Foreign language as a means of forming professional creative activity of future border guard officers
The concept of "creative activity of the future border guard officer". Methods of formation of creative activity in foreign language classes. Application of systemic, personally oriented, activity approaches, active forms of the educational process.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 08.06.2024 |
Размер файла | 18,1 K |
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Foreign language as a means of forming professional creative activity of future border guard officers
Mychkovska Vanda Rostyslavivna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor in the of Foreign Languages Department, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine Khmelnytskyi City
The article deals with the concepts of creative activity, creativity, creative potential in psychological and pedagogical literature.
The current situation requires the training of highly qualified specialists, officers of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, who are able to use knowledge of a foreign language, namely appropriate communication strategies within the framework of linguistic, communicative, linguistic, and country studies competences, while performing their official duties at border crossing points of Ukraine. That is why there is a need for highly professional border guards who are ready to think creatively, out of the box, take reasonable initiative, independently analyse phenomena and processes, make non-standard decisions, and are able to actively update their knowledge and freely navigate professional information.
So, based on the generalisation of scientific and pedagogical literature, we defined the essence of the concept of "creative activity of a future border guard officer” as a quality of personality characterised by awareness of creative needs and abilities that provide an opportunity to act creatively when solving a problem situation or educational task, and manifests itself in creative self-realisation, which further affects the results of professional training of a future border guard officer.
Among the methods and techniques of forming creative activity in foreign language classes, the following are relevant in the aspect of our study: stimulation of interest, creative interest in conducting foreign language classes; motivation for independent learning, creative search; simulation exercises; method of dialogue composition; method of discovery (situations are created in the classroom that encourage cadets to make a choice); method of developing cadets' creative abilities: individual reading, writing creative written works, creating own computer presentations, participation in the competition of cadet research papers; method of collective search for original ideas using the principles of heuristics.
To form the creative activity of a future border guard officer, it is important to ensure the following psychological and pedagogical factors and conditions: humanisation and democratisation of military education, in particular, ensuring freedom of thought, independence of choice, formation of a broad outlook of cadets, ability to find and understand contradictions, demonstrativeness of educational activities, use of methods of developmental and problem-based learning; positive learning atmosphere, formation of sustainable motivation of activity, personal creative qualities; formation of creative systemic thinking through the use of systemic, personality-oriented and activity-based approaches; use of active forms of organising the educational process and special methods of stimulation, etc.
Keywords: professional creative activity of cadets, formation, creative potential, motivation to learn a foreign language, discovery method.
Мичковська Ванда Ростиславівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, Національна академія Державної прикордонної служби України,
У статті розглядається поняття: творча активність, творчість, творчий потенціал у психолого-педагогічній літературі.
Сьогодення вимагає підготовки висококваліфікованих фахівців офіцерів Державної прикордонної служби України, які здатні застосовувати під час виконання своїх службових обов'язків у пунктах пропуску через державний кордон України знання іноземної мови, а саме відповідні комунікативні стратегії у рамках лінгвістичної, комунікативної та лінгвокраїнознавчої компетентностей. Саме тому, потрібні високопрофесійні охоронці кордону, готові творчо, нешаблонно мислити, виявляти розумну ініціативу, самостійно аналізувати явища і процеси, приймати нестандартні рішення, а також здатні активно попов- нювати свої знання та вільно орієнтуватися в професійній інформації.
Отже, на основі узагальнення науково-педагогічної літератури нами було визначено сутність поняття «творча активність майбутнього офіцера-прикордонника», а саме - це якість особистості, яка характеризується усвідомленням творчих потреб і здібностей, що забезпечують можливість діяти творчо під час розв'язання проблемної ситуації або навчальної задачі, і виявляється у творчій самореалізації, що в подальшому впливає на результати професійної підготовки майбутнього офіцера-прикордонника.
