Training of future economics in business oral and written negotiations in English

Psychological, linguistic, pedagogical and methodical features of teaching negotiation in English. Functions of business negotiations. Requirements for exercises and test tasks for training future economists in business oral and written negotiations.

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National Aviation University

Training of future economics in business oral and written negotiations in english

Dyshleva Svitlana Mykolaivna Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department of foreign languages and translation

Dyshleva Hanna Volodymyrivna, lecturer of the department of professional foreign languages



The article is devoted to teaching future economists how to conduct oral and written business negotiations in English. The article theoretically substantiates and practically develops the methodology of training future economists in conducting business oral and written negotiations in English.

Psychological, linguistic, pedagogical and methodical features of teaching negotiation in English are analyzed. Negotiations are divided into types and types, have a certain structure (preparatory, main and final phases), strategy (setting a certain goal), tactics (choosing a certain model of behavior), and business negotiation techniques (a system of rules and techniques). There are two ways of conducting business negotiations: oral (business negotiations, telephone negotiations) and written (letters, business written negotiations). The documents most often used in negotiations are contracts, protocols, memoranda, reports.

The work highlights the functions of business negotiations: informational, regulatory, communicative, “decision-making”, controlling, coordination of actions, constructive, propaganda-advertising, disguising, pacifying, affective, cultural-national (intercultural) and their main groups of skills. Business oral and written negotiations are also divided into pairs, micro-negotiations and collective negotiations. A classification of exercises and test tasks, which should and effectively be used to teach students of economic specialties business oral and written negotiations in English, has been carried out. Criteria for selection of educational material, requirements for exercises and test tasks for training future economists in business oral and written negotiations are formulated. A theoretically grounded set of exercises and test tasks for the formation and improvement of skills and abilities: preparation for negotiations, conducting and concluding business oral and written negotiations. The set of exercises consists of communicative, conditional-communicative and communicative exercises. Work with a set of exercises and test tasks takes place at the propaedeutic, preparatory, main and final stages. Methodological recommendations have been developed on the basis of theoretical reasoning, which contain organizational procedures related to the implementation of training future economists in oral and written negotiations within the framework of the credit-module system.

Keywords: business oral and written negotiations in English, students of economic specialties of higher educational institutions, phases and functions of business negotiations, stages of training, levels of educational material.


Дишлева Світлана Миколаївна кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов і перекладу, Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ

Дишлева Ганна Володимирівна викладач кафедри іноземних мов за фахом, Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ,


Стаття присвячена навчанню майбутніх економістів ведення ділових усних та писемних переговорів англійською мовою. У статті теоретично обґрунтовано і практично розроблено методику навчання майбутніх економістів веденню ділових усних та писемних переговорів англійською мовою.

Проаналізовані психологічні, лінгвістичні, педагогічні і методичні особливості навчання веденню переговорів англійською мовою. Переговори поділяються на типи і види, мають певну структуру (підготовчу, основну і завершальну фази), стратегію (постановка певної мети), тактику (вибір певної моделі поведінки), і техніку ведення ділових переговорів (система правил і прийомів). Існують два способи ведення ділових переговорів: усні (ділові переговори, телефонні переговори) і письмові (листи, ділові письмові переговори). Документи, які найчастіше використовуються на переговорах, - контракти, протоколи, меморандуми, звіти.

