Контент-аналіз використання методологічних підходів у дослідженнях галузі 01 Освіта /Педагогіка
Updating and adaptation of the educational system to modern requirements. Formation of professional and pedagogical competence and competitiveness of specialists ready to implement research culture, innovations, self-development and self-improvement.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 17.06.2024 |
Размер файла | 27,0 K |
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State institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky»
Department of pedagogy
Content analysis of the use of methodological approaches in research in the field 01 education/pedagogy
Knyazheva I.A., Dr Ped., Full Professor
In the context of the development and transformation of modern society, transformations in the education system in Ukraine, European integration trends and requirements, it is definitely important to improve the quality of education. This is caused by the completely understandable needs for reformation, renewal and adaptation of the educational system to modern requirements. The key task of this transformation is professional training of highly qualified specialists, competitive individuals, ready to accept and implement innovations, constant self-development and self-improvement. Education, in particular higher pedagogy, should not only impart knowledge, but also foster a culture of research, which involves the use of modern scientific approaches as the theoretical and methodological foundation of such transformations. In this context, teachers play a key role, as they are responsible for shaping the future generation. The requirements for them include not only the acquisition of professional and pedagogical competence, but also a developed research culture and a modern scientific outlook. Only pedagogues-researchers can effectively transfer and create knowledge, educate a new generation of citizens ready for the challenges of an innovative and changing world.
The purpose of the article is to highlight and analyze, through the application of the content analysis method, the methodological approaches most common in research in the field of 01 Education/Pedagogy as a system of ideas, fundamental concepts, directives, starting positions and regulatory methods that form the basis of the organization and interpretation of the results of scientific research.
The article proves that the methodology determines the individual way to achieve the research goal, ensures accuracy and order in the application and production of scientific terminology, contributes to obtaining comprehensive information about the object of research, initiates the introduction of new information to the fields of science, expands the horizons of scientific knowledge, affects the stimulation of new research. The methodology contributes to the formation of a system of scientific information based on objective phenomena, and also serves as a tool for logical and analytical expansion of the boundaries of scientific knowledge. Based on the content analysis of 125 domestic and foreign scientific studies in the field of 01 Education/Pedagogy of various levels, it was found that the most used scientific approaches are: competence-based, activity-personal, axiological, systemic and synergistic. The article highlights their capabilities, distinctive features, characterizes the selection criteria and specifics of application.
Keywords: methodology, methodological approach, competence-based, activity-personal, axiological, systemic, synergistic approaches, education, higher pedagogical education, professional training, future specialists, teacher- researcher, research, research culture, professional-pedagogical competence, modern scientific outlook, content analysis, implementation of innovations.
Контент-аналіз використання методологічних підходів у дослідженнях галузі 01 Освіта /Педагогіка
Княжева І.А., д.п.н., професор, завідувач кафедри педагогіки, Державний заклад «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К.Д. Ушинського», м. Одеса
У контексті розвитку і трансформації сучасного суспільства, перетворень у системі освіти в Україні, євроінтеграційних тенденцій і вимог, стає безумовно важливим покращення якості навчання. Це спричинено цілком зрозумілими потребами в реформації, оновленні та адаптації освітньої системи до вимог сучасності. Ключовим завданням цього перетворення є професійна підготовка висококваліфікованих фахівців, конкурентоспроможних особистостей, готових до прийняття та імплементації інновацій, постійного саморозвитку і самовдосконалення. Освіта, зокрема й вища педагогічна, повинна не лише передавати знання, але й виховувати культуру дослідження, що передбачає використання сучасних наукових підходів як теоретико-методологічного фундаменту таких перетворень. У цьому контексті педагоги відіграють ключову роль, оскільки саме вони відповідають за формування майбутнього покоління. Вимоги до них включають не лише набуття професійно-педагогічної компетентності, але й розвиненої дослідницької культури і сучасного наукового світогляду. Тільки педагоги-дослідники можуть ефективно передавати і створювати знання, виховувати нове покоління громадян, готових до викликів інноваційного й мінливого світу.
