Application of the competency-based approach for teaching future maritime specialists at maritime educational institutions

Modernization of vocational education in the conditions of integration into the European educational space, requirements of the Bologna process. Training and adaptation of qualified personnel, competitive on the national and international labor market.

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Kherson State Maritime Academy

Application of the competency-based approach for teaching future maritime specialists at maritime educational institutions

Tokarieva O.V.

Problem statement

Modern requirements require rapid changes in the higher education system, in particular its integration into the European educational space and adaptation to meet the needs of society in lifelong learning. The signing of the Bologna Declaration in 1999 marked the beginning of one of the largest reforms in higher education. Its topical issue is the replacement of the "teacher-oriented system" with the "student-oriented system" [7]. In order to implement the above, vocational training educational institutions are tasked with providing training of qualified personnel who would be competitive on the national and international labor market. Therefore, one of the main directions of modernization of higher education in Ukraine, taking into account the requirements of the Bologna process, is the introduction of a competency-based approach.

The merchant fleet is one of the most developed branches of the world economy. The specificity of work on ships at sea requires their constant updating with new, modern, technical equipment; improvement of the quality of professional training of maritime specialists based on the introduction of the latest technologies into the educational process of maritime educational institutions; training of mariners to competently perform professional activities.

The ideas of competence-oriented education are revealed in works of Bibik N., Cherniavskyi V., Pometun O. I., Sukharnikov Yu., Taranenko I., etc.

V. Cherniavskyi believes that the specialized and auxiliary departments of maritime higher educational institutions are challenged by an important task, which is the organization and methodical support of the training of maritime specialists. The fulfillment of this task involves the adjustment of the industry standards of higher education of maritime specialties and experimental training programs as well as educational and methodological complexes of disciplines based on the competency approach [2, p. 390].

N. Bibik draws attention to the uncertainty of the conceptual and innovative potential of the competence approach, in particular the lack of understanding of the fundamental difference between the latter and the historical psychological and pedagogical concepts of the activity and developmental system of orientation [1].

However, most researchers believe that the competence approach in all its meanings and aspects most deeply reflects the modernization processes that are currently present in all European countries.

Presenting main material

Ukrainian education is just beginning to operate with the concept of competence, which means that a systematic approach to it does not yet exist. Analyzing the scientific and methodological literature, it should be noted that the competence approach has a wide range of statements both in favor of it and against it. A competent approach in the system of higher education requires the development of a new theoretical basis, identification of the conceptual fund of European pedagogical terminology understandable to all participants of the educational space [3].

Ukrainian teachers understand the concept of "competence approach" as the focus of the educational process on the formation and development of social, personal and professional competencies of the individual. This approach requires: updating the standards of higher education, developing and implementing unified approaches to building a pedagogical system, creating a model of a graduate of a higher educational institution [6].

Thus, the Law of Ukraine on Higher Education states that each industry standard of specialist training must contain requirements for competence and other socially important qualities of a graduate of a higher educational institution, a system of production functions and typical activity tasks and skills for their implementation [4].

According to N. Bibik, competence regarding the structure of the content of education, built in modern standards according to the industry principle and in programs, derives a universal meta-level that represents educational results in an integrated form [1].

According to O. Pometun, the competence-based approach in education is connected with personally oriented and activity-based approaches to learning. It requires a transformation of the content of education, which consists in the use of fundamentally different principles of selection and structuring, which is aimed at the final result of the educational process - the acquisition of competencies by students [6].

Competencies are a key aspect in assessing the competence of a future specialist, since the development of industry standards of higher education based on the competence approach requires the restructuring of the system of diagnostic tools for the quality of education - the transition from the assessment of knowledge to the assessment of the competencies of a graduate of higher education institution. As some scientists note, in essence there is a transition to a new paradigm of education.

Society needs specialists not with mechanically acquired knowledge, but with spiritual and personal, creative and cultural experience. Four main components of cultural experience are defined: knowledge in various fields of activity, experience of performing various types of activities, experience of creative activity, and experience of emotional and valuable attitude to objects and methods of human activity. It is the acquisition of certain experience that leads to the socialization of the future specialist. Modern education is not reduced to simple memorization and reproduction of acquired knowledge but necessarily includes culturally appropriate learning - the interaction of learning and teaching [8].

