The cognitive concepts of "attention" and "perception". Their relationship in controlling the information flow of the cognitive process

The problem of attention and its role in information perception. As a result of research, it was proved that this process does not exist independently. Modern cognitive science defines attention as a dynamic component of managing information flows.

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The cognitive concepts of "attention" and "perception". Their relationship in controlling the information flow of the cognitive process

Emelyanova T.V., Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University,

Yarkho T.O., Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University,

Legeyda A.V., V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,

Legeyda D.V.,

O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


The problem of attention and its role in the perception of information is one of the most controversial problems of cognitive science [1]. As a result of numerous researches, it has been proved that this process does not exist independently. Modern cognitive science defines attention as a dynamic component of managing information flows, corresponding to the dynamic characteristics of managing the sensory activity of an individual. Sensory activity is determined by the energy component of the level of activation of the sensory system, which is the starting point of the process of perception of information and, accordingly, the expansion of the cognitive space of memory in the process of learning. information cognitive managing

In the article is researched attention as a dynamic characteristic of the perception of an information signal in the paradigm of a neurodynamic problem, in the phase space of which the model representation of the mental image of an information signal is described by integrated metastable structures.

The role of the energy component of the dynamic characteristics of perception in the formation of the response of the neural system has been studied. The neural structure of the brain is a structured environment in which a dynamic functional system is formed to implement a certain cognitive function [2]. Within the framework of the neurodynamic concept about the modes of localization of metastable structures in the phase space of a dynamic system, a response is created to an external or internal signal of the sensory system. The dynamic characteristics of the response must take into account the energy component of the sensor signal. It is expected that sensory signals of different "power" significantly affect the responses formed by the neurodynamic system. The same information signal, but of different strength, can be perceived by the nervous system in different ways, therefore, the responses of the neural system of the brain to the "same information", but with a sensation that can manifest itself, can be amplified. The reactions of the nervous system are represented by integrated models of representations of mental images of information signals, which in an encoded form, in the form of functional modes, is displayed in the cognitive space of memory. As a result, the cognitive memory space is filled of codes of model representations of new images of images. It is expanded not only the cognitive memory space, but also the cognitive space of the personality.

At present, the concept of "attention" is firmly established in cognitive science [3]. However, there is still no consensus on the status of attention [4]. In some cases, attention is considered as an independent component of the cognitive process, in others it is argued that attention does not have independence, and its function is to control certain abilities of the brain [5]. For example, in [3], the concept of "attention" is discussed as an independent psychological process, inseparably connected with other psychological functions and states, which is formed and developed in the process of specially organized purposeful activity.

The authors of the article [6] define attention as a property of perception and cognitive functions. The limited ability of the brain to process competing tasks is accented, as attention mechanisms select, modulate, and maintain the focus of attention on the information most relevant to the individual. Further, the authors propose to classify attention according to the type of information: into external and internal attention. External attention is responsible for the selection and modulation of sensory information. Sensory information, according to the authors, determines the choice of a place in space, moments in time or input data, modality-specific parameters. Such perceptual attention may select signs defined in any of these dimensions, or representations of objects that are integrated in space, time, and modality. The authors of the article believe that internal attention is the selection, modulation and detection of an internally generated signal. The authors believe that such a classification determines the structure of the organization, which provides new opportunities for studying and understanding the cognitive space.

In article [7], it is suggests that attention, as a property of perception, with an increase activity on the sensory level, can lead to conscious perception. Some authors [8] draw attention to the fact that in cognitive science ideas about the place and role of attention in the process of information processing are very unstable.

There are works whose authors consider the possibility of using the concept of attention in the framework of creating artificial neural networks. The key property of attention is the flexible management of limited resources, which, according to the authors, is of great importance for information processing in artificial systems [9].

Along with the study of the status of attention in the framework of cognitive theory, there are works [4, 10], whose authors are trying to build a quantitative theory of attention evaluation. They use the definition of the term attention as a quantitative measure of interest and fascination. The process with the greatest attention, is interpreted as a conscious process, the rest of the psychological processes are unconscious. Defining perception as an experience, they represent it as a conscious psychological process. Remaining within the framework of the introduced definitions, the authors propose models of the dynamics of attention in the process of perceiving an individual stimulus.

To date, there are numerous publications on the neurophysiological study of the cognitive activity of the neural system of the brain. [2,11,12]. The authors of works [13,14] studied the internal mechanisms of the cognitive space from the standpoint of the neurodynamic concept of the modes of localization of metastable structures of the neural system of the brain. Studying the internal mechanisms of the cognitive space, the authors of the article came to the conclusion that it is necessary from the standpoint of the neurodynamic concept to research attention as a dynamic characteristic of the perception of an information signal by the cognitive space of the individual.

Presenting main material. The cognitive process from the standpoint of the neurodynamic concept about the modes of localization of metastable structures in the phase space of the system is the process of creating a response to an external or internal stimulus by the neural system of the brain. The creation of a response to a stimulus is characterized as an intuitive unconscious processing of the information received and is determined by the internal mechanisms of the neural system of the brain, so that the dynamics and direction of the process of creating a response are presented as "cognitive unconscious" components. (For the first time, V. Allahverdov defined the internal mechanisms of the cognitive process as "cognitive unconscious" [15]).

