Environmental skills as a component of the ecological culture of the future teacher of geography

Increasing of the ecological knowledge of students, equip them with the skills of competent use of natural resources, education of a high ecological culture of behavior. Justification of need for environmental education of pedagogical students.

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environmental education ecological student

The main responsibility for the formation of the ecological culture of the younger generation lies with the school. One of the most important tasks of a modern school is to increase the ecological knowledge of students, equip them with the skills of competent use of natural resources, education of a high ecological culture of behavior.

Teachers are entrusted with the social function of educating such a generation, which should ensure the safe existence of man on Earth. The teacher has a serious task, by all means and ways to cultivate a responsible attitude students to the natural environment. However, this is possible only if the teacher is competent in environmental education and upbringing, as well as has the knowledge and skills to work with students. In this regard there is a need for environmental education of pedagogical students

Presentation of the main material

In our study, we will consider environmental skills as a structural and content component of environmental culture, to determine the ability and readiness of future geography teachers for highly qualified and professional environmental and practical activities.

The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature allows us to point out that environmental skills, like other types of skills, by their genesis are a «product» of the process of transformation of knowledge into intellectualized activity aimed at achieving measurable results.

It should be noted that the purpose of the skill is not only reducible to the level of intellectual activity, but also has a pronounced practical orientation. Therefore, speaking of environmental skills, we must also consider them practical.

Speaking about environmental skills, it is advisable, in our opinion, to use the term specialized skills, meaning their relevance to a certain type of socially demanded activity - environmentalconsistent practical activity, which involves the individual's possession of various actions and operations for the protection and protection of the natural environment.

Revealing the essence, purpose, qualitative definiteness of ecological skills, one should try to express its main characteristics in a holistic definition. In the study of L.M. Donchenko and T.V. Zavyalova, ecological skill should be considered as a complex skill associated with the performance of activities and behavior in the surrounding nature, based on a system of specific skills [2].

In our opinion, being defined in this concept, it is necessary to reveal in more detail the essence of the activity performed in this case.

Ecological skill as a structural and substantial component of the ecological culture of an individual is a specialized skill that presupposes the presence of a formed ability to own a complex of ecological technologies of interaction with natural objects aimed at their research, maintenance, creation of conditions for safety and conservation.

Based on the foregoing, it seems to us more correct to structure environmental skills according to their functional purpose and depending on the nature of the environmental situation in which they are in demand. Following the researchers, we propose to distinguish the following groups of professional environmental skills.

Group 1 - ecological-heuristic skills aimed at studying and assessing the state of the environment.

Group 2 - environmental education skills, the purpose of which is to carry out the propaganda of environmental ideas in defense of the involvement of each citizen in the responsibility for the preservation of animate and inanimate nature. Such propaganda is carried out by the teacher not only among the pupils, but also with the population of the school's microdistrict.

Group 3 - environmental and activity skills, the purpose of which is the readiness and ability of the individual to carry out specific actions to protect the natural world and its constituent objects; carry out the necessary environmental protection measures.

Group 4 - environmental pedagogical skills, which is a group of skills to conduct environmental educational activities among students in educational institutions of various types.

Each skill, in turn, breaks down into a number of more specific skills and abilities, as well as actions and operations.

It is well known that geography teachers are the most competent in the field of developing environmental skills among schoolchildren. They also become the main inspirers of children for good deeds to preserve the world around them, stimulating the motivational basis for practical actions of schoolchildren. An equally important aspect of the ecological-educational and ecological-educational activities of a teacher of geographical specialization is his ability to get involved in environmental activities itself, which is expressed in the ability to interest the practical side of the matter, which is associated with teaching children protective and protective actions.

That is why we associate the professionalism of the teacher's ecological-pedagogical activity with the high level of his ecological culture.

Hence, the task of strengthening the training of future teachers, especially those studying at the geographical faculties, in the direction of developing their professional and ecological skills, seems to be very important.

The experience of teaching with this contingent of trainees, a fairly deep and wide study of the situation with the preparedness of students of the geographical specialty for environmental and practical activities in other universities has shown, and that within the framework of the existing curricula, the teaching methods used, the professional task of our serious place in the system is of interest to us. the professional training of the teacher of geography has not won.

Revealing the state of ecological and practical readiness (ecological skill) of university students, we tried to use adequate methods, organizing both attending classes in the relevant academic disciplines, and observing the activities of students during field practices. We have also provided for special test texts that allow us to identify the level of formation of the ecological culture of future teachers. As a result of the study, we came to certain conclusions.

On the whole, students turned out to be well acquainted with the essence of environmental problems, could name the reasons for the deterioration of the human environment, outline in a general way ways to protect the natural world from destructive human intervention.

At the same time, when working with field materials, maps, during the field observations themselves, as it turned out, these same students could not always apply observation techniques familiar to them from classroom studies, found it difficult to explain the detected changes in natural systems, were unable to identify interrelationships, interdependencies. various components of natural systems, and were also inaccurate in determining or assessing the ecological state of the natural environment as a whole or its individual components. All this indicated that, obviously, insufficient attention is paid to the formation of ecological skills in the system of professional training of future teachers.

The formation of geographic culture as an integral part of the general culture of a person is one of the important goals of teaching geography.

Here we would like to note that an important component of a teacher's geographical culture cannot but be considered his ecological competence and skill.

Providing sufficient experience in geographical activities, including research, field skills and skills in studying the environment, environmental skills, environmental protection, as well as disassembling methods of applying the knowledge gained to solve theoretical and practical issues, developing pedagogical software, etc. The ecological aspect of the target component of the geography teacher's model is even more vivid here.

