The role of media education in the study of fiction phenomena

Analysis of the state of media education in Ukraine. Formation of information competence of future specialists in the field of culture and art. The use of communication technologies in the study of fiction phenomena into account the Ukrainian specifics.

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Дата добавления 08.06.2024
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Размещено на

Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

The role of media education in the study of fiction phenomena

Sanivskyi Oleksandr Mykhailovych Ph.D., Associate professor

of Pedagogical Sciences of the Department of Ukrainian Literature,

Ukrainian Studies and Methods of Teaching,

Tsyhanok Oksana Oleksandrivna Ph.D., Associate professor

of Pedagogical Sciences of the Department of Ukrainian Literature,

Ukrainian Studies and Methods of Teaching,



The role of media education in the study of fiction phenomena

Sanivskyi Oleksandr Mykhailovych, Tsyhanok Oksana Oleksandrivna

During the research, we made an attempt to form a national concept of the development of media and information literacy of the population in the context of world experience as a component of modern information and communication technologies.

Summarized approaches to defining key concepts of media education topics; found out the state of development of formal and informal media education in Ukraine; analyzed the potential and relevance of existing concepts of media education, taking into account current information and communication realities; revealed the forms of existence of the media educational component in all-Ukrainian and regional mass media.

The scientific novelty consists in a comprehensive study of the process of development of media and information literacy in Ukraine and the development of the concept of media education when studying the phenomena of artistic literature taking into account Ukrainian specifics.

Media literacy is a set of competencies that allow people to access, analyze, evaluate and create messages in various types of media, genres and forms for personal expression and the exercise of their civil rights and, thereby, ensuring the fundamental freedoms of society.

So, next to the concepts of "information" and "media" literacy, the concept of "competence" (information competence, media competence) often sounds. Let's find out whether these concepts are the same.

In general, the concept of "competence" is understood as "a set of personal qualities of a student (value-meaning orientations, knowledge, abilities, skills, abilities) determined by the experience of his activity in a certain socially and personally significant sphere", "the ability (ability) to act on the basis of acquired knowledge", "a set of traits (characteristics) of an individual that allow him to qualitatively perform certain activities aimed at solving problems (tasks) in some field".

Keywords: media and information literacy, media education, media literacy, information society.


Роль медіаосвіти при вивченні явищ художньої літератури

Санівський Олександр Михайлович кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри української літератури, українознавства та методик їх навчання, Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини, м. Умань,

Циганок Оксана Олександрівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри української літератури, українознавства та методик їх навчання, Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини, м. Умань

Під час дослідження нами була здійснена спроба формування національної концепції розвитку медіа-інформаційної грамотності населення у контексті світового досвіду як складової сучасних інформаційно комунікаційних технологій. Узагальнили підходи до визначення ключових понять медіаосвітньої тематики; з'ясували стан розвитку формальної та неформальної медіаосвіти в Україні; проаналізували потенціал та актуальність існуючих концепцій медіаосвіти з урахуванням актуальних інформаційно-комунікаційних реалій; виявили форми існування медіаосвітньої складової в загальноукраїнських та регіональних засобах масової інформації.

Наукова новизна полягає у комплексному дослідженні процесу розвитку медіа- та інформаційної грамотності в Україні та розробці концепції медіаосвіти при вивченні явищ художньої літратури з урахуванням української специфіки.

Відмічено, що медіаграмотність - це набір компетенцій, які дозволяють людям отримувати доступ, аналізувати, оцінювати та створювати повідомлення в різних типах медіа, жанрах і формах для особистого вираження та реалізації своїх громадянських прав і, таким чином, для забезпечення фундаментальних свобод суспільства.

Так, поруч із поняттями «інформаційна» та «медійна» грамотність часто звучить поняття «компетентність» (інформаційна компетентність, медіаком- петентність). У загальному вигляді під поняттям «компетентність» розуміють «сукупність особистісних якостей учня (ціннісно-смислових орієнтацій, знань, умінь, умінь, навичок), зумовлених досвідом його діяльності в певній соціально та особистісно значущій сфері », «здатність (здатність) діяти на основі набутих знань», «сукупність рис (властивостей) особистості, що дозволяють їй якісно виконувати певну діяльність, спрямовану на вирішення проблем (завдань) у якійсь галузі».