Серед методів і прийомів формування творчої активності на заняттях з іноземної мови актуальними в аспекті нашого дослідження виділяємо: стимулювання зацікавленості, творчого інтересу щодо проведення занять з іноземної мови; мотивація до самостійного навчання, творчого пошуку; ділові ігри; метод складання діалогів; метод відкриття (на занятті створюються ситуації, які спонукають курсанта до вибору); метод формування творчих здібностей курсантів: індивідуальне читання, написання творчих письмових робіт, створення власних комп'ютерних презентацій, участь у конкурсі курсантських наукових робіт; метод колективного пошуку оригінальних ідей з використанням принципів евристики.
Для формування творчої активності майбутнього офіцера-прикор- донника, важливе значення має забезпечення таких психолого-педаго- гічних чинників і умов: гуманізація і демократизація військової освіти, зокрема забезпечення свободи думки, самостійності вибору, формування широкого кругозору курсантів, вміння знаходити і усвідомлювати суперечності, наочність освітньої діяльності, використання методів розвиваючого і проблемного навчання, позитивна атмосфера навчання; формування стійкої мотивації діяльності, особистісних творчих якостей; формування творчого системного мислення через застосування системного, особистісно орієнтованого і діяльнісного підходів; використання активних форм організації навчального процесу та спеціальних прийомів стимулювання тощо.
Ключові слова: професійна творча активність курсантів, формування, творчий потенціал, мотивація до вивчення іноземної мови, метод відкриття.
Problem statement
creative activity border guard officer
The public demand for a creative personality has actualised the problem of forming creative activity as a professionally important quality of future border guard officers. An important task of higher education is to improve the level of professional training of specialists. Today, the State Border Guard Service needs highly professional border guards who are ready to think creatively, out of the box, take reasonable initiative, independently analyse phenomena and processes, make non- standard decisions, and are able to actively update their knowledge and freely navigate professional information. That is why solving the problem of forming the creative activity of future border guard officers in the process of professional training is an important condition for their professional self- improvement and expansion of professional competence.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Prominent national and foreign psychologists and pedagogues dealt with the formation of creative activity of future specialists, such as V. Davydov, H. Kostiuk, S. Sysoieva, T. Shamova, L. Vyhodskyi, V. Klymenko, O. Leontiev, S. Rubinshtein et al. Such scientists as O. Akimova, O. Bilous, M. Vainovska, S. Davydiuk, Yu. Moroz, I. Drach studied the development of creative cognitive activity, creative potential and creative thinking of an individual. The problem of forming professional and creative qualities of cadets in professional training was studied by V. Balashov, O. Didenko, I. Snitsar, Ye. Potapchuk, O. Torichnyi, O. Ponomarenko et al. The need to introduce and use interactive technologies in the educational process was emphasised by Ye. Korotava, N. Kolomiiets, O. Pometun.
The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the formation of professional creative activity of future border guard officers in the process of learning foreign languages.
Presentation of the main research material. In order to define the essence of the concept of professional creative activity of future border guard officers, we revealed the concepts of "creativity", "creative potential", "creative activity" in the psychological and pedagogical literature. Creativity is a cultural and historical phenomenon. Many researchers tried to create a theory of creativity, but their approaches and interpretations differed significantly. In the philosophical aspect, the interpretation of creativity is defined as a mental and practical activity that results in the creation of original, unique values, the discovery of new facts, properties, patterns, as well as methods of research and transformation of the material world or spiritual culture [10, p. 77]. In this respect, creativity is not necessarily related to activities such as drawing, writing music or poetry, acting on stage. It manifests itself in all those cases when one has to act in situations of uncertainty, without clear algorithms, obscurity, without defining the essence and methods of certain problems, unpredictable conditions.