У роботі виділені функції ділових переговорів: інформаційна, регулююча, комунікативна, “прийняття рішень”, контролююча, координація дій, конструктивна, пропагандистсько-рекламна, маскуючи, умиротворяюча, афективна, культурно-національна (міжкультурна) і їх основні групи вмінь. Ділові усні і письмові переговори поділені також на парні, мікропереговори і колективні переговори. Проведена класифікація вправ і тестових завдань, які варто і ефективно використовувати для навчання студентів економічних спеціальностей діловим усним і письмовим переговорам англійською мовою. Сформульована критерії відбору навчального матеріалу, вимоги до вправ і тестових завдань для навчання майбутніх економістів діловим усним і письмовим переговорам. Теоретично обґрунтований комплекс вправ і тестових завдань для формування і удосконалення навичок і вмінь: підготовки до переговорів, ведення і завершення ділових усних і письмових переговорів. Комплекс вправ складають комунікативні, умовно-комунікативні і комунікативні вправи. Робота з комплексом вправ і тестових завдань відбувається на пропедевтичному, підготовчому, основному і заключному етапах. На основі теоретичного обґрунтування розроблені методичні рекомендації, які містять організаційні процедури, пов'язані із реалізацією навчання майбутніх економістів усним і письмовим переговорам у рамках кредитно-модульної системи.

Ключові слова: ділові усні і письмові переговори англійською мовою, студенти економічних спеціальностей вищих навчальних закладів, фази і функції ділових переговорів, етапи навчання, рівні навчального матеріалу.

Formulation of the problem

The activation of Ukraine's foreign policy, the expansion and strengthening of international economic ties lead to the emergence of a new social order of society, which consists in the education of highly qualified specialists in the economic field, able to effectively interact at various levels with representatives of the international community. teaching written negotiation

According to the Industry Standard of Education for Economic Professionals and the English Language Program for Professional Communication, the purpose of English language training for future economists is to form the necessary communication skills in the areas of professional and everyday communication in oral and written forms. In this regard, the necessity of training students of economic specialties in conducting business negotiations, primarily business oral negotiations (discrete form of communication), i.e. through e-mail, etc., is substantiated. However, in the system of higher education, insufficient attention is paid to the formation of skills and abilities of business negotiations in the English language, the list of necessary functions and skills for conducting business negotiations has not been developed, the non-linguistic and linguistic features of business oral and written negotiations and the possibility of using technical teaching aids (in particular, computer computer technology) in teaching this type of negotiation. Therefore, solving the problem of formation and development of foreign language skills related to business oral and written negotiations is an important condition for improving the quality of professional foreign language training of future economists.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Many studies are dedicated to training future economists in business communication in a foreign language (P. Goodman, N. Drab, O. Kavnatska, A. Koval, S. Kozhushko, L. Koren, N. Kotlyarova, V. Laskavy, D. Nirenberg, O. Pavlenko, O. Penkova, S. Radetska, G. Skurativska, O. Tarnopolskyi, V. Tomilov, M. Bazerman, N. Brieger, P. O'Connor, B. Dignen, J. Ehrenborg, M. Ellis, Ch. Johnson, J. Mattock, A. Pibeam, H. Raiffa, F. Scott-Barett, S. Sweeney, and others). The main aspects of training business negotiations with foreign partners of students of economic specialties are highlighted in the works of S. Kolomiets and L. Manyakina.

In foreign studies, the issues of forming the skills of business oral and written negotiations are mostly developed practically, without sufficient theoretical justification. These works are certainly worthy of attention, but they cannot solve the problem of teaching students of domestic non-language higher education institutions, since they are designed for those who communicate in the professional field in their native language, and where the culture of business communication has been developed for many decades. There is a significant difference in the level of proficiency in business English between native speakers of this language and students of Ukrainian higher education institutions, the level and nature of the economic system, the political situation in the country, etc. are different. Focusing on modern requirements and All-European recommendations on language education, higher educational institutions face the task of training specialists who would be able to conduct business negotiations in English in oral and written forms. The implementation of the methodology for training future economists in conducting business oral and written negotiations in English in the conditions of education reform in Ukraine is the relevance of this study.

The purpose of the article. The main goal of the article is the practical development of means of training future economists in business oral and written negotiations in English. To achieve it, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: analyze the psychological, linguistic, pedagogical, methodical features of business oral and written negotiations in English; select training material for conducting business negotiations; offer sample exercises and tasks for teaching business oral and written negotiations in English.

