Research of psychological readiness of special and inclusive education specialists to work with authentic children

The process of forming the psychological readiness of specialists in special and inclusive education to work with autistic children is a complex and multifaceted process that occurs throughout life and is solved with the help of educational institutions.

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Research of psychological readiness of special and inclusive education specialists to work with authentic children

Panov M.S.,

Khortytsia National Educational Rehabilitation Academy,

Pozdniakova O.L., Khortytsia National Educational Rehabilitation Academy)


Professionalism, versatile training of a high- class specialist in the profession are now becoming the leading areas in the training of specialists in special and inclusive education to work with autistic children. Among the wide range of tasks, a special place is occupied by the formation of psychological readiness to perform professional duties. Due to poor training, correctional care can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, the question arises of training specialists in special and inclusive education at an early level of formation and formation - the period of studentship. It is education in higher education that shapes the personality and its professional orientation, provides basic theoretical knowledge about the psychological characteristics of autistic children and provides them with high- quality correctional care.

Presenting main material

A crucial condition for inclusive education for autistic children is the creation of an inclusive space, which primarily involves the presence of both specially trained professionals and a specially equipped educational environment, logistics. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the training of specialists in special and inclusive education.

Note that the readiness of specialists in special and inclusive education for professional activities should be determined by deep knowledge and understanding of the current state of correctional education, the formation of appropriate attitude to work in education, the ability to adapt and act in new situations, and the necessary additional competencies for work with autistic children, which allow, regardless of the type of educational institution, to solve certain professional and pedagogical tasks within the correctional and pedagogical process.

An integrated approach to their training should be systematized in the training of specialists in special and inclusive education. Integration of medical-psychological and pedagogical component training of specialists in special and inclusive education is a dynamic, continuous, contradictory process that requires a predictive approach taking into account motivation and features of knowledge parameters, methods, teaching aids.

Integration of pedagogical, psychological and medical knowledge is usually associated with generalization, consolidation, concentration, caused by the need to improve and facilitate the storage, transfer, assimilation and use of this knowledge, as well as their organization, classification, systematization, interpenetration of different methods of cognition and modeling correctional assistance.

Providing the educational process with qualified personnel implies readiness to work with children with special needs. They should be highly specialized specialists who have formed a new system of values, able to creatively implement new learning technologies, able to solve problems of socialization of autistic children, have methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and consistently strive for high results in their professional activities, technologies for autistic children, effectively interact both in the institution and with the surrounding society.

The process of forming the psychological readiness of specialists in special and inclusive education to work with autistic children is a complex and multifaceted process that occurs throughout life and is solved with the help of educational institutions, methodological services, psychological support. It should be emphasized that without a positive attitude of the teacher to the autistic child, any attempts to involve him in the educational space will be unsuccessful [3].

The main purpose of preparing students (future specialists) to work with autistic children is to increase the level of psychological and pedagogical readiness of future specialists in special and inclusive education to solve problems with autistic children on the basis of practical correctional work, forming conceptual ideas about autistic children, knowledge, skills and abilities in the prevention, diagnosis and correction of autism. inclusive education autistic

The result is a high level of readiness of specialists in special and inclusive education to work with autistic children. For correctional work with children with autism, the future specialist must be emotionally secure, whose productivity coincides with the emotionally stable personality [1].

The realism of working with an autistic child is extremely complex and dramatic, and therefore the professional support of both parents and professionals is an important component of the correctional and educational process and the judicious use of techniques that calm and stabilize the mental state of an autistic child will significantly help her in life.

Formation of psychological readiness of specialists of special and inclusive education to work with autistic children is based on theoretical, practical and psychological aspects.

Theoretical readiness to work with autistic children involves acquaintance with the psychophysiological characteristics and needs of children with visual, hearing, speech, musculoskeletal disorders, intellectual development, autism spectrum disorders, mental retardation, behavioral disorders, etc.; knowledge of strategies, methods and tools of teaching and education, acquaintance with the international and domestic legal framework of inclusive and special education [4].

Practical readiness is characterized by empirical knowledge of methods of educational work with autistic children and their peers, the ability to use differentiated approaches to learning and all possible local resources to meet the diverse educational needs of students, the desire to acquire and improve personal and professional skills; ability to interact in the team of psychological and pedagogical support, to use universal design in teaching, to maintain a productive microclimate in children's, pedagogical and parent teams.

