Preparation of future teachers of graphic design for the application of samchikivsky painting in professional activities
A meaningful description of the professional training of future design teachers at the current stage. Development of perspective models for training competitive design teachers capable of guaranteeing the progressive development of modern society.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 08.06.2024 |
Размер файла | 22,3 K |
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Mykhailo Boichuk Kyiv State Academy of Decorative Applied Arts and Design
Department of Theoretical Disciplines and Vocational Education
Preparation of future teachers of graphic design for the application of samchikivsky painting in professional activities
Vaskevych Olha Yevgenivna Postgraduate
The purpose of the article is to formulate the problem of professional training of future design lecturers and to demonstrate its validity from a psychological and pedagogical point of view. The concept of "professional training" is analyzed and the definition of the concept of "professional training of future design lecturers" is given. A meaningful description of the professional training of future design lecturers at the current stage is given.
The regulatory and legal framework in the field of education was analyzed, which made it possible to determine the tasks of professional education and training and the level of its implementation. The main trends and prospects for the development of the higher education system in Ukraine are analyzed. The list of basic professional competencies for training students of the specialty 015 "Professional Education (Design)" that can guarantee the effective implementation of the professional activities of design teachers in the future has been considered.
The need to develop promising models of training competitive design teachers capable of guaranteeing the progressive development of modern society is emphasized.
Until today, art studies have not succeeded in a systematic and comprehensive study of samchikivka - one of the brightest, unique, and original genres of Ukrainian folk decorative painting. Revived from oblivion, samchykivka actively attracts the attention of artists, fans of folk art, and the general public. However, its purely practical progress is ahead of the scientific knowledge of its nature, significance in the cultural process, and the introduction into scientific circulation of all relevant achievements, developments, and personalities. This study aims to analyze the artistic and cultural context of folk decorative painting as a special genre of Ukrainian artistic and applied creativity; to determine its origins as a factor of cultural and artistic traditions and expressive sudden revival; to find out the state of research and distribution of Samchikov decorative painting; describe his paintings; determine the semantic and meaning bases of its expressiveness and describe its features; determine the synthesis of artistic means of creating these paintings; try to identify and substantiate the artistic means of creating these paintings.
Keywords: professional training; future lecturers of design; professional qualities; design; professional readiness for applying design; higher education; competence; decorative painting; Samchikov decorative painting.
Васкевич Ольга Євгенівна аспірантка кафедри теоретичних дисциплін і професійної освіти, Київська державна академія декоративно-прикладного мистецтва і дизайну імені Михайла Бойчука, м. Київ
Мета статті - сформулювати проблему професійної підготовки майбутніх викладачів дизайну та продемонструвати її обґрунтованість з психолого-педагогічної точки зору. Проаналізовано поняття «професійна підготовка» та подано визначення поняття «професійна підготовка майбутніх викладача дизайну». Надано змістовну характеристику професійної підготовки майбутніх викладачів дизайну на сучасному етапі.
Проаналізовано нормативно-правову базу в галузі освіти, що дозволило визначити завдання професійної освіти і навчання та рівень її реалізації. Проаналізовано основні тенденції та перспективи розвитку системи вищої освіти в Україні. Розглянуто перелік базових професійних компетентностей для підготовки студентів спеціальності 015 «Професійна освіта (Дизайн)», які можуть гарантувати ефективне здійснення професійної діяльності викладачів дизайну в майбутньому.
Наголошено на необхідності розробки перспективних моделей підготовки конкурентоспроможних викладачів дизайну, здатних гарантувати прогресивний розвиток сучасного суспільства.
До сьогодні мистецтвознавство не спромоглося на системне та комплексне дослідження самчиківського розпису - одного з найяскравіших, неповторних і самобутніх жанрів українського народного декоративного малярства. Відроджений із забуття, самчиківський розпис активно привертає до себе увагу митців, шанувальників народної творчості та широкої громадськості. Однак його суто практичний поступ явно випереджає наукове пізнання його природи, значення в культурному процесі та введення в науковий обіг усіх дотичних здобутків, напрацювань і персоналій. Дане дослідження має на меті проаналізувати художньо-культурний контекст народного декоративного розпису як особливого жанру української художньо- ужиткової творчості; визначити його витоки як чинника культурно- мистецьких традицій та експресивного раптового відродження; з'ясувати стан дослідження та поширення самчиківського декоративного розпису; описати його розписи; визначити семантико-смислові засади його виразності та описати його особливості; визначити синтез художніх засобів створення цих розписів; спробувати виявити та обґрунтувати мистецькі засоби творення цих розписів.
