional development, awareness of the potential of tutoring support, formation of academic experience in the conditions of a university environment, awareness of the perspective of professional and career development, promotion of the development and implementation of strategies and activities that have a positive impact on the educational activities of students of higher education. Taking into account the above, we conclude that a teacher-tutor of a higher education institution must constantly improve his information and communication skills and skills, take care of updating existing training courses, as well as create new educational content taking into account the demands of education of the ХХІ century.
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