Creating the free-bullying educational environment of primary school

The anti-bullying work algorithm and a systematic approach to the problem solution in the educational environment of primary school. Prevention training of teachers and exchange of experience between them in the format of interactive trainings offline.

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Дата добавления 16.06.2024
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Размещено на

T. H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»


Kmit Olena Volodymyrivna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Languages

and Their Teaching Methodology Department



bullying educational environment school

The article is devoted to the actual problem of creating the freebullying educational environment at elementary school. The anti-bullying work algorithm provides a systematic approach to the problem solution in the educational environment of primary school. The four-step algorithm was developed to counteract bullying effectively. The algorithm includes such main steps: information/education; prevention; assisting in a bullying situation; monitoring the effectiveness of anti-bullying measures.

Education is aimed at helping to realize personal dignity and inviolability. The following methods of education are used to achieve this goal: class and extracurricular activities such as lessons - stop bullying, lessons about friendly relations between schoolchildren, reading books, fairy-tale therapy, watching movies, cartoons, popular videos about this phenomenon.

At the step of prevention specialized training of teachers and exchange of experience between them take place in the format of interactive trainings offline and online aa well as introduction of practical skills into the learning environment of teachers and students.

At the step of assisting in a bullying situation a clear algorithm for responding to a bullying case is used. It comprises the following steps: 1) a signal about the alleged fact of bullying; 2) conducting a consultation of teachers if there is a fact of the confirmed case; 3) talking with the children affected by bullying, providing assistance and support; 4) meetings with the parents of the affected child; 5) interviews with the child offenders, assistance; 6) meetings with the parents of child offenders; 7) general meeting of the parents of the children-victims and the children-aggressors (if necessary); 8) organization of assistance by the students witnesses of persecution; 9) providing assistance and support to the parents. Discussing the situation of bullying in the classroom with the parents at parent meetings; 10) transfer to another class or school (in exceptional cases).

The step of monitoring the effectiveness of anti-bullying measures can be implemented in the form of filling in observation cards for the behavior and opinions of the children, adults, as well as organizing the physical space of the school, through the analysis of educational documents and specially developed checklists for tracking the facts of aggressive behavior of the specific children.

Keywords: primary school, bullying-free educational environment, antibullying work algorithm.


Кміть Олена Володимирівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри мов і методики їх викладання, Національний університет «Чернігівський колегіум» імені Т.Г. Шевченка, м. Чернігів


Статтю присвячено актуальній проблемі створення освітнього середовища вільного від булінгу. Розроблений алгоритм роботи забезпечує системний підхід до вирішення проблеми в освітньому середовищі початкової школи. Для створення вільного від булінгу освітнього середовища початкової школи розроблено чотирьохетапний алгоритм роботи. Він включає такі основні етапи: інформаційний/освітній; профілактичний; надання допомоги в ситуації булінгу; моніторинг ефективності антибулінгових заходів.

Освіта спрямована на те, щоб допомогти реалізувати особисту гідність і недоторканність. З цією метою використовують класні та позакласні заходи, такі як: уроки - стоп булінг, уроки про дружні стосунки між школярами, читання книг, казкотерапія, перегляд фільмів, мультфільмів, популярних відео.

На етапі профілактики спеціалізована підготовка викладачів проходить у форматі інтерактивних тренінгів офлайн та онлайн, обмін досвідом між ними та впровадження практичних навичок у навчальне середовище викладачів та студентів.

На етапі сприяння в ситуації булінгу, запропоновано чіткий алгоритм реагування на булінг: 1) сигнал про передбачуваний факт булінгу; 2) проведення консультації вчителів за наявності підтвердження факту булінгу; 3) спілкування з дітьми, які постраждали від знущань, надання допомоги та підтримки; 4) зустрічі з батьками постраждалої дитини; 5) співбесіди з дітьми-правопо-рушниками, допомога; 6) зустрічі з батьками дітей-правопорушників; 7) загальні збори батьків дітей-потерпілих та дітей-агресорів (за необхідності); 8) організація допомоги студентами-свідками переслідувань; 9) надання допомоги та підтримки батькам, обговорення ситуації цькування в класі з батьками на батьківських зборах; 10) переведення в інший клас або школу (у виняткових випадках).

Етап моніторингу ефективності антибулінгових заходів може бути реалізований у вигляді заповнення карток спостереження поведінки та представлення думок дітей, дорослих, а також організації фізичного простору школи, шляхом аналізу освітніх документів та спеціально розроблених контрольних списків для відстеження фактів агресивної поведінки конкретних дітей.