Метою статті є висвітлення й аналіз через застосування методу контент-аналізу найбільш поширених у дослідженнях з галузі 01 Освіта/Педагогіка методологічних підходів як системи ідей, фундаментальних концепцій, директив, вихідних позицій і методів регулювання, що становлять основу організації та інтерпретації результатів наукового дослідження.
У статті доведено, що методологія визначає індивідуальний шлях до досягнення науково-дослідної мети, забезпечує точність і порядок у застосуванні і продуціюванні наукової термінології, сприяє отриманню всебічної інформації про об'єкт дослідження, ініціює впровадження нової інформації до теренів науки, розширює горизонти наукового пізнання, впливає на стимулювання нових досліджень. Методологія сприяє формуванню системи наукової інформації, що ґрунтується на об'єктивних явищах, а також служить інструментом логічного й аналітичного розширення меж наукового пізнання. На основі контент-аналізу 125 вітчизняних і зарубіжних наукових досліджень з галузі 01 Освіта/Педагогіка різного рівня, з'ясовано, що найбільш вживаними наразі є такі наукові підходи, як-от: компетентнісний, діяльнісно-особистісний, аксіологічний, системний і синергетичний. У статті висвітлено їх можливості, відмітні особливості, схарактеризовано критерії відбору і специфіку застосування.
Ключові слова: методологія, методологічний підхід, компетентнісний, діяльнісно-особистісний, аксіологічний, системний, синергетичний підходи, освіта, вища педагогічна освіта, професійна підготовка, майбутні фахівці, педагог-дослідник, дослідження, дослідницька культура, професійно- педагогічна компетентність, сучасний науковий світогляд, контент-аналіз, імплементація інновацій.
Formulation of the problem
Modem social realities, reforming and modernization of the education system in Ukraine, European integration trends and requests require a significant improvement in the quality of education. Its result should be the preparation of competitive modern, mobile, ready to implement and produce innovations, to constant development, self-development and self-improvement, with a developed research culture and a modern scientific worldview of specialists, including teachers. The solution of these tasks is actualized by the Laws of Ukraine «On Education», «On Higher Education», the Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine for 2022-2032, the Concept «New Ukrainian School», other normative state documents, and is largely due to the intensification of scientific research in the field 01 Education/Pedagogy, which create a theoretical and methodological foundation and develop appropriate innovative technological and methodological support for the functioning of the national education system.
At the same time, the analysis of the practice of modern domestic higher education, scientific research in the field 01 Education/Pedagogy, revealed a number of contradictions between: the social need for modernization of higher pedagogical education and the insufficient research of the latest methodological foundations of ensuring this process; the need for high-quality professional training of future teachers with a developed scientific outlook, capable of conscious scientific research and innovative pedagogical activity and the insufficiency of proper methodological justification of the technological and methodological tools of such training; a social order regarding the construction of a holistic concept of professional-pedagogical training of future teachers and the mechanistic combination of scientific approaches as a system of defining guidelines for scientific research found in some scientific- pedagogical studies;
Analysis of recent research and publications. Various aspects of the modernization of higher pedagogical education were investigated as domestic (A. Aleksyuk, I. Beh, I. Bogdanova, A. Bogush, S. Honcharenko, N. Guziy, O. Gura, I. Zyazyun, E. Karpova, N. Kichuk, V. Kremen, A. Lynenko, V. Lugovoi, O. Moroz, O. Pehota, R. Prima, O. Savchenko, V. Semichenko, etc.), as well as foreign ones (J. Bruner, M. Warschauder, B. Wolfson, A. Maslow, R. Parker, F. Parsons, D. Super, W. Tyler, G. Hogg, J. Holland and others) by scientists.