Presenting main material

The study and analysis of scientific research in psychology, methods of teaching a foreign language, economics and sociology provided the basis for defining the concept of business negotiations. By business negotiations we understand the interaction of people, in which its participants perform certain social roles, as a result of which the goals of their conduct, motives, as well as the methods by which business contacts are carried out are distinguished in the negotiations. Negotiation is an activity compatible with a partner, which assumes a relationship in the “object- subject” system and is aimed at solving some common problems faced by the parties. Business negotiations are influenced by many factors - the subject area, the level of the negotiation process, the number of parties, the decisionmaking mechanism.

The nature of business negotiations is distinguished depending on the presence of a conflict situation and the cooperation of the parties. Therefore, the main goal of business negotiations is to convince the partner to solve a problem of mutual interest. Business negotiations are divided into certain types (customer-suppliers negotiations), wage negotiations, merger/takeover negotiations, trade negotiations and types (intense/intensive negotiations); delicate/tense negotiations; eleventh-hour/last minute negotiations; protracted negotiations ). Negotiations have a strategic line (setting a certain goal), tactics (choosing a certain model of behavior), business negotiation techniques (a system of rules and techniques). There are two means of conducting business negotiations: oral and written.

Having analyzed the structure of negotiations and the negotiation process, we determined the following phases of business negotiations:

preparatory: preparation for business negotiations; analysis of participants, topics and situations; determining the strategy and tactics of conducting business negotiations; preparation of a detailed plan for conducting business negotiations; definition of goals and objectives; distribution of roles;

the main one, which includes the scenario of the negotiation process: the beginning of negotiations; continuation of the negotiation process at the negotiating table; difficulties during the negotiation process; final: completion, achievement and signing of the agreement; exchange of letters regarding successful business negotiations.

In the process of learning business oral and written negotiations, an important role is played by the linguistic features of business negotiations: the official-business style, which is implemented in written (letters, memoranda, business written negotiations, protocols, reports on negotiations) and oral (business negotiations, telephone conversations).

Business documents that are most often used in business negotiations are contracts, memoranda, protocols, and reports. The texts of business documents are characterized by the following features: official business style, clarity of text structure, logical sequence of presentation of material, persuasiveness of argumentation, accuracy and logic of wording, evidence of conclusions and recommendations, clarity of phrases. In negotiations, there is a specific language Sales language: the language of the seller and the language of the buyer, which is implemented with the help of certain non-linguistic (procedural and psychophysiological aspects) and linguistic (linguistic aspect) means. According to the number of participants, business negotiations are divided into pairs, group (3-4 participants) and collective.

For the successful development and implementation of the method of formation of skills and abilities, it is expedient to distinguish the functions of negotiations and the main groups of skills they require: informational function - to direct the decision of informational and substantive aspects of business communication; regulatory - to find the necessary forms of communication with partners; communicative - enter into the process of conducting business negotiations, respond to the main ideas and recognize significantly important information during business negotiations, perform a number of speech functions and respond to them; decision-making - to direct the construction of a general strategy of interaction; controlling - to control and coordinate their actions; coordination of action - consciously manage behavior in various situations of conducting business negotiations; constructive - to navigate the situation, assess the partner adequately; propaganda-advertising - to convince the partner by demonstrating one's point of view; masking - to avoid making unwanted decisions at the moment necessary for the process of conducting business negotiations; peace-making - to promote the reconciliation of opposing parties; affective - to direct the perception of partners to each other; cultural and national - to use verbal and non-verbal means of communication with foreign partners.

The training of future economists in business negotiations takes into account verbal and non-verbal means of communication, etiquette of business negotiations, communicative strategies and methods of influencing partners: interactive, perceptive and communicative.

As for the development of test tasks to determine the level of formation of skills and abilities of conducting business negotiations in English, these are test tasks with multiple choices, combinational, substitution, transformational, for ordering or sequential arrangement, cloze test, finding and correcting errors, defining semantics - syntactic connections.