Ключові слова: професійна підготовка; майбутні викладачі дизайну; професійні якості; дизайн; професійна готовність до застосування дизайну; вища освіта; компетентність; декоративний розпис; самчиківський розпис.
Statement of the problem
Within the framework of the new educational paradigm, the training of lecturers of a new type has become a decisive element for the revival of Ukraine in the field of education and culture and its entry into the world community and the European community. One of the ways to solve this problem is to provide comprehensive and in-depth training of highly qualified teaching staff, including future design lecturers. Modern design is one of the most sought-after professions but at the same time one of the most dynamic, changing, and fast-moving.
Analysis of recent research and publications
Sh. Amonashvili, V. Bondar, O. Dusavitskyi, N. Gluzman, S. Martynenko, O. Savchenko, V. Sukhomlynskyi, L. Khomych, L. Khoruzh and others were engaged in researching the specifics of professional training of future design lecturers. The scientific and theoretical foundations of the formation of design as a science are revealed in the works of L. Bezmozdin, O. Boichuk, M. Voronov, O. Genisaretskyi, V. Danylenko, O. Demyanchuk, L. Orshanskyi, V. Papanek, V. Prusak, V. Sydorenko, A. Chebykina, O. Furs and others. The theory and practice of design education were studied by V. Butenko, H. Grebenyuk, O. Oleksyuk, V. Orlov, O. Otych, V. Radkevich, O. Rostovskyi, O. Rudnytska, V. Tymenko, O. Shevnyuk and others. However, along with new challenges, the problem of modernizing the content of the professional training of future design teachers is gaining more and more relevance. The analysis of scientific literature confirms that at the current stage in the educational process of the university system, this issue requires a systematic discussion.
The purpose of the article
The purpose of this article is to consider the features of the training of future design teachers at the current stage, to analyze the development of design education, and to determine the main competencies for training students of the specialty 015 "Professional Education (Design)".
Summary of the research results
Ukraine's entry into the European Educational Space has placed new requirements on higher educational institutions regarding the formation of the foundations of the future professional and educational activities of students.
The National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine for the period until 2021 [1] defines: improving the quality of education on innovative grounds; modernization of the content, structure, and organization of education based on the competence approach; creation of an effective system of national education, development and socialization of children and youth. The renewal of social processes in Ukraine required a review of the existing system of professional training of future design specialists.
Analysis of the training of future design lectures shows its limitations, despite the need for its application in many spheres of human activity. Design as a field of professional activity is developing and creating new varieties (industrial design, environmental design, graphic design, design in the socio-cultural sphere, etc.). The design unites the material and spiritual culture of society and forms a common subject environment [2].
Professional training is the process of developing a person's professional readiness, that is, the ability to predict the future, formulate educational tasks at a high scientific level, predict further educational activities, and choose the optimal method of evaluating the performance of practical tasks.
As stated in the "Dictionary of Psychological Concepts" "Professional training is a system of organizational and educational activities that ensure the formation of a person's professional orientation, knowledge, abilities, skills, and professional readiness [3].
Design is one of the youngest types of activity in Ukraine. It is simultaneously art, engineering design, process, result, and method. Design education in the narrow sense is an officially recognized (accredited and authorized) professional design education that traditionally prepares professional designers from young specialists to master's and doctoral programs. According to modern terminology, the sector is an official part of the education sector and has the task of providing educational services to provide the labor market with competent designers, as well as another function - to promote socio-cultural development [4].
Designers must not only possess sufficient knowledge in their specialty (engineering, psychology, ergonomics, art, aesthetics) but also be able to apply these components professionally. The professional profile of a design specialist includes the general theory of artistic structure, the ability to conduct research, engage in scientific and methodical work, and find the most rational ways of making forms that harmonize with the general structure. Future design lecturers should design, conduct creative research based on new scientific and technical ideas, create fundamentally new products, and ensure the high artistic quality of designed models [5]. professional design training competitive
The specifics of training students in specialty 015 "Professional Education (Design)" require finding the optimal ratio of artistic-aesthetic, engineering, social, technical, and other components of the profession. In the context of the professionalism of design specialists, it is necessary to pay attention to their ability to perform the functions of professional activity, which is directly related to design competence and artistic creativity. Thus, the inclusion of design in the training system of future lecturers contributes to the development of natural abilities, creative and spiritual development of the individual through the perception of objects and images, the development of non-verbal thinking and communication skills, deepening knowledge about the environment and strengthening the connection between the environment and man.