They devoted their work to the development of the context analysis method as a multi-purpose research method for studying a wide range of scientific problems F. Barkus, B. Berelson, H. Blumer, V. Bondar, O. George, J. Kezer, M. Kostenko, K. Krippendorf, G. Saganenko, J. Speed, D. Wilcox, P. Huebner and other scientists. Despite the existence of a whole spectrum of views regarding its application and functional capabilities, significant variability of programs for content analysis, several key functions are singled out, primarily related to the analysis of text documents. Among them, such as:
- detection of a word or phrase in a text document or in its separate fragment, which allows the researcher to find specific words or their combinations in the text;
- calculation of the frequency of the presence of certain words in a text document or in a set of documents, which helps to analyze how often certain terms, phrases, expressions are used in a specific document or group of documents.
These content analysis capabilities facilitate the efficient analysis of textual information by providing users with tools to identify patterns, identify keywords, and uncover underlying trends in texts.
Methodological vectors of research in the field 01 Education/Pedagogy revealed in the scientific investigations of O. Bashkir, S. Honcharenko, O. Dubasenyuk, O. Ionova, V. Kremen, V. Kryzhko, T. Krystopchuk, V. Ognevyuk, S. Sysoeva and other Ukrainian scientists.
It is proven that the methodology is the «orchestrator» of the scientific solution to the newly created problem, it defines a unique path that allows to achieve the scientific research goal, guarantees clarification and systematization of terms and concepts, helps to obtain information that covers all aspects of the studied object, serves as a platform for introducing of new information, expanding the horizons of scientific knowledge and stimulating new research, will lead to the formation of a system of scientific information that is based on objective phenomena and acts as a logical-analytical tool for expanding the boundaries of scientific knowledge.
At the same time, the problem of conscious selection and justified use of methodological approaches in the process of conducting scientific and pedagogical research does not lose its relevance, as it contributes to ensuring their reliability and objectivity, adaptation to modern challenges and requirements, effective solution of complex problems, allows scientists to effectively implement innovative ideas, to create new research concepts and methods, to expand their scientific apparatus, and therefore is the basis of scientific progress. We fully support the opinion of S. Sysoeva and T. Krystopchuk that the development of the national education system, the modernization of the activities of secondary and higher schools must have methodological principles, a foundation, because otherwise a large-scale phenomenon of «pedagogical shamanism and adventurism» arises [11, p. 12].
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to highlight and analyze, through the application of the content analysis method, the methodological approaches most common in research in the field of 01 Education/Pedagogy as a system of ideas, fundamental concepts, directives, starting positions and regulatory methods that form the basis of the organization and interpretation of the results of scientific research.
Presentation of the main research material
Any activity, and especially research activity, needs generalization, rationalization, requires clear guidelines, awareness of the main starting positions that organize and direct its course, determine the logic of obtaining new knowledge. Such defining guidelines in scientific activity are set by research methodology.
Literally translated, «methodology» (from the Greek «methodos» - method, method and «logos» - science, knowledge) is «the science of method» or «theory of method». In the broadest sense, methodology is defined as a philosophical teaching about «general principles and methods of scientific knowledge and transformation of objective reality» [4, p. 14]; as a system of theoretical knowledge that fulfills the role of initial provisions, principles, ways of knowing that form explanatory schemes of the transformation of reality, guide scientific research, and determine the choice of specific means and methods of implementing the requirements of scientific analysis [11]; as a teaching on the organization of activity [3].
The multiplicity of scientific interpretations of the term «methodology» made it necessary to distinguish its main meanings, such as: a system of certain methods and methods used in this or that field of activity; learning about such a system (theory of activity).
Therefore, it is the methodology that not only analyzes certain methods and methods of research (both theoretical and experimental), directing and organizing it, but also gives scientific knowledge a vector, a plane, a direction, a prism through which a scientist, having received new knowledge, tries it to systematize, find an explanation for it thanks to already existing theories, laws and regularities, or derives them independently, incorporating them into the existing system or building one's own. This allows us to ascertain the presence in the methodology of dynamic (acquisition, genesis, and development of scientific knowledge) and statistical (generalization, analysis, structuring of the results of scientific research) aspects of analysis [12].