Ключові слова: медіа- таінформаційна грамотність, медіаосвіта, медіаграмотність, інформаційне суспільство.


Formulation of the problem. In Ukraine, media education began to develop actively in 2009, mostly in the formal education system. In Ukraine, an experiment is being conducted on the introduction of media education in secondary schools, most often the media literacy class is optional or a group and its study lasts a year; in Ukraine, there are only a few educational institutions where the media education movement was thorough, that is, it covered all classes. Informal media education (out-of-school, adult education, parental media education and media) has a spontaneous nature, it is taken care of only by enthusiasts - individual projects, public organizations, foundations, etc. Systematic state policy for the development of informal media education in Ukraine is currently almost non-existent. media education fiction art culture

Analysis of recent research and publications. Today, media education is considered a relatively young field, although it was first discussed in world science and practice in the 60s of the XX century. [1, p. 80]. One of the forefathers of world media education is the Canadian philosopher M. McLuhan. It is believed that his sacramental phrase "medium is the message" (media is the message) initiated the reflection that media texts can be perceived differently and have an impact on society and, as a result, initiated media education. The idea of media education was continued in M. McLuhan's concept of the "global village" (which is based on the thesis about the dialogue of cultures in the information society), as well as the theory of "cold" and "hot media" (according to which different types of media require different thought processes of perception) [2, p. 43]. Based on his works, concepts and forecasts, the scientist in 1959 created the world's first media education curriculum for Toronto high schools. Subsequently, the researcher noted that in connection with the active introduction of audiovisual media, which have unlimited possibilities of manipulating the consciousness of the audience, there is an urgent need to study them. Another important step in the context of establishing the positions of media education in educational activities was the development of UNESCO recommendations during the Seville seminar "Media Education of Youth" [3] in 2002. The document discussed the need to develop 5 key areas of media education. This is the stimulation of scientific research in the relevant field, the integration of media education into the formal (school) system, informal education (through cooperation with the "third sector", other private and state institutions), active promotion of media educational issues on the Internet, expansion of the network of potentially interested in media education issues (teachers, lecturers, parents, youth, NGOs, reading communities, supervisory boards of various media). T

he world community already has significant theoretical and practical developments in this direction, while media education in Ukraine has been developing since 2009 and so far covers mostly formal education. In order for the entire population (including adults) to be covered by the media education movement, Ukraine should use the most successful global practices and, having adapted them taking into account national specifics, implement them, trying to catch up with global trends. The document discussed the need to develop 5 key areas of media education.

This is the stimulation of scientific research in the relevant field, the integration of media education into the formal (school) system, informal education (through cooperation with the "third sector", other private and state institutions), active promotion of media educational issues on the Internet, expansion of the network of potentially interested in media education issues (teachers, lecturers, parents, youth, NGOs, reading communities, supervisory boards of various media). The world community already has significant theoretical and practical developments in this direction, while media education in Ukraine has been developing since 2009 and so far covers mostly formal education. In order for the entire population (including adults) to be covered by the media education movement, Ukraine should use the most successful global practices and, having adapted them taking into account national specifics, implement them, trying to catch up with global trends.

The purpose of the article is to form a national concept of the development of media and information literacy of the population in the context of world experience as a component of modern information and communication exchanges. Determining the main goal of the research made it necessary to solve a number of interrelated tasks: to generalize approaches to defining key concepts of media education topics; to find out the state of development of formal and informal media education in Ukraine; determine the features of modern information and communication exchanges; to analyze the potential and relevance of existing concepts of media education, taking into account current information and communication realities.

