Use of Moodle electronic system in preparing navigators for the common entrance examination in English
The essence of distance learning and the use of computer technologies in distance education. Consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of using Moodle for the preparation of undergraduate seafarers for the unified master's entrance examination.
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Дата добавления | 08.06.2024 |
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Kherson State Maritime Academy
Use of Moodle electronic system in preparing navigators for the common entrance examination in English
Pindosova Tamara Serhiivna Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of English Language for Maritime Officers (Abridged Programme)
The article identifies the features of using Moodle electronic learning environment in preparing navigators for the Common Entrance Exam for Master's degree, and identifies its advantages and disadvantages. For several years now, a law has come into force in Ukraine, according to which those persons who want to enter higher education institutions to obtain master's degree must make English entrance exam. There is a problem of effective preparing of students for entrance exam. The exam reveals the level of speech and language grammatical and lexical competencies of candidates, as well as the ability to read independently and understand authentic texts for a certain period of time.
The article deals with the work of researchers who studied the features of distance learning, as well as the use of computer technologies in distance education. Despite the presence of large number of works on distance education, as well as works related to the use of Moodle, today there are no scientific works and recommendations on the use of Moodle to prepare bachelor navigators for the unified entrance exam for Master's degree.
Moodle gives the teacher the opportunity to have the educational and methodological complex of his discipline in a convenient structured form, to use text, graphic, audio and video materials in the educational process; quickly change, adjust, supplement, expand educational materials. Moodle gives students the opportunity to self-test and complete tasks, evaluate them regardless of the human factor, expanded access to Internet resources, the opportunity to remotely study material in the discipline, prepare for exams, and take the exam session ahead of schedule. distance learning examination
The article deals with the types of tasks and test questions that can be placed in Moodle environment so that students can prepare for CEE in conditions that are close to real ones.
Keywords: CEE (Common Entrance Examination), Moodle, e-leaming, distance education, embedded answers, matching.
Піндосова Тамара Сергіївна кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри англійської мови з підготовки морських фахівців за скороченою програмою, Херсонська державна морська академія, м. Херсон,
У статті визначено особливості використання електронного навчального середовища Moodle у підготовці судноводіїв до єдиного вступного іспиту в магістратуру, визначено її переваги і недоліки. Уже декілька років в Україні набув чинності закон, за яким ті особи, які бажають вступати до закладу вищої освіти для здобуття ступеня магістра, мають складати вступний іспит з англійської мови, тому постає питання ефективної підготовки студентів до єдиного вступного іспиту та єдиного фахового вступного випробування. Іспит виявляє рівень сформованості мовленнєвих і мовних граматичних і лексичних компетентностей кандидатів, а також вмінь самостійно читати і розуміти автентичні тексти за визначений проміжок часу.
У статті розглянуто роботи дослідників, які вивчали особливості дистанційного навчання, а також використання комп'ютерних технологій у дистанційній освіті. Незважаючи на наявність великої кількості різнопланових робіт із питань дистанційної освіти, а також праць, пов'язаних із використанням Moodle, сьогодні відсутні наукові роботи та рекомендації щодо використання Moodle для підготовки судноводіїв- бакалаврів до єдиного вступного іспиту в магістратуру.
Викладачу Moodle надає можливість мати у зручній структу- рованій формі навчально-методичний комплекс своєї дисципліни, використовувати текстові, графічні, аудіо- та відео матеріали в навчальному процесі; швидко змінювати, коригувати, доповнювати, розширювати навчально-методичні матеріали тощо. Студентам Moodle дає можливість для самотестування і виконання завдань, їх оцінювання незалежно від людського чинника, розширений доступ до інтернет- ресурсів, можливість дистанційно вивчити матеріал з дисципліни, підготуватися до іспитів, достроково складати екзаменаційну сесію.
У статті досліджено типи завдань, тестових питань, які можна розмістити у середовищі Moodle, щоб студенти могли готуватися до ЄВІ в умовах, наближених до реальних.
Ключові слова: ЄВІ (єдиний вступний іспит), мудл, е-навчання, дистанційна освіта, вбудовані відповіді, відповідність.
Problem statement
Higher education in Ukraine meets international standards and is part of the Bologna system. Cadets of Kherson State Maritime Academy (KSMA) who have completed 4 years of studying and successfully passed the final exams receive Bachelor diploma. After this stage, they have the right to continue their education by enrolling in Master's program. For several years now, a law has come into force in Ukraine, according to which students wishing to enter universities for Master's degree must pass the Common Entrance Examination (CEE) in English. Preparing maritime specialists for CEE is an outstanding challenge both for the students and for teachers of foreign languages, since CEE tasks are designed for an applicant who is experienced in doing tasks in the format of international exams.