The initial conception of the methodology of pedagogy characterized it as «a system of knowledge about the foundations and structure of pedagogical theory, about the principles of approach and methods of acquiring knowledge that reflect pedagogical reality, as well as a system of activities aimed at obtaining such knowledge and substantiating programs, logic and methods, evaluation the quality of research activity» [4, p. 45]. S. Sysoeva understands this concept as the teaching of pedagogical knowledge, the process of its acquisition, methods of explanation (that is, creation of a concept) and practical application in order to transform or improve the educational process [11].
The given definitions testify to the two-face tedness of the methodology of pedagogy (a system of knowledge and a system of research activity) and allow us to single out specific activities responsible for each of the aspects. The first aspect provides proper methodological research, the task of which is to work out the terminological apparatus, identify laws, regularities, trends in the development of scientific and pedagogical knowledge and its impact on educational practice, etc. The second aspect is responsible for the methodological support of research activities and is related to the use of methodological knowledge to clarify the initial elements (problem, topic, relevance, object, subject, goal, task, research hypothesis, etc.), drawing up a program and determining the logic of the research , selection of methods, analysis of its effectiveness and quality, novelty and practical significance both in the process of direct implementation of pedagogical research and after its completion.
Let us turn directly to the definition of methodological guidelines of pedagogical research, which, as a rule, begins with the choice of methodological approaches, as a set of ideas, basic provisions, instructions, starting positions, methods of standardization according to which the organization of research activities is carried out.
The theoretical analysis of the scientific fund on the problems of the methodology of pedagogy made it possible to identify the following main functions performed by methodological approaches in pedagogical research:
- «determine the methods of acquiring scientific knowledge, the way in which a certain scientific and research goal is achieved;
- create a logical and analytical tool for scientific knowledge;
- ensure the versatility of obtaining information about the process or phenomenon being studied;
- help introduce new information to the foundation of the theory of science; provide clarification, enrichment, systematization of the scientific terminological apparatus;
- take into account the cultural and humanitarian "dimension" of the studied phenomena» [7, p. 46].
In the context of the above, the statement that the choice of methodological approaches fixes the specific orientation of the researcher, is reflected in the scientific worldview, conceptual foundations and technological aspects of research [9]. professional pedagogical competence competitiveness specialist
No less significant in this perspective are generally recognized in pedagogical science statements of the following content: firstly, there are no universal approaches capable of satisfying any research tasks and guidelines, since each of them has certain limitations and a specific «angle of action»; secondly, expediently chosen methodological approaches are able to complement each other, interact with each other, contribute to the acquisition of multi-aspect volume knowledge about the studied pedagogical thing or phenomenon.
Therefore, the problem of appropriate selection of research points of reference arises. Taking into account the selection criteria of methodological approaches selected on the basis of the study, analysis, generalization, systematization and interpretation of scientific sources, the study of the results of scientific activity, self-reflection of one's own research experience will contribute to the solution of this difficult and one of the determining tasks for the implementation of pedagogical research that meets modern requirements. Including:
- taking into account the leading trends of the modern educational situation; identification of constructive possibilities and functions of a specific methodological approach;
- taking into account the essence and originality of the studied phenomenon;
- the specifics of the research tasks and means necessary for their solution.
Taking into account the presence of a wide range of methodological approaches in order to identify the most used of them in scientific research in the field of 01 Education/Pedagogy, the method of content analysis was applied. The basic unit of such an analysis was the frequency of researchers' use of this or that methodological approach. After the calculation, the obtained data were recorded in accordance with the requirements of the application of the specified method in the analytical table. Obtained as a result of the analysis of one hundred and twenty-five domestic and foreign studies of the specified field, evidenced the presence of five methodological approaches, the frequency of which was the greatest. Such favorites have become: activity- personal, competence, axiological, system and synergistic approaches. We will briefly characterize their capabilities and features.