Fundamental studies of creativity were discovered by psychological science. In psychology, creativity is studied in two main aspects: procedural and personal. The first aspect involves determining the peculiarities of the subject's transformation of the object of creativity, while scholars A. Brushlinskyi, V. Druzhynin, Ye. Ihnatiev, S. Malykh study the phases, stages, milestones and results of the transformation. Taking into account the second aspect, scientists V. Rusalov, V. Smith, J. Galen, I. Foster highlight the qualities, abilities of the individual as a subject of creative activity, his or her needs, motives, interests, knowledge, skills, self-awareness, etc.
A number of researchers point to creativity as an integral part of personal development A. Davydenko, B. Kreminskyi, A. Maslow, V. Rybalka, N. Rogers, V. Tkachev and others believe that it is in creativity that a person is formed, and it is through creativity that it becomes possible to manifest his or her unique individuality. Thus, V. Moliako [14], revealing the essence of creativity from the standpoint of psychology, defines it as the process of creating something new for a particular subject. According to V. Klymenko, [6, p. 14-15], human creativity is a mental activity, a process of solving a problem, a state of inspiration (a flash of human energy potential that breaks the boundary of the unknown, isolates a part of it and turns it into a known thing). V. Kholodenko defines creative activity as an important quality inherent in a creative personality, which, thanks to energy stimuli, reveals its potential in creative activity. Creative activity is an element of a person's creative potential [12, p. 84].
In the context of studying creativity, psychologists give higher priority to the study of creative thinking. The Psychological Encyclopedia defines creative thinking as a type of thinking that results in a fundamentally or subjectively new or improved image of a certain aspect of reality. It is characterised by a peculiar course, particular complexity and requires great intellectual activity of the subject. G. Gilford, [9, p. 203] described creative thinking as original, flexible, deep and non-trivial. The specificity of creative thinking is seen by O. Matiushkin [9] in the discovery of the subjectively new, which leads to the formation of mental neoplasms of the individual. According to a number of scientists, the components of creative thinking characterise the speed and flexibility of thinking, originality, ingenuity and reactivity of the mind, reformulation and use of a new format, i.e. rejection of old schemes, fundamental admission of certain uncertainty, the desire to be different from others and a conscious challenge to traditions, high self- discipline, the pursuit of perfection. In addition to thinking, creative activity involves other psychological phenomena, including motives, emotions, memory, will, and abilities [6].
Since our study is aimed at forming the professional creative activity of future border guard officers in the process of learning a foreign language, we will consider creativity from the pedagogical point of view. Representatives of pedagogical science studied the correlation between the concept of pedagogical creativity and the accompanying features, properties, and qualities of the individual (V. Lisovska, M. Potashnyk, L. Stepanko, etc.), considered the individual style of personality as the most important feature of its creative character (Ye. Klimov, V. Merlin, Ya. Ponomarev), found out the mechanism of interconnection between creative thinking and pedagogical skills (Yu. Azarov, I. Zaziun, N. Tarasevych et al.), as well as pedagogical conditions, ways and means of forming a creative personality (О. Bodalov, N. Kychuk, L. Luzina, O. Moroz, V. Rybalko et al.) [10, p. 90- 91]. In general, researchers focus on the definition of creativity as a productive human activity capable of generating qualitatively new material and spiritual values of social significance [3, p. 71].
Summarising various approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "creativity", we define it as an individual's effective activity in creating qualitatively new material and spiritual values, in identifying new properties, patterns and methods of studying our being, new effective ways of solving social problems and professional tasks.
The source of personality development is its creative potential. A number of scholars (B. Ananiev, H. Kostiuk, O. Leontiev, O. Matiushkin, V. Moliako, Ya. Ponomarov, S. Rubinshtein) revealing the concept of "creative potential of a personality", consider it at the level of studying potential and actual characteristics of a person. Other researchers,
L. Ovsianetska, V. Oleksiuk, E. Yakovleva reveal the essential characteristic of the creative potential of a personality, indicate the correlation between the concepts of "creative potential" and "creative activity". In particular,
V. Ryndak [8] studying the creative potential, interprets it as a set of fundamental properties of a personality that are integrated into its capabilities. At the same time, the researcher believes that personality activity (intellectual, subjective and other types) contributes to the development of creative potential. In the process of productive activity, creative potential is implemented and accumulated in creative activity, respectively, creative potential and creative activity of the personality are paired in this phenomenological series, complementing each other. Therefore, let's find out the nature and specifics of the concept of "creative activity".