Technology has increasingly become important in the educational arena. Technology is seen as an important resource for instruction in foreign language teaching. There is a wide use of its ability to create online environments in which students can take the benefits from them. Many English language teachers have been searching for effective instruction to motivate students to learn English, to prepare them for passing different language tests, e.g. the Common Entrance Examination, so that the students achieve better academic performances. Possibly, they employ numerous forms of E-learning to achieve their goals such as a webpage, wiki, blog, and so on. There is an increasing use of technology in educational fields.
KSMA affords E-learning courses for students. Moodle is used to create online courses for students. Teachers post their syllabus and assignments, have online discussions, give quizzes, collect assignments, maintain a grade book and provide students with different tasks to prepare them for CEE.
Despite a large number of scientific works on the issues of distance education, as well as works related to the use of Moodle, today there are no scientific works and recommendations on the use of Moodle to prepare Bachelor navigators for the CEE in the Master's program.
The purpose of the article. This article aims to determine the features of using the Moodle E-learning environment in preparing navigators for CEE in the Master's program, to determine its advantages and disadvantages.
Recent research and publications
When analyzing current research, the author considered the work of scientists who studied the features of distance learning, Moodle as well as the use of computer technology in distance education.
D. Morrison defined E-learning as the use of the Internet to teach and learn. It includes interaction between teacher-student and student-student or teacher-teacher, as well as facilitating students' submission of assignments. It delivers and enriches learning content. Additionally, students can use the Internet as a research and publishing tool [16].
U. Felix thinks that E-learning as a process of learning through computers over the Internet which meet three criteria: a geographical distance separates communication between teachers and students, the learning communication is two-way and interactive, and different technology is used to facilitate students learning process [13, p. 230].
The tools available for creating E-learning started from basic computer programs such as a word processor and presentation graphics software to complex computer programs for creating animations, movies and 3-D graphical simulations. Learning Management Systems (LMS) are perhaps the major tools available to E-learning instructions. Moodle is a free online Learning Management System (LMS) which is good for language teaching [14].
The word Moodle is an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. Moodle is available free of charge under the terms of the GNU General Public License and has no licensing cost attached [9].
Moodle is an open source software. Open source means “software that is freely available for people to both use and modify” [10] by making the code available. Moodle is the name of a program that allows the classroom to extend onto the web. This program allows a common place for students to go for many classroom resources. Using Moodle, teachers can post news items, assign and collect assignments, post electronic journals and resources, and more [15]. C. Su explained that Moodle is a free online course management system which is particularly good for language teaching. It contains many useful and friendly tools to create and operate the courses [17, p. 330]. A. Yurzhenko describes and analyses the work of the future maritime specialists in the e-course [19, p. 101].
Al Nadabi's study focuses on the use of technology in assessment, contributes some guidelines that can be useful for creating, developing, implementing, and researching large-scale high-stakes tests on Moodle. According to his research, “Moodle activities are used in a blended learning approach either as practice materials or as informal assessment tools for some course components” [6, p. 6].
W. Thabit Al-Ani identifies factors behind the usage of a blended learning approach that could have an effect on students' achievement, motivation, collaboration and communication as perceived by students, analyzes obstacles faced by students in using Moodle in blended learning [7, p. 110]. H. Zyad examines tertiary education students' acceptance of and engagement in a Moodle-hosted writing course, measures time spent in activities, number of downloads from the platform and number of online feedback comments [21, p. 330]. Maria del Mar Camacho i Marti's doctoral thesis provides an online instructional model to train English Language Teachers in the use of ICT, a general vision on the new instructional modalities from blended learning to distance learning, and deals with the difficulties of including ICT into educational management, such as need to catch-up and update their equipment and training programs for their teachers and students [12].
Main text
Moodle is a tool environment for developing both individual online courses and educational websites. The project is based on theory social constructivism and its use for learning. Author of Moodle Martin Dougiamas believes that the main goal of creating the system was the creation of a system different from all others already existing on the market, which was based on the foundations of cognitive psychology, where the student is an active subject independently creating his own knowledge system, using the sources available to him [5, p. 15].
Moodle was designed as tool for empowering teaching, not as freeware replacement of commercial e-learning systems. But the architecture and principles of Moodle turned out to be so successful that Moodle received worldwide recognition by communities [3, p. 192].
