Competence approach to teaching foreign language to students of establishments of higher education

Competences that are formed in foreign language classes and are the goal of learning and mastering the language. Methods of formation of foreign language communicative competence among students of higher education institutions of non-philology majors.

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Department of Language and Psychological and Pedagogical Training

Odessa National Economic University

Competence approach to teaching foreign language to students of establishments of higher education

Geyna O.V., C. Philol. Sci. Ass. Professor

Kovalska N.A., C. Philol. Sci., Ass. Professor

Shcherbyna N.F., C. Histor. Sci. Ass. Professor



The aim of the article - to differentiate and reveal the essence of the concepts of «competence» and «competency», determine the relationship between them, consider communicative competence and communicative competency as their components and provide the basic classifications of communicative competencies. To identify the range of competencies which are developed in foreign language lessons and are the ultimate goal of teaching and mastering the language. To describe the methods of developing foreign language communicative competency of students of establishments of higher education of non-linguistic specialties.

Much attention is paid to the main characteristics of key competencies among which the most important one is communicative competency in the research. Mastering communicative competency in various types of speech activities and areas of communication with a purpose to further communicative activity is a relevant object of the reserach of such sciences as linguodidactic and psycholinguistics on the basis of which the investigation has been carried out. The paper describes the components of communicative competency, outlines the purpose of mastering language, according to which the choice of approaches to teaching the students, methods, principles, tools and organizational form chosen. One of the main and hard-to-reach practical goals in developing communicative competency is the teaching of oral foreign monologue speech (ability to create speech) since the work on oral language is necessary for the development of speech mechanisms and other types of speech activities has been considered. Technologies of development of oral language skills have been presented.

Keywords: competence, competency, communicative competence, communicative competency, foreign language learning technologies.


Компетентнісний підхід у навчанні іноземної мови студентів ЗВО

Гейна О.В., Ковальська Н.А., к. філол. н., доцент; кафедра мовної та психолого-педагогічної підготовки, Одеський національний економічний університет, м. Одеса

Щербина Н.Ф., к.і.н., доцент кафедри мовної та психолого-педагогічної підготовки, Одеський національний економічний університет, м. Одеса

Мета дослідження - розмежувати і розкрити сутність понять «компетентність» і «компетенція», виявити взаємозв'язок між ними, розглянути комунікативну компетентність і комунікативну компетенцію як їх складові та представити основні класифікації комунікативних компетенцій. Окреслити коло компетенцій, що формуються на заняттях з іноземної мови і є кінцевою метою навчання та оволодіння мовою. Описати методи формування іншомовної комунікативної компетенції у студентів закладів вищої освіти нефілологічних спеціальностей.

В дослідженні значну увагу приділено основним характеристикам ключових компетенцій, серед яких важливе місце займає комунікативна компетенція. Оволодіння комунікативною компетенцією в різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності і сферах спілкування з метою подальшої комунікативної діяльності є актуальним об'єктом вивчення таких наук як лінгводидактика і психолінгвістика, на базі яких проводилося це дослідження. У статті описано складові комунікативної компетенції, окреслено мету оволодіння мовою, відповідно до якої відбувається вибір підходів до навчання, методів, принципів, засобів і організаційних форм навчання. Розглянуто одну з основних і важкодосяжних практичних цілей у формуванні комунікативної компетенції - навчання усного іноземного монологічного мовлення (здатності створювати висловлювання), оскільки робота над усним мовленням необхідна для розвитку мовленнєвих механізмів та інших видів мовленнєвої діяльності. Представлено технології розвитку навичок усного мовлення.

Ключові слова: компетентність, компетенція, комунікативна компетентність, комунікативна компетенція, технології навчання іноземної мови.


In the era of integration of national education into the international educational space, the main tendency of current changes reflects the focus on humanistic values, communicative culture, processes of development and self-actualization of the personality of each participant in the educational process.

