Student research as a part of future translators’ professional training

The main directions of the organization of research activities of students - future translators. Determination of the role and place of scientific work in the system of training future translators. Teaching students the basics of research activity.

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Дата добавления 08.06.2024
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Department of Specialised Translation and Foreign Languages

Kherson National Technical University

Student research as a part of future translators' professional training

Stetsenko Natalia Mykolaivna

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Lebedieva Aelita Volodymyrivna

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor


The article discussed the main directions of managing students' research activities to become translators. It is observed that a meticulous contribution to scientific research fosters the creative upbringing of a future specialist. Scientific work is a prerequisite for successful activity at university; it reveals individual creative abilities and readiness for personal self-realization. The research process is purely individual and valuable both in the educational and personal sense.

The article aims to define the role and place of research in the professional training system of future translators.

The essence of the concept of research activity is defined based on philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical analysis of the activity category and the idea of the logic and stages of scientific research. According to this, students' research activity is an activity related to the search for an answer to a creative research task with a previously unknown solution. It includes the following stages: problem formulation; study of the theory on the issue; selection of research methods and practical mastery of them; search for the necessary material, its analysis, and generalization; own conclusions.

Students' research activities contain two interrelated elements:

- teaching students the basics of research, organization, and methods of scientific creativity;

- scientific research carried out by students under the guidance of professors and teachers.

The article describes the main content of the course “Planning and Organization of Scientific (Linguistic) Research” for students majoring in Germanic Languages and Literatures (Translation included), first - English.

The primary forms of students' research work carried out in extracurricular time under the guidance of teachers include participation in scientific clubs, research laboratories, student design bureaus, and involvement in the implementation of research topics of the departments.

An essential role in organizing students' research work belongs directly to the relevant departments, which determine the supervisors and topics of research and plan, organise, and coordinate the work of scientific associations.

Keywords: student, research activity, educational process.

Стеценко Наталя Миколаївна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри галузевого перекладу та іноземних мов, Херсонський національний технічний університет

Лебедєва Аеліта Володимирівна кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри галузевого перекладу та іноземних мов, Херсонський національний технічний університет

Студентська науково-дослідна робота як складова професійної підготовки майбутніх перекладачів


У статті розкрито основні напрями організації науково- дослідної діяльності студентів - майбутніх перекладачів. Відзначено, що цілеспрямоване виконання наукових досліджень сприяє формуванню творчого фахівця. Наукова робота є умовою успішної діяльності університету; дозволяє виявити індивідуальні, творчі здібності, готовність до самореалізації особистості. Процес дослідження є суто індивідуальним і цінним як в освітньому, так і в особистісному сенсі.

Метою статті є визначення ролі та місця наукової роботи в системі професійної підготовки майбутніх перекладачів.

Сутність поняття науково-дослідної діяльності визначено на основі філософського та психолого-педагогічного аналізу категорії діяльності та уявлення про логіку і етапи наукового дослідження. Згідно з цим, науково-дослідна діяльність студентів - це діяльність, пов'язана з пошуком відповіді на творчу, дослідницьку задачу із заздалегідь невідомим рішенням. Вона включає такі етапи: постановку проблеми; вивчення теорії, що присвячена означеній проблематиці; добір методик дослідження і практичне оволодіння ними; пошук необхідного матеріалу, його аналіз та узагальнення; власні висновки.

Науково-дослідна діяльність студентів містить два взаємопов'язаних елементи:

- навчання студентів основам дослідницької діяльності, організації та методики наукової творчості;

- наукові дослідження, що здійснюють студенти під керівництвом викладачів.

Схарактеризовано основний зміст курсу «Планування і організація наукових (лінгвістичних) досліджень» для студентів спеціальності «Германські мови та літератури (переклад включно), перша - англійська».

До основних форм науково-дослідної роботи студентів, що виконуються в позанавчальний час, відносяться участь у наукових гуртках, науково-дослідних лабораторіях, студентських конструкторських бюро та залучення до виконання науково-дослідних тем кафедр.

Важлива роль в організації наукової роботи студентів належить безпосередньо профільним кафедрам, що визначають керівників та тематику наукових пошуків, планують, організовують та координують роботу наукових об'єднань.

Ключові слова: студент, науково-дослідна діяльність, навчально- виховний процес.


Statement of the problem. At the present stage of higher education system development, students' research work is becoming increasingly important. It is evolving as one of the main components of the professional training of a future specialist. This is primarily because the level of research knowledge, skills, development of personal qualities, and accumulation of experience in creative research activities largely determines the latter's effectiveness.

The modern university acts as an educational, scientific, and practical complex that combines and harmonizes educational (knowledge transfer), scientific (systematisation and production of new knowledge), and practical (application of knowledge) functions.