Taking part in the project “Communicative approach to learning English” (since 2016), KSMA has been setting up an electronic learning system based on the MOODLE platform. Students-users of the site can: sign up for individual assembly (computer testing using an automated control system); viewing the schedule of their faculty, located in the network office suite Google docs; familiarize themselves with the educational and methodological materials of the courses for which the user is registered; perform various tasks given by teachers, send them for testing, and undergo electronic testing. Thus, blended learning was organized at KSMA (a combination of face-to-face training at KSMA with training in LMS MOODLE) [2, p. 31].
KSMA English teachers have developed sets of online educational materials with interactive tasks for their disciplines (Maritime English, English language for specific purpose) providing free access to them at anytime and anywhere. All sets of online educational and methodological materials are located in LMS MOODLE fully comply with the work programs of the academic discipline. Changes and additions to work programs are predetermined by the requirements of the IMO (International Maritime Organization) Model Courses.
KSMA has adopted Moodle as its university-wide course management system. It can be used as an enhancement to lecture courses or even the delivery system or environment for courses delivered fully online. Moodle is a full-featured open source course management system. The teachers can use it as a full online course or as a supplemental resource to support lessons or activities for students.
The teacher can independently construct an electronic course and manage its work with the aid of the suggestions and assistance provided by the support system. The Moodle system is made to support any multimedia resources required for the creation of new ones, the improvement of current ones, or the verification of learned information (video and audio material, tables, diagrams, etc.). The customization feature enables the instructor to quickly and easily choose the color scheme and other design elements of the teaching material, even without having any prior understanding of HTML [20, p. 489].
Learning management system Moodle has many advantages: flexibility (update options), adaptability to individual capabilities of the students (studying according to individual track in a convenient tempo, multiple listening and watching), references and hints, impartial assessment of the attainment via automated testing, differentiating of the student groups (differentiation of tasks and “manual” assessment of certain activities by the teacher).
Moodle includes a full set of activities, which allows collaboration at the student-student or student-teacher levels, namely: lesson, workshop, chat, assignment, survey, forum, questionnaire, quiz. Moodle allows to connect the following types of modules: course elements, types of tasks, blocks, course formats, course reports, administrator reports, assessment reports, grade export formats, grade import formats, types of questions in tests, test reports.
Young students belonging to the generation of digital natives use learning management system Moodle easily. Some of them even prefer such work to traditional face-to-face classes. Technological features of the learning management system Moodle provide combination of pure e-learning and blended learning in an efficient way. The researchers and practitioners emphasize the following advantages: better attainment, stronger motivation, better academic achievements after finishing the course [18, p. 40].
Learning management system Moodle intensifies teaching Maritime English because it supports personalized track of learning, autonomy of the students, flexibility of work. It also focuses at cognitive and communicative aspects of a target language, enhances individual thinking, provides alternative variants of assessment and introduces the lecturer as a coworker, colleague, advisor. Chat, forum, workshops options support the interactive learning process.
The main advantage of using learning management system Moodle is the organization of teaching focused at students. Students get access to thoroughly organized content, they can copy the material presented in a digital form, view video files and listen to podcasts, download glossaries corresponding to each module of the course. Moodle gives them the opportunity to self-test and complete tasks and evaluate them regardless of the human factor, have expanded access to Internet resources, the ability to remotely study material in the discipline, and pass the exam session ahead of schedule. Despite so many advantages, the Moodle system also has its certain disadvantages. It is quite complex for users; there are certain costs for training specialists and costs for supporting the system [4, p. 45].
Next it is necessary to describe what is CEE. The CEE is a form of the entrance exam in English for bachelors planning to enter Master's program. Since 2020, the exam has become mandatory for applicants to all specialties in Master's programs. The CEE program was created taking into account the all- European recommendations for language education and corresponds to the B1-B2 levels on the CEFR scale.
The CEE tasks are aimed at testing reading skills, as well as knowledge of vocabulary and grammar of the English language. Authentic texts on various topics are usually offered. The Reading and Use of English parts check students' vocabulary, the ability to use vocabulary and grammar, analyze and compare information, and establish logical connections between different parts of the text. The required student's skill minimum: understanding the main idea of the text and its details; ability to distinguish the main facts and secondary information; ability to find in the text the information necessary to answer questions; understanding unfamiliar English words from the context.
The CEE consists of two parts:
reading: 22 questions checking the student's ability to work with English texts, understand the main idea, the ability to choose the right heading for a paragraph, answer questions after reading;
use of English: 20 questions that check the student's level of knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, the ability to use words and phrases appropriately.