The particular relevance is the development of a fundamentally different specialist, whose basic features are the ability to make conscious personal growth, focus on overcoming social and professional stereotypes, enhancing professional responsibility, leadership qualities, etc., has been considered to be one of the particular relevance. In this regard, the importance of such socially and culturally significant disciplines as: sociology, history, pedagogy, psychology, linguistics, psycholinguistics, and others is increasing. These humanitarian disciplines provided to reveal the uniqueness and identity of the country's culture, national character, to develop personal qualities without which successful socialization of young people in modern society and their professional development can be impossible. Therefore, in the establishments of higher education a competence paradigm of education is considered to be in great demand.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Issues of definition and use of the terms «competence» and «competency» have been actively investigated in recent decades by psychologists, linguists, psycholinguists, such as domestic (M. Pentilyuk, O. Selivanova, A. Bogush, F. Batsevich, S. Karaman, О. Korniyaka, E. Ivashkevych, L. Prymachok, O. Ovcharuk, M. Gavrilovska, N. Mordovtseva, R. Spitza, O. Vashchilo, I. Kharchenko and others) and foreign ones (I. Zimnya, N. Kuzmina, E. Zeer, R. Millrood, A. Shchukin, A. Khutorskoy, Y. Fokin, S. Ter-Minasova, N. Chomsky, J. Raven,M. Canale, M. Canale, M. Swain, W. Hutmacher, D. Hymes, S. Savignon, L. Bachman and others).

Nowadays, the following key issues remain unrevealed: the differenciation between definitions «competency» and «competence»; classification of key competences; identifying the relationship between the concepts of «communicative competency» and «communicative competence»; application of methods of developing foreign language communicative competency.

The aim of the article is to reveal the essence and make an attempt to differentiate the essence of the concepts of «competence» and «competency», determine the relationship between them; consider communicative competence and communicative competency as their components. To identify the range of competencies which are developed in foreign language lessons and are the ultimate goal of teaching and mastering the language. To describe the methods of developing foreign language communicative competency of students of establishments of higher education of non-linguistic specialties.

Results and discussions

The concept of «competence» in the theory of language education was introduced by N. Chomsky in the 70's of the XX century in the United States, where was its active implementation in the individualization of teaching. Therefore, American scholars associate competency not with the professional characteristics, but with the general one of the subject. It is interpreted as a kind of inner mental development, some kind of a program. This interpretation of competency, according to the opinion of I. Zimnya, comes from the position of N. Chomsky on the fundamental difference» between «competence» (knowledge of his / her language by the speaker / listener) and «performance», meaning the real use of language in specific situations. This is essentially a linguistic psychological interpretation emphasizes that in the competent approach «competency» - a tool that generates internal, mental education. «Performance» is an actual manifestation of competence as something hidden and potential. It can be said that the performance manifests psychological composition, inner characteristics of a person, so the «performance» correlates with the concept of competence [1].

At the same time N. Chomsky emphasized that linguistic competence cannot be interpreted as a purely linguistic or purely psychological phenomenon. According to the researcher, it has a different essence, and therefore it cannot be explained as a usual way, known to linguists or psychologists [1].

The scientific works of N. Chomsky made a significant impact on modern psychology. From his point of view, linguistics is a section of cognitive psychology. His work «Syntactic Structures», which formed the basis of psycholinguistics, helped to establish a new connection between linguistics and cognitive psychology.

In some scientific papers, researchers use the terms «competence» and «competency» as interchangeable and identical, without focusing on their differences.

In psychology, the point of view of the British psychologist J. Raven is quite widespread, where «competence» is considered as a specific ability that is necessary to perform a certain action in the relevant subject area, which includes specific knowledge, subject skills, ways of thinking as well as awareness of responsibility for their actions [2].

It is necessary to stress that J. Raven's work on the nature of competence and its types has been a catalyst for spreading his research around the world and has stipulated an active study of the definition of concepts and types of competences.

A. Khutorskoy defines competency as a predetermined requirement (norm) for a student's educational training, and competence as his or her already formed personal quality and minimal experience in the field of activities. According to the scholar, competence is the mastering of a person's relevant competency, which includes his personal attitude to it [3].