Encouraging students to discover new heights in their profession, teaching them how to optimally and rationally organize research and learning activities, and educating an ethical, well-rounded personality are the main tasks of a higher education institution.

Mastering academic disciplines also requires mastery of scientific knowledge methods and research skills.

In addition, students' research work allows them to fully reveal their individuality, creativity, and readiness for self-realisation. It is important to note that the research process is purely individual and valuable both in the educational and personal sense.

In this regard, a future specialist should be prepared to conduct research. This, in turn, will allow them to solve production problems at the scientific level in their future professional activities.

Analysis of recent research and publications. In pedagogical science today, various aspects of organising and conducting students' research work are widely studied:

* development of methodology and methods of students' scientific creativity (K. Dobroselskyi, F. Orekhov);

* interconnection of educational and research work (I. Ivashchenko);

* rational management of students' scientific work (D. Tskhakai);

* experience in organising students' scientific creativity in higher education institutions (L. Kvitkina);

* formation of research skills in future teachers (N. Amelina, P. Gorkunenko, V. Lytovchenko);

* substantiation of psychological and pedagogical factors that determine the success of students' research work (L. Avdieieva, D. Kharyzova).

However, despite the large number of publications on this issue, effective organisational mechanisms for attracting talented young people to research, ensuring the development of student research, inconsistencies between the structural components of the system of scientific training of students, and the lack of adequate means of stimulating research remain poorly understood.

This article aims to define the role and place of scientific work in the system of professional training of future translators.

Presentation of the primary material

Student research work in higher education institutions has its specifics. It is built on certain principles: multidisciplinarity, democracy, activity, creativity, interconnection, community of university and industry practical science, humanization and humanitarization of higher education, and expansion of the community of natural, technical, and human sciences.

The essence of the concept of research activity is revealed based on philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical analysis of the activity category and the idea of the logic and stages of scientific research. According to this, students' research activity is an activity related to the search for an answer to a creative research task with a previously unknown solution. It includes the following stages: problem formulation; study of the theory on the issue; selection of research methods and practical mastery of them; search for the necessary material, its analysis, and generalisation; own conclusions.

In the study by P. Gorkunenko, students' research work is considered as their independent activity guided by the teacher, aimed at developing the individual's creative potential, mastering the primary experience of scientific research, and forming readiness for research activity [1].

The concept of “student research activity” includes two interrelated elements:

- teaching students the basics of research activity, organisation, and methods of scientific creativity;

- scientific research carried out by students under the guidance of professors and lecturers.

The first component is realized by including all students in educational and research activities, which are gradually transformed into research activities. Such work involves developing skills in working with scientific literature, mastering the scientific organisation of work, and preparing scientific abstracts, articles, and speeches at seminars. More systematic and complex scientific research for students is term papers and graduation papers. Preparation for writing them begins with mastering such a discipline as “Planning and Organisation of Scientific (Linguistic) Research”. Mastering this discipline allows students to get acquainted with the peculiarities of scientific knowledge, its methodological foundations, the technology of working with information sources, the categorical and logical apparatus, and the research structure.

The course “Planning and Organisation of Scientific (Linguistic) Research” for students majoring in Germanic Languages and Literature (Translation included), first - English may include the following main topics: Scientific research as a particular field of activity; Language and style of scientific research work; Methods of linguistic (translation studies) research; Theoretical models of translation; Formulation of the main attributes and procedures for performing linguistic and translation studies; Working with information sources; Methods of preparation and design of publications; Presentation of scientific research results, etc. All student research types are compulsory and included in the curriculum.

However, the developmental potential of student research is enhanced by the open generalisation and discussion of research results. This is possible due to the participation of students in such types of scientific work as scientific and practical conferences, competitions of scientific papers, Olympiads, and publication of scientific articles.

For several years now, the Department of Specialised Translation and Foreign Languages at Kherson National Technical University has been holding the defense of term papers in the form of scientific and practical conferences in order to gain knowledge, skills, and abilities to present their scientific achievements. This work contributes to developing public speaking and communication skills, creates a situation for successfully presenting research results, and increases students' motivation to engage in scientific activities.

Having gained specific knowledge and experience, the most active, creative students take part in student scientific conferences of various levels held both at the university and outside it.

At scientific conferences, young researchers present the results of their scientific work. This encourages them to prepare their presentation carefully and develops their public speaking skills. Each student has the opportunity to evaluate their work and draw appropriate conclusions. During the discussion of the reports, original thoughts and ideas emerge.

Students can present the results of their research work in a scientific article, which is carried out under the guidance of experienced teachers. The most interesting articles are published in a collection of students' research papers published annually at the university.