Ключові слова: початкова школа, вільне від булінгу освітнє середовище, анти-булінговий алгоритм роботи.

The problem setting

Today, in the process of reforming the educational system, the problems of bullying and violence in the school environment very often become an obstacle to achieving the goal of comprehensive development of the child. Adults' help is vitally necessary for children and y oung people at any age, especially if the actions of the offenders can cause serious damage to physical and mental health.

The educational institution plays an important role in creating conditions for students to gain knowledge in a safe educational environment, the formation of attitudes and skills that are needed to avoid and prevent manifestations of violence, conflict-free communication, non-violent behavior.

A decisive role in countering violence and bullying belongs to teachers. However, they can cope with this problem only through a systematic approach and the support of school management, parents, representatives of local authorities and public organizations, as well as with the involvement and participation of children and youth. Thus, the problem of anti-bullying work algorithm, providing a systematic approach to its solution, becomes urgent.

Literature review

The word "bullying" comes from the English verb "to bully," which is translated as "harass, intimidate, insult." The equivalent of the English word "bullying" is the Ukrainian word "intimidation," which directly reveals its meaning. When this term was transferred to the Ukrainian terminological plane, it was defined as a process involving actions related to harassment, insults, intimidation, persecution of someone in various ways, slander and bullying of someone.

The first scientific explorations of the problem of bullying belong to Scandinavian and British scientists, including: D. Lane, E. Munte, A. Pikas, E. Roland, P.Heinemann. In the early 90s of the twentieth century the theoretical foundations of bullying began to be studied in the United States. The model of bullying developed by D. Olveus in the educational environment became the scientific basis for further study of this phenomenon. Psychological aspects of violence against children among Ukrainian scientists are widely represented in the works of O. Asmolov, O. Barlita, S. Boltovets, A. Bochavera, B. Bratusya, O. Glazman, T.Dragunova, O. Drozdova, N. Levitova, S. Maksimenko, N. Maksimova, N. Mikhailova, V. Petrosyants, O.Sinyukova, V. Sobkina, N. Soldatenko, A.Chernyakova and others. Conditions for the introduction of innovative technologies to prevent aggressive behavior under school conditions was studied by R. Bezpalcha, I. Gaydamashko, M. Zhdanova, N. Zaveriko, L. Lushpaya, O. Romanova, D. Solovyova, A. Chernyakova and others [1, 154-158]. In the studies of O. Kormylo, O. Kuleshova, L. Mikheeva, N. Pribitkova an analysis of the phenomenon of bullying and ways to overcome it in the educational space was carried out [1, 2, 3]. In the scientific research of L.Lushpay school bullying is considered as a kind of social aggression [4]. A.Korniychenko and E.Sobol determine the features and forms of bullying in the educational environment [5]. In the publications A. Korol examines the causes and consequences of bullying in the legal environment [6].

The authors note that bullying includes three important components: 1) systematic implementation; 2) aggression; 3) inequality of all parties. Foreign scholars support the position of the three-component category of violence, emphasizing the intention to harm, multiple use and lack of balance of power between the offender and the victim. In fact, these components are considered general characteristics of bullying, since without them we cannot regard bullying as a true social negative phenomenon. The achievements of Ukrainian scientists and their interpretation of bullying deserve attention. In particular, A. Korol understands this phenomenon as repeated, conscious, intentional and unintentional behavior with the intention of causing harm, causing fear through threats and future aggression [6, p. 17]. L.Lushpay defines this as persecution and discrimination, which means a long process of conscious insults by one child or group of children against another child or other children [4, p. 44]. Ukrainian scientists describe this concept through the prism of cruelty, consciousness, oppression, discrimination, humiliation, psychological impact and physical harm.

The first step to overcome the manifestations of bullying was the Law of Ukraine [7] "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Combating Bullying (Bullying)" of 18.12.2018, which amended the following legislative acts of Ukraine: 1. The Law of Ukraine "On Education," which gives a legal definition of the concept of "bullying" and its typical features. Also, this law defines the rights, duties and powers of all participants in the educational process in matters of preventing and countering bullying in the educational environment and overcoming its consequences. The norms of the Law of Ukraine do not regulate relations between pedagogical workers, service personnel of an educational institution, parents of applicants for education and other people. Relations between the mentioned above people are regulated by the relevant regulatory legal acts: Law of Ukraine "On Education"; Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Childhood".