Linguists also note the different meanings of the terms considered. Thus, A. Bogush believes that «competency» is used in education and upbringing, and «competence» is a complex characteristic of the individual that includes the results of previous mental development [4]. M. Gavrilovska also shares the same opinion and adds that «competency» and «competence» are related as general and concrete. Competence, in her opinion, can be performed by a person who has specific knowledge in a particular field, but manifests it through language [5].

According to the definition of S. Karaman, competency is a concept that explains the object, the methodology of teaching, the scientific and methodological system as a whole, the purpose of training, a set of content components, the assimilation of which should ensure the formation of a hierarchy of competences of the future specialist as well as characterizes the individual of training equipped with the necessary content components of one or another competence [6].

A. Shchukin in his researches distinguishes the concept of competence and competency, but also draws his attention to the interrelation between these terms: competency is a complex of knowledge, skills acquired during training, and which is a meaningful component of learning > competence - personal traits, which determine the ability to perform activities on the basis of the developed competency [7, С. 27-28].

If the terms «competency» and «competence» are differentiated in the above interpretations, the knowledge, skills and abilities that students must acquire give an idea of the meaningful aspect of competence, and the ability to apply them in different situations of communication, which is formed, - the competence of one who speaks the language within the acquired competency.

Therefore, competency is a range of issues in which everyone is well aware, possesses knowledge and experience. Competence, however, is a personality trait based on competence [7, С. 28].

To our mind, the competencies which every communicator who is getting education in the establishments of higher education, should master need to be considered in details.

Thus, M. Pentilyuk emphasizes general and communicative competencies. General competencies are considered as those that are necessary for any kind of activity, including speech, in particular, socio-and intercultural knowledge, skills, skills, linguistic and communicative consciousness, ability to learn and explore. All these components make up a complex that provides a person with a comfortable existence in a society. General competencies of a linguistic personality consist of his knowledge, skills, life experience and ability to learn (developed in the process of teaching and under the influence of a modern teacher who has a system of innovative methods and techniques and skillfully implements them according to the situation). Without general competencies, language communication competences cannot be developed, since general competencies of a person directly influence communicative ones: the speaker must actively apply the knowledge of the language and the richness of its expressive means, depending on the conditions of communication and needs of the individual [8].

Unlike M. Pentilyuk, S. Karaman represents four types of competencies: linguistic, speech, socio-cultural and functional-communicative. As the scientist points out, linguistic competency is defined by conventional orthoepic, grammar and stylistic norms; speech - four types of speech activity: listening, speaking, reading, writing; socio-cultural - the level of knowledge of national culture; functional and communicative - the ability to use linguistic means within functional styles [6].

In 1972 D. Hymes introduced the concept of communicative competency as the ability to choose the correct grammar means in a variety of communicative situations which are added to the specific linguistic aspect as well as socio-linguistic one.

The analysis of scientific literature has revealed that most scholars identify communicative competency as one of the types of competencies and describe its components. foreign language communicative competence non-philology student

The General European Recommendations on linguistic education provide the following components of communicative competence: linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic have been highlighted [9, С. 109].

According to the investigaton of M. Canale and M. Swain [10] that has become canonical for applied linguistics, communicative competency consists of four components:

1) grammar competency: words and rules;

2) sociolinguistic competency: correctness;

3) discursive competency: coherence and logic;

4) strategic competency: appropriate use of communication strategies.

In the research of communicative competency, L. Bachman distinguished «organizational competency», including grammatical and discursive competency, and «pragmatic competency» to which sociolinguistic and illocutionary competencies belong [11].

We suppose the classification of M. Pentilyuk as the most detailed one that takes into account both receptive and pragmatic aspects of the definition concept. Within the structural elements of communicative competency, he distinguishes linguistic, speech, pragmatic, subject, professional- communicative, sociolinguistic and others. Each of these elements while interacting with the others ensures the communication of speakers and is implemented in specific speech situations [8].