Master's students must test their research by publishing scientific articles in professional journals in co-authorship with their supervisors.

Student Olympiads and competitions have become a specific indicator of the development of the system of involving students in research work. Olympiads in the fields of study, specialties, and disciplines are already a tool for selecting talented young people in the first years of study, allowing them to engage in creative work - participation in research programs, projects, and other forms of student research.

The development of a future translator's scientific and professional potential is also influenced by preparation for mass events in student research, such as Days of Science, conferences, competitions, and participation in extracurricular activities. The effectiveness of the research work of higher education students depends on the coordination of all components of the professional training system and the formation of the incentive and motivational sphere.

As the experience of our university shows, students who actively participate in competitions and contests win these competitions, then stay at the university, become postgraduate students, and successfully defend their PhD theses. These students make up the reserve that annually replenishes the university's highly educated academic staff.

The primary forms of student research work carried out during extracurricular time under the guidance of teachers include participation in scientific clubs, research laboratories, student design bureaus, and involvement in research projects funded by the state budget and on a contractual basis. Talented students majoring in Germanic Languages and Literature (Translation included), first - English, are also involved in such research activities. An essential role in organising students' research work belongs directly to the specialised departments, which determine the supervisors and topics of research and plan, organise, and coordinate the work of scientific associations.

Research work in extracurricular time effectively identifies talented students, realises their creative abilities, stimulates the need for creative knowledge acquisition, and intensifies educational and cognitive activities. Among the forms of scientific research that students majoring in Germanic Languages and Literatures (Translation included), first - English are involved during their extracurricular time, we should also mention linguistic and translation circles, problem groups, problem workshops, and discussion clubs.

Thus, the purpose of the subject circles is to familiarise students with the problems of science, to study in detail specific issues in the field of linguistics and translation studies, to master the principles, methods, and techniques of scientific work, and to develop the basic skills necessary for further scientific activity. In the problem groups, students, under the guidance of leading scholars - department teachers - research a professional problem, conduct scientific research, and prepare reports for the problem group meeting. After discussion at a group meeting, the best student papers are offered to a student conference, competition, or Olympiad on the recommendation of the group leader and the department.

In problem groups, students, under the guidance of a teacher, perform a critical analysis of existing scientific concepts, collect and process empirical material, and master the methodology and logic of scientific research [2, p. 164].

Participation in problem-based student laboratories includes modeling, studying, and analysing actual documents, programs, and business games and conducting experiments. The ability of students to work collectively is of utmost importance. The lab leader helps students divide the topic into separate questions, making it easier to solve the main problem. It is necessary to take into account the interests and needs of each student, to take into account their capabilities. Working in a problem laboratory, a student can implement the knowledge gained during their studies and work in clubs in research that is of practical importance. Working in a problem-based student laboratory is an essential step towards full-fledged research work and a valuable experience for scientific and practical activities.

Cooperation with translation and travel agencies also contributes to developing future translation specialists' scientific and professional potential [3]. Involvement in scientific work provides an opportunity to synthesize knowledge and increase the use of translation terminology. This could be a permanent seminar for masters on translation and interpreting issues or a school for young translators, where topical issues in translation are discussed. Participation in such seminars will allow students to learn how to systematise and summarise the current research results and adjust the course, forms, and scientific research methods.

Students' practical translation skills and ability to consciously and adequately use the theoretical knowledge they have acquired in practice in the form of a translation commentary are tested at the stage of completing a bachelor's thesis.

The qualification work for the Master's degree should meet higher requirements for the scientific level of research, which implies using professional terminology in discussing practical translation tasks. In addition, based on the results of the translation practice, students are asked to prepare a scientific article for a professional publication in co-authorship with a supervisor from the department.

The course “Planning and Organisation of Scientific (Linguistic) Research” contributes to the development of research competence. As part of this course, students are introduced to the following issues: History and current state of research in translation and foreign philology; Theoretical basis of research; Methodology and methods of research; Logic of research; Independent work in the system of research work; Scientific text and basic requirements for it; Presentation of research results.

Students create a researcher's profile in ORCID and Google Academy and learn about scientometric databases and the basics of searching for scientific information, citation rules, and academic integrity.

The result of a student's successful academic and research work is a final research paper that reflects not only professional knowledge but also the competencies developed, such as the possession of a culture of thinking, the ability to summarise and analyse information, setting goals and choosing ways to achieve them; possession of a culture of oral and written communication, which will prepare them for translation on an unfamiliar topic in the future, provide an opportunity to create a quality product that has passed self-checking and negotiate with the employer for the following order.