Bullying has several phases of development, which can be depicted as "Ladder of bullying" - from the moment of origin to the highest phase.

Bullying should be understood as a socially negative phenomenon, the implementation of systematic, deliberate and abusive behavior that manifests itself in action and has subjective and objective reasons.

As a psychological phenomenon, school bullying is psychological, physical stress, violence associated with the effect on the psyche, causing the child psychological trauma through verbal insults or threats, harassment, intimidation, which is intentionally caused by the emotional uncertainty of the victim.

Elementary school students are characterized by the following types and forms of bullying: physical, verbal and non-verbal, psychological pressure, economic bullying, cyberbullying. According to the subjective composition, images are divided into individual and collective. According to the methods, bullying is divided into direct and indirect. According to the criterion of purpose and content, bullying is divided into simple bullying and hazing (a modern alternative to the ritual of initiation into a certain deviant group that exists in closed boarding schools).

Prevention of school bullying requires an integrated approach based on humanistic psychology and pedagogical principles, involves the use of psychological, educational methods and techniques in practical work with students, their parents and teachers. Therefore, one of the primary tasks of pedagogy is the search for effective methods of prevention, correction and prevention of the violence impact on the educational environment.

To overcome and counteract the negative effects of bullying, work may be carried out in three directions:

1) through cooperation with parents to create a favorable family environment for the development of children;

2) with the help of professional psychological assistance in schools;

3) by implementing educational activities that ensure the participation of younger students in informative and preventive measures regarding bullying in classroom and extracurricular work, applying innovative methods based on humanitarian principles. All areas of work create prerequisites for preventing violence, abuse and negative interactions.

Despite the urgency of the problem of creating the bullying-free educational environment, the issue of creating an anti-bullying work algorithm for these conditions remains open.

The research goal of the article consists in developing and substantiating anti-bullying work algorithm for creating the bullying-free educational environment at elementary school.

Key research findings

The developed anti-bullying work algorithm is based on the principles of consistency and complexity. The principle of consistency assumes that anti-bullying work is implemented systematically, that is, it is aimed at organizing the safety of children in all spheres of their life: social, psychological, educational and cognitive, permissive and continues throughout the process of obtaining primary education. Coordination is required to organize systematic work, so an anti-bullying team is created at school, which accompanies the processes associated with the formation of a safe environment and is able to withstand cases of bullying. The principle of complexity determines the work with all participants in the educational process (children, teachers, parents). The key figure in this process is a teacher who works directly with children. The main work on the prevention of bullying and monitoring the risk of its occurrence is performed by the class teacher. It is necessary to build parallel connections within the teaching staff within the framework of council on the problem of bullying and the creation of anti-bullying teams. This creates a kind of infrastructure inside the school and enables teachers to support each other, which is necessary in the work to counter violence.

The anti-bullying work algorithm includes four main steps:

• step 1 - information/education;

• step 2 - prevention;

• step 3 - assistance in the situation of bullying;

• step 4 - monitoring the effectiveness of anti-bullying measures.

The first and the most important step of work is education. Education is a systematic activity of specialists aimed at informing, motivating, attracting participants in the educational process to actively counteract bullying. Within the framework of the developed work algorithm, the concepts of "education" and "informing" are used interchangeably as synonyms. The area of anti-bullying activity is regarded as a process and as a result of knowledge transfer, information and statistics about bullying, its forms, factors, participants, signs, consequences, influences. All the elements can eventually create an informed community of participants in the educational process, capable of preventing bullying and providing a safe environment for all students at school. Education is a complex, continuous process that accompanies the preparation for the introduction of the anti-bullying model and its further development. This is a process that involves teachers, students, administration and technical staff of the school. The purpose of education is the formation in children such personal attitudes that do not allow them to accept, tolerate or ignore bullying. Moreover, they are formed by all possible means - verbal and non-verbal, media and targeted, even by the organization of the school space itself, friendly to all children, regardless of their health or social status. Enlightenment, in essence, is aimed at helping to realize personal dignity and inviolability. Targeted education about the benefits of nonviolent communication and the value of personality continues during lessons in various disciplines and after-hours. Thus, two levels of enlightenment can be distinguished: general and specific. General enlightenment is values, personality, self-identity and self-control. Specific is informing directly about bullying.