The selection of educational material is carried out at the following levels: non-linguistic (taking into account the structure of business negotiations: preparatory, main and final phases), linguistic (selection of the content of texts, commonly used words and phrases, professional realities) and speech (social-etiquette and professionally-oriented formulas, business etiquette). At the same time, the following requirements of the General Recommendations on language education are taken into account: novelty of information, cognitive value, authenticity of texts, informativeness, age characteristics, national mentality of students, compliance with the program.

The following requirements were put forward for the exercises: communicativeness, motivation, novelty, professional and cultural orientation, taking into account the relationship between the partners of business negotiations, the degree of control of students' actions depending on the negotiation phase, the introduction of game moments, supports, the place of the exercise, the object of control. The set of exercises, developed according to the phases of business negotiations, includes groups of exercises for the formation of the following skills and abilities: preparation for business negotiations, conducting negotiations, ending negotiations. This complex includes language, conditional speech, and speech exercises.

Preparatory phase of business negotiations.

Groups of exercises: preparation for business negotiations: to determine the types, types, content of negotiations; determine the topic and purpose of future business negotiations; to organize their holding; accurately, appropriately and correctly use language means; to adhere to the logical sequence, scope and appropriateness of speech activity.

Types of exercises: language, conditional-speech: combinational; arrangement; transformational; for reconstruction (with multiple choice; with a support for the answer; with a constructed answer); filling in blanks; sequential arrangement; definition of semantic relations; finding and correcting errors; question-answer; language games

The main phase of business negotiations.

Groups of exercises: conducting business negotiations: creating a scenario of the negotiation process; start business negotiations; use language and speech material of this phase of business negotiations; conduct negotiations (realize coherence and clear structure of the text).

Types of exercises: language, conditional speech, speech: multiple choice; sequential arrangement; combinational; substitutes; transformational;

text editing; managed note-taking during negotiations; writing a letter; business game

The final phase of business negotiations.

Groups of exercises: ending business negotiations: end negotiations; use language and speech material of this phase of negotiations; write a report on the negotiations.

Types of exercises: conditional-speech, speech: multiple choice, combination, substitution, transformational, sequential placement, guided compilation and independent writing of a report; finding and correcting errors; business game: conducting business negotiations in oral and written form.

Work with a set of exercises and test tasks takes place at propaedeutic, preparatory, main and final stages. The purpose of the propaedeutic stage is to provide students with language and speech material necessary for business oral and written communication. This stage contains groups of exercises and test tasks developed in the test processor for teaching business communication, speech etiquette, lexical and grammatical material for social conversation and professional communication, conducting telephone conversations in English, writing a message, conducting meetings.

The preparatory stage aims to introduce students to the problem of: business negotiations as business communication; types and types of negotiations; participants in the negotiation process; preparation for business negotiations. The main stage includes teaching students to conduct negotiations in oral and written forms and overcome difficulties that arise during negotiations. At the final stage, they learn to finish business negotiations.

Propaedeutic stage

Topic: “Learning to talk on the phone” (“On the phone”)

Exercise 1. Purpose: to teach students to manage discourse: to implement the logical sequence of a telephone conversation.

Instruction: When telephoning, it is very important to get certain facts right, for example, the name, address, and telephoning number. Put the following extracts of telephone calls into the correct order.

- Just a moment, Mr. Jones, I'll put you through.

Yes. I'd like to speak to Miss Redbone.

Peter Jones.

Who's calling, please?

Pan Electronics. Can I help you?

- She's got it, but just in case, its 081-455-2354

Yes, could you ask her to call me back?

Mr. Gutmann's here. Could I speak to Mrs. Fields?

Yes, of course. Could I have your number?

I'm afraid she's out at the moment. Can I take a message?