In the psychological and pedagogical literature, there is no consensus on the definition of the subject's activity in the educational process. Most often, scientists point to two or three signs of activity, including mental exertion, initiative and interest, the ability to change the surrounding reality in accordance with one's own needs, views, goals, etc. R. Nizamov [9] interprets student's activity in learning as a volitional action, an activity state that characterises the enhanced cognitive activity of a personality. An active student is characterised by a manifestation of a versatile deep interest in knowledge, learning tasks, making efforts, intensity of attention, mental and physical strength to achieve the goal.
P. Sysoieva [10, p. 127] defines creative activity as a component of a creative personality, along with creative communication, conditions for creativity, creative activity, internal prerequisites for creativity, and additional creative qualities of a personality. Ya. Ponomarov [6] believes that creative activity is an alloy of emotional, volitional, intellectual qualities of a person, which are manifested in initiative, independence, emotional sensitivity, volitional, purposeful actions, consciousness of actions. According to Z. Sliepkan, [11, p. 72] creative activity is the desire to penetrate into the essence of things, phenomena, the desire to apply new methods of overcoming difficulties, the ability to introduce elements of novelty in the ways of performing educational tasks.
S. Didenko [2] describes the concept of a creative personality as a more or less stable formation of a dynamic nature, which is not a separate personality trait, but its integral quality, consisting of a whole complex of emotional, intellectual, characterological features that allow a person to create in any kind of human activities and manifest themselves as amateur activity in free, conscious, initiative internally necessary activity.
O. Kovalyov [6] believes that creative activity is a psychological manifestation of a personality in a particular creative activity. A number of scholars [3] define creative activity as a set of personality traits that ensures its involvement in the process of creating a new intellectual product and involves "intra- and inter-system transfer of knowledge and skills to new situations, change of the way of action in solving educational and professional tasks". The structure of creative activity includes, according to L. Yermolaieva-Tomina [6], the main components of creativity, namely: independence of choosing the object of thinking, going beyond the task, transforming the task and stimulus. However, most scholars argue that the creative activity of a specialist is a component of the professional readiness of a graduate of a higher education institution.
So, based on the generalisation of scientific and pedagogical literature, we defined the essence of the concept of "creative activity of a future border guard officer” as a quality of personality characterised by awareness of creative needs and abilities that provide an opportunity to act creatively when solving a problem situation or educational task, and manifests itself in creative self-realisation, which further affects the results of professional training of a future border guard officer.
Many scholars confirm the idea that the educational process, its content and methods are crucial for the development of creative potential. In particular, O. Leontiev believes that personality is determined by life, a process that "combines" abilities and external conditions and circumstances, because abilities are the result of development based on dispositions, physiological characteristics and develop in activities [3]. That is, the activity of a personality in operations is important, since it (activity) is an indispensable condition for unlocking creative potential and developing his or her abilities, achieving success. And if there can be no direct teaching of creativity, then, in our opinion, indirect influence on it through the creation of conditions and identification of factors that would stimulate creative activity is still quite real and effective in the process of educational activities. The achievements of scientists on the main pedagogical factors and conditions for the effective formation of creative activity of future specialists is fundamental for our research. It should be noted that we use the term "formation" in relation to the creative activity of future border guard officers, which we consider as pedagogical management of individual personality development. It should be noted that in the process of professional training of border guard cadets, we are talking about the initial, fundamentally important stage of formation of creative activity, further development and improvement of which will take place during future professional activity.