Presenting main material

Media and information literacy (MIL) is a set of knowledge, attitudes, skills and abilities that allow you to access information and knowledge, analyze, evaluate, use, create and disseminate them with maximum productivity in accordance with legal and ethical norms and in compliance with human rights Media education is the process of developing media and information literacy. For a systematic analysis of the processes related to the promotion of media education during the Global Forum on Media and Information Literacy Partnerships in 2013, the Global Alliance on Media and Information Literacy Partnerships (GAPMIL) was created [4], which unites efforts in the field implementation of media education for representatives of 80 countries.

The issue of media education has become decisive in the formation of the concepts of activities of a number of civil society institutes, NGOs, state and private organizations, whose founders are aware of the decisive role of information in the modern world. Ukrainian scientists V. Andrushchenko, I. Dychkivska, N. Dukhanina, V. Kremen, V. Lozovyi, H. Onkovich, I. Chemerys made a significant contribution to the study of these problems in the pedagogical field. Psychological - H. Boryshpolets, L. Naidyonova, N. Cherepovska. Such scientists as O. Burim,

V. Ivanov, T. Ivanova, V. Ilganaeva, H. Pocheptsov, V. Rizun pay attention to the study of the social communication approach to media education.

Definitions of recent years include the understanding of literacy as an active mental process that involves not only the use of information for one's own purposes, but also the ability to analyze, verify, make sense of information of various kinds: literacy is "the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create information, communicate and do predictions using printed and written materials related to different contexts. O. Lebedev considers functional literacy as "the ability to use universal methods of activity in order to solve problems of social adaptation based on the application of rules and norms regarding a specific situation" [5, p. 124].

Media literacy is a set of competencies that allow people to access, analyze, evaluate and create messages in various types of media, genres and forms for personal expression and the exercise of their civil rights and, thereby, ensuring the fundamental freedoms of society. So, next to the concepts of "information" and "media" literacy, the concept of "competence" (information competence, media competence) often sounds. Let's find out whether these concepts are the same. In general, the concept of "competence" is understood as "a set of personal qualities of a student (value-meaning orientations, knowledge, abilities, skills, abilities) determined by the experience of his activity in a certain socially and personally significant sphere" [6], "the ability (ability) to act on the basis of acquired knowledge" [7], "a set of traits (characteristics) of an individual that allow him to qualitatively perform certain activities aimed at solving problems (tasks) in some field" [8]. In the new version of the Concept of the introduction of media education in Ukraine, the concept of "media competence is defined as the level of media culture that ensures an individual's understanding of the socio-cultural, economic and political context of the functioning of the media, proves its ability to be a carrier and transmitter of media cultural values, tastes and standards, to effectively interact with the media space, to create new elements of the media culture of modern society, to realize an active civic position" [9].

Information literacy and media literacy have traditionally been considered in separate areas of science and practice. The UNESCO strategy unites these two fields as a combined set of competencies (knowledge, skills) necessary for living and working today. MIG considers all types of media and other information providers (such as libraries, archives, museums and the Internet), regardless of the technology they use. In the new edition of the Concept for the Implementation of Media Education in Ukraine, it is stated that media and information literacy is "a component of media culture, which refers to the ability to use information and communication technology, to express oneself and communicate with the help of media, to successfully obtain the necessary information, to consciously perceive and critically interpret information, received from various media, to separate reality from its virtual simulation, that is, to understand the reality constructed by media sources, to understand the power relations, myths and types of control that they cultivate" [9].

It is worth noting that in the previous version of the Concept, this definition was given by the concept of "media literacy". Since the concept of "media and information literacy" is only included in the scientific thesaurus of Ukrainian scientists, no other definitions of this concept were found in our field of vision. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, head of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Humanitarian Education, Institute of Higher Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine H. Onkovich made an extremely important contribution to the development of the scientific component of Ukrainian media education. The researcher is a developer of research areas such as "media didactics" and "professionally oriented media education (POMO)". In the publication "Media didactics of the higher school" [10], the researcher together with the students (N. Dukhanina, I. Sakhnevich, O. Yanishyn, etc.) emphasize that it is time to speak not just about media education, which some understand only as " journalism for all", and about professionally oriented media education. The authors are convinced that it is important to "provide students with knowledge of media and information literacy in such a way that they can independently develop it and use it not only at the student desk, but also throughout their lives to maintain an appropriate level of professional competence" [11, p. . 84-12].