Bullying as a consequence of the lack of constructive social skills of the children's group develops and is fixed where adults in the environment ignore it and do not respond to bullying. Therefore, the most important part of the general information is the demonstration by the teacher of respect for each child in the class, the acceptance of him or her as unique, worthy and inviolable. Who, if not the teacher, can help the child understand what he is capable of, support, teach and protect, show how to distinguish conflict from bullying, obscene jokes, from gossip and intrigue.

When the teacher does not seek to see in each child a separate unique personality, when the class is depersonalized, when the teacher leads the class from authoritarian positions, when there is a cry, criticism, threats around - bullying will certainly arise and strengthen. Educational activities aimed at each group of participants in the educational process - children, teachers, technical staff and administration - help to change the situation.

Forms and methods of educating teachers vary during conversations and round tables with examples of specific cases that have changed the climate in the classroom, the behavior of children and the work of the teacher - to reviews of the best domestic and foreign practices.

Educating students is a priority not only for the class teacher, but also for every teacher who works with the class. The teacher is an instrument of educational activity. Every day children see and evaluate the teacher's behavior, forming an example. The teacher's attitude to the staff, to colleagues, to themselves and to individual students models the relationship of children among themselves. Everyday explanations and comments that the teacher makes during the lesson or during extracurricular work are sometimes more important than some event. Of course, in addition to the general influence of the teacher's personality on the student, there is also a prepared purposeful educational activity, developed for the needs of children and taking into account age norms.

For primary school children, non-directive methods of education always work well - class and extracurricular activities, such as: lessons - stop bullying, lessons about friendly relations between schoolchildren, reading books, fairy-tale therapy, watching movies, cartoons, even popular videos about this phenomenon. At the same time, it is important to correctly place emphasis on the analysis of the behavior of heroes, their values and beliefs.

There are also specific tasks of education in relation to individual groups of participants in the educational process:

* for teachers: formation of motivation, strengthening, and sometimes correction of the professional position and value settings of school teachers so that they can consciously participate in the creation and preservation of a safe, comfortable educational environment; correctly selected and correctly presented information about the essence of bullying, its immediate harm to all children in the class, not only for the victim, about the harmful consequences in the future for those who participated in it, even as a witness.

• for parents: help of parents to students in understanding the relationship of non-violent education and training of children with the subsequent formation of their social success; ability to cooperate and strengthen stress resistance and vitality.

• for students: dissemination in an accessible popular form of information on the recognition of violent forms of communication, including signs and varieties of bullying in the children's environment.

The second step of the developed anti-bullying work algorithm is prevention. If education is the level of knowledge formation, the accumulation of information, the development of motivation to actively counter bullying, the prevention is the level of action, the formation of skills, the development of effective, practical techniques that allow creating the conditions of the educational process, in which the risk of bullying is reduced to zero. At this stage, there is a specialized training of teachers, exchange of experience between them and the introduction of practical skills in the learning environment of teachers and students.

The main directions of prevention within the framework of the created algorithm are:

• teaching teachers, specialists and school staff anti -bullying skills;

• professional support of teachers (prevention of emotional burnout);

• cooperation of teachers (schools) and parents in order to counteract bullying;

• directly preventive measures for schoolchildren.

Teacher training is implemented in the format of interactive offline and online trainings, with a great emphasis on practical skills development. The main goal of training teachers, specialists and school administration in preparation for the introduction of the anti-bullying model is the development of communicative competence in interaction with each other, with children and their parents. At the trainings, teachers receive specific knowledge about the nature of aggression in general and about bullying as its kind. At these trainings specific skills in recognizing bullying are practised. Teachers in the process of learning begin to listen more to children, be interested in their opinions, better understand and predict their actions and reactions, see in them individual unique personalities. All this allows them to more effectively strengthen relationships with children, educate them and help in the development process.

As in education, prevention distinguishes between specific and general (nonspecific) measures that are aimed at preventing bullying in school. Specific prevention includes measures directly related to the formation of knowledge and skills to counteract bullying. General (non-specific) prevention includes measures that promote the development of a person who is able to realize not only his rights, but also responsibility towards others, who independently thinks and is able to achieve his goals without offending or harassing anyone.

The methods of developing a system of relations between teachers and students that provide a basis for a safe school environment include:

• the method of identification development, which consists in the pedagogical actualization of the child's ability to put himself in the place of another person and understand the peculiarities of the life situation of another, to be aware of his needs;

• the method of development of empathy, which consists in the pedagogical actualization of the child's ability to empathize with the state of another, recognize the feelings of another, adequately respond to them and express sympathy;

• the method of development of reflection, which consists in the pedagogical actualization of the child's internal resources to assess their actions, desires, motives and possible consequences for themselves and others, to what is commonly called introspection.