Application in research in the field 01 Education/Pedagogy of the personal-activity approach (I. Beh, S. Goncharenko, L. Derkach, I. Knyazheva, O. Kovshar, R. May, L. Peterson, O. Pehota, K. Rogers, O. Savchenko, K.Horney, etc.), through the prism of which the individual is considered as a subject of activity, which is formed and develops in various types of activity and determines their character and peculiarities, determines its understanding as a subject of activity, the development of which takes place within the system of activity, its genesis and development. As you know, the personal- activity (or activity-personal) approach is a symbiosis of personal and activity, which is caused by their inextricable connection.
The key concept that determines the understanding of the essence of the specified methodological approach is «activity». This category is common to philosophical, historical, and psychological-pedagogical knowledge, which causes the breadth of disagreements in its understanding, so it was considered necessary to dwell on those aspects of it that are the most important for the initiated research.
The most widespread in philosophy is the understanding of activity as a form of being, a means of existence, a process during which a person transforms the environment, acting as an active subject, and the natural phenomena mastered in this process are the objects of activity. It is related to the transformation of reality, the inner world of a person, and its content is the expedient change and transformation of the environment based on the assimilation and development of existing forms of culture.
However, V. Kremen emphasizes, the active self-embodiment of a person can be adequately understood only in the form of objective realization of an ideally presented goal. A person can set tasks, have the possibility of spiritual projection, in general have an ideal image of the world precisely because he already exists «ahead» of himself before all kinds of conscious acts of self-understanding. It is the goal, the possibility of its conscious choice and construction of a program of implementation, as well as the presence of the historical existence of a certain action, that is, its normalization (fixedness in the form of standards, samples, included in the cultural space and capable of being reproduced [5]), are essential characteristics of activity that distinguishes it from other forms of human activity.
The use of the specified methodological approach allows you to determine the mechanisms of education, training, and personality development, opens up opportunities for identifying the conditions for ensuring this process and their practical implementation.
The understanding of activity as the basis, means and factor of personality development, the properties of which are formed in it, led to the close connection of activity and personal approaches and the emergence of a generalizing activity-personal approach, which unites their main provisions and aims at considering the educational process in terms of taking into account the personal positions of subjects whose development takes place in active purposeful activity.
That is, the individual is recognized as the subject, center, goal, result of the educational process, and its development is the primary criterion of its effectiveness. So, the personal component of the personal-activity approach aims to take into account in the educational process the value orientations, motives, individual development trajectory of its participants.
Our previous article [6] is devoted to a detailed consideration of the competence approach, so let's focus on the characteristics of three more favorite methodological approaches discovered during the application of content analysis of scientific research in the field of 01 Education/Pedagogy.
Demand for a systemic approach (L. Bertalanffy, D. Burchfield, O. Vasyuk, R. Johnson, P. Drucker, U. Ashby, J. Clear, E. Minko, S. Optner, R. Rosenzweig, V. Sadovsky, G. Simon, S. Kharchenko, A. Hall, A. Chandler, etc.) is defined by its powerful «heuristic possibilities, which allow to investigate the essence of the phenomenon, process, consist in the study of phenomena in their integrity, indivisibility and complexity. It focuses on the need to consider the phenomenon under study as a system that has a certain structure and its own features of functioning» [7, p. 51].
There is an opinion that it is appropriate to consider the system as a set of objects, the interaction of which causes the emergence of new integrative qualities, which are not characteristic of individual objects. Therefore, the application of a systemic approach allows to reveal the structure (as a set of stable connections of an object that ensure the preservation of its main properties under various external and internal changes [12] and to clarify the organization and forecast the prospects for the development of the studied phenomenon as a system and identify the main principles and possibilities of its management.