To date, the Law of Ukraine "On Education" [13] does not define "formal" and "informal" education. However, the Draft Law on Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine (Regarding the Recognition of Non-Formal Education) dated February 12, 2015 states that: "formal education is institutionalized, purposeful, planned education with the participation of state and recognized private organizations and as a whole constitutes formal the educational system of the country for the provision of educational programs and relevant qualifications recognized by the state", "informal education ... is additional, alternative and/or complementary to formal education in the process of lifelong education; serves to ensure the right of persons of any age to access education..." [14]. Thus, based on the above definitions, the forms of media education can be conditionally divided into two groups - formal media education (preschool, school, in higher education) and informal (out-ofschool, parental, media education of adults and media). Formal education in Ukraine is regulated by curricula approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, while informal media education is spontaneous and implemented not thanks to state policy, but the work of enthusiasts. First, let's pay attention to the development of formal media education. One of the most important events in the development of Ukrainian media education can be considered the adoption of the Concept of the introduction of media education in Ukraine, which was approved by the resolution of the Presidium of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine on May 20, 2010, protocol N. 1-7/6-150. The Concept was developed by the Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and the Academy of the Ukrainian Press. The Concept describes the main terms, tasks, principles, directions and forms of media education, as well as the stages of the implementation of the media education movement in Ukraine, among them: the first (2010-2013) - the organization of the all-Ukrainian experiment of the introduction of media education in general educational institutions and the development of educational programs; the second (2014-2016) - gradual inculcation of media education and standardization of requirements; the third (2017-2020) - further development of media education and completion of its mass implementation. The conclusions and recommendations developed by A. Ishchenko can become a real driving force for the development of media education in Ukraine, namely his proposals: "clarification of conceptual approaches, goals and objectives of media education, integration of elements of media education into the educational process, training of qualified pedagogical personnel, development of experimental educational and methodological materials , aimed at integrating elements of media education into existing high school curricula (primarily, Ukrainian language and literature, foreign languages, computer science, social studies), development and distribution of educational and educational materials on the effective use of new media and countering informational aggression " [15].

Media education is also a subject of interest for students of higher educational institutions. There is a program "Media education (media literacy)" (for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions, pedagogical and research-pedagogical workers), approved by the Ministry of Education, which some pedagogical universities have introduced into the educational process. The purpose of the program is to prepare young people for conscious existence in the media environment and organic integration into media culture through the formation of a critical attitude towards media products. Similarly, in higher education, special attention is paid to media didactics - a part of pedagogy that deals with issues of using media in the educational process, development of information and educational technologies, features of distance learning, development and testing of new didactic multimedia (electronic teaching aids, programs, textbooks, etc. .). From the definition, we can understand that media didactics is a tool of media education, which may not necessarily affect the development of media literacy. The effectiveness of this part of pedagogy may depend on the goals of the teacher or lecturer, as well as on the condition that he possesses the methods and forms of media literacy development.


Therefore, it is emphasized that the development of media and information literacy should become an element of a well-thought-out state policy, as well as be implemented for representatives of all social and age groups. The involvement of journalists in the development of MIG audience is possible only when the media representatives realize the importance of this process, as well as the benefits that the media will receive from such cooperation. We see the potential for the development of formal media education under the condition of its integration at all levels (primary, secondary, higher) and in all academic disciplines, as well as a combination of theoretical and practical directions (development of media education both in lessons, classes, and within circles, clubs and sections). Informal education in Ukraine is carried out mostly on the initiative of activists - public organizations and creative associations and has not yet found significant support at the official level. Informal media education can be effective, because it is based on the internal personal cognitive motivation of its participants, as well as aspirations and selfexpression and development, but due to the lack of systematicity, it cannot realize its full educational potential. Thus, the biggest problem of modern Ukrainian media education is the lack of a comprehensive development strategy that would apply to all forms and include all age, social and interest groups.


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