One of the tasks of general prevention is the formation of healthy relationships in the children's team. In order to build a trusting relationship with the children and form an atmosphere of goodwill and acceptance in the classroom, the teacher can use several proven strategies:

• strategy of prediction and understanding, expectation of a certain behavior for a particular reaction from the child. This means that the teacher is constantly studying the characteristics of children. He is interested in the individuality of his students and personifies everything good with his actions.

• strategy for updating and developing children's resources in providing assistance and support. The teacher encourages and strengthens not only the support of the student, but also the intention that the child helps another.

• the strategy of forming traditions in the classroom. The teacher displays the rejection of bullying in the classroom to the level of the norm, tradition, characteristic features of the children's group, class. This strategy is both a mechanism of consolidation, non-violent ways of communication in the children's community.

It is important for the teacher himself to develop and adapt activities in accordance with the modern interests of children and not to use from year to year what was once appropriate. Losing interest in the event, children may lose the meaning of participation in the anti-bullying program.

So, the inadmissibility of bullying younger students will best understand through games. Explaining the rules, the teacher emphasizes the importance of polite and correct behavior during the game. In the game a respectful attitude towards each other is worked out and fixed. In such games each rude word or gesture is fined, in the conditions of the game it is not allowed to offend others, ridicule or impede other participants.

Examples of specific preventive measures are:

* the practice of recognizing bullying. For example, the discussion "Where the joke ends and the trauma begins", "Bullying and conflict - what is the difference between them"; the conversations: "It is not accepted to us", "We don't do that"; the urge of children to analyze their own actions: "Why did you do this?" "What did you want to achieve with this?"

The third step of this work algorithm is to assist in the situation of bullying. The identified case of bullying requires immediate intervention and comprehensive work. The case can be detected by the teacher, through messages from children, parents or from school staff. When the teacher becomes an eyewitness to any action characteristic of bullying, it is necessary to immediately respond. Response in the event of a direct bullying incident: intervene, interrupt, protect, remind the rules, divide, support and restore the emotional state of the victim as much as possible in the situation, relieve the tension of aggression, reduce the level of stress, warn about the consequences of the offenders and their followers, ensure safety for all participants, send a signal to the participants of the anti-bullying team/class teacher/head teacher.

Any event - an appeal from children or parents on the issue of bullying - requires an immediate detailed consideration of the situation. Next, we offer an algorithm for responding to a bullying case.

1. Signal about the alleged fact of bullying. Gathering information and clarifying the situation in the classroom in order to differentiate what is happening: conflict, bullying or something else.

2. When confirming the fact of bullying - holding a consultation of teachers to develop a general strategy for working with the class.

3. Talking with children affected by bullying, providing help and support, restoring social skills.

4. Meetings with parents of the injured child.

5. Interviews with the child offenders, assistance. Demonstration of the inadmissibility of bullying.

6. Meetings with the parents of the child offenders.

7. General meeting of the parents of the children-victims and the childrenaggressors (if necessary).

8. Organization of assistance by the students-witnesses of persecution. Group work with children of the class to change the installation, "bullying is the norm" for the installation - "bullying cannot be tolerated." Activation of behavior aimed at countering bullying in the children observers.

9. Providing assistance and support to the parents. Discussing the situation of bullying in the classroom with the parents at parent meetings. Forming a common understanding of the problem and goals of work: normalizing the atmosphere in the classroom and creating safe conditions for each child.

10. Transfer to another class or school (in exceptional cases).

The goal of the algorithm is to minimize or completely eliminate the practice of bullying in the educational environment. Tasks of the teachers in the process of implementing the algorithm:

• react immediately and prevent any manifestations of bullying;

• support the children affected by bullying, contribute to improving self - esteem in them, enlist the support of the children in the classroom who are ready to protect the child, include the child in group classes, games.

For the children affected by bullying, this means:

• having security at school;

• improving self-esteem, self-confidence;

• understanding how to protect yourself;

• friendships with at least one or two children.

For the children, instigators, this means:

• reduction of aggressive behavior;

• mitigation, reduction of negative and hostile reactions and strengthening of positive behavior.

Assistance to participants affected by the bullying situation is provided in the classroom and at the individual level. These measures can concern both the response to the current situation "here and now," and the early intervention plan and correction of what is happening in the classroom. Measures at the individual level are aimed at providing individual support to the participants of the persecution and building further correctional work.