Psychological readiness of specialists in special and inclusive education to work with autistic children includes motivation, empathy, tolerance, emotional acceptance and balance in involving autistic children in school and society, awareness of their own ambivalent feelings, ability to give advice to themselves and others, willingness to stand up for children, zero tolerance for bullying, leadership in the field of educational and social inclusion, satisfaction with one's own professional activity.

Scientific papers note that long-term readiness is constant; it does not need to be formed every time in connection with the task, in contrast to the temporary, which is pre-formed and is an important prerequisite for successful activities. At the same time, general or long-term psychological readiness and temporary, situational psychological readiness for professional activity are distinguished. At the heart of the general psychological readiness - acquired attitudes, knowledge, skills, experience, motives - readiness to perform certain current tasks.

The positive features of long-term readiness include compliance with the content structure and conditions of professional activity, ease of updating and inclusion in the implementation of tasks, plasticity, a combination of stability and dynamism.

Temporary psychological readiness is actualization, adaptation of all forces, creation of psychological opportunities for successful actions at the moment; situational - dynamic, holistic state of personality, inner mood for a certain behavior, mobilization of all forces for active and appropriate action - determines the understanding of tasks, awareness of responsibility, desire to succeed.

Positive signs of temporary readiness are relative stability, compliance of the structure with the optimal conditions for

achieving the goal, the effectiveness of the impact on the process of activity. Both types of readiness are combined and interact in the time of activity. The emergence of readiness as a state depends on long-term psychological readiness.

Interim readiness, which determines the performance of long-term preparedness in specific circumstances, includes updated long-term components that return to the previous location.

There are basic approaches to determining the psychological readiness of specialists in special and inclusive education to work with autistic children: functional, in which this category is interpreted as a psychological state that determines the quality of professional functions, and personal, in which readiness is a holistic personality in itself individual features of inclusive and special educational activity [2].

There are two levels in the structure of psychological readiness: long-term and situational readiness. Under the situational and psychological readiness of researchers, understand the dynamic holistic state of the individual, the mobilization of all forces for effective targeted action.

Long-term psychological readiness, according to the authors, is a stable personality trait, the structure of which includes the following parameters:

positive attitude to the activity, profession;

adequate to the requirements of the character traits, abilities, temperament, motivation;

availability of skills, knowledge, abilities, values necessary for professional activity;

stable, professionally important features of thinking, attention, memory, perception, emotional and volitional processes.

The psychological readiness of a psychologist for professional activity can be considered long-term and stable.

Training special and inclusive education professionals to work with autistic children should include five aspects:

theoretical knowledge about autism. The theoretical basis of work with autistic children includes various aspects of primary diagnosis and study of the conceptual apparatus. Theoretical knowledge allows to understand the main difficulties of communication of autistic children, the specifics of their communicative manifestations, the need to use special forms and methods of communicative interaction;

knowledge of diagnostic tools designed to detect a specific disorder or disorder of mental development of the child in the context of external environmental influences;

adaptation of the environment to a specific disorder in the child (development of an alternative system of interaction);

the functionality of knowledge and skills acquired by an autistic child;

adaptability of educational and developmental methods to the characteristics of an autistic child.

Specialists in special and inclusive education must follow a few rules when working with an autistic child:

to be first of all a teacher, not an assistant. When working with children who have difficulty with self-care skills, they often have a desire to do something for them. However, this approach does not create opportunities for the child's development, but only deprives him of the opportunity to learn something new for himself;

select the appropriate tempo. As a rule, the path to even a small success of an autistic child is very long and requires a lot of patience from an adult, so haste and efforts to accelerate the pace can destroy all achievements and achievements;

to involve the child in joint activities. It is necessary to try to overcome the desire of an autistic child to be excluded and isolated by creating situations of involvement of other children and adults in play or learning activities;

to encourage the child to show initiative in communication, when there is already noticeable progress in establishing interaction;

praise and celebrate the smallest communicative successes of the child;

create reasons for communication. Anticipating all the requests and needs of the child eliminates the need to establish communicative contact;

gradually complicate communicative interaction, filling the child's living environment with new objects, situations, people.

The study of the specifics of the formation of psychological readiness of specialists in special and inclusive education to work with autistic children has led to the identification of a number of socio-psychological properties that play an important role in professional growth.