The recognition of the complete freedom of the individual, the individual soul, which was emphasized by the first rector of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, V. Vernadskyi, is appropriate, because only under these conditions can it be replaced by another scientific worldview, created by the free and independent work of man. A special task of design pedagogical education is a harmonious combination of professional and pedagogical elements [6].
Today, universities should educate not only knowledge bearers but also creative people who can use the acquired knowledge to compete in all spheres of social life, that is, people who form competences.
Competence is a dynamic combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, and understanding. The development of competencies is the goal of educational programs. Introducing a defined set of competencies in higher education means strengthening the subject and practical components of the educational process, emphasizing the professional dimension, the role of experience, and the ability to practically apply knowledge and solve life situations. Therefore, each type of professional activity requires a certain set of competencies that enable graduates of educational institutions to effectively carry out a specific professional activity [7].
It should be noted that in modern regulatory documents, professional competence is interpreted as a generalized, professional (expert) qualification, general or specific for a certain professional classifier (subclass, group), determined by an expert opinion regarding the requirements of specific professional standards for a certain profession or (in the absence of such standards ) of their European counterparts and recommendations of the relevant working groups based on the qualification characteristics of the employee's profession [8].
Therefore, the professional training of future design specialists is understood as a purposeful process aimed at acquiring the necessary psychological and pedagogical competencies in the field of design education for the successful professional activity of students.
The professional training of future lecturers at the first (bachelor) level of higher education with the qualification "Design specialist, teacher of design practice" (specialty 015 "Professional education (design)") provides for students of higher education to master the necessary psychological and pedagogical competencies, industrial approaches, methods and techniques, graphic, mathematical, language and other means. The training of future design teachers at the modern stage of higher education is characterized by the acquisition of a complex of defined competencies (general, general professional, and special) to increase their professional level and prepare for personal contribution to the system of design education [9].
The professional training of future design specialists will combine such competencies
General competencies (ability to solve complex professional and practical problems in the field of education and design) general cultural and social competencies (the ability to think abstractly and technically; the ability to analyze, integrate, and research information; the ability to use information and communication technologies; the ability to express oneself in various situations of general and professional activity; the ability to adapt to new situations; the ability to preserve, develop and multiply cultural the potential of Ukraine, the ability to analyze socio-political relations (the ability to formulate adequate models of social behavior, the ability to respect national and intercultural values, the ability to identify, pose and solve problems);
Specific professional competencies (the ability to systematically analyze technical and educational systems, processes, and situations; the ability to study advanced industrial and educational experience; the ability to globally analyze the goals of one's professional activity and the professional activity of subordinates and transform them into guidelines, being aware of their consequences in the cognitive, emotional and psychomotor spheres; the ability to analyze technical and economic indicators of technical processes in the field of design by the specialty to form the professional activity of a specialist);
Competence in professional disciplines (application of the basic rules of morphology and syntax, understanding of texts in national and foreign languages, ability to create various types of professional documents by the requirements of the culture of oral and written communication, orientation in various modern software and technical tools, application of knowledge and skills in the use of professional computer programs, the ability to apply ecological principles in life and professional activity, compliance with moral and ethical norms, principles and rules [10].
Pedagogical education is moving from traditional pedagogical technologies to modern pedagogical technologies, the main direction of which is the training of highly qualified, internationally competitive teachers of art disciplines, capable of active participation in social life, self-realization, and continuous self-development. The foundations of this specialized education should provide the necessary conditions for the formation of students' systematic and integral theoretical and methodological knowledge, scientific, research-oriented, and creative ways of thinking, activity, and communication.
The changes that have already taken place in the development of educational and methodological documentation and educational and professional programs of the first (bachelor) level of higher education, aimed at creating a unified organizational and pedagogical system of high-quality professional training of design specialists and teachers of practical training in the field of design, are one of many of the results of the implementation of the main provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" and the introduction of national standards of higher education based on them [11].