The teacher should have a conversation with the child victim. A child suffering from persecution cannot be confident. That is why the children are often afraid and not ready to talk about trauma, they are afraid of influence from peers, are afraid to worsen the situation with trauma. Everything possible must be done to ensure the safety and protection of the children from pain. This requires the analysis and discussion of the situation with the aggressor children and the class at the level of measures taken to exclude the recurrence of cases in the future. It is necessary to teach a child who is faced with a case of bullying, to trust adults and understand that they are able to help and protect him.

Having a conversation with the aggressor child is also necessary. The main task of the teacher is to make the persecution stop. It is important to convey to the child that attacks on another child and harassment are unacceptable, discuss the rules adopted in school and in the classroom and use the prescribed sanctions. If several people participate in the persecution, then you need to talk to them separately, calling each one after another. In the future it is necessary to monitor the behavior of aggressor children. The assertiveness and energy of some can be directed in a more positive direction, trusting them with responsible tasks with a leadership role.

Discussing the problem with the parents is required from the teacher. Interaction with the parents allows to provide the necessary assistance to the children and ensure the safety of the child-victim in the future. It makes sense, in addition to an individual conversation, to organize a meeting between the parents of the victim child and the parents of the aggressor children. The purpose of the meeting is to agree on a joint action plan. The effectiveness of any measures to overcome bullying is significantly increased if it is possible to ensure adequate contact and cooperation between the parents of the victim child and the parents of the aggressor child. This in most cases requires several joint meetings.

Class-level activities are aimed at creating a safe environment, improving classroom interaction, improving relationships between children:

• regular monitoring by teachers of changing relationships in the classroom;

• clear, clear by age rules against bullying: the definition of unacceptable behavior, encouragement, punishment;

• scheme of actions of the children in contact with bullying;

• discussion of personal security, including on the Internet;

• encouraging joint training, support each other;

• general positive classroom activities (on cohesion and mutual interest);

• discussion with the children of conflict situations, ways to solve problems;

• formation of a zone of success for the children, including those who are at risk;

• involving the parents in the prevention of bullying.

The fourth step is to monitor the effectiveness of anti-bullying measures.

Monitoring the effectiveness of the main stages of the model implementation can be performed in the form of filling in observation cards for the behavior and opinions of children, adults, as well as the organization of the physical space of the school, through the analysis of educational documents and specially developed checklists for tracking the facts of aggressive behavior of the specific children who may be potential victims and aggressors, taking into account aggressive cases and behavior, taking into account friendly relationships in the classroom, conducting testing or questioning at parent meetings.

All of the above is aimed at a comprehensive study of the personality of students and the formulation of a unified teaching position, the definition of the main direction of improving the educational environment and the introduction of the presented anti-bullying work algorithm.


The anti-bullying work algorithm provides a systematic approach to creating the bullying-free educational environment at primary school. The four-step algorithm was developed to counteract bullying effectively. The algorithm includes such main steps: information/education; prevention; assisting in a bullying situation; monitoring the effectiveness of anti-bullying measures.

Education is aimed at helping to realize personal dignity and inviolability. Non-directive methods of education are used to achieve this goal: class and extracurricular activities such as: lessons - stop bullying, lessons about friendly relations between schoolchildren, reading books, fairy-tale therapy, watching movies, cartoons, even popular videos about this phenomenon.

At the step of prevention specialized training of teachers and exchange of experience between them take place in the format of interactive trainings offline and online aa well as introduction of practical skills into the learning environment of teachers and students.

At the step of assisting in a bullying situation a clear algorithm for responding to a bullying case is used. It comprises the following steps: 1) a signal about the alleged fact of bullying; 2) conducting a consultation of teachers if there is a fact of the confirmed case; 3) talking with the children affected by bullying, providing assistance and support; 4) meetings with the parents of the affected child; 5) interviews with the child offenders, assistance; 6) meetings with the parents of child offenders; 7) general meeting of the parents of the children-victims and the children-aggressors (if necessary); 8) organization of assistance by the studentswitnesses of persecution; 9) providing assistance and support to the parents. Discussing the situation of bullying in the classroom with the parents at parent meetings; 10) transfer to another class or school (in exceptional cases).

The step of monitoring the effectiveness of anti-bullying measures can be implemented in the form of filling in observation cards for the behavior and opinions of the children, adults, as well as organizing the physical space of the school, through the analysis of educational documents and specially developed checklists for tracking the facts of aggressive behavior of the specific children.


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