A graduate must master a set of competences - professional abilities and skills. Competence includes theoretical knowledge of the academic field, practical and operative application of knowledge to specific situations, values as an integral part of the way of perceiving and living with others in a social context, a subject area in which an individual is well-versed and in which he shows readiness to perform activities.

Each competence of the graduate should be provided with the appropriate number of disciplines and practices combined in the corresponding modules, and the content of the modules should fully correspond to the level of acquired competences. One of the first steps is the formation of competencies according to discipline programs (disciplinary competencies); the second step is assigning disciplinary competences to key or professional ones; the third step is to define core competencies.

After all, as you know, competence implies not only the presence of knowledge in a certain field, but also the presence of a certain qualification. And the main thing is the opportunity, right and authority to perform a certain type of work. competitive labor market professional technical education

Only part of the system of concepts can be formed in the process of educational and professional training in institutions of higher education. Competences as a result of education at a university form the basis of the further development of professionalism and the personality of a specialist. With the growth of a specialist as a professional, not only his competencies change, but also the number of competencies he learns increases, which means the appearance of qualitative changes in his professional activity. The sphere of competences can objectively expand if the specialist has professional growth, and can remain stable if the employee is not focused on higher results of his work.

Yu. Sukharnikov notes that as the student's educational and qualification level (socio-cultural level of competence) increases, the share of educational competences decreases, and the share of professional competences increases [7].

Note that the range of professional competencies of a specialist grows and expands with the acquisition of professional experience or further training, which, in fact, is a transition to a higher educational and qualification level in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework [5].

Given that Ukraine is practically the third country for training maritime officers for the international merchant fleet, graduates must meet the requirements of the International Maritime Organization. These requirements are set in International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, which is based on the multi-level training of maritime specialists based on the competency approach [7].

For example, in the process of training ship mechanics, there are five levels, starting with an oiler and ending with a chief engineer. The first two levels are prepared by the lyceum, the second one is prepared by the college, the third and fourth ones are prepared by the academy. For each level, the main functions that this or that specialist must perform on the ship are highlighted, and each function defines certain competencies that the applicant for the corresponding position must possess. The higher the level of training, the more competencies the applicant must possess including competencies of previous levels.

In the context of the recognized need to improve the quality of training of maritime industry specialists, the Kherson State Maritime Academy actively participated in this process. In this regard, a working group was created at the academy, which develops theoretical material and basic approaches to teaching various disciplines including Maritime English. This provides an opportunity to improve the system of the educational process and thereby ensure a high level of qualification of the academy's graduates.

Undoubtedly, in order to improve the professional training of specialists in the maritime industry, it is necessary to adjust the curricula, training programs of all cycles in accordance with the requirements of the competency approach, form a list of educational disciplines of the variable part, adjust the educational and methodological complexes of all educational disciplines, review approaches to the organization of practical training. The formation of professional competence is carried out in two interrelated and complementary directions, namely, academic training within the walls of educational institutions and training in the corresponding training centers.

The scheme of the sequence of the construction of the curriculum and interdisciplinary connections includes the following:

• area of competence;

• knowledge, understanding and professional competences;

• methods of demonstrating competence;

• criteria for assessing competence;

• educational discipline within which mastery of competence is ensured;

• list of topics of the relevant academic discipline, number of hours, form of conduct;

• list of educational material of the cycle of mathematics and science training, which is necessary for mastering the material;

• list of educational material of the cycle of professional and practical training necessary for mastering the material.

Academic training combines theoretical training and practical training of general professional orientation. Simulator's training is aimed at instilling highly specialized knowledge, abilities and skills in candidates for the corresponding position. Only an effective combination of both types of training can give the result that the employer is counting on nowadays.

In the new curricula, part of the training courses is supposed to be integrated into the structure of academic disciplines. Thus, in the 2nd year, cadets study the academic discipline "Life Safety", which is integrated with a corresponding training course. Similarly, the training course "Refrigerated Container" is integrated into the "Ship Refrigeration Installations" discipline.