R. Millrood, in contrast to others, differentiates the concepts of «communicative competence» and «communicative competency». The researcher states that communicative competence is an integrative personal resource that ensures the success of communication activities. When communicative competency is an area of successful communicative activity, demonstrated on the basis of mastered speech communication tools, which in turn are supported by language skills and speech skills [3].

It is necessary to mention, that R. Millrood's communication competency includes four components: grammar (knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and phonetics), pragmatic (awareness of what to say to certain people in a particular situation), strategic (understanding of how to speak in different situations), sociocultural (knowledge of etiquette, national mentality, values etc.).

In the earlier stages of the development of theory and practice of learning, speech or language competency was considered to mean conscious or intuitive knowledge of the language system to make grammatically and semantically correct sentences, and under its implementation - the ability and skills to demonstrate the knowledge of the system through language.

The situation has changed radically with the development of psycholinguistics. The central object of the study has become a communicative activity, and the purpose of the research has been the mastering of communicative competency in various types of a speech activity and areas of communication.

The activity-psychological approach in the field of foreign language teaching, developed within the framework of activity theory and psycholinguistics, allowed schoolars and practitioners to understand, in particular, the essence of the communicative aspect of language teaching in general and communicative competencies. In today's meaning, communicative competency is suggested to be a complex whole.

Іssues of communicative competency can be divided into methodical, linguistic, psychological and sociolinguistic. Obviously, the content of communicative competency is the methodically, linguistically, psychologically and sociolinguistically coordinated unity of all components that create communication situations, as well as the knowledge and skills required for students to understand and produce their personal speech behavior.

E. Ivashkevych & L. Prymachok under the communicative competence of a teacher understand «the complex of personal formation, which includes communicative abilities and possibilities, psychological knowledge in the field of communication, personal characteristics, psychological states which accompany the process of communication as a whole» [12, С. 101].

A. Shchukin also communicates competency as a whole in his research. Communicative competence means the ability to perform a speech activity according to the purpose and situation of communication within a particular field of activity using linguistic tools. Communicative competency in its modern interpretation is based on the following types of competencies: linguistic, speech, socio-cultural, social, strategic, discursive, subject, professional. These competences are formed at the language lessons [7, С. 34].

O. Korniyaka means that the structure of the professional activity of the educational sphere is of a folding character and willingly accepts such interrelated types of activity: pedagogical, cognitive, communicative, methodical [13, С. 187].

In our investigation, considering the orientation of our paper - teaching foreign language for students of establishments of higher education of non- linguistic specialties, the communicative competence can be suggested as a set of linguistic, phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexical competencies which define the interaction expediency [3, С. 243].

The key components of a student's communicative competency are the following:

1) masteringsuchqualitiesofspeechandspeechbehavioras: correctness, accuracy, clarity, expressiveness, richness of speech;

2) effective and appropriate use of the genre variety of professional speech;

3) masteringoflogicalandlinguisticmeansofpersuasive argumentation;

4) mastering of managerial rhetoric and rules of communication in various business and professional situations;

5) ability to make telephone conversations, business conversations, business correspondence;

6) ability to listen to the interlocutor, tact, attentiveness;

7) ability to properly develop a strategy for speech behavior in service situations of communication.

The dynamics of the development of students' foreign language communicative competence is carried out in the following stages: from the formation of linguistic, speech and sociocultural competencies to the development of foreign language professional communicative competence, and further to the stage of becoming and affirmation of professionalism of the linguistic personality.

All components of the teaching system are in a certain hierarchical relationship. However, the dominant role in the system belongs to teaching goals that are shaped by the environment and influence the choice of teaching approaches, methods, principles, tools and organizational forms of teaching.

The purposes are understood as predictable results of the joint activity of the teacher and students. The purposes influence the choice of the content, principles, forms, methods and teaching tools. Usually there are three key purposes: practical, general and educational.

The practical (communicative) purpose is to develop communicative competency, the ability to communicate in a non-native language for foreign students.

In this regard, communicative competency means the formation and development of speech skills, the ability to communicate using linguistic means.