The synergistic approach (V. Bransky, H. Vasyanovych, O. Vozniuk, S. Klepko, V. Kremen, I. Kryvtsova, Z. A. Poincare, H. Haken, O. Chaly, etc.) makes it possible to study the phenomenon under study as a self-organized, holistic system that is open, capable of moving from «chaos to the orderliness of all elements», capable of self-organization and self-development.
As V. Kremen notes, «from the point of view of synergetics, it is fundamentally impossible to describe the system's behavior in cause-and- effect categories, since the internal organization of the system is accompanied by instantaneous, random internal deviations that form fluctuations. Their size increases near the bifurcation points, which leads to a change in the state of the system» [10, p. 7].
O. Vozniuk emphasizes the limitations of using only systemic and synergistic approaches, noting that reducing all the wealth of scientific heritage and pedagogical knowledge only to the idea of a systemic and synergistic approach, its narrowing, no matter how productive it may be, is not only not rational, but also dangerous [2]. This opinion is valuable in understanding the multiplicity of choices regarding the application of methodological approaches in research in the field of 01 Education/Pedagogy.
Let us consider the essential features of the axiological approach (O. Barlit, A. Bogush, M. Boryshevskyi, J. Bruner, A. Clark, V. Kryzhko, G. Meshko, V. Ognevyuk, B. Skiner, O. Sukhomlynska, J. Hazard, L. Khomych, etc.), which directs research into the professional training of future teachers in the direction of the humanistic educational paradigm, the defining postulate of which is the recognition of man as the highest value of society, and the main task of education is the formation of the essential forces of the individual through the recognition of his self-worth and the formation of a system of universal human and professional values, value needs and value orientations. Scientists point out, and we agree with their conclusions regarding the design possibilities of the axiological approach, which allows determining the directions of the organization and the forms and methods of implementing the educational process, each of whose participants is understood as a «motivated subject capable of value regulation, development and self-development». Who, in the process of actively solving educational tasks, is formed and develops as a person and a professional, the bearer of «subject value orientations and social values, which are system-forming for his future pedagogical activity» [8].
In solidarity with the conclusions of O. Barlit about the worldview orientations of the axiological approach, which aims researchers at: «a holistic way of considering the formation of personality in the unity of social and existential; inclusion in the research space of such phenomena as value, experience, ideal, spiritual elevation, faith, etc.; orientation to the study of not an abstract, but a concrete person in certain historical and cultural conditions of life, in everyday forms of existence, in particular in education as an integral attribute of human existence» [1, p. 27]. At the same time, we consider too narrow the applied meaning that the scientist gives to the mentioned approach, giving it credit only in the area of development of «programs of theoretical and practical training, programs of educational work, psychological and pedagogical support for the activities of educational and pedagogical institutions, as well as for the creation of educational and methodological complexes of disciplines» [1, p. 27], because we consider its potential to be much wider, such that it also allows us to determine the value context of the formation and development of the future teacher through the disclosure of the place and role of values and value orientations mastered and appropriated by him in the process of professional training.
Conclusions and prospects for further research
Therefore, the vector of interpretation of the obtained results, establishment of their cause-and-effect relationships depends on the starting positions chosen by the researcher, guidelines for scientific research - methodological approaches. It becomes possible to identify the essence and search for possible ways and conditions of effective formation, development and improvement of the phenomenon under study. A researcher's clear awareness of the essence and functions of scientific methodology, criteria for selecting methodological guidelines for research, awareness of their worldview load, testifies to the development of his scientific worldview, the formation of scientific research culture. This allows you to get rid of the formal, declarative or to some extent mechanistic application of methodological approaches, orients you in their conscious selection and purposeful use in the process of scientific research. This will contribute to finding an opportunity to go beyond the description of the obtained sometimes separate and scattered information and facts about the studied pedagogical phenomena or phenomena and will give them integrity and orderliness.
The prospect of further research is the determination of key criteria for the application of methodological approaches in research in the field of 01 Education/Pedagogy
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