According to researchers dealing with this issue, the social determinants of professional development of the individual are the system of needs of society and the state (I. Vagin), training conditions for future professionals (A. Margolis), means of organizing the educational process (V. Laudis), emotional and volitional stability (M. Aminov), motivation of professional activity (N. Prorok) is determined by psychological determinants of specialists of special and inclusive education to work with autistic children.

It is obvious that each organizational and legal form of providing correctional and developmental assistance for autistic children makes appropriate adjustments in the list of competencies that must be possessed by a specialist in special and inclusive education. However, it is very important to determine them taking into account all types of educational institutions, because of which it is possible to organize correctional and developmental care for autistic children.

Given the above, we believe that the readiness of specialists in special and inclusive education to work with autistic children should define such competencies as: adaptive-reflective content; on the organization and planning of correctional and methodological work in different types of educational institutions; creation of information and communication environment for the provision of correctional and developmental assistance and psychological and pedagogical support for autistic children.

The concept of psychological readiness of specialists in special and inclusive education to work with autistic children is defined by us as a set of cognitive and personal characteristics, professional knowledge and skills, development of a correctional teacher, strategies based on an objective analysis of the success and failure of the educational and professional sphere, which determine the effectiveness of professional activity and the achievement of high results in it.

The core of the psychological readiness of professionals is emotional stability as the ability of the individual to adapt to complex professional situations, while ensuring successful operation and efficiency.

The formation of a certain level of knowledge, skills and abilities of specialists in special and inclusive education involves the following components:

motivation, the formation of sustainable interest and interest of students in inclusive education, the desire to involve children in the inclusive process, taking into account its psychophysical and speech development;

emotionality, involving the establishment of emotional contact with the child and constant support of a stable-positive emotional state of the teacher;

gnostic, which involves the acquisition of a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities to work in inclusive and special educational institutions, the conscious use of acquired knowledge in the inclusive process;

deontological, which determines the morals, culture, ethics of special and inclusive education;

evaluative, which involves reflection, self-assessment, analysis of other specialists.

The distinction between motivational and emotional criteria of readiness of specialists in special and inclusive education to work with autistic children, active implementation of inclusive education is determined by many factors, including accounting, management and regulation of various mental states of autistic children. Accordingly, in inclusive education, interaction with the child should not complicate his cognitive and educational activities.

Correctional and pedagogical activity is an integral part of the educational process as a dynamic pedagogical system, specially organized, purposeful interaction of specialists in special and inclusive education and autistic child, which is aimed at solving developmental, educational, corrective, educational tasks.

The criterion of motivational and emotional readiness takes into account the motives, efforts of specialists in special and inclusive education to work persistently and purposefully in an inclusive school, its stable emotional state when working with autistic children.

Criteria indicators: persistence and purposefulness in acquiring practice-oriented knowledge about work in the educational environment characterizes the target orientation of specialists in special and inclusive education in inclusive and special educational institutions.

Emotional stability is determined by the balance and lability of the emotional state; motivation of success of practical performance of didactic tasks represents motives of experts to perspective dynamic practice-oriented professional activity in educational space.

The criterion of didactic-technological readiness reflects theoretical-didactic education and methodical preparation of specialists of special and inclusive education to work with autistic children.

Criteria indicators: meaningful didactic-technological knowledge about the peculiarities of organization and work with autistic children is characterized by the ability of specialists to use the acquired didactic-technological knowledge to solve correctional-diagnostic, correctional-developmental, correctional- educational, correctional-educational tasks; creativity of practice- oriented knowledge characterizes the ability of a specialist to diversify, modify tasks for children taking into account the peculiarities of physical, mental and speech development; practical modeling of the developmental environment in an inclusive educational space characterizes the ability of specialists in special and inclusive education to create an educational environment in the institution for the development of an autistic child.

The criterion of deontological-speech readiness reflects the ethical culture, behavior, tolerance of specialists in special and inclusive education, their speech-communicative competence.

Criteria: tolerance of the specialist is characterized by the formation of normative behavior, culture of communication, education, tolerance in interaction with children, parents, colleagues; formation of deontological competence is characterized by observance by specialists of special and inclusive education of deontological principles and norms; speech culture is characterized by knowledge of the peculiarities of communication with different categories of people - teachers, parents, psychologists, health professionals; speech therapists, its phonetic, lexical and grammatical parameters; the ability to communicate by means of language, to properly use the system of language and speech norms, to adhere to such communicative behavior that is adequate in a particular communication situation.