The formation of a future specialist's creative activity is influenced by internal (subjective) and external (objective) factors. Internal ones are related to individual personality traits, external ones - to a set of pedagogical influences. The system of internal pedagogical factors includes motivation, abilities, emotions, ideals, worldview, beliefs, etc. [3]. As for external factors, they include: factors related to the structure and content of the educational material (relevance, practical significance for future activities); factors related to the organisation of the educational process (forms, methods of teaching, use of technical means of teaching and modern computer technologies, profiling of individual disciplines, etc.);
Therefore, in our opinion, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the pedagogical process at the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. These features are: ideological orientation of training related to the need to educate a border guard - patriot of Ukraine; mastering the military occupation as a duty of each cadet; close interaction with the state border protection bodies and a clearly defined practical orientation [5]. In addition, the educational process in the higher educational institutions is conducted in strict compliance with the requirements of the Concept of Military Education in Ukraine, statutes and regulations on military service; unconditional execution of orders, instructions and other regulatory documents, and, last but not least, the educational activities of future border guard officers have a defined professional orientation that reflects the specifics of the SBGSU specialists' activities. This to some extent affects not only the content of the educational material, but also the forms and methods of organising the entire educational process. The peculiarities of the specifics of education in military higher education institutions can lead to the suppression of the creative activity of future specialists (lack of initiative, focus only on instructions, etc.). Thus, in order to develop creative activity, it is necessary to provide future officers with the opportunity to exercise initiative, consciously choose ways, forms, methods during foreign language classes, find solutions to non-standard situations, enjoy the process, etc.
Based on the above, the creation of favourable conditions in foreign language classes will involve the formation of not only creative activity in further professional activities, but also communicative foreign language competence of future specialists in general. Therefore, the teacher's task is to create a space for possible creative self-realisation of the cadet as a learning subject [8].
The educational process is aimed at developing the creative qualities of each cadet, creating the most favourable conditions for the manifestation of his abilities and interests.
The main task of a teacher is to create positive motivation to stimulate creative activity. So, it is important to select and use such effective forms and methods of work that would maximise the development of cadets' creative abilities, activate their thinking and imagination.
In the course of the research, we came to the conclusion that the conditions for the formation of future border guard officers' creative activity in foreign language classes should be: creation of an appropriate creative atmosphere in the classroom (teacher's friendliness, ability to listen, absence of categorical assessments); creation of conditions for effective subject-to-subject interaction of border guard cadets regardless of their level of creative development; providing cadets with the opportunity to actively interact, put forward original ideas, hypotheses; providing learners with the necessary didactic and handout material that promotes the development of creative motivation; use of modern technologies for searching and processing information, active involvement of future border guard officers in various information databases; providing conditions for the practical application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities; maintaining the cadet's position of a consultant, assistant by a teacher who retains the function of general control; enabling cadets to build a creative process on their own.
Among the methods and techniques of forming creative activity in foreign language classes, the following are relevant in the aspect of our study: stimulation of interest, creative interest in conducting foreign language classes; motivation for self-study, creative search; simulation exercises (allowing to simulate the creative process itself). Simulation exercises reflect the dynamics of future professional activity, its features, complexities and main problems. Cadets get used to their future speciality, form their professional image, feel satisfied with mastering the profession, gaining experience that is formed only in the course of performing professional functions. With the help of simulation exercises, it is possible to play professional situations with typical mistakes and then analyse them; a method of composing dialogues; a method of discovery (situations are created in the classroom that encourage the cadet to make a choice); 4) a method of developing the cadets' creative abilities: individual reading, writing creative written works, creating own computer presentations, participation in the competition of cadet research papers; method of collective search for original ideas using the principles of heuristics. In order to activate creative processes in cadets, it is most appropriate to teach through a system of problem situations. The creative abilities of an individual are manifested in unexpected and atypical situations, which is a didactic condition for the development of his or her cognitive activity. It is necessary to create such problem situations that could arise in the future work of border guards [13, p. 201].