The space of cognitive functions of a person is the space of cognitive abilities, memory and thinking processes. The neural structure of the brain is a structured environment in which a dynamic functional system is formed to implement a certain cognitive function [2].

An external influence activates the sensory network, which, in turn, transforms and delivers the corresponding signals to the neural structures responsible for the cognitive activity of the brain. These signals enter the neural environment in the form of perturbations. A mosaic of excited neurons is created. Only active excited neurons can take part in the formation of a functional neural system [2].

The response to the sensory perturbation of the excited neurons of the system is the creation of an ensemble of active excited neurons and the formation of dynamic modes with metastable states, which can form quite complex structures in the phase space of the dynamic problem. Each specific sensory signal corresponds to the emergence of a specific metastable structure that carries information about external influences.

Thus, the response of the neural structure to the sensory signal is an integrated model representation that carries information about the mental image of the signal. It is possible to define an integrated model representation of a mental image as a "phase portrait" of an information signal. The activation of the neural ensemble decreases and fades, with the extinction of the activity of the neural ensemble, the response formed by the neural system is displayed in the cognitive memory space in an encoded form, in the form of a functional mode of a spatial signal or a functional mode of a spatiotemporal signal [14]. The cognitive space of memory is expanding.

In the model of perception by the sensory system of a stimulus in the form of an external or internal signal, attention is represented as a dynamic characteristic of the process of perception. One of the components of the dynamic characteristics of perception is the energy component, the influence of which on the formation of a response, an integrated model representation of a mental image, can be significant.

The energy component of the sensory signal is determined by the intensity of the external (internal) stimulus. Under the influence of a sensory signal, ensembles of active excited neurons of the certain architecture are created in the neural system. The architecture of each ensemble of active excited neurons essentially depends on the dynamic characteristics of the sensory signal, including its energy component. In the created dynamic system of the neural ensemble, dynamic modes of metastable states are formed, the structure of which depends on the energy component of the dynamic characteristics of the sensor signal. Let us consider in more detail the influence of the energy component of the sensory signal on the formation and characteristics of the dynamic system of the neural ensemble.

The dynamic system of an ensemble of active excited neurons is determined by the architecture, the nature of the activity of excited neurons and the properties of neural connections, which are determined by the dynamic properties of the sensory signal generated by an external stimulus. The intensity of the external stimulus (mental image) determines the energy component of the dynamic characteristics of the impact of the sensory signal on the neural system. The energy component affects the architecture of the neural ensemble, the nature of the activity of excited neurons and the properties of neural connections. As a result, a dynamic system of an ensemble of active excited neurons is created, in the characteristics of which the influence of the energy component of the sensory signal is significant. Since the dynamic system of the neural ensemble is sensitive to the energy component of the signal, this can lead to changes in the structure of localized metastable states. The created integrated model representation of the mental image turns out to be "unstable" to changes of the energy component of the external signal.

The performed analysis proves that the dynamic characteristics of the response are sensitive to the energy component of the sensory signal, since sensory signals of different "intensity" form neurodynamic systems, the dynamic characteristics of which have a certain degree of difference. In this case, the same information signal, but with different energy components, can be perceived by the neural system in differently.

The cognitive space of memory is the space of functional modes, encoded phase "portraits" of integrated model representations of mental images of information signals. Let us consider the process of perception by the cognitive space of memory of an encoded model representation of a mental image in the form of a functional mode. The perception of a new functional mode by the cognitive memory space corresponds to the perturbation of the system, which is in a state of stable equilibrium.

In the system of functional modes, the process of searching of a new equilibrium state is started, the process of checking on the novelty of a new fundamental mode. The mechanism of this process consists in comparing the new mode with the functional modes of previously received information signals. If the code of a similar information signal, but with a different energy characteristic, was previously embedded in the cognitive space of memory, then, depending on the similarity of their functional modes, a modified mode may appear. The process of the emergence of a new mode is due to the integrated model representation of the "new" information image, as a result of the modification of little differently functional modes.

Thus, the cognitive space of memory expands due to the functional modes of model representations of new mental images, which corresponds to the expansion of the cognitive space of the individual.


The concept of "attention" is introduced as a dynamic characteristic of the process of "perception" of an external or internal signal. The energy component is considered as one of the components of the dynamic characteristic of the information signal perception process.

The performed analysis proves that the dynamic characteristics of the response are sensitive to the energy component of the sensory signal. Sensory signals of different "intensity" form neurodynamic systems, the dynamic characteristics of which have a certain degree of difference. As a result, information signals that are characterized by different energy components are perceived differently by the neural system.

The energy component significantly affects the architecture of the neural ensemble, the nature of the activity of excited neurons and the properties of neural connections, which can lead to changes in the structure of localized metastable states that create a response of the brain's neural system to an information signal. The response of the neural system of the brain is formed as an integrated model representation of the information signal, which, in the form of the functional mode, is embedded in the cognitive space of memory.

The understanding of attention as a dynamic characteristic of the perception of an information signal, the study of the influence of the energy component of the dynamic characteristics of perception on the formation of a model representation of a mental image, the code analogue of which is laid down and stored in the cognitive space of memory in the form of a functional mode, will provide additional arguments about the need for further research of the process of perception within the framework of the concept of the neurodynamic organization of the neural system of the brain, taking into account the hypothesis about the functional modes of the cognitive space of memory.


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