The criterion of reflective-practical readiness of students reflects their ability to reflect, self-esteem, mutual evaluation of other professionals.

Criteria: reflection of one's own behavior reflects the ability of specialists in special and inclusive education to control their actions in critical situations, to carry out self-analysis; practical readiness for correctional and developmental work characterizes the ability of a specialist to practically apply the acquired knowledge of didactics when working with autistic children; mutual evaluation and mutual analysis characterizes the ability of the specialist to carry out a comprehensive analysis of other psychological and pedagogical workers in the educational space, to identify innovative technologies and methods of educational work that have given a positive result in practice.

The basis of the psychological readiness of specialists in special and inclusive education to work with autistic children is:

a positively coordinated type of communication, when a specialist perceives an autistic child as a subject of educational activities and a subject of communication. However, this is possible only when the system of values prioritizes the semantic attitudes of the specialist, the child's personality, his current needs and the needs of his development;

when the named priority is highly realized by the specialist, the level of «intentionality» of pedagogical actions in the system «teacher-student» increases. The level of this «intent» clearly reflects the level of attitude to the autistic child as an independent person, and vice versa, the more automatic (within certain limits) and the dominant subject-object approach;

in the system of subject-subject relations the childspecialist occupies a special place in the issue of self-regulation. A distinctive feature of the structure of volitional behavior is that in primitive conditions, the strengthening is mobilized by the impulse of emotional coloring, in such conditions; the rational motives of necessity seem inactive. Their role increases with the development of personality and is characterized by the growth of intellectualization in ideological and moral motives;

in the relationship between specialist and student in the process of education and training requires demanding, but it must be combined with respect for the personality of an autistic child, with a deep understanding of his feelings. It is necessary to distinguish between internal and external components of subjectsubject interactions. In the process of communication, social experience is transmitted and assimilated, the structure and essence of interacting subjects change, only in the conditions of free interaction real relations can arise.

It is important to teach professionals the skills of mood in and out of class, maintain psychological stability, apply techniques of emotional regulation and self-regulation, because at the initial stage of their professional activities may be associated with increased psycho-emotional load through work with autistic children, behavioral and other disorders, and the process of their socialization in the educational institution and society [3].

Specialists in special and inclusive education must be prepared to work with parents on an ongoing basis. Raising an autistic child requires considerable mental and physical stress. Not only can a child become an outsider in a child's environment, but also the parents themselves, without finding help, may distance themselves from society, the hyperopic child. In the process of cooperation with these parents, it is necessary to demonstrate the availability of opportunities for their child's development, to create appropriate pedagogical attitudes in them. They need to know what their child is currently up to and why he or she needs outside help. It is also necessary to outline the prospects for the child's development, learning and physical activity.

Such parents need to be convinced that acceptance, love, kindness and attention to the child are a necessary condition for its effective development and the best help in overcoming difficulties. When accepting a child as he or she is, parents evaluate him or her objectively, without making too high or low demands on him or her. This contributes to the formation of the child's adequate self-esteem, personal attitudes and forecasts for the future.


The need to increase the effectiveness of correctional and developmental care for autistic children, forces pecialists in special and inclusive education to build work accordingly to this social order. In this sense, the topical issue is the maximum coverage of autistic children by specialists in special and inclusive education in a certain area. Thus, specialists in special and inclusive education need certain abilities, namely: the ability to identify and analyze the essence of the problem, respond to them in a timely and correct manner, choosing the best ways to solve them; ability to plan, organize and improve their correctional and developmental work; choose the optimal pedagogical strategy of interaction with autistic children; to establish and maintain interaction with the teaching staff of the educational institution, the family raising an autistic child, to provide her with advice in order to ensure continuity in correctional and developmental work; actively use modern means of information and communication technologies in the correctional and developmental process; provide psychological and pedagogical support in the process of socialization of autistic children.

The effective functioning of a specialist in an inclusive educational environment depends on the level of psychological readiness to accept and implement a new system of values, creative implementation of educational technologies, knowledge of educational programs, knowledge of teaching methods and education of autistic children - pedagogical diagnostics, desire to socialize autistic children special educational needs, interaction with students, the team of psychological and pedagogical support and parents. Tracking the dynamics of the formation of psychological readiness of specialists in special and inclusive education to work with autistic children will optimize the provision of quality correctional care to this contingent of children and minimize the likelihood of burnout.


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