The CEE test has 6 tasks, 42 questions. Students have 60 minutes to complete the tasks.
The task structure is the following:
Task 1. In the first task, student will be offered text divided into paragraphs. He must read and select for each paragraph the appropriate heading from the list provided. Some suggestions are extra.
Task 2. Students will need to read the text and answer 5 questions by choosing one of the answer options.
Task 3. The task of matching texts to the proposed topics.
Task 4. In the fourth task there will be a text in which student should fill in the gaps with the proposed options. As in the first task, there will be extra options.
Task 5. The text with spaces that must be filled with words from the proposed options. The difficulty is that student need to choose a word among those similar in meaning, to determine stable expressions.
Task 6. The task is similar to the previous one, but here the verbs in the correct form are selected.
The scholar O. Kurinnyi divides CEE tests into three groups:
task with matching. For this type of task, it is proposed to choose headings for individual paragraphs of the text. Paragraphs can represent a whole text or be parts from different texts. As a rule, this type of task has more headings than there are paragraphs to make the task more difficult;
task with selection of one correct answer (multiple-choice test). These tasks include a test after the text that which offers several questions to the text with 4 options of answers for each question. Only one option is correct;
task of filling gaps in the text (gap filling). In this type of task, the text with gaps comes first. After the text, words / phrases / sentences / parts of sentences are suggested, which need to fill in text to the content. As a rule, such type of task has extra options of answers (2-3 more);
Use of English part combines gap fill and multiple choice [3, p. 193].
Now let's study the issue if it's possible to place tasks of these types in the Moodle environment so that students can prepare for CEE in conditions close to real. Let's look at what opportunities in terms of tests this environment provided the teachers and students with.
Teacher can use the following types of test questions in Moodle.
Multiple choice. The student is asked a question and offered several options. He should mark correct answer (Fig. 1). There are two types of questions of this type: with only one correct answer; with one or more correct answers.
Fig. 1. Example of task “Multiple choice” from Moodle
As we can see, this type of question in Moodle is suited for CEE block "Reading", task with the choice of one correct answer.
Alternative question (true/false). The student chooses the answer to this question from two options True / False. CEE does not have this type of task.
Embedded answers. This is convenient tool that allows the teacher to freely construct test questions, leaving a field for entering answers of types Multiple choice and Short answer in the question text. This type of question is suited for CEE Use of English section, which combines filling in the gaps and multiple choice (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Examples of task “Fill in the gaps” from Moodle
The teacher can give such task for revision of grammar tenses, collocations, phrasal verbs, prepositions etc. The students will need the knowledge of this information when they do CEE Use of English part. In this task students will have no options; they will have to print their answers (Fig. 3).
Pic. 3. Examples of task “Embedded answers” from Moodle
Matching. The teacher gives a list of questions and answers to them \ titles and small texts to match. The student must find the correct answer among the options (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. Example of task “Matching” from Moodle
Short answer. Answering questions + a word or a short phrase that the student types on the computer.
Random question
This is a tool that allows you to randomly select questions that are available in a given category before inclusion in the text. The random question does not contain its own learning information, it is only links to other questions in the category.
The teacher can conduct preparing for CEE in the classroom or give students homework or in the form of self-study. If preparation for testing is carried out in the classroom, then the teacher selects the start time of the test,
its completion, time limit (80 minutes), and period for submission (5 minutes). The teacher can choose additional restrictions on attempts, namely: a required password; wait time; browser security (while passing the text, the pop-up window fills the entire screen and students cannot open other tab windows due to JavaScript protection). Tests may also contain a passing score (minimum passing score: 3.5), which is indicated as green (test passed) or red (test failed) in the electronic grade book. The teacher may submit several test attempts before announcing the test results. Each attempt is scored automatically [1, p. 151]. If students practice passing CEE tests at home or in the form of self-study they may have as many attempts as necessary to get the best result.
Moodle allows teacher to fully reflect the CEE tasks. Thus, Moodle is a fairly convenient and effective tool for preparing bachelors, especially distance learning students, for CEE. Teacher can use the following types of test questions in Moodle: multiple choice, embedded answers, matching. The teacher can conduct preparing for CEE in the classroom or give students homework or in the form of self-study. Moodle has such advantages: flexibility, adaptability to individual capabilities of the students, references and hints, impartial assessment of the attainment via automated testing, differentiating of the student groups. But at the same time Moodle system is quite complex for users; there are certain costs for training specialists and costs for supporting the system.
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