Preparatory stage

Topic: “Business negotiations as a situation of business communication”

Exercise 2. Purpose: to acquaint students with the types and types of business negotiations.

Instruction: You are an expert of negotiation and you should prepare to negotiate with a very important company which has been producing pumps of good quality. What steps would you do? Arrange the steps in the correct order and put your variants in the table. Check your answers with the key.

Before negotiations begin, preparation and planning are very important

If you are negotiating as part of a negotiating team, consult your colleagues about points a to e, and allocate roles and responsibilities.

Try to estimate the needs and objectives of the other side.

Prepare a fallback position: conditions that you will accept if your original objectives are not met.

Perhaps you are in a position to influence the choice of venue: the place where you are going to meet: in your own office, in their offices, in a hotel?

Get as much information as possible about the situation. If dealing with people from another culture, find out about their etiquette and negotiating styles: the way people negotiate, what they consider to be acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

Work out your initial bargaining position: what are your needs and objectives. Decide your priorities.

Key: e,f,b,c,d,e

The main stage Topic: “Negotiation process”

Exercise 5. Purpose: to teach students to conduct business negotiations: to realize the coherence and clear structure of the text.

Instruction: Complete the sentences below using the following words: satisfied, specific, frank, happy, impressed, appalling, surprised, helpful, unreliable, dissatisfied.

Sales representative

As I said, this is very unusual. I'll have to check when I get back.

I'm sorry to hear that. Can you say why you are ?

I'm very surprised. Most of our customers say how they


Only "reasonably satisfied". It sounds as if you've had some problems. We don't get many complaints about our products.

One of the main reasons for my visit here today is to get some

feedback so, first of all, can you tell me if you are with the products and service we provide?

Really? I'm very to hear that.

The final stage

Topic: “Ending business negotiations”

Exercise 6. Purpose: to teach students to finish business negotiations and to develop in them the ability to write a report on the conduct of these negotiations.

Instruction: Your main task is to agree on: a product, a realistic price, quality you can apply, size of orders you can fill, delivery times you can offer, length of guarantee to be offered, amount of discount.

The sellers send a copy of the product and its price and other specifications to the buyers. The sellers work with the product specifications, deciding on their specifications and margins, as a team, for the negotiating process. They speak first in the negotiation sessions.

Meanwhile... the buyers work with the product specification they have received, deciding how far they can move in their demands for price, quantity and delivery dates in the negotiating process. They also decide how much discount they will ask for. When the negotiation is over, all the sellers and the buyers meet in separate areas and report back to each other on their results. If no satisfactory result has been achieved, discuss what to do next.

After the simulations you should do the following task:

If you are sellers: Draft a report of the negotiation for head office.

Summarize the progress and the results that were reached. What recommendation will you make?

If you are buyers: Draft a report of the negotiation for head office.

Summarize the progress and the results that were reached. What recommendation will you make?

Conclusions and further prospects in this direction

The article analyzes the psychological, linguistic, pedagogical and methodological features of business communication, specifies the purpose and content of negotiations as a situation of business communication, summarizes the phases of business negotiations, highlights the functions of business negotiations and their main groups of skills; educational material is selected at three levels: non-language, language and speech; a sample set of exercises and test tasks is offered. The following stages are proposed for successful organization and training of business negotiations in English: propaedeutic, preparatory, basic and final; based on the stages, a model for training future economists in business negotiations is proposed.

The proposed method is only one of the forms of conducting business oral and written negotiations in English and can be developed and improved in further developments.

Prospects for further research may be the problems of teaching business oral and written communication, as well as the development and improvement of textbooks and manuals for teaching business English in higher educational institutions.


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  • Основні функції іноземної мови як навчального предмета. Особливості та значення раннього навчання іноземної мови. Навчально-тематичний план роботи гуртка англійської мови "Нappy English" для початкового та основного рівнів навчання, а також його зміст.

    краткое изложение [22,7 K], добавлен 09.11.2009

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