The analysis carried out convincingly confirms, in our opinion, that the «ecological skills» component occupies a rather important place in the general structure of the qualification model of a geography teacher and allows us to see the specifics of this aspect of the activity of a geography teacher. This specificity includes two features.

The first feature reflects the general professiographic aspect of pedagogical qualifications [6,р.12], this explains the special «missionary» role of the teacher as an educator of future generations, instilling and transmitting to them the values of a responsible attitude to the environment. In this regard, in the preparation of a future teacher, a special place should be occupied by the formation of moral and ecological consciousness and a civic sense of serving the idea of environmental protection, understanding its international importance and the need to captivate students with the corresponding values. Hence, the moral and professional image of the teacher corresponds to the desire to be a passionate defender of the natural environment. In this regard, to one degree or another, any teacher should have a certain level of environmental competence and be a carrier of environmental culture. Consequently, he must be armed with a system of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities that provide a professional opportunity to pass on the appropriate experience of the culture of rational environmental management to his students.

We find the second feature of the special importance of the ecological skill of the teacher at the level of his professional specialization. This means that the subject of its teaching should be taken into account, and in this respect the geography teacher takes a special place in the dissemination of ecological culture among students and in the formation of their experience of ecological activity.

As a result, it is important to see a particularly close connection between the professionally significant properties, knowledge and skills of a geography student with environmental skills. There is no professional geography teacher who does not possess research, field skills and skills in studying the environment, other environmental skills in the field of environmental protection, as well as the methods of applying the knowledge gained in environmentally friendly activities and the ability to create the necessary software, etc.

Analysis of the curriculum of the specialty 014.07 Secondary education (Geography) and programs of the naturalgeographical faculty of the Melitopol State Pedagogical University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky, personal pedagogical experience in training future teachers of geography, made it possible to see these opportunities in the implementation of pedagogical conditions: teaching professional courses; in the organization of educational practice and in extracurricular work with students in the framework of educational and research activities.

The question of pedagogical conditions, as a rule, arises in any research at the stage of preparation of one or another pedagogical innovation for implementation in the real educational process of educational institutions.

Scientists specifically define the term «pedagogical condition» as a certain circumstance that affects (accelerates or inhibits) the formation and development of pedagogical phenomena, processes, systems, personality traits [1,3,4].

Researchers A.M. Aleksyuk, А.А. Ayurzanine, P.I. Podkasisty under pedagogical conditions understand the factors influencing the process of achieving the goal.

According to O.G. Brazhnych, pedagogical conditions are a set of objective possibilities of content, methods, organizational forms and material capabilities of the pedagogical process, which ensures the successful achievement of this goal [1].

K. Dubych defines the concept of «pedagogical conditions» as a set of interdependent and interdependent measures of the pedagogical process, which ensure the achievement of a specific goal [3, p. 79].

Thus, researchers define pedagogical conditions as a set of objective capabilities that ensure the successful solution of tasks [4] or as a functional dependence of essential components of the pedagogical phenomenon on a set of objects (things, their states, processes) in different manifestations [2].

Identifying the conditions and following them in practice pursue the goal of creating the best opportunities in the pedagogical process to achieve the intended pedagogical task. In our case, we are talking about such a requirement of the pedagogical process in the training of a geography teacher, which will strengthen the ecological and practical orientation and form an ecological culture. In this connection, we have identified the following pedagogical conditions that can form the ecological culture of students of geographical specialties:

- techniques and technologies;

- the didactic potential of the disciplines of the professional cycle;

- educational and research work;

- practical activities.

In a holistic, systemic form, the process of forming an individual's ecological culture, taking into account the totality of the selected pedagogical conditions, can be represented in the form of a diagram.

Stage 1: cognitive-theoretical, its purpose is to master theoretical knowledge as a result of studying the disciplines of the humanitarian cycle, general professional disciplines and disciplines of subject specialization.

At this stage, environmental knowledge forms in the minds of students a scientific picture of the interaction of man and nature, equips with correct methodological approaches to knowledge and practical activity in the environmental field.

Stage 2: practical, its purpose is to consolidate the obtained theoretical knowledge and instill the skills of field research.

Educational practices provide great opportunities for educational work, various cultural and sports events. Educational practice includes three interrelated and complementary organizational forms:

- excursions to nature;

- production excursions to industrial and agricultural facilities;

- independent tasks and projects, to which we refer to research activities, which are not a compulsory occupation, but are associated with the expression of will, dictated by deep intellectual and spiritual needs. Scientific activity contributes to the creative growth and spiritual development of the student, his ecological culture.

Stage 3: professional, the goal is to achieve a high intellectual and cultural level.

Students operate with their knowledge and skills, can transfer their experience to others as a result of pedagogical practice and independent environmental activities.


In drawing conclusions, it must be said: firstly, any skill is a complex formation, where there is an obligatory intellectual component in the form of intellectual activity along with an automated component based on skill. Thus, the level of formation of ecological skills largely depends on the quantity and quality of knowledge about the interaction of society and nature, the laws of the functioning of natural systems, methods of studying them, knowledge about methods of assessing the state of the environment, etc. In turn, this knowledge underlies the professional and pedagogical activities of future teachers of geography in the formation of the ecological culture of students; secondly, the formation of an individual's ecological culture should become an indispensable part of the activity of the entire education system. However, only a teacher who is a bearer of ecological culture can influence the ecological consciousness of schoolchildren; thirdly, the problem can be solved only on the condition of organizing such professional training of teachers who, regardless of their specialty, will be able to work with students to form their ecological culture.


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