Folk decorative and applied art has always been an important and integral branch of artistic culture. With their specific industries, complex tools, and techniques, they vividly reveal the boundless world of beauty and wisdom of the people, embody their talents, artistic taste, understanding of the world, and the importance of their unity with nature. The basics of mastering specific crafts and practical actions corresponding to them were laid in a variety of ways and means and performed an important communicative function. The process of assimilation of such practices by individual communities and the artistic and aesthetic education of the population, in general, occurred naturally, without instructions and imposition, which ensured the preservation of cultural traditions and customs in such processes.
In the modern conditions of globalization of the economy, politics, culture, and art of humanity, including Ukraine, and the entry of our state into the European socio-cultural space, the preservation and reproduction of the national identity of the Ukrainian people by its basic principles and priorities acquire special importance. If we look at this issue from a slightly different angle, it should be noted that the situation that has developed in Ukraine today, when the country is experiencing rapid social changes and cultural transformations, the revival of Ukrainian art at various levels in the conditions of the development of Ukrainian statehood and the achievement of independence, requires a new approach to the study and preservation of our valuable national heritage.
For this purpose, the cultural and design program "Samchykivskii Painting" was initiated and successfully implemented. I would like to dwell on the main goals, objectives, principles of organization, and methods of project implementation. The educational program aims to preserve and develop the unique Samchki painting and transform the village of Samchiki into an artistic village.
An important component of the educational program was the preparation and publication of a training manual on boxwood painting and printed materials (posters, brochures, and booklets) with photographs of the works of boxwood masters.
The cultural initiative is aimed at the preservation and development of unique Samchiki paintings from the village of Samchiki, Khmelnytskyi district - a little- known pearl of Ukrainian decorative painting and colorful folk art of southeastern Volyn.
The program is also closely related to regional and national cultural policies and cultural initiatives. The development of Samchyk art is one of the priorities of the development program of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Agency for Culture. The village of Samchiki is also included in the "Green Way" and "Green Manor" regional development programs of the Astar Agency for Sustainable Development. The curriculum is a logical addition to the existing educational disciplines of specialty 015 "Professional Education (Design)".
The main goal of the educational program "Samchykiv Painting" is to rethink and reassess the importance of cultural heritage and involve as many Ukrainians as possible in the active creation of modern cultural norms that pass on knowledge of modern achievements and challenges to future generations.
Conclusions and prospects for further research
The preparation of future design teachers for professional activities in the European educational space requires changes in educational programs, the design of educational systems, and related institutional changes in the education system throughout life. Given the restructuring and development of higher pedagogy and the acquired experience, further research into the content, forms, and methods of the modern pedagogical education system, in particular the design education teacher training system, is necessary.
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презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world and the largest research center in Oxford more than a hundred libraries and museums, its publisher. The main areas of training students. Admission to the university. Its history and structure.
презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 28.11.2012The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.
презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 06.02.2014Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.
отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013Основы обучения лексике в средней школе. Особенности активного, пассивного, потенциального словарных запасов. Рассмотрение этапов формирования лексических навыков. Комплекс лексических заданий по теме "My future profession" в 11 классе средней школы.
курсовая работа [184,9 K], добавлен 21.06.2015The history of the use of the interactive whiteboard in the learning. The use of IWB to study of the English, the advantages and disadvantages of the method. Perfect pronunciation, vocabulary. The development of reading, writing, listening and speaking.
презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 23.02.2016The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.
учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015Methods of foreign language teaching. The grammar-translation method. The direct, audio-lingual method, the silent way and the communicative approach. Teaching English to children in an EFL setting. Teaching vocabulary to children. Textbook analysis.
курсовая работа [142,6 K], добавлен 09.12.2012What is the lesson. Types of lessons according to the activities (by R. Milrood). How to write a lesson plan 5 stages. The purpose of assessment is for the teacher. The students' mastery. List modifications that are required for special student.
презентация [1,1 M], добавлен 29.11.2014Oxford is a world-leading centre of learning, teaching and research and the oldest university in a English-speaking world. There are 38 colleges of the Oxford University and 6 Permanent Private Halls, each with its own internal structure and activities.
презентация [6,6 M], добавлен 10.09.2014