For example, a new discipline "Management of marine resources" has been introduced to the curricula. This course is aimed at establishing positive relations between officers and promoting effective communication and adequate perception of officers' opinions in teamwork, training in them exemplary leadership skills and adherence to standard procedures in decision-making. Studying this course will make it possible to significantly reduce the risks of accidents caused by the influence of the so- called "human factor", will influence the resolution of issues of effective interaction of ship crew members in extreme conditions, the adoption of balanced and adequate management decisions, training of leadership qualities in ship crewmembers [8, pp. 5-6].

The concept of competence is based on the idea of educating a competent person and employee who has the necessary knowledge, professionalism, knows how to act adequately in appropriate situations, applying this knowledge, and takes responsibility for certain activities.

Despite the differences and different terminology, it is possible to make sure that the skills necessary for real life activities are considered common to all - professional skills, the ability to adequately apply knowledge, obtain information, renew knowledge and continue learning, self-education, social and communicative skills, the ability to communicate, solve problems and controversial issues or conflicts, work in a team, feel responsible, etc.

This system of training, adopted in most countries of the world, is a new direction for Ukraine. Therefore, the relevance of introducing a competency-based approach to the professional training system will increase taking into account the entry of our country into the world labor markets, and for our maritime industry, which is already international, such a task is of primary importance.


Considering the above, it can be concluded that the educational process must be directed to the formation and development of key and professional competencies of the individual by updating the standards of higher education and creating a model of a graduate who will be competitive in the modern labor market. In order to improve the professional training of the graduate, it is necessary to adjust the curricula, training programs of all cycles in accordance with the requirements of the competency approach, form a list of educational disciplines of the variable part, adjust the educational and methodological complexes of all educational disciplines, review approaches to the organization of practical training.

The implementation of all the planned measures will contribute to solving the strategic tasks of national maritime education in the preparation of future specialists in the maritime industry in the context of a competence approach in the new economic and socio-cultural conditions of Ukraine's integration into the European educational space.

In modern conditions, it is expedient to continue the work on defining approaches to the construction of the educational process in higher education institutions for the formation of the competence of the future specialist in the maritime industry on the basis of the defined competencies as the final result of the student's education. This can become the subject of further scientific research.


1. Bibik N. (2004) Kompetentnisnyi pidkhid: refleksyvnyi analiz zastosuvannia [Competency approach: reflective analysis of application]. Competency approach in modern education: world experience and Ukrainian perspectives. 45-50. [in Ukrainian].

2. Cherniavskyi V. (2017) Metodychni zasady zaprovadzhennia kompetentnisnoho pidkhodu do orhanizatsii osvitnoho protsesu v systemi stupenevoi pidhotovky morskykh fakhivtsiv [Methodological principles of introducing a competency-based approach to the organization of the educational process in the system of graduate training of maritime specialists]. Collection of scientific works of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, no. 1. 383-391. [in Ukrainian].

3. Kodeks z pidhotovky i dyplomuvannia moriakiv ta nesennia vakhty (PDMNV). Ofitsiinyi perekl. [International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW). Official translation] Ministerstvo promyslovoi polityky Ukrainy [Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine]. 2010. 530 p. [in Ukrainian].

4. Law No. 1556-VII of 1 July 2014 "On Higher Education".

5. National Qualifications Framework. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: website.

6. Pometun O.I. (2004) Dyskusiia ukrainskykh pedahohiv navkolo pytan zaprovadzhennia kompetentnisnoho pidkhodu v ukrainskii osviti [Discussion of Ukrainian teachers on the issues of introduction of the competence approach in Ukrainian education]. Competency approach in modern education: world experience and Ukrainian perspectives. 66-72. [in Ukrainian].

7. Sukharnikov Yu. (2012) Kontseptualni pidstavy rozrobky i vprovadzhennia natsionalnoi ramky (akademichnykh) kvalifikatsii Ukrainy [Conceptual foundations of the development and implementation of the national framework of (academic) qualifications of Ukraine]. High school, no. 3. 16-38. [in Ukrainian].

8. Taranenko I. (2000) Rozvytok zhyttievoi kompetentnosti ta sotsialnoi intehratsii: dosvid Yevropeiskykh krain [Development of life competence and social integration: experience of European countries]. Steps to competence and integration in society. 37-40. [in Ukrainian].

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