In modern educational activities, there are methods that promote the development of personal activity, in particular: discussions (standing one's own ground, discussing issues), games (development of non-standard thinking and creative approach), problem-based learning (contains an element of contradiction), selection of the content of educational materials (the unknown is a strong stimulus for cognition), independent work. For complete training, it is necessary to use a set of methods for activating creative activity that will effectively affect the quality of knowledge acquisition in creative activity [4; 17].
Summing up the above, we conclude that the main methods and techniques of teaching that effectively influence the process of forming the creative activity of future border guard officers in foreign language classes include solving complex cognitive tasks and situations, research tasks, dialogue teaching method, problem-based learning, business games. In addition, important methods and techniques to stimulate the creative activity of cadets in foreign language classes should include stimulating their interest, creative interest; using interesting analogies; creating situations of emotional experience; using educational games, the method of discovery; creating situations with the possibility of choice; using questions that stimulate higher-level thinking processes.
We also agree with the opinion of scientists that a combination of individual and collective forms of activities, activation of transformational possibilities of the subject and spatial environment, flexible use of time, and means. In the studies of a number of scholars, A. Petrosian, E. Usmanova, T. Khashchenko, M. Shcherbo revealed significant opportunities for the development of productive thinking processes in the conditions of group creative thinking, which contributed to the achievement of high subjective efficiency by each participant. O. Matiushkin also points out the significant advantages of the group form of organising training when working on the development of cadets' creative activity. The main indicator of the group's creative process is the originality of the solution, which is also an indicator of the effectiveness of thinking. The main incentives for organising creativity in a group are to create optimal conditions that would ensure the creative state of cadets and types of creative interaction, and promote non-standard reactions to a situation (task) [9].
In summary, the problems of creativity, development of a creative personality and creative activity are an important subject of research in pedagogy. The creative activity of a specialist is considered as a component of the professional readiness of a graduate of a higher military educational institution. Therefore, in recent decades, science has been purposefully trying to develop special techniques, methods, tools and technologies for developing creative abilities, stimulating creative activity, and forming creative strategies. The generalisation of the provisions of the methodology of scientific research enables to assert that for the formation of the creative activity of a future border guard officer, it is important to ensure the following psychological and pedagogical factors and conditions: humanisation and democratisation of military education, in particular, ensuring freedom of thought, independence of choice, formation of a broad outlook of cadets, ability to find and understand contradictions, demonstrativeness of educational activities, use of methods of developmental and problem-based learning; positive learning atmosphere, formation of sustainable motivation of activity, personal creative qualities, situations of necessity to accept new things; formation of creative systemic thinking through the use of systemic, personality-oriented and activity-based approaches, dominance of search cognitive activity, etc.; methodology of creativity, in particular the use of active forms of organising the educational process and special methods of stimulation, etc.
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10.Sysoieva, S. O. Fundamentals of pedagogical creativity: Textbook / S. O. Sysoieva. - Kyiv: Milenium, 2006. - 346 p.
11.Sliepkan, Z. I. Scientific basis of the pedagogical process in higher education: Study guide / Z. I. Sliepkan. - Kyiv: Vyshcha Shkola, 2005. - 239 p.
12.Kholodenko, V. O. Essence, content and structure of creative activity of a personality/ V. O. Kholodenko // Scientific Notes of the NDU. Series: "Pedagogy and Psychology". - 2013. - Issue 1. - P. 84-88.
13.Tsviak, L. V. Development of cadets' creative activity in the process of learning a foreign language // Collection of scientific papers No. 36. Series: Pedagogy, social work / Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. - Uzhhorod: UNU, 2014. - P. 200-202.
14.Yavorska, H. Kh. Pedagogy for lawyers: Study guide / H. Kh. Yavorska. ? Kyiv: Znannia, 2004. ? 335 p.
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