The specificity and the scope of communicative competency depend on the purposes of mastering the language that have students of establishments of higher education as well as of their interests and motivations, their roles chosen, the types of communication activities that are performed in the learning process and after its completion.

Communicative competency is a flexible, dynamic, productive and generative system. Increasing the choice of communication programs and speech resources which are appropriate for particular situations of communication, improve the student's communicative competence, enrich the potential of meaningful and expressive means.

Mastering communicative competency by each student is the ultimate goal of a foreign language teaching.

In order to achieve the ultimate goal, the teaching of oral monologue in foreign language has been very important. This is one of the main and hard- to-reach practical goals in the development of communicative competency.

The formation of a linguistic personality that is able to express his or her thoughts and needs accurately, to actively participate in the communication process as well as to use language effectively in accordance with the goals set and objectives of communication stipulates the development of technologies of such formation.

The teaching of oral monologue in foreign language is based on the following principles:

1) the stages of formation of skills of oral foreign language monologue speech;

2) professional and communicative orientation of training;

3) integration with special disciplines;

4) problematic material;

5) appropriativeness of the exercises to the action formed;

6) variability of the educational material;

7) autonomy and independence of teaching, which most contribute to the development of monologic skills [14].

For a long time, oral language was considered to be any expression in a foreign language, but the main task of teaching communicative competency is to develop the ability to «create» expression.

No kind of speech activity can be done without mental activity. In the process of mental activity, the person acts as a speaker as well as a listener. The process of mastering students' skills and abilities to understand and express their points of view develops the students' oral speech in language. Accordingly, work on oral language is necessary for the development of speech mechanisms and other types of speech activities.

The teacher should be able to support and direct students' speech initiative. Stimulating unprepared speech is one of the main tasks of teaching foreign languages. You need to teach how to understand the content. Oral advancement promotes oral language skills.

In order to speak any foreign language, you must speak. The topic should simulate real communication, be accessible and interesting to all. The tasks should be creative. The monologue should be taught in the same way as dialogue. The rapid «speaking» of students is facilitated by a significant increase in listening and speaking time. To do this it is necessary to use role- plays, real situations productively. Tasks with an unsettled issues are also effective.

We think, the main aspect is the complex development of skills (dialogues, dialogue-questioning, dialogue-conversation, dialogue-dispute). The activity begins with the stage of the prepared speech on the basis of a certain topic then more diverse tasks are performed: translation, work in pairs, simulating communication, expressing your attitude to the message etc. These techniques involve all students in the communication process.

You should also keep in mind that an important premice for the development of creative speech is the appropriate unprepared replica. It is necessary to teach students to have a variety of answers, skills to ask questions independently.

The stronger desire to speak a foreign language, the deeper the personal emotions, thoughts, interests are violated. Therefore, learning situations should be closer to students' real situations.

Communicative competency is considered to be formed if students create their own expressions based on the vocabulary learned, which is the ultimate goal of teaching.


Thus, the analysis of the scientific literature confirmed the need to differentiate the concepts of «competency» and «competence», but it is necessary to take into account their close relationship: competence is based on competencies.

Competence is the mastering of a person's relevant competencies and the ability to apply them in a variety of communication situations.

Communicative competence should be considered as a set of linguistic, phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexicological competences that determine the rules of verbal and non-verbal interaction and sociolinguistic expediency. At present, communicative competence is the formation and development of speaking skills, the ability to communicate using linguistic means.

The development of a linguistic personality who is able to express his or her thoughts and needs accurately, to actively participate in the communication process and to use language effectively in accordance with the set goals and objectives of communication is achieved through the use of appropriate technologies in foreign language teaching.

The specificity and extent of communicative competency depend on the goals of language mastering that students set themselves, their interests and motivations, their roles chosen, the types of communication activities that are performed in the learning process and after its completion.

Each student's mastering of communicative competency is the ultimate goal of a foreign language teaching.

The prospect of further research of this issue is the systematization and more detailed development of foreign language teaching technologies.


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