All students actively involved in science are united in a student scientific society. As you know, a student scientific society is a voluntary, non-political, and non-commercial association of students of a higher education institution who conduct research work at the departments and research units of the university. The program of the student scientific society is not directly related to the curriculum. The organisation and planning of the student scientific society's work take into account students' scientific interests, the specifics of their future professional activities, and the availability of highly qualified scientists - heads of relevant scientific programs.

Researchers note that this form of scientific creativity is the most effective for developing students' research and scientific abilities.

Therefore, research work carried out both during and after school hours requires constant intensive mental work of students, the development of such qualities as perseverance, the ability to overcome obstacles, the ability to self- organise and self-development, the inner desire to learn new things, and the maximum activation and use of their capabilities.

Properly organised student research work must necessarily be systematic, which involves defining the goals and objectives of research work; creating a concept (main directions, strategy for their implementation, program, and methodology) for training future specialists for research activities; determining the structural components of this system; identifying levels and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of research work; selection of forms, methods, means of implementing a specific program [1].

The research activity of students implemented in the complex is an integral part of the work of a higher education institution and contributes to the formation of the creative personality of a future specialist because

- allows us to teach students the methodology of rational and practical acquisition and use of knowledge to lay the foundations for research and scientific and technical activities;

- allows us to fully implement an individual approach to teaching students and differentiate their specialisation;

- involves students in scientific research and solving production, economic, and social problems as part of the educational process;

- actively promotes students' mastery of modern methods and technologies in the field of science, technology, production, methodology, and practice of planning and risk assessment, and selection of optimal solutions in the context of modern economic relations;

- develops students' ability to make independent, informed judgments and conclusions;

- develops the ability to use independently acquired scientific knowledge in rapidly changing situations, to meet the requirements of professional activity, and to substantiate the results of one's work scientifically;

- allows students to use their free time rationally and distracts them from acquiring negative habits [1].

The measures that contribute to the intensification of students' research work include:

- organising students' participation in scientific conferences, forums, and seminars held in Ukraine and abroad;

- holding conferences, seminars, research competitions, publishing scientific articles based on research results in a collection of student research papers and supporting the publication of students' work in professional scientific journals;

- establishing cooperation with scientific, student, and public organizations of other higher education institutions;

- collecting and disseminating information about foundations that provide grant support for student research;

- increasing student participation in research conducted by university researchers;

- strengthening the role of the university's scientific clubs;

- actively encouraging students and supervisors to engage in research activities at the university.

- solemn meetings with successful students who have achieved positive results in their academic work;

- awarding diplomas from the graduating department, faculty, and management of the higher education institution;

- implementation of the results of scientific research into translation practice.


research activities student translator

Thus, the activation of the system of students' research work at the university should not be an end in itself but an objective necessity since it is an integral part of the educational process of the university and ensures the formation and development of students as creative individuals capable of effectively solving their tasks on a scientific basis, and can significantly improve the level of professional training of specialists.

The prospect of further study may be the foreign experience of effective organisation of scientific work of students - future translators.


1. Gorkunenko, P.P. (2007). Pidhotovka studentiv pedahohichnoho koledzhu do naukovo-doslidnoi roboty: dys … k.ped.nauk: 13.00.04. [Preparation of students of pedagogical college for research work: PhD in Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.04.] Vinnytsia. 265 s. [in Ukrainian].

2. Fitsula, M.M. (2006). Pedahohika vyshchoi shkoly: navch. posib. [Higher school pedagogy: teaching manual] K.: “Akademvydav”. 352 s. [in Ukrainian].

3. Synevych, I.S. (2016). Naukovo-doslidna robota studentiv yak skladova profesiinoi pidhotovky maibutnikh pedahohiv. [Research work of students as a component of professional training of future teachers.] Ukrainskyi psykholoho-pedahohichnyi naukovyi zbirnyk, 8, 148-155 [in Ukrainian].

4. Beliaiev, Yu.I., Stetsenko, N.M. (2010). Naukovo-doslidna diialnist studentiv u strukturi roboty universytetu. [Scientific and research activities of students in the structure of the work of the university]. Pedahohichnyi almanakh, 188-191 [in Ukrainian].

5. Piatnytska-Pozdniakova, I.S. (2003). Osnovy naukovykh doslidzhen u vyshchii shkoli: [navchalnyi posibnyk. [Basics of scientific research in higher education: [teaching manual]. K. 116 s. [in Ukrainian].

6. Filipenko, A.S. (2005). Osnovy naukovykh doslidzhen. Konspekt lektsii: [navchalnyi posibnyk] Basics of the scientific research. Lecture notes: [study guide] K., Akademvydav. 208 s. [in Ukrainian].


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2. Фіцула М.М. Педагогіка вищої школи: навч. посіб. К.: «Академвидав», 2006. 352 с.

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    курсовая работа [94,1 K], добавлен 13.05.2017

  • Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.

    статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014

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